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Nov 21, 2019
I actually thought this piece of crap was pretty funny. Don't get me wrong, from a story and character development point of view, this show is an absolute dumpster fire. But, whether by accident or by design, Conception hit that sweet spot of "so bad it's good" for me.
Story 2/10 (This section contains spoilers, but why the hell would you care?)
So the story is that some dude gets isekai'd and has to perform a "love ritual" with a dozen girls to give birth to "star children" to fight "impurity lords". That premise is cringy as fuck and it really sets the tone for just how
stupid this anime is going to be. Many of the maidens get episodes focusing on them and at the end of the anime during the final fight they each get one cliche line about wanting to help the protagonist. Except the first girl, because she's obviously so fucking special she gets more lines.
Speaking of the final battle, they kill off some characters and then quite literally just drop them back in alive at the very end of the episode. And when the MC asks them how they returned they literally say "Looks like we were revived somehow!" and that's it. Not even an attempt at a mediocre, half-assed explanation! I don't even think anyone on staff gave a fuck during the final episode (and possibly the entire show for that matter), and it's so bad it's funny.
Art and Sound 5/10
Average as can possibly be. Almost nothing stands out here. Well, the ED animation is, uh... certainly something. And the OP is pretty catchy even if it's generic as hell.
Character 4/10
I mean, there isn't much to say about these characters except for the little animal mascot one named Mana, who I can't tell if I find her annoying or hilarious. The rest of the characters are just your typical harem MC and girls.
Enjoyment 6/10
I expected to hate this or be bored as hell given its historically low rating by MAL standards. It's rare to see a 12 episode show with full-length episodes rated THIS low on MAL. And honestly, I can think of many MUCH worse shows rated a lot higher than Conception (like School Days or "Because I Don't Like My Big Brother At All", those shows are still rated lowly but not this low).
I find a lot of stupid anime hilarious. Of course, it's kind of a coin flip whether I find something funny stupid or bad stupid. Conception is a mix of both, but I'm leaning towards funny stupid a bit more. It's no Kill Me Baby or Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan though (the GOATs of funny stupidity in my opinion). So yes, I actually enjoyed this crap and found it entertaining.
Overall 5/10
I don't think the creators gave a shit about this anime, and honestly it might be better for it. If you enjoy mocking an awful story, clumsily breaking the fourth wall, trashiness to point of shock value, and other general degeneracy and dumb shit, this show may entertain you. That said, if you rate this a 1 or 2/10, that's perfectly reasonable too. Choosing to skip it entirely is also a valid choice!
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Nov 8, 2019
Princess Principal is an anime that tries to do a lot of different things and does all of them very well. I was impressed and immersed with this anime from start to finish and I definitely want more. Even though the ending isn't conclusive (and there are sequels planned), this anime really does feel like the complete package. Let's take a look at why I feel that way.
This anime is ultimately the story of a group of friends (especially two friends in particular) doing everything in their power to stay together in a cruel world trying to tear them apart while also undertaking dangerous missions
to try and change the world for the better too. While the anime is largely episodic, it does a superb job juggling the episodic plot, overall plot, and character backstories. Princess Principal also goes from comedic moments to action sequences to emotional moments and I'd have to say it handles its tonal shifts exceptionally well.
The episodes are quite varied in theme and content. In most heavily episodic anime I've seen, some episodes are clearly superior to others and even if the overall anime is good or great, a few episodes might be a bit on the boring side. This is not the case with Princess Principal because it just executes everything it tries to do so well that pretty much every episode has its strong and memorable moments.
I positively loved all 5 of the main girls. Each and every one of them receives a compelling backstory and a fully fleshed out personality. There are also STRONG yuri undertones between the two main girls to the point that it's pretty much undeniable they have feelings for each other. If you're a yuri fan like me, you're in for a treat, I can safely say this anime gave birth to one of my top 10 yuri ships, maybe even top 5.
But if you're not a yuri lover, don't start thinking this anime is JUST offering yuri bait because there's definitely much more to these characters than that. Their interactions with each other and the supporting cast, whether they're fun or serious in nature, feel very genuine. I definitely grew attached to the characters both as individuals and as a group.
