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Mar 14, 2022
How do I begin here… it sure has been quite some time since my last review on either anime or manga. English is neither my main language, soo… expect some grammatical errors yeah! Nonetheless, I will try to keep this review simple and straightforward.
Kinsou no Vermeil (KNV) may seem unpopular and somewhat clichéd; however, it sparks a bright light along the way as I read through the chapters. KNV are one of those mangas that seemed generic and clichéd, yet irresistibly addictive and enjoyable.
The writer introduces the main characters in a way where we can slowly learn their characteristics as the story goes on (I
guess that’s how all characters are introduced, but in this case it’s in a good way).
Our main protagonists, Alto, is described as a shy yet brave and heroic deep inside his heart. This may be generic and clichéd, and I agree with that. This is nothing new compared to other characters, which in my opinion is okay. Moving on, Vermeil, is described as a cheeky one-san with her own issues as the story goes on.
What I liked about the author’s approach to Vermeil is the way that her character development is done in a way that it gives you the fuzzy feeling of wholesomeness. In my experience, this kind of character development is rather rare, idk maybe it’s just me who can’t clearly see other character development. I don’t want to get into much detail here since it will spoil the story.
Visual-wise, the artist did a really good job here. Even though Alto seems a little generic compared to other shota-oneesan-kind-of-manga, Vermeil and other side characters was designed in a way that is unique and refreshing to see. Visual effects like fight scenes are well drawn and clear to see, and importantly text bubbles (or whatever they call it) were placed in the proper spots, making it easy to read and see the illustrations at the same time.
TL: DR, good manga, kind of cliché yeah whatever we all know what it is. Illustrations were done well, making it refreshing to read this occasionally. Characters are very likeable and enjoyable to see their developments. Really looking forward to the upcoming chapters.
7.5/10 nice!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 24, 2020
This review may contain minor spoilers!
Assault Lily: Bouquet. What a way to treat myself for christmas and end the year with.
I myself, is no expert by all means when writing reviews hence I would like to say that my writing may sway from its main purpose before we get into the review. Moreover, I apologise if you, the reader, finds unsuitable things within this review, should it be spelling and grammar or mistakes and inaccuracy.
Assault Lily: Bouquet, the original anime that was made by Shaft that is famously known for their complex stories and their stunning visuals, such as the monogatari series. But this is
nothing about what Shaft did in the past, this is about Assault Lily.
We are introduced with Riri, a young girl moving to a military academy and as the defence against Huges, threats of humans. Riri is a very charming girl that everyone loves including me. She quickly made friends with first grades and shared a reasonably deep bond. However, since Riri just started her school, she is the ‘rookie’ character in the first bit. As Riri makes more friends, she encounters Yuyu.
Yuyu, known as the lone wolf in the school which is avoided by many other students. Riri, on the other hand, somehow managed to spark a relationship which will deepen in the near future.
Riri faces inconveniences with her ability to properly wield CHARMS. With the help of her friends , she eventually managed to wield CHARM. Some may see at this point that this anime will be a ‘Cute girls doing crazy things’ or whatever it’s called but basically it's a bunch of cute anime girls doing super cool and crazy things, which it is BUT not completely.
What I enjoyed most from this anime is the characters and their interactions. As new episodes come out, without a doubt that it will contain heart warming wholesomeness interactions. Each and every side character feels like they are someone very important to the story and someone that can be loved. In this case, I really, really liked them all.
Every character has their own quirks and abilities, which then helped Riri during her hard times. Their personality also resembles their appearance and is uniquely written by the designers. The uniqueness of each character means that they also have different reasons to fight for which then adds more personality to them.
Each bond between Riri and the side characters means something special for me personally. It feels as if they made a deep bond with the audience itself. At dark times, plenty actually, it made me squirm and feel the pain that Riri is experiencing. To see the way when things are dark, you only need a light. The relation that Riri has developed clearly became the light for her path.
