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Jan 5, 2025
Score: 7.5/10
Best Girl: Haruna
Second Best Girl: Yami
A few people have been surprised that a self proclaimed vetrian weeb such as myself has never seen To Love Ru. It had actually been on my ‘Plan to Watch’ list for years but for a long time I was reluctant to watch it because I knew it was very heavy for ecchi and I really didn’t like excessive amounts of ecchi so I avoided it. However, now I have become more accustomed to ecchi over time so felt I was more ready to watch it. It was given to me in the anime club in december which was
the perfect opportunity for me to finally watch it.
I must admit I did enjoy this anime more than I thought I would. It actually made me laugh a few times!
I also always loved the designs of the girls long before watching it. The girls are definitely cute. Haruna Sairenji is really adorable and I definitely rooted for her to end up with the main character, although it going the harem route I also didn’t mind.
Yami was a lot of fun to watch and I also love her design. Yui is definitely a really cute tsundere girl also. Momo is not my usual type but she is entertaining and I also really love her looks. Lala, Nana and the others are also cute too. Mikan is kawaii also,
Let’s talk about the ecchi. Oh my word! There’s a lot! The firsr season wasn’t so extreme but with each new season the ecchi would get more and more. Every other scene: there’s boobs and butts. And there’s a counless amount of times the main character accidentally bumps into the girls and their boobs end up exposed. Every time he meets a new girl: you can garantee it won’t he long till she’s seen naked. It’s like the animators want to come up with any excuses they can to show as many boobs as they can. NGL this got kinda ridiculous. I’m like “Okay we get it. Boobs are hot but we don’t need to see them every other scene”. They kind of end up just exposing them for really dumb reasons. But with that said: many of the scenes were still really hot especially a certain shower scene in one of the OVAs.
If you enjoy ecchi harems this one will very much be up your ally but if you don’t then stay away….
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Aug 16, 2023
Score: 5.5/10
This is an anime I actually feel I both liked and disliked at the same time.
I really do not like incest in anime but this is still a show I’ve been curious to watch as I’ve heard from a few people that it presents the subject of incest in a very mature way.
Now that I’ve seen it: I can confirm It does definitely tackle the subject on the forbidden love really well in a way that doesn’t condone it or glorify it.
However, despite this: it was still very uncomfortable to watch through a lot of it because of not only the incest
but the very big age gap between the brother and sister. The sister is 15 and the brother is 27, and I didn’t feel the characters addressed the issue with the age gap as much as they did with the incest. He is nearly twice her age! And some of his scenes in the anime where very uncomfortable and quite hard to watch. I hated the scene when he sniffs his sisters underwear and then ma*****ates to it. That was so gross! I also did not like the ending with how they actually ended up together romantically. I was really hoping that would choose not to act on their feelings but this didn’t happen.
Despite this: I did think it was a really interesting and good anime that definitely leaves an impression on you. It’s also not really a bad idea for an anime to tackle taboo subjects as long as it’s done tastefully.
It was definitely still very uncomfortable in a lot of parts though and the big brother character was quite creepy in some of the scenes… So my feelings towards this anime are mixed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 2, 2023
Moriarty the Patriot (English dub) review
Favourite character: William James Moriarty
Score: 9/10
I did watch this anime when it was first airing from 2020-2021. I was a big fan of it but I also strongly felt that I’d enjoy it even more dubbed. There was no dub at the time it was airing. I was so excited when the dub was announced for the show. When both seasons (as well as the OVA) were dubbed I was excited for the chance to rewatch it.
The dub did not disappoint at all! I know this sounds biased coming from me because I like most dubs, but
even my preferences aside: I’d particularly recommend this dub as the show is set in Victorian England and the voices/accents also fit right into this era and really help add to the experience and realism to the show. As soon as the dub was announced I really felt like John Michael Tatum should play Sherlock or William as he is great at performing English characters. He didn’t actually play either of them but he did voice Sherlock’s brother Mycroft which was a great choice as well. Both the voice actors for William and Sherlock also did great jobs with their performances.
Anyway, enough about the dub: let’s get to the actual show. I am definitely a fan of this anime! I love how it offers a unique twist on the classic Sherlock Holmes stories by focusing on the character of Moriarty and presenting him as a sympathetic anti-hero. I also really liked the ending for part 2 and felt it was satisfying.
I definitely recommend watching this show if you’re into Sherlock Holmes and are interested in seeing a twist on the story.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 1, 2023
Score: 7/10
If there’s one thing to know about me, I absolutely love Kyoto Animation. It is one of my favourites, if not my favourite studio of all time. I think the animation from Kyoani is stunning to look at and the way they design the female characters is really so cute. They have given us some of my favourite cute girls in anime like Kanna Kamui, Rikka Takanashi, Haruhi Suzumiya, Yui Hirasawa, Violet Evergarden and many more.
Being such a fan of Kyoani I had seen a high number of their most popular shows, but one of the few I hadn’t seen was Lucky Star.
I was definitely interested in checking this out.
I enjoyed this anime. It’s definitely not for everyone and it’s not one of my favourites from the Studio but it is a fun time with some slice of life, cute girls and comedy.
My best girl is definitely Konata Izumi. As well as being super cute (like they all are), her personality is a lot of fun. She loves video games and is also very much a weeb, enjoying anime and even prioritising it over work. I found her a very relatable character as well as really entertaining.
