99.9% Comedy
0.10% sport
- Plot Not clear
- the narration is too fast (feels like practicing reading & seeping every conversation quickly)
- art is not good
- Its duration is very less
but if the focus is to enjoy this anime
precisely comedy in the show feels very funny (to me)
Aug 29, 2017
Okay okay Nice Anime
Spectacles That Can Be Said Simple but Attractive. Simple what I can say Anime Yang tells a group of girls at a school that can be spelled Elite But Every-Every Student Personality Has Its Own Unique Traits, Not Just Groups That Just Prominent. honest on the First episode rather Ordinary Ya like anime Genre Slice of life and Comedy Generally (a little boring). And what I say Anime is interesting that is: On Moving From episode 1 to Next episode and so on ... Jul 10, 2017
No Leak For Spoiler !!
I give 4 thumbs to this anime Anime That Tells About A Group That Works As A Waste Carrier With "Debri" Stories, art, sound, char Made very well Especially the Unexpected Story Section Where there is a woman who just entered a certain section in the Company. And as a junior in the company there is definitely a Senior who guides him and the senior is close to the new employee, gradually their closeness begins to enter into a new approach. And the art that is created is very good for the anime that was in the early 2000s ... Jul 1, 2017
Kowarekake no Orgel (Movie)
I love this anime
I'm a mild depression just because a 30-minute movie anime :'( This movie is actually an alternative to the ovanya can be said still recap from the OVA but there is little scene in the add The story in the show is very simple Where a guy who has a problem in the family is walking near the temple, when going to take shelter because this rain finds a robot android (Loli oughhh) that the exhaust because it is broken and this guy brought this android robot to his house, before the robot is in Bring home the guy the robot is brought in a ... Jun 30, 2017
Tsuki ga Kirei
What is this !!
Another anime that makes loners such a pain (Sorry Ignore Only the Statements That I said earlier) A pure romance story that I think is enough to make me not be able to miss every scene in this anime The beginning of the story I think is pretty good at starting from a sense of alignment through first sight by the two main characters (Kotaro & Akane) who are still one school and one same class during the junior high, the beginning of the start that started to like is kotaro and soon Also start likes to kotaro short story they are dating, actually in ... Jun 27, 2017
Sasameki Koto
"Argghhhh" maybe this is all I can say when I see the end
If you look at this anime from beginning to end, can not be trusted if the score listed in the MAL is not large Story = 7 - an unusual romance story, I can say the element of yuri in this anime is not too thick, just friendship and love here is balanced and the comedic elements that exist are quite solid. Where the main actors here love each other kind of kiss but only limited kiss, and they are more concerned with friendship, and when there is a problem that comes will be immediately immediately ... Jun 24, 2017
Kamisama Kazoku
I Love The Anime
If In Clay From Outer Cover and the scorenya Not convincing But when I try to watch Justru unexpected. Character design, cutting each scene and placing sounds to the atmosphere that is given is not perfect But more value than this anime is a rather unique storyline where serious scenes are mixed with comedy atmosphere. This anime tells a family of gods who are trying to live in the human world And among the members of the god's family there was an angel who loved one of the family members there, knowing that this angel was from birth to adulthood raised there and the family member ... Jun 22, 2017
Tsubasa to Hotaru
I Hope Anime It's made a series version
I Likes With Anime But I Love Only Can Enjoy a moment. His story is quite interesting Tsubasa Sonokawa is a sma girl who has a funny behavior How unconsciously does this girl do what she does like a stalker against the person he likes. And silly again the person who in love tsubasa this was not a person who should be liked by tsubasa (There are misconceptions), and people who should be liked by this tsubasa is aki (the reason .......) I want to be complete ... Jun 2, 2017
Onanie Master Kurosawa
NTR alert !!!
If In Look From The Manga Title The Story In Show Is Very Unexpected At the start of an Anti-social Junior High School Student named Kurosawa who has a Hobby of Women's Woman Instration During School Hours. And when Kurosawa as Ordinary Performing Ritual "Scrub" came a student who is none other than his classmates and at that moment also Kitahara (the new students) caught and then know what kurosawa do. And from there the problem always comes one by one, the cause is not the other is kitahara suppress kurosawa in order to obey his command. -turn back: before this kurosawa ever avenged kitahara against one ... May 30, 2017
Gabriel DropOut Specials
Stories From Gabriel Dropout a special edition that continues the story of the gabriel dropout quite interesting
At the start of the Recreational Trip to the hot springs, and I guess a bit boring enough to make me Withstand laughter as the mainstream anti-sensors covering vigne And in episode 2 I was made quite surprised Where the comedy genre in the anime is more dominating and it turns out there the main characters in the face by a character The needy In episode 2 this storyline is presented rather touch, I can not say anything in this episode One of the deficiencies in this special gabriel is satania, this satania already know that the ... |