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Dec 27, 2024
Before I begin, if it matters to anyone I am an anime only fan! I have not read any of the manga and therefore this review will be based on how well the anime stands alone, not on how well it adapts the source material.
Story: 5/10
Honestly, I'm not sure about the story at all. The premise got me hooked immediately from episode one, but from there it got a bit confusing to follow. I'm not sure if this show will become easier to understand in later seasons, but for now I'm just left scratching my head and trying to remember the difference between the aliens
and the ghosts. The pacing, however, was brilliant. Every arc and moment felt like it got just the right amount of attention and runtime given to it. I don't think I've ever seen a show nail it's pacing quite like this one.
Also, the overtly sexual nature of the show did not sit right with me considering the ages of the main cast. I don't know about you guys, but I prefer my shounen without high school characters in their underwear. On a similar note, did the mcguffin of the show have to be a teenage boy's genitalia? Call me a snowflake if you want, but the whole thing didn't really sit right with me.
Art: 10/10
Peak! My god, the artstyle and animation of this show is incredible. It sort of gives me Jujutsu Kaisen energy, mixed with a little bit of the spike shots from Haikyuu. It's fluid and beautiful to look at. No notes, 10/10, incredible.
Sound: 10/10
No notes, incredible, especially the opening theme! That song is going to be stuck in my head for about a million years!
Character: 6/10
The characters are fine. They're likeable enough. Momo was my favourite, and I found her grandma pretty enjoyable (if not annoying at times) but the rest of them were either unlikeable, annoying or just kind of boring. You can find Ken Takakura starring as the MC in literally any other shounen anime ever. Sure, the 'pathetic loser who turns out to be the hero' trope can be endearing at first, but honestly at this point it feels tired. Aira was downright unlikeable for most of her screentime, but that sort of feels like the point of her character so I have a very love-hate relationship with her, and that's about all I have to say as the other characters have left my mind already.
Enjoyment: 9/10
As I've already mentioned in the story segment, the only thing that knocked my enjoyment of this show was the overly sexual nature of some of the episodes. Other than that, I had an absolute blast with this show. This is the fastest I've binged an anime in several years by far, and I can't wait for season 2 to drop!
Overall: 9/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 21, 2023
Such a cute anime! Short enough to be consumed in a single day. Also has quite a few lesbian undertones, if you're looking for something with wlw themes.
Story: 5/10
As is customary for slice of life shows, there isn't really a story present. The show mostly just follows the girls through various cheerleading requests with little tying them together. Still, not having to follow a story lends well to this type of show because you get to just turn your brain off and watch cute anime girls do cute anime girl things.
Art: 7/10
Very typical anime art style, but it's cute and colourful which suits the show
well! It's very pleasant to look at.
Sound: 8/10
I love cheerleading music so much. It's always so upbeat. The rest of the sound has a very bubbly feel, which really suits the feel of the show. I don't normally pay attention to sound, but the sound in this show scratched my brain just right.
Character: 9/10
None of the characters are ground breaking, and they all tend to fit into certain slice of life or sports anime tropes. You've got the bubbly MC, her serious best friend, the stoic dark-haired prodigy, the shy newcomer and the tsundere-type. There's also a large cast of supporting characters, but they're not worth mentioning because they don't get much development. However, as I've said in other reviews, having tropey characters isn't necessarily a bad thing. I found them to be enjoyable to watch.
Enjoyment: 10/10
Very cute and enjoyable. Kept me entertained for a few days. If you're looking for an anime you can really switch your brain off for, you'll love this one!
Overall: 7/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 21, 2023
I have very mixed feelings about this film. The premise of a romance where one of the characters is ill is nothing new by any means, and it wasn't executed badly, it just felt kind of... well, off, for some reason.
Story: 7/10
It wasn't bad, but it wasn't necessarily anything special. I'm going to try and stay as spoiler-free as possible throughout this review, so to keep it brief, a girl weaponizes her illness to make the boy she's interested in fall in love with her. It sounds kind of manipulative, and it is, but in a weird way it works. By the time you've hit
the half way point, there's at least some form of connection between the two leads. Sure, the way the connection is established is kind of a red flag and might sit weird with you (it certainly sat weird with me) but the pay off I'd say is very much worth it.