This OST is not one of Yuki Kajiura's all time bests (not on the level of the Madoka Magica or Noir OSTs), but it still has some really strong stand out moments and no real weak points to speak of. The OP and ED, while not quite cracking my favorites, are really good as well.
Artstyle and Animation
This anime looks beautiful, the settings and backgrounds the show takes place in are detailed and bring the world to life in a vibrant and sometimes poignant manner. The action sequences are very well-animated and directed as well.
After the first episode of Princess Principal, I was cautiously optimistic as I saw the potential for a great show. Then it just kept getting better and better the more I watched, going from good to great to excellent. It's cliche to say "I laughed, I cried, etc." but for this anime I really did and I can't say that about a whole lot of anime. The emotional moments in Princess Principal are exceptionally well-done, they give off a vibe reminiscent of Madoka Magica in some ways despite being a totally different show and not mahou shoujo in any way. Given that Madoka is my favorite anime ever, this is a huge plus for me. I can't wait to see where the sequels take this story because it's been an amazing ride already in more ways than one.
Overall - 9.25/10
Princess Principal is an absolute gem of an anime that deserves to be talked about more. I went into this anime just wanting to see something kinda unique, maybe get my fix of "cute girls doing badass things" but I got something much more than that, a fully immersive story and setting with characters I really grew to love and care for.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 16, 2019
If I had to describe this anime in one short phrase it'd be "shallow entertainment of the highest caliber". I don't know that I've ever seen a more simplistic, straightforward, dare I even say cookie cutter harem/action/school/comedy anime, at least not one I enjoyed this greatly. Still though, this anime knows what kind of show it is and I had a blast binging it.
One thing that makes Armed Girl's Machiavellianism (that's the first and only time I'm typing out that long-ass word in this review) stand out among its peers of the generic harem/action genre is that fact that effort was clearly put into the
action and fight sequences. Look, they ain't anywhere near KLK or TTGL level, but they're definitely above average and did enough to get me pretty hype at times. It's also worth noting that the animation quality does NOT drop after one episode like in some action anime. Likewise, the music, voice acting, and sound effects are also all-around very solid on a consistent basis, there wasn't any one thing I'd single out as truly exceptional but it was all very good.
I really liked the characters, even though the MC was very typical in a lot of ways and the girls were pretty much waifu-bait. One thing I will say about the MC is that he isn't a fucking wimp and even if everything else about him is pretty basic, that makes the anime a lot more enjoyable than if he were some pushover. I'm a sucker for waifu-bait, so I liked most of the girls. It's ridiculous how quickly and easily they fall for the MC though. First they try to correct his "delinquent" behavior by challenging him in a fight (they use swords and he has sword-proof gloves and a special "magic bullet" move). Once he beats them, they go almost instantly from trying to chop his nuts off to trying to liking him and trying to protect him from the next girl who will try to chop his nuts off. It's just hilarious to me how quickly this transition happens, it's so bad and stupid that it's funny.
When you get right down to it, with the girls falling quickly for the badass, charismatic MC and every other guy in the school being a submissive crossdresser (due to being "corrected" by the sword-wielding girls), this is pretty much the most obvious harem-wish-fullfillment type of deal you could possibly get. Just a word of warning, if you go in expecting any realistic male-female romantic interaction in this anime, you'll be taking it too damn seriously!
The middle part of the anime was probably the best for me, the show has a pretty average climax, final fight, and ending (not one I would say is disappointing but didn't exceed expectations quite as well as the rest of the show). The beginning of the show introduces the characters pretty quickly and gives us a good fight right in episode one. The reason I say the show was the best towards the middle was because that was where the situations the fights took place in started really getting fun and ridiculous (sumo-wrestling a bear or fighting in a bath and using lewdness to distract and throw off your opponent for instance). It was a really fun ride and left me wanting more. Perhaps if this show were 24 episodes or so and there was more time for more of those fun, ridiculous fights to happen, I'd have given this show an elite-tier rating of 8, but alas, it wasn't meant to be.
