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Dec 26, 2023
Today the final episode of Tokyo Manji Kai revengers Tenjiuku Hen has aired and we are all at a loss. What will we do for the next few periods of our lives where there is no Peak revengers news?
Tokyo Revengers has always been a series that has transceded human life and is the epitome of story telling, emotions and writing. There are no such flaws and Tenjiku Hen has proves that statement to be held. Every single episodes of this arc has been better than the previous and we finally get to the jaw dropping moments that shattered through the dimensions of the known universe
during the great kanto incident. It is able to grasp the audiences attention with ease and keep you hooked on, with small logical flashbacks teasing you as you progress through this wonderous piece of art. Our qustions are satsifyingly answered and yet we are still kept with awe and eager during each cliff hanger - making you want to dive into the manga. But true fans are patient. The sadness this season has conveyed is like no other and i can guarantee the death of your loved ones is of no match to Tenjiku Hen's least depressing moments. Especially that last episode, man we were all balling our eyes out.
As per usual, Liden films never fails to create bangers upon bangers and Tenjiku Hen was crafted to perfection. Drawing Izana kurokawa with a pen in one hand and a pen15 in the other. Tokyo Revengers characters have the coolest desgin and this arc broke the barriers with the most colorful, beautiful charcaters to have ever graced your eyes. The music is second to none and my only negligable, minor critic would be that the ed music shouldve been used for the opening because that really gets you hyped - it had all of us thinking that we were there fighintg for toman. But its understandable that it was kept for the ending in order to keep you even more hooked.
I have so much more to say but tokyo manji kai revengers transcends life so i cannot put it into words.
I speak for humanity when i say tenjiku hen>ww2
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 5, 2023
Fear, hatred, sorrow and desperation are the words to describe this arc. Watching Shinegki since 2018, we got to see the development of our beloved goat Eren aswell as the scouts. Many musty manga readers will see to it that they will despise the ending no matter what but we do not consider those jobless basement dwellers who still live with their parents. The ending was perfection and it alone is clear of the entirrity of mid piece.
The dynamics of Eren is far clear and yet complex, his reasonings and motivations were indeed satisfying and I speak for humanity when I say we
stand with him. His beloved commrades, the scouts, are also ones to be admired. They are as relevant to the plot as he is, displaying clear love for everyone in the show and not just the main character (something mid piece fails to do)
There is no need for me to write a long review because we all know this is peak fiction. What a ride it has been, me and eren jager has been through alot but now its time for us to rest peacfully. Thank you Isayama.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 7, 2022
As a huge meat rider of this show, I will defend it untill I die so every single opposing opinion after this is invalid.
But I need to comment on the horrible choice that Futaro made in choosing the stupidest of the quintuplets. The no-depth, usless, unknown michiveous character yotsuba. It really doest not make any sense to have the most out of touch character to become the bride, from the anime point of view. She really has no affiliation with Futaro apart from being the 'childhood friend' (she was there for a singular moment) and during the time Futaro spent with them Yotsuba had the
least contribution. Even Nino who is 2nd worst showed more affection than Yotsuba and thats unheard of coming from a dumbass like her (just like her fans).
In terms of pacing, it was obvious that it would be fast given the've squeezed and cut some things but it was still greatly executed with each character having their own segment, with yotsuba having the most underwhelming one (no supprise there). The manga readers can suck these nuts because i think the story still went well (apart from the ending) and if your gona complain about the sudden addition of the new characters tell me, what signifcant impact would they even have on the story? It was subtly squeezed in but done right.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Nov 16, 2022
Not enough people are giving this masterpiece of a book 10/10
I've decided to read on from the point where the anime went anime original and can say that both versions are just as beautfiul.
However, the manga has much more emotion and character depth with new characters being introduced and attachment bonds. Being reminded of Emma's goal consistently is some what cliche but I enjoyed that and it had a very satisfying end with everything coming full circle. The political strucutre of this show as well as idealogies is very reflective of real life.
I dont wana talk more because of spoilers but i highly recomend
this manga
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 22, 2022
Every season there's that one anime that always becomes a trend to hate on soley due to the fact that it's a rom-com and people tend to not give it a chance, these would be the same people who generally lack taste and don't diversify enough hence not understanding the fruits of different generes.
