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May 25, 2021
This review will be more brief than my others. If you feel i didn't go in depth enough, just know this is not indicative of all of my reviews.
Main girl was cute (not hard to do)
In the dub, the actors spoke like people in those situations would actually speak. All the swear words flying everywhere because . . Well, the situation kinda calls for it.
The general premise was interesting
Cons: (way longer)
There was never any point in the entire season that I worried for the safety of any of the characters. Not because there was no stakes. I just didn't like any of them. Not a single one.
The MC Kei is a perverted good for nothing that has to be put in do or die situations in order to do anything. I cant name a single redeeming quality about him other than he's better than the cartoonishly evil villains. Her sexual assault is also played off as titillating alot. I can usually accept and sometimes get behind that at times. Maybe it was the english voice actress or the frequency but It made my uncomfortable every time.
The main girl also named Kei (yes its dumb) can't do anything on her own. If I had to call a character arc "the best" it would be hers but its bland and been done before. She also falls in love with Katou way to easily which decreases her value to me. Like Yoko Litner all over again.
Katou has the exact opposite issue Kei has. He is given absolutely no flaws. Picture the most good possible action to take and he will take that action. Its uninteresting. Hes so averse to killing he chooses to almost die than kill a literal robot. And I know the whole scene in the bathroom . . . That was my favorite part in the whole show. Then its portrayed as a bad thing. It was the one time I rooted for him. The one time he wasn't Mr. Perfect.
Isshi was a character i wanted to die from the very beginning. They tried to give him some sort of depth but I was too excited for him to be gone to care.
Everyone else is either cartoonishly evil, or annoyingly helpless. Need conflict? Have some bullies extracting teeth from a dude for no good reason. Its lazy.
Tldr: my experience with this show, was mild intrigue at the beginning, and after the halfway point, consisted of hoping for the death of nearly every single character and usually being dissapointed. Female Kei was the closest I came to "liking" a character but thats cuz shes cute and not a bad person. She literally has the least reason to live out of anyone though. I have never been kept on the razors edge of dropping a show for so long without actually dropping it (unless you count Naruto)
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Apr 3, 2015
I see this show getting 9s and 8s by most reviewers. This is absolutely amazing considering it consists of 12, 2 minute or so episodes. But i think that is one of the things that makes it so good.
A very short story that you can watch in just 30 minutes. Being that short, lets it stay interesting for its entire duration.
The show is mostly just episodic. Therefore, there really isn't much of a story.
The art is absolutely great! So many different faces are used to convey the feelings of the characters. Each one of them looks great in its own way. The animation is also great and doesn't look lasily done as i have seen in some animes. The art style is just unique and great all around.
Nothing really.
I enjoyed the theme songs and the sound effects were on point.
The background music was very forgettable.
All of the character's personalities compliment each other well, creating very funny scenes. It is very hard to describe each ones personality because nobody falls exactly into a specific troph.
. . . . . .I've sat for 15 minutes trying to think of character flaws but i can't.
I greatly enjoyed this anime. Just like Nichijou, it was funny, great looking, and very unique.
I would put "There should be more" here but actually, i think that this show was the perfect length for what it was. Even if i do want to see more.
I am very glad i watched this. I was originally concerned it was going to be a waste of time to watch but i am very happy that i was wrong. I loved the characters and the art style. It is a great way to spend about 28 minutes. I recommend this if you are looking for a good laugh and/or you enjoy Nichijou. Just don't expect much of a story.
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Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 3, 2015
No Game No Life has gained pretty high popularity in the anime community. It is a psychological thriller much like Death Note or Code Geass except with a much lighter tone to the whole experience. Readers may want to immediately stop reading after that sentence if they have indeed seen any of those shows. What I mean by this is that it is a psychological thriller in the same vein as those shows, in that the thrill comes from the anticipation of what the characters are planning. Not from special attacks or epic battles but from seeing how these geniuses at what they do, utterly
destroy anyone who stands in the way of their goals. But does this show deserve to be compared to such great shows in its genre? Or is it just a failure? Let's find out!
The way each situation is laid out and plays out gave me feelings similar to the ones i felt while watching Death Note. A show that is widely considered to be among the best. The different races also add to the show with some being better at certain things and having different abilities that affect they way some of the games are played.
The plot is quite un-inspired. The 2 main characters are dropped into a world where everything is determined by the outcome of games. While on the surface this may seem like a very original idea, it is very similar to a show about a certain "King of Games" you may have watched when you were younger. Also the driving force for the plot is not done very well in my opinion with no satisfying conclusion for the actual anime. (Although i bet there is one in the manga)
The art is very unique! This anime has a color pallet which even extends to the outlines of the characters. Often being a dark purple instead of just solid black. There is also an excellent use of bloom which isn't present in many other animes.
This show resorts to loli fanservice in the first few seconds of the first episode. While usually the fanservice in this show isn't too intrusive and most of the time i didn't mind it, this just sets a bad tone as the first time you see Shiro, you see her panties first.
Intense/Cheerful songs mixed with silence for more serious moments works well in this show as the tone of the whole show is rather upbeat. I also quite enjoyed the intro song.