Art: 7/10
There isn't much to say about the art style of the movie. It's very typical of anime, but I really did like it. It's pretty. I can't complain.
Characters: 6/10
As I've mentioned already in the story section, the female lead is kind of manipulative towards the male lead. She also comes across as quite, for lack of a better term, 'pick me' for at least the first half of the film. She not-so-subtly tries to get the romantic attention of the main character by constantly putting words in his mouth about how he's attracted to her, and to be honest it comes off as annoying. The male lead is nothing special either. He's about as typical an anime as you can get. Same with the other minor characters, who don't get much development or screen time at all. With the exception of Sakura's best friend, I probably wouldn't be able to differentiate any of the supporting cast for one another. The cast of characters in this movie were alright, but you could probably find a much better portrayal of each of them in just about any slice-of-life show out there.
Enjoyment: 8/10
Despite the flaws I've listed above, I found that I really enjoyed watching this movie. I came into it looking for something emotional, and it delivered. It's not quite a tear-jerker, but it made me feel a whole range of emotions and it was a nice way to spend a couple hours of my life.
Overall: 7/10
I'm glad I watched this movie, I enjoyed the experience of it, but I wouldn't recommend it to absolutely everyone. If you read the plot summary and think it sounds interesting, give it a go, sure, but I don't think it's everything it's hyped up to be. An alright movie, but it sure is overhyped.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 20, 2022
I just got done with this film and I have, thoughts, to say the least. I'm disappointed. I was super hyped for this movie, but it turned out to be a lacklustre retelling of The Little Mermaid with a parkour element that, to be honest, just felt out of place.
Story: 4/10
If you asked me what the story of this movie was, I wouldn't be able to tell you. It had something to do with parkour, and gravity, and Tokyo Tower. It was confusing to follow, and if I'm being honest I was too bored to bother figuring it out. Nothing in this movie felt important
to the plot. Even the main character felt unimportant. I don't see what Uta herself added to the plot at all, and I'm convinced the movie would've been just the same without her. That's how unimportant it all was. If I had to describe the story in any way, it would be The Little Mermaid meets Weathering With You, but in the worst way possible.
Art: 9/10
But credit where credit is due, this movie is stunning. Right up there with Your Name and Weathering With You. If you're just looking for something aesthetically pleasing then sure, give this film a go. It's pleasant to look at.
Characters: 2/10
With the exception of Uta, who at least has the added personality trait of 'cat girl', every single character in this movie was bland and just plain boring. Makoto is smart, Hibiki likes to keep to himself, and I can't think of a single individual trait for any other character in this movie as they are literally all just carbon copies of each other. You will find more interesting versions of these characters in any other piece of media.
Enjoyment: 5/10
This movie felt so meh. It kept me occupied for 1hr40, but the whole time I was watching it I was kind of just waiting for it to end. But I can't necessarily say I didn't enjoy this film, even though I can't pick out anything I liked other than the visuals (and maybe Makoto). I feel very mixed about it.
Overall: 6/10
Just watch Weathering With You. I promise you it's a better experience.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 20, 2022
I watched this show over the span of a couple of days because I was bored and it showed up on my Netflix recommended. This is already a good sign, because nowadays it usually takes me months and months to finish a show. I've also added the manga to my 'want to read' list, so that's a good sign as well.
Story: 6/10
Like most rom-com shows I've watched, the story kind of takes a backseat. The plot is more character-driven, and up until around the 7th episode I honestly couldn't tell you what the plot was about. I won't discuss what goes on past episode 7
because of spoilers, but trust me the story really picks up from there on. There were several twists, and some really heart-wrenching backstories. The ending was really unexpected as well.
Art: 8/10
I can't say the art style is that different from most other shows nowadays, but it's really cute! Credit where credit is due, and all that. Also, the parts of the show where the characters get that thick black outline reminds me of the Rhythm Heaven art style.
Characters: 7/10
Anzu is one of the most relatable heroines I've seen for a while, and I also found her super likeable. I watched the show for her and I am not ashamed of that. I am her, she is me, we are one. The rest of the characters all fit the usual stereotypes of a rom-com show: the childhood friend (x2), the cold rich boy, and the vaguely stand-offish, tsundere type of guy. I liked them though. While they were nothing special, they weren't bad characters. Riri, however... they might annoy you. There were many times that made me physically groan when Riri was on screen, but by the end I'd learned to at least like them too.