Well, that about wraps up the bulk of this review. Chances are, if you read all that crap, you're either thinking "damn, I gotta watch this show, sounds fun" or "yeah, no way I'd enjoy this, I like a good story and/or dislike waifu-harem wish fulfillment". Well, I don't actually know what you're thinking but I've done my best to paint a pretty clear picture of what type of show this is, now it's your call if you wanna watch it or not. Personally, I really enjoyed this anime and I LOVED Satori, she's best girl for sure and is the latest victim in my ever-growing list of "lesser known top-tier waifus who don't have nearly enough merch and fanart."
Overall score - 7.5/10 (Great)
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 21, 2019
The first three seasons of High School DxD were one of the first anime I ever watched. Coming back two and a half years later to watch DxD Hero after having branched out my anime horizons far beyond their ecchi and harem roots and having heard some pretty mixed reviews about this season, I didn't know how it would hold up. Well, this season exceeded my expectations and I had an absolute blast watching it, to me it's every bit as good as its predecessors.
Story, 6/10 (Good)
I've never been one to hold story and character development to too high a standard in ecchi/comedy/harem anime or
any other genre that isn't meant to be taken super seriously. That said, High School DxD is well ahead of the pack in the story department when it comes to these kinds of anime. Its quality world-building and ability to generate hype have kept me consistently interested in seeing what's going to happen next for four seasons and I totally want more! That said, don't go expecting an intense narrative with rich thematic depth from this show, just have fun going along for the ride.
Characters, 8/10 (Excellent)
If being pandered to with waifus and fanservice isn't at least part of the reason you're watching High School DxD, then you're not part of the target audience and this show likely isn't for you. If that IS part of the reason you're watching, then High School DxD won't let you down. Most of the girls in this show are high quality waifu material and Issei is far more likeable than most harem protagonists and very easy to root for. He does have an internal/emotional conflict regarding his relationship with his harem (mostly Rias) in this season that feels a little forced. While this was a minor annoyance, it honestly wasn't that big a deal for me though.
Art and Animation, 7/10 (Very Good)
I honestly wasn't bothered by the art style change much at all. It is only slightly inferior to the older seasons, so slightly for me that it was inconsequential. The girls' character designs are still gorgeous and we still get to see boobs in pretty much every episode. One advantage High School DxD has over other harem/action shows is just how well-animated and well-executed its fights are. The fights in DxD are on par with those of a fairly high quality battle shounen both visually and in terms of how hype they are.
There are a good amount of anime where I can see really hype fights and while High School DxD is great in that department, there are definitely shows that surpass it. There are also a handful of shows that match or surpass DxD in the fanservice department, though it's definitely elite-tier in that regard. But I can't really think of a better show I could watch if I wanted high-quality full frontal anime titties AND really hype fights in the same show. DxD is the best show I know at that and this season is no exception.
Sound, 7.5/10 (Great)
The music here is as good as previous seasons, I don't really have much to say about it. I do have to say, however, that the English dub for High School DxD is one of the best there is. Unless you're someone who's completely opposed to English dubs, I'd strongly recommend watching the dub for this one. This season might just have the best dub yet, the VAs definitely had fun with this one and they're part of why the humor in this season is amazing. Actually, I don't remember laughing this much at any of the previous seasons! There was a moment where Issei told one of the villains, "I'm gonna make you eat your words like a teen doing the Tide Pod challenge" (or something along those lines, the point is they referenced fucking Tide Pods, holy shit) and I fucking lost it.
Enjoyment, 8.5/10 (Excellent)
I had an absolute blast watching this season. It was a magnificent, well-balanced blend of fanservice, hype, and comedy and while I can say with confidence that there are at least a few shows that do it better in each of those individual categories, High School DxD is still pretty top-tier in all of them and it has a distinct charm that makes it a must-watch for anyone who loves those things.
