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Mar 5, 2025
I have a feeling I would've liked this one a lot more when I was younger. It's a CLAMP series, meaning that the things you've come to expect with a CLAMP series are present here; for better or worse. Definitely didn't lean TOO far into inappropriate territory as some of their other works though, which I appreciate. It's a very cute and simple show. Very good character designs, especially the angel dolls. Its connection to a certain other CLAMP series was also an interesting surprise. Though, you can totally watch this without having seen the one its loosely linked to, no problem. I do appreciate
how the show seemed to be respectful of your time. Every battle starts and ends in the same episode, which I appreciate (Yu-Gi-Oh could never!). I think only 2 episodes didn't have a battle in it, so the majority of your time will be spent watching fights. I would've enjoyed spending a bit more time fleshing out the characters in-between fights, though. I do think the main storyline between Misaki and her mother is a liiiiiiiiiittle silly, but it didn't completely ruin the experience for me. Apparently it was even more nonsensical in the manga, so I'm glad the anime went to lengths to try and fix some things. All in all, a short, sweet, simple time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 11, 2025
That awkward moment when the "freakishly tall" character is almost a foot shorter than you...
This is one of those shows you can figure out if you're gonna like it or not just by watching the first episode. Just your typical rom com with a VERY overdone "will they or won't they" that's played out for 24 episodes when the outcome was so incredibly obvious that it all could've been done in just 1. While I definitely think the episode count could've been trimmed down, each episode is still incredibly fast-paced and jam-packed with various scenarios and set pieces; albeit very samey scenarios and set pieces.
The visual gags were also a lot more over the top than I was expecting. Nothing "laugh out loud" funny, but I can see it being that for somebody else. There's also some, shall we say, very dated writing in it, just a friendly warning. The dub, which came out 20 years after the original show thankfully makes an attempt to fix some of these issues and make it more accessible to a modern audience. But if you'd rather just avoid the show altogether due to these stereotypes, I completely understand. In the end, it all just boils down to whether or not you enjoy romances that involve two people teasing, fighting, and insulting one another until they get together in the end, or couples that... actually like each other.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Feb 8, 2025
This is a general review of all 3 Heaven's Feel films.
I couldn't stop laughing at Shirou's stinkin six-pack.
Been waiting to see this for such long time! I've grown to really love the Fate series over the years and have loved seeing all the different interpretations and story paths that it has to offer. All of which are incredible and stand on their own as one of the best experiences I've ever had in anime! And throughout all my time with Fate, I have CONSTANTLY been wanting more time to be spent delving into the life of Sakura. Because, to put it bluntly, you can't just
show me Fate/Zero and expect me to just forget and move on from that! If ya know, ya know! But like, HOW they could've kept me in the dark for so long after making me witness THAT, I have no idea! But it finally paid off. And as I should've expected, this is staggeringly different than what I've seen from Fate in the past. I'd say out of all the Stay Night stories, this is the one filled with the absolute most darkness and despair. It's a very tragic and often uncomfortable watch, but one that I've been bracing myself for such a long time. I do think that making this into 3 movies instead of an episodic series was the best move. The first film is mainly just the initial setup of the characters and the Holy Grail War that we've already seen multiple times at this point. So I appreciate them trying their best to give us the cliff-notes version of the prologue. Though, as a result, I definitely can't recommend this as anyone's introduction to Fate. As it was specifically made in mind that it'll be watched by people who are already familiar with this world and its rules. This story definitely didn't go in a direction that I was expecting, but that's what I appreciate about it. It didn't just swap out who would be the protagonist of a story we've already seen. It did something entirely different while still showcasing the legendary animation, music, and writing that Fate is known for. I have no idea if this is the end of the road for Fate. I'll gladly return to this world and these characters as many times as they'll let me. But if it truly is the end, I'm glad that this character finally got to see her story all the way through to the end.
Film 1: 7/10
Film 2: 8/10
Film 3: 7.5/10
Overall: 8/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 5, 2025
This is a review for the entire series, as of 2023.
Minor Spoilers
This one's... weird. So it's about this couple who literally get married right as soon as they meet each other. Just cuz yolo. And the ENTIRE TIME, I kept thinking to myself "Ok, what's up with this girl? There's gonna be a twist, like she's just using him for money or the boy is actually in a coma and none of the events of this show are actually happening." There is eventually a setup for "The Twist" revealing itself, but at this point in time, the manga is still ongoing and the anime hasn't
fully revealed it to us what the big secret is.