Hot take but shikimori is one of the best rom-coms to roam the industry purley based of enjoyment, something that many shows lack. How can a show which uses 'generic' features of your typical romcom appear to be so unique? It's difficult to answer and I can already smell the shonentards in
my inbox after I write this but shikimori is different as it's not what you would expect with the 2 protaganist (izumi and shikimori) both have soft sides with one not completely overpowering the other - if you actually watch the show you can notice this. It also has an amazing cast of side characters all of which add a lovely sense of comedy to the show and bring a nice vibe, the plot also has intresting twists especially recently with the unspoken 'feud' which was supressed so nicely and provide a great insight into certain characters just by potraying their actions rather than a backstory.
The animation is also top notch and couldnt have been better, the bright, vibrant colors also help add to the cheery vibe of the show and is well done.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 4, 2021
Such a boring show, typical time travelling, middle school gangs who look like adults, goofy mc, no emotion this show it the defenition of a hype train.
Or so a fool would say...
This spring season has been producing amazing and interesting shows but for me tokyo revengers takes the cake here. Our protagnist Takemitchi is on a mission to save Hina from her destined fate and has to work back in time solving events in order to stop the inevitable.
What intrests me the most about this show is the way our protagnists wants to protect his girlfriend but 8 episodes in and hes already growing bonds
with others, I've grown attached to characters like Mikey and Draken for their badass persona and their flucating relationship always has me on the edge of my seat because you know at the back of your mind that there will be a domono effect on events.
The story is super compelling and has me intrested a few episodes in. The plot twists, turns and cliff hangers reminds me of watching attack on titan for the first time. We know that the main mission is to save Hina but boy oh boy are there some intresting obstacles that takemitchi has to execute almost perfectly.
The art is really nice and if im not mistaken this is a pretty new studio and has done an excellent job on creating vibrant colors especially shown in the intro. Aswell as this, this sound is absolutelty fitting and a pleasure to hear.
The characters are really likeable and were only 8 episodes in. Theyre really intresting to learn about and there are so many more which im eager to discover aswell as the roots of Toman gang. Also, they are almost representative of gangs (not for middle schoolers lol) and really shows the Japanese side of things which is always super cool to learn.
Overall, the enjoyment for this show is super high and always cant wait for it on saturdays after nagatoro, vivy, 86. and mha. I have high hopes for this show and cannot wait for ep 9.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 29, 2021
echizen is best girl, i love the opening and the characters this is really enojoyable and good vibes
tanakakun is reltable to me so that may be a reason but each epiosde was so chill it reminded me of himouto umaru chan. i love the akward pauses between charcters too
the art and sound is pretty good espeically that one ep where tanaka and ohto is on the bridge and the water is flowing
the characters are very likeable especially echizen for me just made the show better
overall it doesnt have to be a standard comedy show as this show was very enjoyable
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 27, 2021
the quintessential quintiplet is a very good romance anime which excludes the typical harem moments which it often gets mistaken for. the level of happines this show dervies for me is unmatched and every episode is eye catching
the story is fantasitc, futaro comes to understand that the girl she met 6 years ago is one of the quintiplet who all look exaclty the same, and whilst some people find this generic this season really potrays the sister drama on who it was. each episode was enthrolling and really does potray intresing waifu wars
the art style in this anime was second to none, we had a
studio change and i think it was perfectly executed i.e. the clean camera work in the openings. the art was really refined and looks much more cleaner not to say that it wasnt before but im overall happy with the studio change, though on the down side there was a thigh nerf haha.
the character development is unbeliavable, in season we already saw develiopment in most characters but not like before, my favourtie quiintiplet often changes each episode despite being so hard to be loyal to miku just because of how good everyone is. never would i have thought i wouldve loved nino or depsied ichika (not anymore), yotsuba was really left out in season 1 and this made it all the more reasonable to love her development in season 2 it was fricking epic dude
to conlude, the happines this show brings me it unparralled and it really does bring my mood up after a long day, i feel like i only need them to live so with that said i rate this a 9 (objectivley)
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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