Overall, 7.5/10 (Great)
High School DxD is really good at what it does and knows what kind of show it is. While I know it's not for everyone (I mean no anime is really for EVERYONE, but this applies doubly to fanservice -heavy shows) and even some of the people that like it think its quality has been inconsistent across its four seasons, I had tons of fun watching this season and it revitalized my love for the series and got me back to my anime roots of watching dubbed harem anime. Never change, High School DxD, never change.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 9, 2019
Moetan currently stands as the lowest rated anime on MAL that I have given this high of a rating to and honestly, it's deserved. This may well be the stupidest magical girl anime in existence (unless you consider Dokuro-chan a mahou shoujo) but that's precisely why I find it so funny. Let's take a look at why this is one of my favorite pieces of trash.
Story 4/10
A loli-loving man from a parallel universe gets banished from his world and turned into a duck so that he can help a high school senior that looks half as old as she actually is teach people English by
turning into a magical girl. This is the level of stupidity that is so stupid it transcends being stupid and loops back into pure brilliance. Pure. Fucking. Brilliance.
Characters 7/10
The characters were able to make me laugh pretty consistently, it takes a good set of characters to pull off stupid comedy and have it actually be funny. Both the side characters (some of whom are more or less just gag characters) and main characters do well in delivering the show's humor.
Art 5/10
Moetan features low-budget moeblob art and animation. Honestly, I think low budget art can make a comedy funnier when done right, especially a stupid one like this as it adds a further pinch of stupidity to the stupidness with its low-budget-y-ness.
Sound 5/10
Pretty unremarkable but fitting for the show. You also get to hear some Engrish! (actually not half bad compared to the Engrish in some anime, maybe even sometimes good enough to be called English!)
Enjoyment 8/10
This is the only category that matters for a comedy really (well this and maybe characters) and Moetan nailed it here. I laughed my ass off at this show as it continued to be stupid and random in unexpected and hilarious ways. Yes, there are a lot of stupid and random comedies out there and a lot of them aren't funny. To a lot of people, Moetan won't be funny, but for me it just hit that sweet spot as that special kind of trash I really love.
Overall 8/10 (Excellent)
Do you like really stupid comedy (think Aho Girl, Dokuro-chan, Kill Me Baby)? Do you like cutesy magical girl shows? If you answered "yes" to both those questions, watch Moetan. If you answered "yes" to just one, maybe give it a try. If you answered "no" to both questions, this anime isn't worth your time.
As much as I've said "stupid" and "trash" in this review though, I can't stress enough that I really did love this show. There's stupid stupid and brilliant stupid and which is which varies from person to person based on their tastes, but for me Moetan is that brilliant kind of stupid. It definitely ain't for everyone though!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 5, 2019
Huge Symphogear fan here, so don't expect a very unbiased review. Although I can't imagine why you'd be watching season 5 of Symphogear if you didn't like the first four unless you're one hell of a completionist or are being forced to watch against your will (which isn't an entirely unrealistic scenario given the intensity of Symphogear fans when trying to get others to watch).
Story: 7/10
The story of XV is more of the same yet completely unpredictable because "more of the same" in Symphogear means more batshit insanity and over-the-top action and badassery. Without spoiling too much, we get new villains this season who somehow
tie back to villains and characters in previous seasons in some way shape or form but have their own unique and independent motivations for trying to stop the Symphogears. Much like in AXZ we get a set of three rival girls who it's hinted aren't actually as evil as some of the crimes they're being made to commit and may eventually befriend the protagonists. This is pretty par for the course in an action-packed magical girl show. Other than that, there's not much more I can say without spoiling anything or not knowing what the hell I'm talking about. I don't watch Symphogear to analyze a deep story, I watch it to get hyped up and I honestly don't care if things don't always make sense or the story has some asspulls. Symphogear is pure hype and insanity and best just to go in with the mindset of being along for the ride.
Characters: 10/10
The main 6 Symphogear users and supporting cast are already well established from previous seasons. As with previous seasons, each of the girls will get her own battle song and they'll use the power of friendship and stuff to kick ass. Side characters continue to do their jobs like Genjuro providing occasional comic relief. It looks like Miku might possibly be playing a bigger role in this season than previous ones, but that remains to be seen.
