Oct 29, 2015
The story is simple with no focus but it is still good. It have the necesary plot and situations so it can work efficiently without loosing the main object. The episodes fit together into a continuous story. It could go better with more episodes but it was good enought. In other matters, the story was Simplistic with little miniplots for complexity but they work for the main story. The ending is predictable but still enjoyable. The ending is satisfying but open so you can´t have a complete ending.
It has an amainzing art. The drawings were made of especifics situations and make and hilarious
moments that become Memorable. The backgrounds were poorly desinged but maybe with a purpose so i wont discard that option. The desing of the characters were complementing with the personalities making a good combo. Each one of them were make different.
The songs were good enought. They make you get into the story and give you a little of fun so you get ready to laugh. They were not amaizing but i really enjoy them. About the voices, there is not much i can say but they were great to me. About the background music i would say that i have never listen anyone of them... and i saw this anime 3 times...
All the characters are unique. They are really dummys but in a sweet way. Theirs personalities match with the story and between them making a great combo and make really enjoyable time. The background of each character were designed with care. The mains characters were given 1 or 2 episodies so you can really meet them and why they act like that.
The characters were growing in every episode and give more resourses to use for the main plot.
There is no character to dislike in my opinion. And the Narrator is selected in a funny way and he make a good narration.
Do you think you will remember any of these characters in the future? I must save this question. I would always remember all of them. They make me happy/laugh in so many ways. I would love to see them 10 years in the future or at least more of them in other series.
Baka to Test series is a really good comedy/romance that you can enjoy in any moment. It have funny jokes and situations that could make you laugh or at least make you happy. Its a comedy that anyone could enjoy and have a lot of Re-watchability.
It promise a really enjoyable and memorable moments that can be watched with other people or gf.
Sorry if i make a writing mistake in my review
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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