Story: 9
It was a short, yet heartwarming tale; it's full of "feels-y" moments, as well.
Art: 9
The art was tastefully detailed. Personally, I believe this to be one of my favourites.
Characters: 8
Jul 10, 2015
Ookami Lover
Story: 7 It was a sweet and light-hearted story. It's a good one-shot manga if you don't want something long to read or just want to kill time.
Art: 6 Even though it had a cute style to it, the female protagonist's eyes were just a tad too big, in my opinion. However, the cute, lil' doggos found during the read make up for that, hahah! Characters: 6 ... Jul 2, 2015
Dengeki Daisy
EDIT: This was my first review, and it wasn't well-executed, at that. If you want a truly good, informative review, please refer to the one below me. I definitely recommend that one. :)
-------------------- Story: 10 At first, I believed this was going to be the typical manga where the female protagonist is whiny, child-like, dependent, and –overall– someone who doesn't stand up for herself. I thought this would be that one story with the pair of infamous main leads: the girl who's constantly a damsel in distress and the guy who's just a bit too perfect and arrogant for his own good. However, this manga is ... |