Art and Animation: 10/10
This is an easy 10, Symphogear from G and onward has always been one of the most visually impressive shows when it comes to well-animated action sequences. You can feel the power and intensity behind each and every one of the characters' attacks and the fights are always well-choreographed. The transformation sequences in this season are hands down the best magical girl transformations I've ever seen, topping even the amazing transformations in previous Symphogear seasons. Watching them gets me hyped up and makes the girls look like they're ready to kick some serious ass.
Sound: 9/10
The music in Symphogear is still fantastic and the girls' songs always provide a fitting soundtrack for the insanity happening on screen. As usual, if they get hit or have to put a lot of energy into an attack while singing, you'll hear it in their voice. Only reason sound isn't a 10 yet is because I haven't heard a song yet in this season that I'd put in my top 5 Symphogear songs. Maybe one of them will grow on me or a new one will blow me away but right now there's nothing to rival my favorite songs from GX and AXZ in this season. I also really miss the ignited arrangements and it looks like we won't be getting any of those from this season either.
Enjoyment: 10/10
Symphogear is the most hype, most badass anime I've ever watched and so far XV hasn't let me down one bit.
Overall: 10/10
I've never given a 10 to a not yet done airing series before but I have tremendous faith in Symphogear as I've given three out of four of its previous seasons a 10 (GX got a 9 for being slightly slow-paced by Symphogear standards but I still loved it. Also note that slightly slow-paced by Symphogear standards isn't slow-paced by normal standards in the slightest).
If you're a Symphogear fan, there's a very high chance you'll love this season as much as the previous ones. If you're not, then you're probably forcing yourself or being forced to watch Symphogear anyway at this point and I can't stop you, so why bother? If you haven't watched Symphogear, go start with season one right now to see what all this hype is about and if the show's for you!
Symphogear is my favorite action anime of all time and it hasn't let me down yet when it comes to providing pure badassery and insanity (with the bonus of featuring cute girls as protagonists and having some yuri-shipping bait on the side). If you feel even remotely similarly, I don't think it's going to be letting you down this season either!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 24, 2019
Whether or not you've seen the anime, Gabriel DropOut is definitely a manga worth trying if you're a fan of the CGDCT (cute girls doing cute things) and/or comedy genres. If you HAVE seen the anime and want more, then I'll tell you right now that the manga's quality is about the same as the anime and that should be enough to tell you it's worth reading.
Story: There really isn't one. Gabriel DropOut is a mostly episodic series about angels and demons and their everyday lives on Earth (and occasionally heaven or hell). There are occasions where new characters are introduced and the characters' relationships
and interactions do have a little bit of development, but nothing really major or dramatic.
Art: The art is great, it's pretty much everything it needs to be for this type of manga. It's very expressive and consistently of high quality.
Characters: The characters (and the cuteness and comedy that arise from their interactions) are obviously the main draw of Gabriel DropOut. Let me just say I absolutely LOVE the cast of Gabriel DropOut. They're probably my favorite set of characters from any CGDCT manga or anime. There's something to love about every one of the main four girls. While some people feel Satania is the clear best, I think a case could be made for any one of the main four as best girl. And I think any one of the main four characters WOULD be the best girl if you stuck her in an average series of the same genre.
Gabriel was my personal favorite, her lazy, sarcastic, and indifferent attitude was something I found both hilarious and sometimes relatable.
I definitely get why everyone loves Satania and I love her too. Seeing her attempts to be evil come back to bite her in the ass or be ridiculed by Gab or Raphi is arguably the driving force behind the humor in the manga. Some people may find her being "bullied" a bit mean-spirited, but I personally didn't. After all, she never seems to learn and constantly talks herself up in ways she can't possibly back up.
Vigne is the "straight man" of the group so to speak and the most well-behaved of the characters, something which gives her inner conflict since she's a demon and supposed to be evil. Her attempts to act more like a demon are often wholesomely adorable and hilarious.
Finally, there's Raphi, the least well-liked of the girls, but probably my second favorite. Her sadistic side and the way she bullies Satania seems to rub some people the wrong way, but the series would not be as funny without her (and I can't stress enough that the "bullying" is portrayed as completely non-serious slapstick comedy).
