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Apr 11, 2016
LEMME just say that this anime is...EH. The characters are all scumbags, the story isn't really that interesting, but I still think this anime is not the worst out there.
Let's start with story: 5/10
Like I said, the story isn't anything amazing, in fact it's kind of fucked up. It follows Makoto Itou, a high school boy who sees a classmate on the train named Kotonoha. He finds her attractive, and takes a picture of her on his phone due to a school charm. If you keep the person you like as your background for 3 weeks without being caught, then you will end up
together. But after a classmate, Sekai Sionji, finds out about it, she decides to help Makoto win Kotonoha's heart.
It sounds like a very generic school plot right? Boy likes girl and tries to get with her. Well, yeah sort of. But, without spoiling ANYTHING, I am going to say that it takes a major turn for the worst in every way possible. The characters are unrealistic and the writing isn't anything to cheer over. So it's nothing fantastic. 5/10
Art: 4/10
There's nothing to say. The art wasn't all that impressive.
Sounds: 3/10
It sounded static like to me. But maybe that's because I watched it on YouTube.
Characters: 2/10
This is where my review starts to get a little more positive. The characters, outside of Kotonoha, are all really big assholes. They make terrible choices and, Makoto especially, treats people HORRIBLY. The only good character, up until the end, it Kotonoha. You really sympathize with her and the bullying and torture she's pretty much put through the entire time. HOWEVER. These characters were MADE to be hated. And they all succeed. You hate each character after a certain amount of time for either bullying another character, cheating on someone, rape (I believe happens off screen in canon but I am not 100 percent on that), and tons of other things. But that's realistic. School relationships aren't always perfect with maybe a funny misunderstanding or two thrown in, people are sometimes total DICKS! They cheat because they can, they bully because they can, and you hate those types of people! Well that's the characters in this show. I hate the characters, but that's a good thing. They're made that way, hence the score of 2.
Enjoyment: 10/10
This show is so bad, it's hilarious. The ending is totally out of left field, but (if you know the end already), you kind of see it coming. Like the said, the characters are made to be dicks, so that only makes me enjoy it a lot more. So yeah, I thought it was kind of fun to watch these dickheads run around being dickheads.
OVERALL, this anime is bad. It's supposed to be bad, and you're supposed to hate the characters. But I think it's worth a watch. Maybe I'm being to nice about an anime based on cheating, where the main character is a total prick, but when was the last time you saw a main character like Makoto Itou? Give it a try. I won't blame you if you don't like it, but just see it from my eyes and maybe you'll join me in the minority of this anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 11, 2016
I don't understand why so many people disregard this series. There is absolutely nothing bad about it. I thought it was a lot of fun <3
Story: 8/10
The basic plot follows weapon Tsugumi and two miesters, Anya and Meme as they get used to the DWMA and learn about the powers they possess. Along the way they meet the main characters from the original and learn about true friendship and strength.
Sure. Soul Eater NOT is not exactly like the original Soul Eater. At least, the first 8-10 episodes are not. However, this show isn't really supposed to be. It's a prequel to the Soul
Eater story, and we learn some things like how Sid died in Soul Eater, and about the lives of Liz, Patty, Kim, etc. before hand. The last few episodes were really intense, and I really wanted to see everyone turn out okay! And one of the episodes when one character was possessed by the main villain at the town festival had me so hyped up and I was really scared for her safety.
Well, yeah, the story isn't always this intense. Most of it is slice of life stuff, but you learn a lot about Liz and Patty's situation, Kim's personality, and how she befriends Jackie. I give it an 8/10 .
Art and Sound: Both 8/10
The art style is moe and very cute. It definitely fits the tone of the beginning of the story, and even hen everything was dark and intense, the colors and the sound did well to make us feel worried or scared.
Characters: 9/10
This rank is mostly based on the supporting characters and the things we learn about them, as well as the main trio obviously. So I'll go individually, kind of. Tsugumi is a typical protagonist. She's determined, kind of shy, but very friendly and has a good heart. Nothing spectacular, but you can see the worry she has trying to make the big decision in the show, and you feel sorry for her when she puts herself down because of her more athletic friends. So she's not boring, just kind of typical. Anya is a typical tsundere rich girl. She wants to learn about "common life" but doesn't really like showing her vulnerable side. She's a fun and really cute character. Meme is my favorite of the three. She's funny, kind of stupid, really cute, and just brings a lot of the comedy between the three. Plus once you find out why she forgets so many things, it really does make sense and tie into the main plot. She really makes the trio so interesting for me.