As for the visuals, it is one of the best. Shaft did it again with this anime with some superb colors, character design, props, etc. This was one of the things that I enjoyed the most from the anime. I truly cannot say anything much since the animation visuals are just straight out stunning that I would even use them for wallpapers. The colors are vibrant and pleasing to the eyes, lines are noticeable but in a good way, background designs are also amazing, and the action scenes were better than average. However, there is some noticeable CGI that is not too pleasing but this only appeared for a few times.
For the audio, it’s great. OP and ED are great, no complaints. As for the acting, there may be some improvements, but overall it’s enjoyable and understandable. Moving on with the sound effects, it’s not the best but considerably nice.
The directing in this anime is great. The scenes are drawn properly and very pleasing to the eye. The choice of the color pallets really outlined the moving parts and the characters. Not to forget, the fan service of this anime. It is good. Not too much, not too little. Thicc thighs everywhere, but yet it’s imperceptible unless you really look for it.
Since I’ve been discussing the good parts, now are the flaws of the anime.
It’s cringey. During the ‘tense’ parts of the story or episode, it’s just cringey when the characters interact with each other. Somehow, the way they interact between those parts is just straight unsuitable and a potential mood killer.
The pacing overall is unusual. Not that I’m complaining or anything but the first 4-6 episodes were moving slowly as they introduced more characters to the story and more plot explanation. However, some episodes just went super quick. It’s as if a problem starts to resolve too quickly which disappointed me.
The people behind this anime seem to like shoving in new faces and forcing the audience to remember them. Personally, I think there are too many side characters that’s being introduced which then left out without proper explanation or background. Same with the main plot of the story, there is just not enough explanation. Sure, I understand about the CHARM and HUGES, but I feel like there need to be more explicit explanations which may help the audience to actually understand to the core.
I personally really enjoyed this anime to the point that I’m willing to stand up for it. I can see why some people dislike a ‘female character only,’ but in this case, Assault Lily did a great job to deliver the energy of excitement to me.
At first, I was actually sceptical about this anime. Clearly the yuri vibes are there and made me unsure about this. Fortunately, I came to enjoy this anime because of the relationship between Riri and the other girls. It feels as if I can understand Riri’s relationship and bond with her friends. As for the yuri vibes, it’s great yeah! I like the subtle hints and the illustrations at ED.
Before this gets too long and me rambling more without a real goal, I’ll conclude my review.
Assault Lily: Bouquet, what a great way to end the season, yet it’s still not delivering it’s full potential. At this point, I really appreciate the people behind this since it made me hooked on, but the downsides clearly aren't able to admire and complete the outstanding qualities.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 2, 2020
This is my first manga review, please forgive my out-of-order writing and my lack of experience. This review may contain major spoilers.
This manga was quite painful for me as I read through the chapters.
Meguro-san Is Not the First Time was --and probably will be-- quite the ride on the feels. I’m going to review this from my personal feelings and logical sense. Let’s start.
Youth sure is a great thing that all of us will or have experienced. Whether it’s love or just friends, it’s all going to leave memories, well for the most part. Meguro-san Is Not the First Time unfolds between Koga and Meguro.
Koga, portrayed as a below-average student and seen as the ‘boring’ one, while Meguro is seen as the ‘charming’ and ‘popular’ one. Koga confessed her out of the blue and the rest is history. However, as soon as Koga confessed, he learned that Meguro is not a virgin.
Let’s start with the main concept of the story. The story is not that new, since it tells a story about an inexperienced individual having a relationship with an experienced other. However what catches my interest is how the story is delivered. Unfortunately, as I said, it is quite painful but yet I don’t have the words to describe why I’m still reading this.
I, personally, do not have a slight interest in ntr and stuff like that, but I can see that this manga involves ntr vibes to it from Meguro’s past stories. In this case, it was quite painful for me to read through this manga in the first part, fortunately it develops into something worthwhile for me to read. Ntr really is one of the genres that I despise the most since it shows dark and corrupt actions that leads to distress and sadness. I don’t really know how to express this but the story is the bitter truth of the lifestyle that is going on right now. It is horrible, bitter, and without a doubt true and is happening around us, I think. People suffer from this, but it’s great to see a hero to save the day, in this case it’s Koga.