While all four characters stick somewhat to their tropes, I just found the comedy and character interactions within those tropes to be executed far better than most series in the slice-of-life/CGDCT genre. Basically, Gabriel DropOut isn't THAT unique, it just does what it does better than everyone else in its genre.
The side characters are great as well and their presence in the series isn't over or underutilized. Master and Machiko were my favorite side characters. The misunderstandings between them (being normal humans) and the main four girls (angels and demons) were consistently amusing.
Enjoyment: I obviously adore Gabriel DropOut. It's both a funny and relaxing read every time a new volume comes out and I hope we get as many chapters and volumes of this wonderful series as possible. It's something I can read to unwind and relieve stress and its mere existence makes me just a little bit happier.
And that's about it. Again, I highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys comedy, cute girls, and a relaxing, episodic slice-of-life manga. Not everyone will love it as much as I did, but I think it's worth a try for everyone and most will end up enjoying it much more than not.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 3, 2018
Contains spoilers (not super-specific ones, but general, non-specific parts of the story)
Originality is often overrated. It can be mind-blowing, groundbreaking, and even thought-provoking when it's done well, but I've seen many anime (or works in any creative medium for that matter) that present an interesting premise only to become something dull and unengaging because the execution and/or development of the unique ideas was poor. A super unique and original show simply cannot be good or better without high quality execution of its ideas, story, and concepts. My Hero Academia, however, is proof that standard fare can be very enjoyable and pretty damn good when it's
Story: 6/10-Good
It's hard to imagine a much more conventional set-up for a superhero story than the one My Hero Academia presents us. To keep the summary brief and spoilers minimal, I'll just say that we have a down-on-his-luck MC who fatefully ends up receiving some mentoring from a famous hero whom he's idolized since childhood, works/trains hard, makes some friends, and makes some notable contributions to the final confrontation (of season 1) with some villains. It's a pretty typical story, but it's well-told and I was consistently engaged throughout the show's run-time. There are some good, entertaining battles to be seen in MHA that develop the characters further as well.
Animation: 7.5/10-Great
The animation fits the show's tone and superhero theme perfectly. I haven't read the manga (yet) but from the images I've seen from it, it looks like the animators' intentions was to maintain the comic book aesthetic and they did a great job.
Sound: 8.5/10-Excellent
The value of an excellent soundtrack (and OP/ED) in an anime is often understated. My Hero Academia's OP was awesome and consistently got me hyped to watch each episode. The ED is pretty good as well and the OST is well-utilized in keeping the viewer engaged in the action and story of MHA.
Characters: 8/10-Excellent
It's hard not to like these characters. There's a good mix of powers and personalities to be found in the bunch and it helps keep the show really entertaining. Anyone who enjoys the show is sure to find one or more characters that they really like. Character development doesn't occur in the most unique ways, but it's enjoyable seeing everyone mature and grow stronger together, and that's what these types of shows (shounen/superheroes) are all about. I personally like Uraraka and All Might the best.
Enjoyment: 8/10-Excellent
Overall: 7.5/10-Great
I've only seen season 1 and while I wouldn't put My Hero Academia among my absolute favorites at this time, I really liked it and I definitely plan on watching seasons 2 and 3. If you like shounen, action, or superhero anime, I can strongly recommend that you watch My Hero Academia. If you're in the mood for something really different and unconventional, you may want to skip it for now though. If you're neutral about both of my previous statements, I'd say you should still give it a try as it's a great show in my opinion. The action, story, and characters are sure to hold most viewers' attention and keep them entertained. My Hero Academia strives to tell an enjoyable, good ol' fashioned superhero story and it does just that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 26, 2018
This show was so bad that it almost makes me feel sorry for the other series I have rated as 1 because they have to share the rating with this steaming pile of fecal matter. Take the absolutely shitty quality of Mars of Destruction and Tenkuu Danzai Skelter Heaven and add all the generic harem tropes you can think of with a constant barrage of the most off-putting fanservice imaginable and you have Eiken. I'm a big fan of fanservice, even when it's over the top in shows like Bikini warriors, but the fanservice in Eiken is simply unpleasant to look at. Character designs are
just plain awkward and bizarre and the quality of the animation is quite bad as well.