As for supporting characters, they're great. Liz and Patty are shown as their previous rebellious selves that care about nobody and will pick a fight with anyone they see on the street. You slowly see them turn to their more well known selves and it's really heartwarming. There are a few other characters in the show, like Akane and Clay, who guide Tsugumi through learning more about herself and what she wants to accomplish at the DWMA, and are really fun as well.
Kim and Jackie are awesome too. You get to see Kim go from a total bully to a more cool, yet compassionate girl. You also get to see Jackie try to figure out of she loves Kim romantically, or just as a close friend and possible partner. Both of them work well of each other, and I ship it REALLY hard.
The other main characters are not in it much other than Maka and Soul, but they are all the same as usual, so there isn't much to say.
Overall, I really like this anime. I do not understand why so many people think it's bad, but I feel as though people are just angry because the art is different from the original and so is the tone. But it's really not. It gives good characters, a good story, and it keeps very faithful to the things within the cannon. The ending is even pretty good, maybe not great, but it still wraps the story up really nicely. I recommend any Soul Eater fans to at least give the show a chance and form their own opinions.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 7, 2016
This anime is one that I can watch over and over again and not ever get bored. I watch it on Netflix all the time.
But lets talk about why shall we?
The story: 9/10
The story follows Haruhi Fujioka, a first year at Ouran Academy. After making it there on a full scholarship, Haruhi's goals are to be a lawyer much like their late mother. However, while looking for a quiet place to study, Haruhi stumbles upon the Ouran Host Club, and also stumbles upon a very expensive vase, shattering it into pieces and is thrown into an 8 million yen debt. Now, Haruhi must
woo over one thousand girls to pay back the debt. However, Haruhi is actually a girl herself! This quirky school comedy follows the struggles of each member of the infamous Ouran Host Club.
The story is pretty solid. It's unique, and fun. It kind of set the bar for school stories. That's probably why I enjoy it so much.
Art and Sound: Both 9/10.
The art is unique and a lot of fun. The artists really had a blast drawing each scene and you could tell. Funimation and the Japanese seiyuus also give these characters distinct voices and personalities. I'm a dub fan in anime, but the sub is undeniably good as well.
Characters: 10/10
These characters are so good. Being a reverse harem, you would figure Haruhi's character is just there as a place holder for the viewer to place themselves in, giving them the ability to be with any character of their choosing. This usually means the female lead is bland or boring. Haruhi however is not. She's independent, to the point where she has very limited social skills, she's smart, she's beautiful, and she sticks up for her friends and those she believes in.
The male cast around her is good as well. They are not just some pretty faces. The anime does a good job diving into each characters past and psyches. You see each one grow with the help of Haruhi's non-bias and motherly guidance. Not only that, but they boys help out Haruhi. They teach her how to be social again, and how to depend on others.
The side characters are good too. They all have episodes dedicated to their stories and you feel for each one, wanting them to succeed.
It truly is a great cast of characters.
This anime is beautiful. It's funny, it's sad, it's heartwarming. Sure, the last two episodes stray from the manga, but that only encourages people to go READ the manga.
Everyone should watch this. It's a great gateway into anime, and it's just a lot of fun.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 1, 2016
Uh yeah. This anime is bad. I watched it because I wanted to see if it was as bad as everyone said it was.
Aaaaaand it is.
Let's start with story. All I understood was a young girl moves into a house with tons of hot vampire boys. And that's mostly it. I forget the ending because I was to busy cringing at the horrible characters.
SPEAKING OF CHARACTERS. Lets' talk about them.
The main female lead is as interesting as an uncooked plain bagel. She's nothing but a total idiot who doesn't know that her life is practically in danger, and she doesn't want to
leave her situation because...actually, I DONT KNOW WHY! There's a scene where she has a perfect way out and she doesn't even take that chance! She just sits in her room and cries and mopes.
