Episode 1 was awful. But I gave episodes 2 and 3 a chance, and I stayed. In the end, I'll say the anime is pretty good, not amazing. It had it's fair share of problems no doubt, but I genuinely believe Musaigen no Phantom World had its moments that make it worth watching. Like episodes 10 and 11.
The characters, the world, the concept, the art and the animation are all pluses. The story has its ups and downs, and fan-service was used in a way that actually took away from some parts of the show. Fan-service in and of itself is fine, but when
Apr 10, 2016
Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm
This was an anime that anyone who watched the first 2 episodes would have expected to be bad. I, for example, did not have high hopes. My girlfriend and I decided to watch it weekly as she was very excited about it and after the second episode, I wanted stop. At that point there was nothing overtly impressive about the show other than maybe the art, of which I felt at the time was wasted on a story like this. I whined to her about how the artistic world(island) it took place in looked so stunning, and it was wasted on this random anime. If