(Sorry for my English, I'm not a native).
I enjoyed the 1st season of this animation show a while ago and had expectations for the following installments. I found the initial plot and idea brilliant.
I won't elaborate on the 2nd season and go directly to the point, the 3rd one.
I read some review entitled "It feels good to be bad". A more suitable title for the season would be "It feels just bad to be bad." *minor spoiler alert" a secondary character vomited at the 8th episode, I felt as nauseous as her at the end of the episode and dropped the show. never. will. be.
back. to. it.
The first episodes started really lightly, comedy, various fan service (including onsen, maids, harem and so on), I don't mind it a bit of flavour and fun, as long as the main plot follows.
Unfortunately the first episodes are also veeery slow, dealing with very secondary, unawesome , plain, boring characters to say the least. Ains intervenes one time to just pinch the most allegedly powerful being around and enslave/botch/torture him without the slightest effort. But it is okay, it was just a bad and stupid creature... yeah...
then, all these secondary plain characters and fighters end up in a lowest level fights with absolutely no interest, excitement, value, stakes, basically against pitiful enemies. (*minor spoiler alert* it happens in a village). Ain's servant appearing one time to save a character deus ex machina "without the slightest effort" (catchphrase).
All along the show, Ains stays both the enemy and the ally of everyone in a typical non-sensical strategy I would call: "Why make it simple when you can make it complicated."
He keeps manipulating all his human and sentient entourage this way, for the pleasure of manipulating, and because they have to make a story out of it. But, that's still okay, I am starting to be bored, but still awaits for the main characters, enemies to appear and plot to unravel, between the background characters appearing here and there, some random names, some political delicacies, tasteless love stories...
From what I knew from the guy, until now, Ains wanted (?) to rule, in order to find powers and some other beings like him, meanwhile he showed also some empathy towards characters with moral, some morals, some hearts, killing a few characters, but ideally trying to expand at a minimum cost (wasn't it his strategy? Sorry I don't have Demiurge IQ and I didn't rewatch 2nd season).
*SPOILER ALERT* And then, there was this infamous tomb episode, when Ains party starts to kill all kind of people, including jerks, nice guys, people with families, pretentious bastards as well as really touching living being, one after another. This tomb episode, man, it was a bit enticing at first, I was expecting a few valuable fights, I thought Ains would try to save a few of the intruders and I started to feel progressively bad towards some exaggerated decision to torture mere thieves, experiment on some others, and kill the main part of them (how many? Maybe a fifty of them?), some of them needing money for a living. This 7th or 8th episode is a real ugly bomb, a massacre. We "enjoy" this party of four adventurers, the ones who seemed smarter, and more noble, being morally tortured, physically tortured and finally killed (Sorry I won't go and check if they are actually dead in the further episodes), because Ains was angry. Or did he fake his anger. Or did he fake the fake? I supposed he enjoyed it? Why? I lost him, and he lost it.
When I thought this couldn't go further, he makes two of the dark elves appearing on a dragon in front of the king and kill a fifty knights (fifty is a good number) who were around. No reason.
Oh, wait, Ains is bad, so he acts like a bad. But then, he is not. Or he is? After all, he still have to convince his own party he is bad. So... he's bad... a bad salaryman.
The fact that Overlord was overpowered at first was amusing, but now, he meets no equal, no resistance, so there is no game (a same critic I'd do for one punch man, that was at least a comedy). Ains can still do whatever he wants when he wants. Problem is, he'd be able to do everything in one episode, and... the story would be ruined.
I am much disappointed in this show, I really enjoyed the first part of it, the 1st season. I loved the characters, some design, the tomb system, really, I had expectations (it's from a light novel, so there IS a story), and then for me, this season was both a long waste of time, long and high and painful like Reichenbach.
Everyone, I recommend the 1st season, (maybe the light novel is more interesting after), but this third season is real piece of trash. It's ugly storytelling, no character development, and all that stays in my mind is bitterness and sadness. I wish I could forget it and unsee what I saw. What a waste of potential!!!
Jun 12, 2020
Overlord III
(Sorry for my English, I'm not a native).
I enjoyed the 1st season of this animation show a while ago and had expectations for the following installments. I found the initial plot and idea brilliant. I won't elaborate on the 2nd season and go directly to the point, the 3rd one. I read some review entitled "It feels good to be bad". A more suitable title for the season would be "It feels just bad to be bad." *minor spoiler alert" a secondary character vomited at the 8th episode, I felt as nauseous as her at the end of the episode and dropped the show. never. will. be. ... |