All of the boys are awful too. Not only are they abusive scumbags, but they're boring. Nothing but stereotypes. One is stoic and Kyoya Ootori like (Ouran High School Host Club), one is into sweet things and holds a stuffed bear, one is kind of secluded and quiet, one is hot headed and so on and so forth. Their backstories about their bad parents didn't help me sympathize with them either.
I understand the point of a harem/ a reverse harem is so that the main character is kind of a Lego piece. You can put yourself in their place and be the object of many boys affection. But not only would NO woman want to be in this situation ever, there is just no point. Non of the characters are worth anyone's affection, unless you like that abusive type of guy.
Literally the only good part of this anime is the opening theme song. I like it and I think it's catchy. And it did hype me for episode 1 so I thought that everyone was just being to emotional. But nope. Its a bad show
God this anime is just bad. I know there is a second season but I did not and will not watch it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Mar 31, 2016
There are not a lot of anime that make me cry. I get upset and overwhelmed with feelings, but I usually don't cry. The anime in my favorites on my profile all made me cry at some point or another and that's why they are my favorites.
Toradora made me cry. I cannot tell you why, or where specifically. But once I finished the anime I was an emotional mess. The ending, which I will not spoil, is just so heartwarming and sweet, so maybe that's why.
Anyways. The story is about Ryuuji, a high school softie who is feared just because of his face.
He runs into a girl named Taiga Aisaka on the first day of school. After a mix up she does by putting a love letter in the wrong bag, they discover that they both harbor feelings for the others best friend. They agree to help each other get with the person of their dreams, but will it work?
It's a pretty original idea. Usually school romances are just about a girl/ guy who likes a guy/girl and their friends try to help them win that person affection. In the end it turns out the other person always did like them or eventually fell for them and it's happily ever after. The best part about this show is that it shows the beginning of their relationship to the very end. It's nice to see the duo like someone else before eventually realizing that they have feelings for each other, because that does happen in real life.
The one main complaint I have is the second half of the story. I feel the light-hearted aspects of the first half were replaced with such a dark and almost dramatic tone. It was well done, sure, but they could've kept the light-hearted idea instead of just dropping this whole angsty and dramatic bomb on us. However, that didn't pull me from the story at all.
All of the characters are a lot of fun. Taiga is one of my favorite characters ever, as well as Kishinuma, her first crush. All five of the main characters are very dynamic and complez characters, and don't all necessarily stick into the stereotypes of a nerd, or the athletic girl, or the tsundere. They have relatable personalities.
This anime is really a lot of fun to watch. Maybe the dramatic middle of the story is a bit to much, but it will not take away from the story. It's really a bittersweet anime, and one of my favorite school romances ever. I recommend anyone to watch it if they enjoy the genre
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 31, 2016
This anime is one of those anime that I watch after seeing something really sad or feelsy. It's short, it's bright, and it's a lot of fun.
The story is basically about Nanko Usami, an average high school girl, whose uncle signs her up to be a Locodol, or Local Idol, with an upperclassman, Yukari Kohinata. It's basically the duo trying to be the Locodol's while making their small town of Nagarekawa known everywhere.
The characters are all a lot of fun. Nanako is funny, Yukari is a sweet heart, and the girls in the costumed mascot Ogokoro-kun, Yui and Mirai, are a lot
of fun as well, even if they show up towards the end.
Locdol is just a feel good anime. You want to see the duo become successful and win the Locodol competition in the end of the series. And there really isn't an antagonist. It's just gals being pals.
If you want something light hearted to fill the void of a sad anime or show, this is definitely a good way.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 31, 2016
Being the first anime I have ever seen, I have a lot of attachment to it. I watched it at about 11 years old, and it's really a product of the times. But that's not always a bad thing. Growing up, however, I do realize there are a lot of flaws with the anime (all anime have flaws, don't get me wrong, but the flaws in this anime are...bad, in my eyes).
I understand this anime is planned out to be a school comedy, and kind of set the frame for anime like School Rumble or Toradora. But still, there are a lot of things that
bother me in this show.
The story is basically about Miki KOshikawa. Her parents decide to divorce and remarry another couple they met on vacation. In order to avoid confusion, they all move in a big house together. Now it's Miki, her parents, their new lovers, and the other couples son, Yuu Mattsura. And the rest of the anime is just following their relationships ups and downs. They meet a lot of characters along the way, like Miki's BFF, Meiko, and Yuu's old girlfriend Arimi. It's sounds like a pretty solid story, huh?
