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Currently reading Naruto Shippuden Manga Volume 53 | Watching Transformers Beast Wars II and Jojo Bizzare Adventure | Woman | In Love with a Man | Christmas Mood On | Happy to open friendly convos on MAL about anime/manga/characters.
All Comments (303) Comments
belated happy birthday!
Alright but sleepy, haven't slept good since the new year 😔.
That's great.
I can only hope there's something good in this year.
Would you loose!?
Hehe you said you resemble kurenai so I wonder if you're skills are also kurenai level 😭😭, i can probably counter you then 🦅.
And I'm sick again 🦅.
Hell yeah, one of the better presents too.
Sounds great i hope everything is good and stays good.
Definitely JoJo's people literally call it the gayest anime+ the popularity probably helps too
Ye Let's hope 🙏, tho I'm feeling better than before
Wait you can't go raikiri after saying Sasuke what 🦅.
Omg that sounds amazing and lovely good things worked out well for you.
So true.
Oh wow I've never watched any of anime you mentioned 😭.
What that's gay 🦅, but sounds interesting
Ye 😔.
No and i can't do anything even if I wanted to 😬.
Oh oh oh i see i see lmao 😭.
That's a great explanation i suppose. I say do what you feel is right. Cause like if you'll always to initiate things it might get difficult or maybe with enough patience he'll get enough confidence to speak his mind with you so ye do what feels right. What 😭, well there's always a next time to start from somewhere if things go right maybe it will happen 🙏.
Oh i have watched few but I have 0 experience 🙏🗿.
Few there's kaguya sama it's romance+ comedy and there's toradora i really liked that one it's pure romance. I also like alya sometimes hides her feelings in Russian it s recent and pretty good.
I'm alright, what bout you
Nope no good news
Well i would say better than before but not good for whatever reason i got irritable bowel sundeome now 😭, but I'll take it.
Ong 🙏 he's the Goat.
Why 😭, is it the christmas mood or what.
How can there be butterflies outside 🙏🗿, well i guess i shouldn't think too much about this.
I love guy sensei 🙏.
Yes he is tho there's not much fighting in less show lmao 😭, it's just straight chibi parody comedy and the best or worst part about the show is neji cross dresses every few episodes lmao 😭, everytime I tell someone this neji bit then they definitely watch the rock lee show 🙏🗿.
Ye i saw it then, sadge 😔.
Ye he's looking real good in that pfp 🙏🗿.
There's also a rock lee show it's a comedy show it's pretty great you should check that out too.
I've watched all of em and the final Naruto movie is kinda canon cause kishimoto helped in it so you should definitely watch that one it's Naruto the last unless you've already watched it.
And I'd say he is more special than any of other favorite characters that I have in list (except Meruem, Yang and Rohan). Also how would you rank you fav characters in Naruto? Just got excited xD
Also I can see Ace in your favs.
Yang Wenli without doubt
so true
Love Obito too. He is one of the most heartfelt character. You have great favorites.
Ooh 😮 that sounds cool wait already!? Damn bro will become sakura 🙏🗿.
Certainly sounds like it.
I think sasukes the coolest, yeah Madara's susanoo is just great destruction incarnate susanoo 🙏🗿. Wait i like Itachis 😭, maybe because it's Itachi cause ye well NVM you're right it certainly looks worse than others 😭. Exactly Itachis sight is enough 🙏🗿.
Hell yeah it's my favourite movies and btw have you watched other Naruto movies or nah.
Ong I'm glad you're a fan too tho you are seemingly a bigger dragon Ball fan than me 😭.
Thanks i hope you have a Great day too
Nope he has strictly told me to not say anything 😭 except yes and no 😬 and even that if he asks something I can't initiate a convo with him.
Ye that's a better description for him tho my opinion stays the same, but that battle of kai vs ray was really really good i kinda felt bad for ray 😭.
I've heard that name kenta i think i downloaded some beyblade metal game he was in it 🙏🗿.
That's a dope ass bit beast 🔥.
Same, Sasuke is technically a archer with his weaker susanoo versions 🙏🗿.
Yes and I see you've added road to ninja in plan to watch it's a good movie i actually cried at the end 😭😭, it's probably my favourite naruto movie fk i wanna re-watch it now 😭, the music in it is sad + great too fk 😭.
Well if you are that unsure just add it in on hold without any episode number that's what i do for the animes i watched as a child.
Right like we probably wouldn't have had Naruto if not for Toriyama 🙏😭.
Same like dragon Ball sometimes gets repetitive but it's still great and peak and i love it alot 🙏🔥.