Enjoyment: 7/10
I can't say I enjoyed this show more than I would any other show, but it kept me entertained for a couple of days. I'm glad I watched it. It's a light-hearted rom-com (until it's really, really not, but I won't elaborate for spoilers) and you honestly can't go wrong with one of those, provided it's your bag.
Overall: 7/10
If you're into rom-coms, you should give this show a watch. I think you'll enjoy it. However, if you're not into that genre, I'd give this one a miss as it doesn't have much to offer outside of that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 6, 2022
I don't think I've ever been more happy to finish a show in my life, and not in the kind of way where you're excited for the ending. This show is the kind of show that starts out promising but over time you slowly realise quite how bad it is, and from about the half-way point every minute I spent watching it made me want to fall asleep, cry, or do literally anything else. Why didn't I drop it? Well, is there much point dropping a 12 episode show when you're already half way through it? But thinking about it, it takes over 2 hours
to watch 6 episodes and I'm never getting those 2 hours of my life back, so maybe I should've dropped it after all.
This is a 12 episode long will-they-won't-they story with characters so either bland or dislikeable that you hope their relationship fails. It's also really weird about gay men, embracing the tropes that outright fetishize them (with basically every character, even ones you hardly see on screen, being a fujoshi/fudanshi, whatever the differences between the two are). You know what, if that's your thing then you'll probably enjoy this show, but personally it made me feel... well, icky, I guess. That's one of my main gripes with the show; watching it made me feel gross.
That's about all I have to say on this show to be honest. The art style was ok, I guess. It was at least pleasant to look at while I suffered. Again, if you're into fujoshi/fudanshi culture or whatever, you'll probably enjoy it. I, personally, didn't.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Dec 24, 2021
Story: 7/10
I'll be honest, the story of this movie was nothing special. It's similar to Your Name in the sense that it's about a boy who meets a girl and then some magical shenanigans happen, and that same magic brings them back together at the end for their happily ever after. However, that doesn't mean that the story was bad. It was cute and charming and I enjoyed following it along. It wasn't confusing either, which is always a bonus.
Art: 10/10
I will never shut up about how stunning this film is! There's something so clean and flowy about the artstyle and it's addicted; I'm convinced
that nothing will ever top the art of this film. And don't even get me started on the shots of the sky or the little fish bubbles or whatever they were, because I can't put into words how absolutely gorgeous those shots were. 10/10!
Sound: 7/10
I have a really bad habit of not paying attention to sound when I'm watching things, but from what I noticed, the music in this film had this calming aura about it, even in the most dramatic moments that it was used. It was pleasant to listen to, and in my opinion really fit the theme of the movie.
Character: 7/10
The characters in this movie are, I'll admit, ones that you could find in practically any other show. However, that doesn't mean that they're not good. They're endearing, and it makes you want to root for them and watch good things happen to them. They may not be the most original characters ever, but they're what this movie needs.
Enjoyment: 9/10
There's not much to say here, I just enjoyed this movie. It was a fun way to kill a couple of hours.
Overall: 8/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 31, 2021
Before reading this review, please note that I've only read up to the first chapter of volume 2 of the manga. I would've dropped it after the first volume, but I stupidly bought the first three without knowing how bad this series is. I just picked them up because I'm a fan of the games, and I wish I didn't waste my money on it.
Story: 2/10.
From what I can tell so far, there is barely any story in this manga. All it is is team blue having turf wars against various people who's names I don't care to remember because they're so forgettable, getting their
butts kicked and then magically winning because... something something, power of friendship. I get that it's based off of a fairly simple game, but if you're going to do a simple story that relies on the same gimmick over and over again, at least do it right. The pacing is also so rushed that I can barely keep track of what's going on. The pacing is appalling, and the story jumps around so much that it's impossible to follow.
Art: 7/10.
I'm all for giving credit where credit is due - the art style of the manga is good. I like it. It's cute and dynamic and captures the feel of the game it's based off of near perfectly.
Character: 2/10.