Nothing Special.
The genius duo in this show are quite entertaining to watch. As the show repeatedly says, the duo are one person known as Blank. 2 halves of the same genius. They are so closely tied together in fact, that one cannot function without the other. I found this a very interesting character trait that i rather liked.
All characters besides Blank are rather bland. Once you get past their interesting appearance, there really isn't much that's memorable about any of them.
I absolutely loved the interesting games that were in the show along with how Blank went about winning each one of them. The shows appeal is not in whether or not Blank will win but HOW they will win and how their opponents will TRY to win.
You are taught very quickly that Blank is not going to lose. This takes away from the enjoyment a little bit. The show also doesn't make you feel very invested in the subplot involving the kingdom. You also don't get a satisfying conclusion to the MAIN plot.
If you are interested in a show about psychological warfare similar to Death Note and Code Geass without expecting an incredibly satisfying ending, this is for you. With the exception of the weak story and side characters, This show was a joy to watch!
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Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 2, 2015
Pupa is BY NO MEANS perfect. However, i don't believe it deserves the flack it is getting.
I watched this immediately after watching Corpse Party. (I was in the mood for some violence) I am saying this to tell you that when i sat down to watch Pupa i was wanting and expecting violence.
I thought it was genuinely sweet how the brother and the sister cared so much for eachother. If you watch the last episode first, it shows this pretty well.
I also think that their relationship with each other was an interesting take on the disease they both had and how they dealt with it.
There were many aspects of the story that were . . . . inconsistent or missing. Firstly, both of them have the disease but only one of them shows the symptom of craving human flesh.
Next, the dog at the very beginning of the show was never explained. The little girl had the disease since birth so what was the relevance of the dog? Why did THAT trigger what it did?
Also, these siblings had been together through thick and thin. They had abusive parents and led a very harsh life. So why is it that neither of them had realised they had regenerative abilities until they were in highschool. Why did neither of them seem to eat people before the start of the show?
Just the fact that everything starts when it does is just convenient to the plot.
Moving away from the siblings, another one of the main plots involving the witch is never followed up on! I genuinely wanted to know where that was going! Maybe to know to witches backstory too! Maybe if the show was 2, 22 minute OVAs and not 12, 2 minute mini-sodes, it wouldve been better in that aspect.
Any show that has very little / no censorship gains bonus points with me as well because when i watch a horror, i want to see the blood and gore. Good job Pupa!
The art style is pretty un-inspired and alot of looping of animations was used to cut costs.
Nothing special.
Nothing special.
Some people may think that the overly devoted siblings troph are un-inspired and annoying. I think its sweet especially with the last episode.
The characters relationship means very little unless you watch the last episode and even then, it still may not satisfy many viewers.
I went in wanting violence and really didnt care much about the story.
I was still left disappointed at the end. I wish there was more really.
Pupa is something you may watch if you are looking for excessive violence, into cannibalization in your shows, don't care much about story, and/or want a very fast show to watch. I fell under every single on of those categories so i enjoyed it enough. Im glad i watched it but i won't be watching it again. If there was more to it, i would've given it a much higher rating. Too bad they leave you hanging on so much.
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Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Oct 21, 2013
If you want to watch an ecchi anime . . . this isnt for you. The ecchi scenes are few and far between and just jump out of no where. The ecchi fanatic will be starved, had some meat dangled in front of him, and then have it repeat.
If you want to watch a drama . . . . this isnt for you. It is not hard to make me cry in an anime. I cried during Angel Beats, Clannad, One piece (When Robbin says she doesnt want to die . . . . i watched it 5 times and made me cry every
time) but not once did this anime touch my heart or make me feel attached to the characters with the exception of Asuka who really should've been in the story more.
Another thing this anime does wrong is it is too confusing for too long. I understand having some mystery in your show but when you don't know what in the world is going on until episode 8 of 12 . . . that is a bit much. without giving anything away, it will jump from and to different stories completely randomly and you will have absolutely no idea what they have to do with eachother, why certain things are happening, and what the point of anything is until 3/4 of the way through.
Episode 1 is the first nail in the confusion coffin. If you want to cut down on the confusion a bit, skip the first 3 minutes of episode 1. They have nothing to do with anything that is about to happen.
The art is good except for 2 guys and 2 girls that look WAAAAAY too similar.This adds to the confusion. 2 of the girls have the same hairstyle except one has a bow and the other doesnt. And also 2 of the guys have the same hair color and similar hairstyle. Just a bit of warning when going in . . . the guy at the restaurant and the guy in the city are NOT the same person. That had me confused for a while.
There is one very over the top ecchi scene in episode 8. Like . . . incredibly out of place and way more intense than anything before or after it in terms of ecchi. Mute your computer for that part.
This wont be your favorite anime but if anything, it will teach you what works and what doesnt in an anime. The only scenes i actually enjoyed were the ones with Asuka. She kept me watching but there just simply is not enough of her. Anyway, overall, i give this a 5/10. It is probably the worst anime ive ever seen (other than girls bravo. The only show i have ever dropped). But that isnt saying much since most i have watched were amazing. it has good points, but it has way more bad.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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