Story? Characters? What story and characters? The "story" of this show from what I can see is just a constant stream of poor-quality fanservice, incredibly overused harem jokes, and randomness of the unfunny variety. Our "characters" feature the infamous copy-pasted MC-kun and a harem of titty monsters that he's in a school club with or something. No real personalities to speak of.
Animation quality is poor and character designs are... off-putting. The soundtrack is just there. It doesn't really leave any impression whatsoever, which I suppose makes it the best aspect of one of the worst things I've ever watched.
Enjoyment: I was bored as hell and slightly disgusted/ashamed of myself for watching. And this is coming from someone who proudly, shamelessly loves his fanservice anime.
Story: 1/10 (would rate 0 if possible)
Characters: 1/10 (would rate 0 if possible)
Art: 3/10
Sound: 4/10
Enjoyment: 1/10 (I'll let it keep the 1 point for impressing me with just how awful it could be)
Overall: 1/10 (would rate 0 if possible)
"Why did you even watch this? Or bother finishing it for that matter?" You may be asking if you're reading this review for some reason.
Well, I sometimes browse MAL for obscure, low-rated shows as a curiosity. And sometimes I'll find a legitimately entertaining show like Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan when I do that. I thought Eiken might be one such incredibly stupid show that was good for a laugh. I was wrong, it's that simple. Do I look down upon those who did actually enjoy this? No. Maybe some people see it as a "so bad it's good/funny" type of show, but I didn't. Do I actually outright hate this show? Contrary to my scathingly negative statements, I don't. I'm legitimately impressed that something could be this terrible. The bar has been rai-... err, lowered for what it truly takes to be the most awful thing I've watched.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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May 15, 2018
When it comes to writing reviews, comedy is probably the most subjective genre because everyone has a different sense of humor. You can be somewhat objective in explaining why a drama (or some other plot-driven genre) is poorly done by pointing out holes in the story or other such contrivances, but with comedy all you can say is "I didn't find it funny because x, y, and z." The thing is, someone else with a different sense of humor may find it to be hilarious precisely because of the aspects you don't like.
I found Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan to be pretty hilarious. The humor is juvenile,
nonsensical, incredibly stupid, and somewhat repetitive but that's a big part of why I enjoyed it as much as I did. There really isn't much story to speak of other than the fact that it involves a spineless MC and the cute girl with supernatural powers (an angel in this case) who has moved in with him. This is a formula that has been done a thousand times before and since in a lot of ecchi-harem trash anime. If you care about this anime having a story, don't watch it. It's that simple.
The characters are as stupid and random as the show itself, but again, that's what makes it funny for those of us who like it. Dokuro is a cheerful, occasionally ditzy girl who wields a deadly spiked bat and the MC is basically her bitch. This show never takes itself seriously and doesn't try to be witty or clever with its jokes in the slightest. At any moment, Dokuro can bludgeon the MC with her spiked bat and there will be cartoon blood and guts flying everywhere or an angel could lose their halo and get diarrhea. That's the kind of stupid, bizarre, and immature humor you can expect from this show.
Regarding the art, it feels very cheap and of low quality, but that may actually better suit the show's tone than actual high quality art would. It kind of reminds me of how the low quality art in Kill Me Baby, another stupid and random anime I like, actually adds to the stupidity and randomness more than higher quality art would. I don't have much to say about the sound track, but I liked the opening theme and I liked Dokuro-chan's voice.
I'm a grown-ass adult who still enjoys poop jokes, so this anime is clearly for me. However, I can't really recommend it for everyone as it depends on your sense of humor. Definitely DON'T watch for story, character development, or if you expect the jokes to have some kind of wittiness or cleverness. Watch it if you just want to see something flat-out dumb and off-the-wall that will make you ask "What the fuck did I just watch?" The comedy aspect of the anime is really all I've talked about in this review, but if this anime can't make you laugh, I doubt you'll derive much enjoyment from it at all. Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan is far from one of the best things I've watched, but it's a very solid piece of brainless entertainment and for that I'll give it a 6/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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