She has the same voice actress as Haruhi Suzumiya and this show has LOADS of Haruhi references. As a Haruhi fan, it definitely made me fanboy out.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 19, 2023
Score: 9/10
Because the new season has started airing on Disney+ I decided to go back and rewatch one of my favourite anime from 2021, Tokyo Revengers.
I really love this anime! Huge fan! I know that people have been split with this. Some people really loved it and others didn’t like it and thought it was overhyped. I personally thought it was really great. I do love a good number of time travel stories though so that definitely helped a lot. This anime really tends to get me excited for what will happen and really hope that the character will succeed in changing the past.
It really gets me on the edge of my seat which tends to make an anime a potential favourite of mine.
Some people really didn’t like the main character as they felt he was a wimp and a crybaby. I didn’t love him but I personally didn’t mind him either. I felt like he did really try to do what he could to change things and I also think If I was in his position I would have been useless.
The anime isn’t perfect. There are a few things that aren’t explained or don’t quite add up which is almost always the case with time travel stories. Overall though I am definitely a big fan. The ending was very exciting and I can’t wait to start season 2.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 7, 2022
Score: 8.5/10
This is my second time watching this anime movie and I’m actually glad I got to rewatch it because there was a lot about it I had forgotten. It is a really great anime movie and a fitting film for the Christmas season.
Tokyo Godfathers is an excellent anime film about family. It is a story of 3 homeless people finding an abandoned baby and trying to track down the parents. As you watch the movie you will be drawn into it.
It was directed by Satoshi Kon who made other anime like Perfect Blue and Paprika.
If you want to see an anime that’s
perfect for the Christmas season, I’d highly recommend watching Tokyo Godfathers. It’s a solid film!
What are your thoughts on this film? Comment on my profile if you’ve seen it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 7, 2022
Score: 10/10
Best Girl: Haruhi of course! 100%!
Rewatching this film was a delight. It hit all the marks I wanted to see perfectly. If you wish to watch the film: I’d definitely recommend the series first because it’s important for character development & it really pays off in this film. I found that the first time I saw it I was on the edge of my seat really wanting the character to succeed.
Now I didn’t rewatch the series this time so there were a few references, etc and ties that I think would have been better after watching the series. Some time in the future
I’ll have to rewatch both together again. Maybe next Christmas.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 14, 2022
I have been wanting to start the index/railgun series for some time now have been reluctant to start due to its length, but I saw it was nominated in the last rotation so I decided now was a good time to start it. So I gave Index a go.
I still haven’t started railgun yet or season 3 of index. Most people seem to say railgun is better and I’m hoping I will too. I like it when I agree with the majority. Lol
I must say I have enjoyed a certain magical index far. I haven’t absolutely loved it or been blown away but it is
a decent series.
The world building is really good and the story is pretty entertaining. Some of the characters are good. I really like Misaka and Last Order is adorable. The main guy is pretty boring and like a typical harem protagonist but I’m used to that by now so it doesn’t really bother me. It definitely has a ton of harem cliches though. The typical scenes of the guy accidentally walking in on girls getting undressed and other stuff. Still boggles my mind that people don’t think to lock the bathroom door in these anime. Lol!!
As a whole I have enjoyed it. Accelerator also seems like a pretty interesting guy, so I feel his spin-off may especially be worth watching.
So far the series isn’t bad but I’m hoping I like railgun more.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 20, 2022
I must say I did actually quite enjoy it. It definitely feels like a new guilty pleasure of mine. There were aspects of it that did feel a bit awkward. The main one being the big age gap between the main couple. It’s a romance between a high school boy and his teacher. Some people could find this off putting. *spoiler alert* The main girl is 23 years old. The main boy is technically 18. However, he’s physically and mentally only 15 because he was in a deep sleep for 3 years.
Even though he is technically 18 (which is reasonable) their romance feels awkward
to watch when you think about the fact that he is physically and mentally just a kid. However, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen this kinda thing in anime and I did still very much enjoy watching this show.
It was very entertaining with some comedy, old school animation and an interesting storyline that definitely keeps you engaged. The romance between the two main leads was actually rather captivating and even quite realistic (though I’m not an expert on this as I’m not that experienced) and it actually deals with not only the beauty of relationships but also the struggles and challenges that come with relationships too.
I will say though that there are definitely a number of harem/romcom cliches like the typical misunderstandings, etc. This happens quite a bit so if you don’t like tropes you might not be able to get into it. I also don’t feel like I’m that attached or in love with any of these characters and probably won’t even antidisable the series for mudae.
I am definitely glad I decided to accept this series though. It was very entertaining and quite easy to binge.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 22, 2022
Belle was certainly an enjoyable film with really beautiful animation. I was looking forward to this because it's directed by Mamoru Hosoda and I have seen his other hit films.
I was also excited because I had heard it was similar to Beauty and The Beast. After watching it I can confirm, some elements of it are extremely similar. There were certain scenes, shots and even lines of dialogue that felt like they were actually taken out of the Disney version of Beauty and the Beast. The similarity was uncanny and I definitely think they must have taken inspiration from that movie without a doubt.
However, there
were definitely differences as well. It had similar elements but the way the story was told was quite different in some ways. For example it included the virtual online world and the blurring of the online world and the real world. There is also a mystery going on which I won't spoil. I saw someone online describe it as a mix between Beauty & The Beast and Ready Player One. I've never seen Ready Player One but I can imagine this is accurate.
Anyway it's a good film that is worth watching.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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