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Apr 30, 2023
Competently done with no glaring problems. However, this is the embodiment of a generic isekai, probably the biggest example. You're going to be familiar with everything going on here if you've seen more than a couple Isekais and this show is going to do it all worse. All of the characters lack depth or any interesting aspects. It is HEAVILY derivative of other Isekai while seemingly adding nothing new itself (at least after five episodes).
I've you're a huge fan of the genre and have seen basically every other Isekai, this is certainly worth watching. However if you ever thought to yourself "i'm tired of Isekai's
all doing X" then this anime represents the worst example of that. It is just a cheap attempt to make money off of a popular genre.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 25, 2009
Overall: 5
I’m a huge fan of school rumble. I wanted to like this “third season” and more than anything I wanted to see how things turned out, but this is not what we wanted, this not school rumble. Do yourself a favor and pretend it ended with season 2. Even season 2’s non ending was better than this crap. I have never before seen an author stupid enough to marginalize the most interesting character (whom happens to be the main character) in favor of switching the focus to the least interesting character.
While i haven't read the manga, some basic checking of the last chapter of
it shows the ending is more or less the same as the anime, something that viewers of both seem to support. This is important to note because the manga ending is one of the most universally reviled endings there is for any manga i've seen.
Story: 6
This ova tries to take a ton of the manga and quickly bringer the viewer up to date with what happened before it gets to the aforementioned shit ending. The result is the viewer be bombarded with tons of quick scenes at the start. In order to support the shit ending, a lot of changes were made to the story that annoys me as a fan of the series. It Is almost like the author got tired of the series so started inventing tons of random crap to lead to an ending that wasn’t support at all before this. The ending was also horrible, beyond bad, being one of the worst endings ever in the history of anime. Nothing foreshadowed it and in order to pull it off, the author had to radically alter personalities, invent crazy events and generally make a mockery of the entire series by ignoring everything that had happened previously.
Art: 8
Art is the same as the rest of the series. If you liked it before, you will like it now. I liked it before, thus I like it now.
Sound: 7
Same as art. Sound is same as rest of the series. Music was so-so with nothing really standing out to me.
Character: 4
What the hell! As I said in overall, the author makes a clear push to change the main character of the series from Harimma to Karasuma. In order to do this, Karasuma suddenly has his personality radically altered and is defined a lot more than he was in the entire two seasons before this. It is too bad that I already decided he annoys the hell out of me after two seasons of him being an emotionless robot that treats Tenma like crap (curry > her comment being the big and direct example). Harima’s character also changes for the worse too.
Enjoyment: 5
I wish I had just pretended it ended with season two. Since I liked school rumble quite a bit, the pain of how bad season 3 was hurts even more. Karasuma was a purposefully annoying character throughout the entire series so seeing him made in to a main character that I was supposed to feel sorry for pissed me off too.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jun 6, 2009
Story: 5
Church Daily Life really says it all. I’ve watched 9 episodes of this show and for all but about half of the first one Teito has been moping around in a church. There is a pretty obvious looking back-story lurking in the background but progress is extremely slow and the vast majority of time is spent on the aforementioned moping around part. The story also suffers a lot from the ineffective relationship between Teito and Mikage. Clearly 07-Ghost meant Mikage to be a great influence on Teito and shape him in to the force he will likely eventually be in the story, but ineffective
scenes and lack of on screen development of their relationship make conversations between the two feel fake and forced. It doesn’t help that much of the dialog is just plain bad either.
The other major problem with the story a clear lack of a major enemy (more in characters section). Neither Ayanami nor the Kors are developed enough to really bring out any feelings of anger against them and they’re the most developed of any enemy in the series. One could argue the enemy is “The Military” but that angle just isn’t developed at all.
So we end up with Teito saying he has a purpose but not acting like he does (talk is cheap) and there being no pushing force to nudge him onward.
Art: 6
The art in general is pretty good, but sadly there are specific problems that bring it down quite a bit. For starters the fight scenes are extremely bad to such a degree that even few of the most ardent fans think they’re any good. It is hard to really explain without seeing it, but battles basically consist of people fighting with strings of letters. Rarely are the battle scenes at all impressive and generally they’re just dull.