Well, at least there are characters... boring tropey ones that have one personality trait, not even that sometimes, and experience no growth or development, sure, but at least there are characters. Seriously though, there is not a single character in this manga who I can stand. The main character, Goggles, makes me want to scream most of the time, Bobble Hat is basically a carbon copy of him but female, and the rest of them are so forgettable I can't remember a single thing about them, let alone their names.
Enjoyment: 1/10.
Every second I spend reading this manga is a second I am never going to get back, and I am so genuinely upset about that. I've never felt as if I've wasted my time more. I'm only continuing to the end of the third volume so I can get my money's worth out of this trashy series, and then I'm never touching them again. Picking up this series is one of my biggest regrets.
Overall: 1/10.
Seriously, there are plenty of amazing manga series you could read instead of this one. Go read literally anything else.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jul 22, 2021
Story: 3/10
From what I could tell, Words bubble up like soda pop had no actual story. Even though there were two plot lines, one about helping an old man find a record and one about Cherry and his family moving away (I won't elaborate on these for spoiler reasons) it didn't feel like the story actually went anywhere. There was little to no conflict and there wasn't anything to really get worried over. I'm all for simple stories but there has to actually, you know, be a story.
Art: 9/10
I absolutely love the art style of this movie! It's so unique, and all the colours pop
out at you and really make the movie what it is. Even the little details, like Cherry and Smile's faces reflecting in their phone screens, are so magical! I'm absolutely obsessed with it!
Sound: 8/10
I struggle to pay attention to the sound when I'm watching stuff. It's kind of just background noise to me. However, this movie had really pretty background noise. The soundtrack is really soothing and pleasant to listen to. There was also one little moment that stuck out to me, when Cherry puts his headphones on (that's all I'm telling you lol, watch the movie if you want to know the context) and everything goes silent. It gave me literal chills!
Character: 6/10
Cherry is amazing representation for people with communication disorders, but other then that there's not a lot that sets these characters apart from any other anime I've seen. There's Cherry, who is kind of reserved and keeps himself to himself, and Smile, the cheery streamer girl. That's about all there is to them. Neither of them go through any character development, from what I could tell, or change even a little bit. There's also a few supporting characters but I can't even remember their names, and they didn't have a lot to them either. The characters aren't necessarily bad, but there's nothing that makes them special other then Cherry's communication disorder.
Enjoyment: 10/10
Even though the movie had no real story, I thoroughly enjoyed it. It even made me tear up at some points. It's definitely worth a watch, even if you only watch it to distract yourself from something else. I highly recommend it.
Overall: 7/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 3, 2021
I just got done with the final episode of Horimiya and, by god, do I have some things to say. Not negative things though. I really liked this show and here are my reasons why.
Story: 8/10
It's difficult to rate stories in slice of life shows because it's sort of difficult to recognise it as a story. This is probably because stories for slice of life shows are very grounded and real. Everything feels like something that any normal person could experience and Horimiya's story is no different. However, that doesn't mean that the story was bad. The story in this show was very wholesome and
it made me feel really fuzzy inside. It was nice to see how the characters moulded their world. Also, with romance shows it's pretty normal for there not to be any actual...romance. You're usually lucky to get a confession by the final episode. Horimiya is very different to this. The leads get together within the first half of the show which is a refreshing change. Overall, the story was just good vibes all around.
Art: 10/10
The art style for Horimiya was... unique. Unique and beautiful. The main thing that caught my attention was the way they drew the eyes. They're just-... it's really pretty, ok? Everything about this show is god damn gorgeous. There are only so many ways I can say that. To top it off, the animation is really smooth and the art style suits the feel of the show really well.
Sound: 8/10
I've made it no secret that I don't pay attention to sound while watching a show. However, the sound used in this show really amplified the mood. How do I know that? I felt something. Also the opening slaps. All in all, can't fault the sound.
Character: 10/10
The characters truly are the strong point of the show. Every single one of them seems like a real person who could exist in any high school. They have insecurities, secrets and sides of them that they don't show to the rest of the world. They feel grounded and I feel like we can all relate to at least one of these characters.
Enjoyment: 10/10
Overall, Horimiya was just a really good time. It was light-hearted and made me feel really fuzzy inside. Every episode made me smile.
Overall: 9/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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