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Jul 18, 2009
Inda No Himekishi Janne (The Animation) is definitely one of Himagin's (Amour) best h-anime releases. This one strictly sticks to the ogre/monster theme and that's entirely the main focus when it comes to the sexual content, so it's not going to be for everyone. As my recommendations state, this one seems very similar to one of Himagin's other releases, Ikusa Otome Valkyrie. Instead of Valkyrie's and slavery however here we've got royal Princess' and whatnot being violated and there's a big difference in the art and animation. Aside from that though, there's a lot of similar themes here compared to that one.
Janne almost looks like
a spiritual prequel to what Inyouchu would turn out to be, when it comes to the animation and art. Again, just like my other recommendation states. The character designs are obviously done by the same people and the girls are incredibly cute while still having that sexy edge. The art and animation is more on the colorful side, but don't let this stray you away if you want hardcore action.
The sexual content here is definitely the main focus. Both episodes are practically 80% plus nonstop sex. It's mainly between the blonde Princess and her friend between various ogres. There's several interal shots, lots of internal cumbustions, anal (along with some anal beads), tentacle bondage, regular bondage, enema, futa, threesomes, and well tons of excellent monster on girl action. Lots of fetishes with next to no real violence, which is a big plus. The animation is just as smooth as Inyouchu and very dynamic, you won't see stills or repeated shots and scenes. So there's truly a ton of content here with the sex and enough animations to keep you interested all the way through. The downfall here is the same with all of Himagin's h-anime releases, it's not licensed. So it's censored and untranslated, regardless with monsters and things like this, it's still very easy to see what's going on.
The sound is at the top of it's game. This contains probably the best music next to Inyouchu and again, was probably handled by the same people. It's not goofy or out of place, there's lots of piano's and it really stands out compared to most generic themes and music we here in other h-anime. The voice acting is of course great and the sound effects with all the sex and whatnot sound great and fit just right.
People do have an issue with the ending but, it does conclude pretty much. It's just an evil ending! But that takes a lot of guts for a company to do and it's not everyday you see an ending like Janne's. These two episodes are packed with some of the best, nonstop monster on girl action you'll find in h-anime thesedays and the production values are definitely higher than the norm. Highly recommended to those who enjoy such things!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 18, 2009
Ikusa Otome Suvia is yet another promising hentai to be released from Pixy studios, first episode launched in December 2007. A lot of the things I've said in my review for Shoukokijo Iris (released in November from Pixy), can apply here as well. On the outside, when I saw the preview pictures before this one released, it looked a little too good for it's own good, it showed a lot of promise and potential. Did it live up to it? Somewhat, but in the end this one kind of left a dry taste in my mouth leaving me begging for more.
When I saw the preview
pictures up on Pixy-Soft's site, I was in the belief this hentai would be pretty damn extreme and hardcore. It has ogres that are like twice the size of the ones we've seen in other monster based hentai like Ikusa Otome Valkyrie, Inda No Himekishi Janne, yet when it came to the sex here, it was just a bit tame. The giant blue ogre does have a playful captive girl with him but they don't get too wild up or anything, the movements and actions between them sexually is "static" you could say, it's pretty generic. The tentacle scene was quite a letdown, there really wasn't any penetration and it was just kind of boring. The final scene gives us just a normal evil human villian and the main heroine. All in all the monster theme is definitely there and it's going to be a turn off to the softer hentai fans, but I was really hoping this one would go a little beyond and break some rules. It's not as good as Ikusa Otome Valkyrie or Inda No Himekishi Janne when it comes to the monster/girl sex. The preview pictures made it look like it could match up to Himekishi Lilia in terms of "extremeness", but that's not the case so far after watching it.
But really, just like Iris, this is the first episode of what could turn out to be an excellent series. Even though I have a lot of complaints and was letdown a little bit here, it's still pretty solid. The art and animation for one is probably the best Pixy has done since Himekishi Lilia (not sure if Asagi counts, since the style is in a realm of its own). The tone is a bit darker than typical hentai and the character detail is very impressive. Both the main female characters look marvelous.
