I write this review because I think the recent hate or dislike due to the so called pedophile protagonist is really exaggerating and takes down all the effort this studio did to portray the same old story of an Isekai but with a good pace, story and art.
One of the things this show did good for me, was the pace, I like when a show takes time to develop the story, the plot, this shows did it for me, obviously is not a novel, obviously is not as dense as others but it takes time to describe the world our protagonist landed in, we don't
have a magic voice that tells him right away everything, no, we discover things as our protagonist discovers them, our story teller is not all mighty, not omnipresent no, he is his conscious speaking to himself as he learns of this new Word, languages, magic, etc. One thing to keep in mind is that he was a virgin, he regret he died this way and wanted to change that so we are warn that he might be more daring towards that goal and that yes, fan service will come.
Our story will show us how the protagonist is advancing at a fast but not unbelievable pace to learn magic, sword and the manners of this world while he struggles with his past self, the person he was and the one he wishes to become because in his wolds "he never left his room or had to care for others, he just knocked the floor and food - and probably everything - was served " he refers himself as a "Hikikomori", he didn't show nor care the funeral of the person that appeared to be his mother, he had a trauma to socialize with people and his social skills are bad, he is a perverted, socially awkward and quite honestly trash of a guy that has nothing to be proud of from his previous life in the body of a little kid hence the tittle and he knows that, he wants to forget and change that but he can't, not immediately he will overcome this "past" with time and the help of his family, friends and more important, his teacher - Roxy -, while interacting with them he will understand how to trust, care and interact with others - not without failing several times -, during this 11 episodes we will see a well animated kind of medieval world, really good magic animation, really good settings, good music and a center story only based in Rudeus point of view so the character development is in all mediocre.
Rudeus as a character will be well developt most of the times, we will see how he attempts to change the irrelevant life he had and look in this world for a meaning, apurpose if you will, we can see how he improve little by little dealing with people - for example when at the first lesson he comforted Roxy using his experienced in sim games and how grateful and natural he is after she left the house -, how he manage to overcome his trauma thanks to Roxy and makes a friend - Sylph -, how he realizes that this world is real and not just a game - you can see this
"SPOILER ALERT" during the kidnapping of Eris, this part is not so develop as it should had because here he realizes that actions in this world have real consequences, is not a magic video game where he will just start in a safe point, during all this time we will frequently see sex and dirty jokes as a part of the plot, whether the reason being to attempt historycal accuracy or just fanservice, wether we like it or not at this point I think that for Japanese people - if not the most of the world - and specially the author, the perversión and dirty jokes are an important part of the writing due to comedy release and marketing, for example in shows like "Modern Family" we can see how "Phill" during the first episodes was kind of a perverted little fellow interested in his mother in law, we can also see this in "White Chicks" and here you can actually see a guy sniffing a panty he thought it was a women, I don't believe that this actions are meant for being replicate nor praise in our daily live, I don't believe and haven't seen anyone doing them, I believe they are just comedy release an also in the case of this story kind of accurate, don't think as yourself with your moral values and perspectives, think if you're a socially awkward guy who doesn't have any real social experienced in the last 20 years and the only kind of experienced you have is from sim dating games, eroges, RRPG and porn, things in a new world will be exciting for you and not only that in top of everything you will be a child again, but with the self consciousness of a perverted 30 year old guy, he remembers his past life, and don't focus on the trauma and his fears no, focus in the other impulses that are in his mind, sex, lust and the regret for being a virgin, he was - still is - perverted in this life, that didn't change, but at the end he is just a perverted guy, he is not a pedophile, I will strike those arguments he being a pedophile, first, if he is a pedophile, what will you think it will happen when he sees a "loli" masturbating in front of him - which he like -, Grope her? Play with himself? Blackmail her? None of those, he just see her, thinks is a normal thing to do for a girl his age and that's it, we don't see him remembering again and again that, we don't even see him contemplate the whole thing, he just forget the whole thing, yes I know he stole her panties but remember the event, that happened while he was saying "I will respect that little girl" and then bum!, we see he stole her underwear, they attempt to make funny irony of that, comedy release from a sensitive moment to a stupid sexual one, uncalled and not needed but not a pedo. Going on we have an scene where he founds outs his friend has not a wiener, and is in fact a girl, did we see him happy remembering the sight of that, since he is a perverted pedophile and the show is meant to praise this it should, right? No, he was actually mad at himself for doing that and for not realizing he was in fact a girl, so no a pedo again, the most disturbing action he does is when he attempted to take Eris pantys but as I said he is a perverted guy not a pedo he is excited because she is girl, he doesn't care she is a little girl and as unnecessary the scene was, it was meant as comedy release later because later on he will realize - after almost having sex with Eris, she slapped and kicked him - that he is only thinking in himself, in his impulses, he was thinking as the perverted guy and not taking in considerations her actions and emotions, yes he is a perverted but just that, and don't get me wrong I am not saying perverted actions are good, I'm just saying that they are meant to be humorous, maybe not the best way to make comedy but is one of the easiest.
To conclude, I don't believe this is the best show there is, I don't believe is the best isekai out there but at least they work above average to make a good anime out of the same old story, something more serious, more elaborate, with more time, the art and story, the voice actors they did a great job and this anime is above the daily isekai we are thrown every season and all the sexual content in the show is meant for comedy so yes, despite being a generic genre is a fun anime to watch and if you have time and see things as they are meant to be, enjoy of a fun and well animated show.
Mar 27, 2021
I write this review because I think the recent hate or dislike due to the so called pedophile protagonist is really exaggerating and takes down all the effort this studio did to portray the same old story of an Isekai but with a good pace, story and art.
One of the things this show did good for me, was the pace, I like when a show takes time to develop the story, the plot, this shows did it for me, obviously is not a novel, obviously is not as dense as others but it takes time to describe the world our protagonist landed in, we don't ... Mar 28, 2016
Ore Monogatari!!
Madhouse nevers disappoints, they can make a good show in every genre that exist, seriously is like they can't make a bad show xD.
I'm a fan of rom-com and i can only say that this is a romance show that is a "Must watch". Every good rom-com show(or anime), should have: first a good story that catches you and make you feel interest on the couple development, second a good pair of MCs so you want them to be together no matter what and third a creative way to make you laugh with every thing they live, and don't get bored along story. Ore monogatari is ... Feb 16, 2016
Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry
To be honest this anime does not make a huge impression, maybe wont be one of your favourites animes, but gets the job done and that job is entertaining you, am i right?
I think when i watched this i just finished some test and i was looking for something good but with a light story, i don't know if you get the idea? I found this anime really enjoyable, because was easy to watch no big plot holes, or weird story lines, no sad deads, and was 12 episodes long, i found this anime like an action movie, like die hard, bourne or ... Feb 6, 2016
OK what to say about this, this anime is an extraordinary experience, I really could not express enough how great was for me to watched it. Like the majority of the viewers of this show, when I started watching it I didn't have a clue what karuta was about, but that didn't mind once I watched it, I became a karuta fan.
The story is very amazing from the start, at first they show you why Chihaya loves karuta and how does she bond the with other characters through karuta. What makes this show so exciting is how they manage to get you excited it into ... |