If you add the fact that it's way to long, a total of over 70 episodes, it gets old extremely fast. I feel like it's a chore watching every episode now a days. Story is about a 8
Characters: First off, the main character, Miki, is annoying. She's basically a Mary Sue. She's clumsy, quirky, and almost every guy around her age is in love with her. She feels stressed because all these pretty boys want to be with her. She even does get with one other guy, Kei, but breaks his heart because she still loves her first boyfriend, Yuu. I hate girls like that. I feel like the protagonist is just portrayed as a perfect being that is always possessive of her boyfriend and thinks she is always the victim. (She literally gets upset because Yuu didn't tell her he wanted to be an architect. Really?)
All the other characters are average. The Yuu fun and playful, and my first anime crush (oops). Those who fall in love with both of the main love couple are okay too. They mostly manage to get over their feelings and find love in the end. But my favorite character is the best friend, Meiko. She's a strong-willed girl who just wants love, and the one person she loves, she can't have. But that doesn't stop her. She's the best character and I wish the show focused only on her and her couple, with Miki in the background. She's mostly why this is scored a 9.
Sound and animation are good, being as it was in the early nineties. That's all I'll say about that.
My enjoyment is still pretty high, despite my dislike in the main character and her stupid problems. It's fun to joke about the old fashion things and make fun of how corny it is. I still watch it and do that sometimes with my younger sister.
Overall, is the anime bad? No. Not at all. It's a good gateway into anime, even though some characters are annoying, or too perfect. I understand it was the 90s, and anime was just becoming a big deal with Sailor Moon and Pokémon being big brands all over the world, so these now clichéd ideas of multiple love triangles, constant thoughts of affairs and constantly seeing the couple break up and get back together weren't all that bad back then. It's basically a guilty pleasure for me. I would recommend watching it if you do enjoy cheesy romances that are set in a high school, because that's all it is. Yes some characters may bother me, but that's just me. It's up to you to chose who you like in the show and who you do not.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 30, 2016
When this anime came out, my sister and I wanted to join the hype train and say we had seen Sword Art Online. And since it was on Netflix, AND in English eventually, we were like "SIGN ME THE HECK UP!"
We watched 6 episodes of this anime and said "EH. We'll come back to it in a few days."
Never went back. Shows you how great and compelling the story was right?
Kirito bored the hell out of me, as did pretty much every other character you meet episodes 1-6.
Asuna I enjoyed because she was pretty badass. But from what I understand
she just ends up becoming a pretty sidepiece for Kirito and that's not ok.
Anyways, this anime I know has a huuuuuge cult following but I don't think it's worth my time. If you like it, great, fine. But it isn't my thing at all
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Mar 27, 2016
I really like short anime because they are straight to the point.
This anime is just a time waster, and that isn't a bad thing. I really liked getting to know all of the characters in the series, even the perverted boys.
Galko is funny, and literally physical appearance goals! (but that's just me), and Otako is extremely relatable. She's snarky, smart, and cunning! And Ojou reminded me of Osaka from Azumanga Daioh.
Anyways, this anime is just a lot of fun. A great example of stereotypes, friendship, and even a bit of sex ed.
I recommend this anime to anyone wanting to just kill
a half an hour or so, and see a bunch of cute girls so on cute adventures together!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 27, 2016
I wanted to watch it because Haikyuu! Season 2 is almost over so I needed to fill the void somehow right?
So, I looked up popular winter anime and Erased came up. My friends online were all for this anime so I figured I would give it a go.
The first two episode had me hooked instantly. The ending to episode 1 FUCKED ME UP, I was hysterical. And then the rest of it I was all "I know who it is, I know who it is.." and everything that happened just helped me confirm who it was
and I was right!
But seriously. All of these characters are so spectacular. They're fleshed out, they're fun, and I didn't want to see anything bad happen to any of them (especially since they're, ya know, kids).
The ending was a bit "eh" for me. I feel the culprit got off easy for ya know, attempted murder, multiple times of young kids. But hey, they're still going to be punished.
This anime is really, really good. It's so suspenseful and smart and creative. Definitely a breath of fresh air from all the reboots, and lack-luster anime that have been coming out so far the past few years.
Everyone should watch this anime. EVERYONE
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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