Humans naturally look up to their role models like how we like superheroes and hate the villains. This is because we all want to be a hero ourselves and see ourselves do the good things over wealth and power. In this case, this manga portrays a weak hero making readers feel the pain and anxiety of the MC. As the story develops, Koga reflects on himself and comes to a realisation to cherish his lover, this is the part where the hero converts his negative characteristics into a positive one.
(spoilers maybe?)
I want to get into detail about Meguro here since she is the character that I’m really interested in. In the past, she had a relationship with someone older than her and was used for pleasure and teaches her to accept what other people want to do. From this, she then kept on doing things that her partners want to do with her including sleeping with her. People may see her as a slut from sleeping with multiple guys. My experience in reading manga up to now is that in a generic romance situation is that the main female character is still a virgin and they always do cute things etc. In this case, Meguro is not a virgin anymore and, I really hate to say this myself, that it gives a bad impression for me and maybe for some. But really, this is kinda common in society and there really is nothing you can do except to lose your chance with someone that may be the one truly for you or accept them for what they are, where this manga is strong at and I approve of. I think the main reason why it gave a bad impression to me is from the norm and culture around me which I personally want to explore outside of it.
(end of spoilers?)
Koga as we know is the boring and average guy. He doesn't have friends and is seen as the nerdy kid in the class. The way the author designed him is brutally relatable, and at the same time it gives off the ‘from 0 to hero’ kinda feel to it so it’s a plus. He may be generic since it’s really human like to be boring and average, but can be overlooked since it flows together with the plot.
The side characters are interesting but the author didn’t really do anything with them except their interaction with the mc. It’s a shame imo. I believe that side characters are key to a good story development and general enjoyment. The pacing here is also lacking imo because the author kinda just skipped parts that could be good but instead just focuses on important events like the generic school festival and movie dates, etc.
Moving on, the art style is good, nothing really special. There are lots of cute parts between the main characters and some visually good parts like buildings and stuff. The designs are great and unique. That's about it, it's enjoyable but not WOW!!! special or something.
To conclude, Meguro-san Is Not the First Time is and will be its own manga in its own league and with its ntr vibes. I personally cannot enjoy this to the fullest but at the same time, it’s as addicting as ever. Every chapter done, I always think as to when will the mc start to be a man and do real sht. The most important thing from this manga is that how relatable this is to the current lifestyle where free sex is happening oftenly and people are suffering from this. This manga really gave me the feels and tried itself to be something unique and it did! Lots of potential here, but I think that the interaction between the side characters should be pumped more.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 2, 2020
Burn the Witch, more like burn the whole series.
I’m going to keep this short and simple. Keep in mind, this may contain spoilers.
I personally didn’t expect this to be a so-called ‘movie’ with 3 episodes. Let’s begin on how this ‘movie’ is presented. First episode, without a doubt, must give a big impression to the viewers, in this case Burn the Witch actually does. It starts with Ninny helping her friend Noel on doing contracts(?) and developed from that. Moreover, the first episode packs quite the action with cool scenes and effects which I find very pleasant to watch. However, the second episode was probably
the point where it just collapsed.
I don’t want to get into details on each episode so I will only discuss the (really) main plot. Balgo, a normal human being marked as a dragonclad, was to be executed for having contact with a dragon.
Why is this like this you ask? Well I really don’t know why since the 'movie' didn’t give any proper context in the first place. I can’t really tell why the 'movie' didn’t give context but it just keeps on adding new things without really explaining it properly. It’s like there are 2 things happening at once, and then another 2 followed on, and so on. However, in these action packed episodes, it made me feel that there is much more that’s going to happen, and I personally was really looking into it. Guess what, the producers slapped my cheeks so hard and said ‘no more episodes and explanations for you, here take the somewhat good animation quality and stay quiet!’
The characters were fairly interesting by itself. We have Ninny, a tsundere-styled girl; Noel, an expressionless friend of Ninny; and Balgo, the ignorant guy that’s going to be important to the story. I described these characters with only a few words because mainly the studio didn’t give any background to them, or show who they truly are and what they’re capable of. It really made me feel like the characters aren’t important to the whole series.
