This is probably one of the worst thing i ever watched. So i will be pretty damn succinct.
1. The animation sucks
2. The are no writing, only droping. Like, they drop everything without context. New characters acting like they're explained from the begining, past plot is thrown like u know about it, there are no connection with the episodes, things escalates like hell and u get completely lost all the time. I dont even know the characters names etc.
3. The mc and the others characters change personality like u change ur clothes. It makes me super mad when u build a character with one goal, and
Sep 9, 2023
Witch Craft Works
First of all, its not for everyone.
I read other peoples feelings here and concluded the most obvious thing: People see shows in such different ways that its super hard do please. I like this show, and i rewatched, and im kind of hard to please if i say so. But something in this show, the time comic idk, it makes me feel at easy. Its not a show to be high on, or to remember forever, dont get me wrong. But im not bored watching it, and thats remarcable nowadays. I think this come from the peace it gives me, the comic time and how good the design ... |