Enemies look unremarkable. Kors are a good example of this as they are seemingly one of the main evil enemies in the series and yet they look bland. The characters also look extremely similar in structure, although I suppose this can be somewhat common in many animes. The fight scene issue combines with the enemies/characters issue to make things even worse. You end up having a bunch of bland characters jumping around shooting steams of letters at each other.
Sound: 7
Sound is pretty good, but not great. Voice actors all do their job well enough (although I wouldn’t say any are epic in how they bring their character to life). Music is pretty decent if you like that type, but not remarkable.
Character: 6
For light to exist there must be the dark. What is this strange phrase you ask? Well, it is the reason I think the characters in Ghost suffer so badly. There is no real enemy or anything to compel our main character to wage war against them so in turn, our main character has nothing to do. Well, technically, Ayanami is our arch enemy and Kors are our evil soul corrupters, but sadly they’re developed so poorly that they might as well not even exist and just throw random enemies at our good guys instead.
Ayanami is the most generic anime bad guy ever. He has white hair, he is young and his screen time is entirely consumed of scenes of him brooding and laughing evilly in the shadows. Never once (in the episodes I’ve watched) does he do something to make you hate him or cheer for Teito. He almost comes close once, but then the anime merely hints at hinting at what he did so there is no real effect.
Kors are simply not developed at all. Ok so they’re basically demons/evil spirits possessing people in all but name, but their appearance is not impressive at all (dear god, that normal looking person now has some flimsy looking bone wings now, the horror!) and generally they’re dealt with easily with no friendly losses (mostly). The other major problem with Kors is that of the characters I’ve seen possessed by Kors, none of them have been developed enough to make the viewer feel sorry for them or terrified of the Kors. This is in sharp contrast to a show like Pandora Hearts which has sort of a similar aspect with illegal contractors losing their souls in effective scenes and most importantly after they’ve been developed a little so that you care about them a bit.
Teito and Mikage mainly suffer from their relationship not being developed nearly well enough. A lot of the story seems to stem from these two and how much they care about each other and yet this anime has decided to demonstrate that they were close not by showing effective scenes of the reasons they became friends and of them getting through various trials as friends, but by telling us that they’re friends (I.E. Teito:”Mikage is by best friend” Mikage:”Teito is my best friend”). Individually neither one is really a strong character though. Teito keeps on moping around and getting emo over Mikage and his situation, and yet he does nothing and spends his time frolicking around the church eating edible sweet flowers. Even after said situation is taken care of more or less, Teito never leaves his moping/emo/frolicking mode. Mikage is just not developed at all. We don’t really know anything about him other than Teito is the center of his world and he values his family a bit. In fact his sole reason for existing seems to be to move Teito along in the story.
Enjoyment: 5
I can’t say I really enjoyed this series. While I like action, battles are generally low on my scale for grading an anime, but 07-Ghost is one of those shows where even I think it suffers from the horrible battles. Dialog annoys me GREATLY because it is so bad at times and it is never good for the most part. Overall story progression is about as fast as watching paint dry when it is raining outside which also annoys me greatly because the thing that almost always affects my enjoyment of nearly any form of entertainment the most is the overall story. Teito also annoyed me to no end since he would constantly be complaining about wanting to do something and yet never do it. I also hated how Teito was supposed to be so powerful and yet every time it comes time to show off his power, it ends up just looking flashy but doing nothing, and then someone needs to rescue him. Most people don’t want to see a useless main character and I am no exception.
Overall: 6
Serious problems cripple what could have been a really good show. It is a shame really because I liked the first episode, but after that it just gets worse and stays worse. The writers of the 07-Ghost seem to have ignored every other anime (or just form of entertainment) and have made mistakes that other authors have fixed years ago. It also isn’t like 07-Ghost has a lot of unique scenes either (I’m not slamming them for this as they aren’t unique because people generally enjoy these plot elements) as many plot elements are common ones that are done way better in a lot of other anime (not to mention books or movies).