It's fine if they wanted to wait on it because they had a lot of story to tell beforehand, but they really don't. It's mainly just a slice of life romcom about this very loving and supportive couple who have almost everything go right for them in every single situation... and a dozen nonstop jokes about a guy getting flustered over being intimate with a girl for the first time in his life. Everyone is understandably freaked out at first when they discover this super young married couple who tied the knot overnight without telling anyone. But they just sorta move on. A lot of the minor characters I feel like are either very annoying or pointless. Like, I'd really just rather focus on the couple and the eventual reveal of "The Twist". But instead, we gotta have this 14 year old girl talk about how she's excited to watch her 18 year old friend make out with his wife for the millionth time and encourage the two of them to take a bath together, all while accusing the guy of being a creep for simply... liking his wife... but of course, it's not sexual harassment when a girl does it, teeheeheeheehee! (which is an actual line in the show and I can't even begin to describe how mad it made me) There is a lot of other humor and entertainment to be found outside of all that, though. It does have some legit funny moments and a lot of references to other games and anime, which was fun. The openings for seasons 1 and 2 are both great; especially 2! I definitely think this show would've been a lot more solid if it was shorter. I certainly do like slice of life shows, but with the wild introduction this one has, I feel like it really should've just focused on the story bits and on the two leads and what they've gone through before and after meeting one another. I am looking forward to seeing how it all ends, I just wish that time will come sooner, rather than later.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 29, 2025
Minor spoilers
First things first. Just getting to hear Kylie McNeil in another anime film was well worth the price of admission. It still blows me away that Belle was her first voiceover role. And her work as Kimi in this film was also phenomenal and completely distinct from her performance as Suzu. And the rest of the cast was just as fantastic! Really happy for her and hoping I'll continue to hear from her in the future!
But ya, other than that... this film was just fine. I guess I went into it with a bit too high of expectations. Not just with having Kylie involved,
but also having this come from the creator of A Silent Voice. I was expecting a really emotional experience, but instead I was left with some absolutely stunning animation and not much else. It kept feeling like they were setting up each character's backstories to be heavily involved in the plot, and also planning to have their relationships go somewhere as the film progressed. But it all just sorta stayed stagnant from beginning to end. The whole gimmick of the movie, Totsuko seeing the colors of the people around her, also doesn't really amount to anything. I feel like it was just an excuse for the animators to play around with some of the visuals. But even without it, the animation looked phenomenal. So you really didn't need those extra segments or incorporate it into the story, in my opinion. You also don't really get to hear any singing until the end, which was a bummer. And once you finally do, the film just... ends. Like, there REALLY wasn't any sort of resolution to anyone's stories, nor did they even end up having relevance to the overall narrative. And some people may be totally fine with that; just a chill slice of life experience. But with the people who were involved and their portfolios of immensely emotional pieces that they've made in the past, I was just left feeling kinda disappointed. It was just... ok.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 27, 2025
WOW. Simply. WOW. This is a collection of three short stories, all from the same studio but with completely different creators behind them, and every single one of them was absolutely phenomenal. All of them had a completely different and gorgeous art style, entirely different setting, music, "world rules", everything. They were all completely unique but all equally impressive. I'd be just as impressed if I had just seen one of these on its own. But seeing three masterpieces back to back like this was exceptionally enjoyable. I'd gladly be first in line to see this studio do something like this again. It said "Volume
1" when the title appeared, so I'm hoping more than ever that I get to be amazed and impressed by this studio all over again in the future.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 27, 2025
Holy... stinkin... heck...
This is from the same studio that brought us Mary and the Witch's Flower. AKA one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my entire life. I don't know how many of the same people worked on this film, but this is a perfect testament as to why you should never give up creating. You may have noticed throughout my ratings that I never once give anything a 0/10. Because I personally don't believe that's right. I think the fact that a group of individuals came together and brought some sort of artistic creation to life will always be worthy of 1
point of some kind. To give something a 0 is essentially the same as telling someone to stop creating. Which I would personally never feel right doing.
I hated their first piece. But I wouldn't dare write off an entire company filled with hundreds of creatives because of a single project. Sometimes it's the timing. The budget. The restrictions from higher ups. Whatever it may be. It's never any one person's fault for how a movie or a show or a game turns out. And likewise, a movie or a show or a game is never solely one person's doing. That's why I continue to love something like Balan Wonderworld, despite the one person on that game's dev team who gained the most infamy. The rest of the team deserved to be prideful of their work on that game, and to not be blamed for that one person's actions. And they deserved to move on for it and create something new. And they did just that with Sonic Superstars. That's why I still have faith in ILCA and look forward to what they'll create in the future. Not because they disappointed me with Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. But because they changed my life with their perfect work on THE iDOLM@STER Starlit Season. And this is why I'll continue to look forward to everything Studio Ponoc puts out in the future. Not because of Mary. But because of Tomorrow's Leaves. Because of Modest Heroes. And because... of The Imaginary.