As for the visuals and audio, it is pleasing for me. Like I said, the art was pretty nice with a nice touch of style to it. The voice acting was fine, nothing really special about it, and the soundtracks were able to fit in well with the 'movie'.
To sum up, Burn the Witch was a disaster when it comes to the pacing and plot. However if you’re looking for some short movie and just want to clear your mind without using too much brain power, this ‘movie’ is probably not the one you want to go with since it may leave you disappointed in the end.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 26, 2020
This review contains minor spoilers!
To begin with, I personally was looking forward to reviewing this particular anime. Since this is my first review, without a doubt this review will contain some flaws. Moreover, I still am new to the anime community with a small experience in identifying what is good or bad, so please bear with me.
The Misfit of Demon King Academy, quite the ride since episode one until now. Here I am laying down by my bed in the middle of the night writing this review as soon as I finished watching. All I could say is that this was somewhat unique in its
own way for a ‘way too op MC fighting for what is right while surrounded by girls’ type of anime.
Let’s begin with the story. The Demon Lord Anos Voldigoad was reincarnated after 2000 years and faced a whole different society with bad morals where he didn’t like it and got help from his friends to fix it , on the other hand, Anos Dilhevia, the claimed demon lord, was seen as unacceptable by Anos Voldigoad because the fake one is giving false information. That's pretty much it if I were to sum it up in one sentence. At first glance, the story is pretty interesting by itself, however it still has some of the cliche fantasy factor to it.
The story mainly focuses on Anos and the other 3 friends Lay, Sasha, and Misha. Anos’ relationship with his friends unfolds nicely as he enrolled in the demon school with them. Well, they all have their own problems but with the help of the great Anos, the problems were just like nothing. Why is it like this? Well it’s because of how op he is.
Oh hey, someone really hates me for whatever reasons they have, oh well I could just snap my fingers and they’re gone.
Anos literally snapped his fingers and they just died instantly. That is not even as op as the other parts.
This wouldn’t be a fantasy-themed school anime without a tournament. What’s fun about it is that the tournament part of the story wasn't that important while the development of Lay was much more fun to watch. I personally liked the way this is presented because it doesn’t take up too much of the tournament while at the same time trying to explain why the character is like this and how the MC should respond to it.
Okay, so the first half ,or so, of the story were actually fine until the part where the demon race and the humans were sparring. Apparently the humans were filled with hatred which uses cheats from its people, as a result Anos made his ‘believers’ to start a concert in the middle of the fight. I don’t want to get into details about this part of the story because I would just spoil the ending.
Let’s discuss the side characters. Misha is the shy girl and Sasha is the tsundere girl which both of them liked(?) Anos. It’s pretty common to see these kinds of situations which just make them really bland. Fortunately we have Lay which I personally was interested in but then gave up on it. Lay is Anos’ friend which he fought with because of reasons that I don’t want to get into in detail, but what I could discuss is that he has his love for his mother which is dying. Spoiler alert, Anos saved the day with his unexplainable magic which the characters understand but the audience doesn’t(me personally).
The way the story flows is actually fine given the fact that Anos is just too op, which is a problem because the other characters aren’t given their chance to be useful. Pacing was also fine, but maybe felt too rushed on the back end of the season. It felt like there were 5 things happening at once which may not be good for other watchers.
Let's talk about the art and sound. The art was actually pretty nice but the fighting scenes were not animated properly. It felt really stiff on the most part but the colors made it pleasant to see. For the sound, I personally think that the VA and the animation could be improved because some parts could have an emotional part but became a flop because of the lack of expression.
To conclude, The Misfit of Demon King Academy was quite the ride. We have a really op MC and some or maybe everyone being useless, we have a slight harem theme, we have a nice romance between the tense parts, and we also have the so called heroes being bad. There were also some parts that were just not explained properly which made it a shame for me.
I personally am a sucker for op MC but this time I actually wanted to see what the side characters could do, what they are willing to fight for; but in this case they’re just fighting for getting attention of the MC.
This anime is not good, but it’s fine in its own league. I believe that this is worth the time to watch since it actually gives us morals and reflects on real life. I personally enjoyed the main concept of the anime but it just fell down as the episodes went by.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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