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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May 16, 2009
Madlax is in many ways quite similar to Noir, so if you hated Noir and think it is an abomination (i'd tend to disagree but to each their own), you will NOT like Madlax, at all.
Story: 8
Madlax follows the same general story structure of Noir. The first 2/3 of Madlax is sort of a slow daily life type thing that builds up the characters and gets you attached to them. During this time the overall plot is only visible out of the corner of your eye, although it is tied in to everything discreetly to keep the viewer thinking about it.
The last 1/3 of
madlax is when the story really picks up and all of the story elements in the first 2/3 that you thought were filler lock in to place causing an "oh wow so that is what it is" moment. While the first 2/3 has a lot of moments when you really have no clue what is going on, the last 1/3 does a pretty good job of explaining things (like Noir), including some interesting and surprising plot twists.
Art: 8
The art is good. Fight scenes were well done and i liked the character design. I suppose it shouldn't be a surprise coming from a Bee Train anime, but Madlax fighting in a dress does look very cool.
Sound: 10
The soundtrack of madlax is one of my favorite anime soundtracks. Not sure what else there is to say about it other than i still listen to a few of the songs from it that i really liked.
Character: 8
Many of the focal characters are interesting and well developed which is something you don't often see. In Madlax, it isn't just the main two characters who have a background and life to them, it is a large number of people (probably around 5-8). Many characters you sort of write off as not being important end up being the exact opposite and playing a huge part in the story throughout Madlax. The "daily life portion" of Madlax also serves to attach the viewer to the focal characters so that when things happen in the story, there is some emotion to them.
Enjoyment: 8
I liked Madlax quite a bit. Up until about half way through i was heavily comparing it to Noir (which i also liked), but shortly after that point Madlax really grew in to its own for me and was a great experience with a good ending.
Overall: 8
If you liked Noir, watch this. If you didn't like Noir, watch this anyway. If you hated Noir, well... don't watch this. While on the surface it has a lot of similarities with Noir, it really is its own show with a deep and interesting story that will keep you hooked until the end as long as you can deal with Bee Train's style of setting up the plot to trap the viewer.
Great fight scenes, interesting story, ending that actually answers your questions and a great score, what is not to like?
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 28, 2009
Preface: I have not played the game this is based on, nor am I a major in Japanese history, if you feel either or both are required to “get” this series, so be it.
Sengoku Basara is yet another action anime series taking place in ancient Japan that is targeted at young teen males, almost insultingly so. I don’t normally review shows at all, much less after only watching 2 episodes, but in this case, I felt it was my obligation as a member of the human race to try to stop people from making the same mistake I did, watching 2 episodes of this crap.
Huh there is a story? There is no obvious overall story or plot of any kind. Characters have no motivation to do anything from the story. Just because you’re in ancient Japan, doesn’t mean you can just ignore the story and say “everyone is fighting, that is the story!”
Art: 6
Art is in general is good. Then you might ask why I gave it a 6 and not higher? It is because often in battle the artwork severely degrades and at times looks more like two people throwing neon paint at each other more than it does two people fighting. You can show various types of super powers without just splashing bright colors randomly together so that is NO excuse at all. I personally found it funny how after the first episode some of the higher ups apparently watched the show Noein (a significantly better show by the way) and for the second episode decided to copy the same style of art where in battle the drawing of the characters becomes less detailed and more basely furious. I wasn’t really a huge fan of that in Noein though either and Neoin did it better and had other elements vastly superior (hello Sengoku Basara, I’d like you to meet my friend story) to make it so I didn’t care about it so much. Sengoku Basara NEEDS to take a lesson from shows like Berserk or Claymore that showcase both above human fighting (a lot above in Claymore’s case) without turning in neon paint tag.
Sound: 6
Nothing especially good, bad or memorable.
