So! In truth, I'm coming here right after finishing the manga, and I feel like this will be less of an unbiased review and more of a release of all the emotions this manga made me feel in the brief hours it took to finish. All those who would still read this tirade, this one's for you lol.
To begin with, this manga is very well-written. That being said, it takes a special kind of f-ed up to fully appreciate it. I'm no saint and even I have a heck of a mixed bag of emotions concerning it. But if your only criteria in recommendations is
Apr 7, 2022
Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga Nai
I've greatly enjoyed this manga because of two things: its portrayal of machine intelligence as not disimilar, but profoundly different to human intelligence, and Mina, the personification of this idea. I find that it's hard to find a balance when reading robot stories of *any* variety, even stretching far back into the works of Asimov. What I mean by this is that when robots in a story are meant to fit a 'human' role, they're generally depicted as, well, a human. With some bits and bobs, perhaps, but not with any different a mental construction. Whereas when the 'humanness' of robots in a story is