Jun 23, 2018
Some anime is considered underrated. I would consider Glasslip to be underhated; in that more people should be aware of its existence and despise it accordingly.
I heard about this anime on forums online, from people claming it was the worst anime they had ever seen, and I decided to foolishly put the tales to the test. And it was so much worse than anything I could have imagined.
Glasslip is actually the worst anime I have ever seen in my life. Out of watching literally hundreds of anime, this is the one that prompted me to write a review.
I wish I could tell you
about the story, but it is so bland, boring, and forgettable that I can't even remember a single character's name, nor do I want to.
The story begins well enough, I must admit for the first couple of episodes I didn't believe the legends. P.A. Works is a good studio that has put out some quality work, and it is a testament to their skill that they were able to front-load this anime as well as they did. But the animation, voice acting, sound, plot, and pretty much every other component to a visual medium soon unraveled into a jumbled mess.
The story is boring and nothing happens. There is moderate set up for `something` to happen, but then nothing does. I guess the best analogy for this anime is like if someone told you that you were going to be watching a 6 hour video of paint drying, and then unbeknownst to you they just pull up a picture of wet paint, so just sit there for 6 hours waiting for the paint to dry and not even that happens.
The art is decent, and nothing more. As the anime goes on I distinctly remember the anime quality drop as though the animators lost their will to continue working on the project. The sound has been forgotten, the OP and ED unmemorable.
The characters are all bland nothings, with one exception. And not a good exception mind you; the main """love interest""" is extremely contemptible from the moment he speaks. The rest of the characters might as well have been cardboard cut outs for as much depth and personality they had.
I did not enjoy Glasslip, and to this day it has been the only anime to have put me to sleep. It didn't even produce any good memes. It's just trash.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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