This was a spectacle of complete and total childhood wonder. Everything that comes with growing up and navigating the world for the first time. All the joy, all the sorrow, all the fear, all the hope, all the endless possibilities when you believe in the power of imagination. It was sincerely beautiful and heartfelt, while not shying away from the dark and twisted elements of the story it wanted to tell. The visuals are a stunning mix of gorgeous hand drawn 2D animation with 3D lighting and shading that gives it a unique look all its own while standing alongside its distant Ghibli cousins. The music is phenomenal, with a downright AMAZING credits song that I'm STILL listening to on repeat as I'm writing this review! How in the world this wasn't nominated for an Oscar... Heck, how in the world anyone, let alone the CEO OF STINKIN DISNEY can still think that animation is meant to be "just for kids" or that animation doesn't need to be intelligent or isn't capable of telling gripping and emotional stories that can stand alongside or even surpass anything live action is BEYOND me. Absolutely wild to think that people still believe such nonsense.
This wasn't a perfect film. There were some bits here and there that didn't entirely make sense, which I will openly admit. I don't even think things needed to be changed. Just cut those bits out and you're good to go. I'm trying not to get hung up on those few pieces that didn't quite hit as strongly as the rest of the film, but I also know that there are people who'll have their entire opinion on this film defined by those moments. Which is a shame, really. But I guess that choice is on them. If I'm being completely objective, this film is like an 8. There are some bumps in the road, but I'm sorry. I simply don't care. The parts that I loved, I REALLY loved. The parts that were great were perfect. It's one of the best works of art I've ever seen and handled a very special subject matter better than anyone else I've seen attempt a story like this before them. It's made me a fan of this studio for life and will have me looking forward to every single thing they create in the future. Thank you for not giving up. Thank you for continuing to create. To dream. To imagine. And thank you... for sharing your imagination with the rest of the world. And for encouraging others to do the same.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 25, 2025
This is my favorite of Yoshitoshi ABe's works, without question. He's known for being attached to very complex, often hard to understand stories that require you to theorize and piece together the symbolism of each episode long after you've finished it. This one definitely has its air of mystery as well, but it isn't as abstract as Lain or Texhnolyze in which I literally had zero clue what was going on. But at the same time, it doesn't spell everything out for you either and you'll be left to think about what it all meant, even after finishing the show. Not every question gets answered,
but a conclusion can be found if you take time to think about it or go the extra mile to look into what inspired this story. It may not be the answers you were hoping for, but they're answers, nonetheless. And for the subject matter in question, I honestly can't think of an alternative way they could've handled a story like this. I can see myself liking this show more and more if I were to rewatch it in the future. I'm glad I didn't give up on ABe's work after having as rough of an introduction as I did. I really think anyone can find enjoyment from this series and get something out of it, and I'd love to hear other's thoughts on the events that transpired.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 25, 2025
I can't believe it... A Yoshitoshi ABe series where I actually understood what the fruit was going on!? It's a Christmas miracle! This was very surprising after seeing his other works and having to look up episode descriptions on Wikipedia for every single episode. It almost feels like an anime version of Attack of the Friday Monsters, but with aliens. Just a simple comedy/slice of life that doesn't take up too much of your time or take itself too seriously. Nothing too grandiose, but it was just such a shock for me to actually understand this series in any capacity, let alone enjoy it! There
are some... questionable decisions made throughout the show, however. Such as the opening theme being sung by the HEAVIEST chainsmoker I've ever heard. Or the show's OST consisting almost entirely out of stock jingles and sound effects I'm sure you've all heard a million times before (including the "Hi, I'm Paul!" jingle from Jimmy Neutron!?!? For some reason???) Oh, and uh.... some very, very, VERY poorly aged cultural representation..... that was unfortunate..... But ya. Other than that, it was a perfectly serviceable slice of life comedy. If you had told me this was from the same creator as Serial Experiments Lain, I never would've guessed!
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 24, 2025
So when I was finally putting everything on my to-watch list instead of trying to just memorize all the shows I've wanted to watch over the years, this stinkin fever dream of a show arose from the deepest, darkest part of my memory banks and I was like "OHHHHHH GOOOOOOOD, I FORGOT ALL ABOUT THIS!" But now that I remembered, there was no way I would ever forget. Which means I HAD to put it on the list and watch it at some point. I've known about this show from my early anime days since it kept popping up in my YouTube recommendations. Ya know,
back when people would just upload entire shows in 360p and slice each episode into 3 parts to accommodate for the 11 minute time limit YouTube had back then? Good times... ANYWAY! MIDORI DAYS! Surprise surprise, it's a very stupid show. But it manages to be SO stupid, it ends up being funny? Like, I legit had fun with it, even though I'm well aware of how trashy it is. I could've done without all the uncensored nakey bits, but the overly cheery Midori and obnoxiously stupid Seiji and the one brain cell that the two of them share carried this show and made it legitimately entertaining. It's such a short show, too. So there's not much you gotta commit to if you do try to check it out. Feels so weird to have finally watched this. And to have enjoyed it, no less. Guess I gotta HAND it to the creators! (sorry, had to)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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