Character: 1
None of the characters have any character. For one, the show moves around so much that you don’t really feel attached to any one character as “The Main Character” and the ones that are shown the most screen time also have dialog that seems to have been designed to make you hate them. Yukimura Sanada is probably the closest thing to a main character the series has, but sadly, his dialog is split between a doglike (literally) devotion to Takeda Shingen and some of the worst C grade Samurai movie honor banter I have ever seen. Then we have a female assassin who has some sort of puppy love for her lord, some six sword wielding lord who has to be constantly held back by his friend because his character contains nothing deeper than “BATTLE BATTLE BATTLE” and of course Yukimura Sanada’s lover/owner who has the same C grade Samurai movie lines and is the most stereotypical Japanese Feudal lord ever in the history of animation.
In case you missed the hint, the characters are one dimensional and their dialog might as well not exist for all the good it does.
Enjoyment: 2
I was trying to force myself to watch a 3rd episode in the hopes of it getting better, but the fact that I couldn’t shows very well how much enjoyment I took out it. The battles were dull and lacked any detail while the dialog made me want to travel back in time to kill the characters they were supposedly based on so that the world would never have to know this travesty.
Overall: 3
This show is bad. There is no other way for me to put it. People talk about how it is “manly”, “Garr” and other crap, but what you have is a show targeted at very young teens in much the same light as Dragon Ball Z or narutu that is simply of poor quality. If you want to watch a “manly” show, watch berserk or something else that is actually good.
There are many areas of this anime that are severely under what one would call decent and there is also nothing to make up for those missing areas. My recommendation is you don’t watch this unless you’re looking for Dragon Ball Z: Japanese Feudal Era.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Mar 21, 2009
Your enjoyment of Toaru Majutsu no Index will probably have to do a lot with how much animes having plot means to you.
Toaru Majutsu no Index starts off with an interesting concept, young girl has tons of magical tomes in her that could give massive power, but then after the first story arc, it throws that away and stomps on it and index is for the most part absent from the rest of the series in any meaningful way. That is the problem, the first story arc starts the series off pretty well and actually has plot and character progression, as well as a plot
twist, but after that index disappears along with any sort of plot or character progression.
Story: There is ZERO overall plot. this is basically a random daily life anime where you could watch the various story arcs in any sort of order (other than the first one). Hell, you could watch the episodes at random and not lose to much. The environment and the situations the characters are in is static after the first story arc and there is no sort of well developed menace or anything to compel the characters to do anything other than live their lives like normal.
The other story related problem is that things are SLOW. I'm sure everyone knows the stereotypes of fighting animes where the characters take 3 episodes to kick someone, that is right, index is like that to a degree. It absolutely feels like it was stretched out quite a bit to hit 24 episodes and would have been a better fit for 16-18 instead. Some episodes even consist almost entirely of someone making a long and overblown rant at someone.
Art: The art is good. Seen worse, seen better, but it is good. The various powers look good and i like the character design rather well.
Characters: Touma is for the most part your typical generic main character, even to the point of risking his life to save a potential love interest for no other reason. There was an event that occurred at the end of the first story arc that could have allowed him to become a very interesting character, but out of sheer madness such a significant event does not change this character AT ALL. A lot of the supporting characters are pretty interesting at first glance, especially index.
The problem with the characters comes when you watch a few of the episodes and notice that there is zero character progression. Even with what happened to Touma, he is exactly the same and has exactly the same relationships with the other characters throughout the series, nothing changes and he is totally and completely static. The rest of the characters are even worse, Touma has a habit of rescuing people and then BOOM they're gone from the series for a while and serve no great importance. Why spend 6 episodes to show him rescuing someone when they aren't going to be in the series at all? Other than new faces appearing every so often, you could watch the episodes in any order an not be surprised at how they act, what powers they have or what kind of relationships they have with those around them.
Overall: I am a huge fan of series in general having overall plots with plot twists and progression, but i still enjoyed this series. I was disappointed that it didn't fully utilize the first story arc since after that things went way down hill, but i still continued watching it which says something. If you don't mind everything being static except the random situations the characters are thrust in to, it will probably be quite enjoyable. Even if you hate how static everything is, you still might enjoy it if you can get over how slow the show is sometimes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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