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Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
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Kokoro Connect
In Both 'Puella Magi Madoka Magica' & 'Kokoro Connect' normal students come across something that is not of this world and is not all what it seems. When both groups come across this new phenomenon they think of it has fun or harmless but as they learn more about it the darker it gets and they are all eventually in locked in some sort of psychological problems, For Madoka they learn more about the 'Mahou Shoujo' and learn what just what the cost of becoming one is, As for Kokoro the little game they had at the start turns into darkness and despair as they learn the scars in each others hearts and it eats away at them eventually destroying their friendship. Both groups of characters in each anime then have to overcome these problems but who can they trust? In both the level of trust between everyone is slim and they must overcome mountains of problems if they wish to fix their relationships. Their psychological troubles are just beginning.
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Dragon Crisis!
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Haiyore! Nyaruko-san
The main characters in both of these anime are living normal peaceful lives until the appearance of a 'Different' kind of person in Dragon Crisis its a dragon named 'Rose' and Haiyore! its a deity called 'Nyaruko'. Upon the appearance of these characters in each of the shows the main characters so called peaceful live is turned upside down and makes every day into an adventure. Towards the beginning main character thinks of them as an annoyance but as the story progresses they start to warm up to each of them and form a strong bond even risking their safety to rescue them at times. Both Dragon and Haiyore! have a good element of comedy as well as abit of romance and are both enjoyable to watch.
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Tears to Tiara
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Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate
In both Tears and Koi groups of people are living their carefree lives until a problem occurs that endangers their group of friends. In each of the anime they decide to fight back and make a stand at what first seems impossible with even some of the group loosing hope but they persevere to the end without giving an inch. In each the groups find friends and allies in different kinds of people whether it be for the good or bad only time will tell. At certain points in each of the anime one or multiple characters make rash or reckless decisions that affect them severely but they overcome each problem not as one but as a group helping each other accomplish what he or she could not on their own.
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Toaru Majutsu no Index
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Kore wa Zombie desu ka?
Both Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? & Toaru Majutsu no Index is similar in a way that they are both set in an ordinary world where special powers exist. The main character in each of the series is abused for either who he is or for what he does but is dependable when the time calls and will always fight for what they think is right. The MC in both is also accompanied by someone who holds extreme power but in unable/refuses to for certain reasons and is constantly try to protect them. Along their journey continues they overcome problems and gain new allies in the process.
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Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita.
Yuusha ni Narenkatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita (aka YuSibu) & Ro-Kyu-Bu! are similar in which the main character is given a task in which at start he/she is reluctant to accept but after some persuasion finally agrees to help. The MC in both animes takes it as his/her duty to help one or multiple people over the multiple obstacles that they face. At times when the going gets tough the MC gets tougher and shows that he/she has the determination to see his work to the end and that his responsibility is fulfilled.
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Girls & Panzer
In both K-ON! & Girls und Panzer people band together with the hopes of reaching the top. At first reaching the top seems like an impossible task as they are faced with multiple problems along the way, as each of the groups grow at what first seemed an impossible task then starts to seem possible with enough time and effort. As time passes and they continue towards their goal of reaching the top they start to get noticed and more people start supporting them in their journey to the top.
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Death Note
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Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai
Both Death Note & Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai ( The World only God knows ) include a main character who is a mastermind of some sort -Each of the main characters is aided by some sort of supernatural being. -Both of the main characters fight for what they think is right and do whatever it takes to achieve their goal whether it is for the best or for the worst. -Lives are at stake in each of the animes and the fate of them depends on the success or failure of the main characters.
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IS: Infinite Stratos
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Date A Live
Date A Live & Infinite Stratos both make an interesting romance comedy to watch as the main character in both is constantly being bashed and sometimes at the mercy of others. -In each of these series the main characters life is constantly in danger whether it be from enemy or the other love rivals -Both Infinite and Date the females have some sort of superhuman/supernatural power they use in order to get what they want. -The main characters siblings in both series are someone of high importance. -Main character is saved by one or multiple members of the female cast at times.
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Hayate no Gotoku!
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Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu
If you like a good comedy and don't mind if some of it being a bit mindless and doesn't make sense all the time check these out. Baka to Test - Revolves around a main character who's always getting tricked by his friend's into doing stupid things and getting laughed at. Hayate no Gotoku! - Revolves around a main character with the worst luck always getting into situations which usually end up in hilarious outcomes. -Both "Hayate no Gotoku" & "Baka to Test" involve a main character who is unfortunate in a way that makes you laugh each time it happens. -They each have a slight touch on romance but both are more focused on the comedy. -Each of the main characters is loyal to another character and is willing to do almost anything for them with the right persuasion.
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Angel Beats!
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Little Busters!
If you like a good drama or anime with deep emotions, Little Busters & Angel Beats are for you. -The MC in both series helps the other cast members to overcome certain problems in their life. -The use of emotion is used excellently in both series. -Each of the animes has a leader that guides the group and helps it grow. -The MC of each animes has certain problems of his own he must overcome with the help of his/her friends. -Both can be dramatic and sad but also comedic at times with both being done extremely well.
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Angel Beats!
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Accel World
In both Angel Beats & Accel World the main character is put into another world either by force or by owns free will for a reason. -Both include alternate world where you fight for survival. -The male MC in both "Accel World" & "Angel Beats" follows a female leader. -In Both animes the life is said to be "Unfair". -The MC in both series helps the other cast members overcome certain problems they face and to move on.