As for the storyline, again if you're like me and a hardcore fan for Pixy titles, you're probably not too interested in one. This is again kind of a cookie-cutter simple plot. There's actually a really cool fight between the two female Valkyrie's at the beginning and from there, the next thing you know they're captive at the monsters castle or something. Just like all Pixy titles, it's hard to say since they aren't licensed nor translated, but there's really not much to make you think here.
When it comes to the game from Black-Lilith which this anime adaptation is based off of, it's absolutely one of my favorite Lilith products. The HCG is truly something to see if you're a fan of hentai CG's and whatnot, the quality is incredible and well, I really hope we end up seeing some of that quaility come into play here with the h-anime. In the end, I still give this a thumbs up, but I think Pixy could do a little better with the next episodes. Still, recommended to those who enjoy the darker side of hentai with the monster/fantasy themes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 18, 2009
Rei and Fuko
If you've read my reviews for other Pixy titles like Iris, Suvia, and Himekishi Lilia, I'm sure it's pretty obvious I'm a big fan of their works. They've only been around releasing hentai anime since 2006, but I believe they have a really promising road ahead of them, always sticking to some genre's and themes that may throw some people off. This, I like. However, despite having a good focus on tentacles here, Rei and Fuko is one of the most disappointing titles to come from Pixy, one that I probably won't be revisisting that often. Mature reading required here, as I'll be
a little graphic here since my major complaints are with the sexual content.
I again with most of Pixy's releases can't comment much on the storyline at hand here, since I'm not familar with the Japanese language and this is unlicensed, thus untranslated. But again, we have a similar hentai case here where overall, there's just not a lot of stuff here to make you think. It's basically about the sex.
Now Rei and Fuko is just, downright weird. The tentacles are weird, people joke about the odd look and color of the semen here, the animation and character proportions is inconsistent and weird, it's all kind of a mess and doesn't feel totally complete. The final episode for this series released this month as I'm writing this, Feb. 2008. It was disappointing to see this series get another episode when episode 3 seemed to finish it off, when other better Pixy titles remain in the dark making a lot of us wonder if we'll get a follow up to Himekishi Lilia and whatnot. Many fans agree.
A lot of people were disappointed with where this series went. The Black-Lilith hentai game that this is based off of has a lot of multiple endings, just like all of Lilith's titles. When it comes to h-anime however, you can't really give us multiple endings so Pixy had to choose one. From what I've heard from many fans of the game, people were disappointed with the direction this series took. It's a good, typical, and nice ending that we've all seen before. And the quality that was in the game just isn't here with the h-anime.
Getting to the sexual content here, it's pretty extreme. I like my hentai extreme, but there's just something about the content here with Rei and Fuko that isn't very satisfying. The tentacles in this are the style I don't like, they aren't big organic tentacles or mechanical ones, they're those weird bubbley/bumpy ones that don't do much, if that makes sense. A lot of the times here they don't even penetrate the girls or anything, they're just sitting there, looking weird and bubbley. There is a scene in episode 4 that had a lot of promise, huge tentacles come out of this room but once they penetrate these two girls, there's blood everywhere, this was a pretty big turn off for me. Another annoying factor here is that some of the minor female characters are much sexier than the main ones, in my opinion. Take the pink haired girl for example, I would've loved to have seen more of her. Also, like I said above people joke about the look of the semen in this series, it doesn't look right at all. The two biggest fetishes here though have to be the egg laying and pregnant stuff though, in pretty much every episode. I'm not a fan of these kinds of things but if you are, you could probably add a point or two to my scoring here.
The artwork for this series is a little too good, like the covers and whatnot. But when you actually watch it, it's not that great. Even as a huge tentacle hentai fan I can't really recommend this hentai, but if you've got a thing for egg laying and pregnant girls with weird experimentations and whatnot, you may enjoy it more than I did. If you like Pixy's other works, it's worth checking out to see for yourself.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 18, 2009
Shoukokijo Iris
Shoukokijo Iris, also known as Armored Knight Iris set in the far future, is what I hope to be one of the next best things from Pixy. In all honesty the first time I watched this hentai I wasn't too incredibly impressed, but that could be the hardcore and sometimes cynical fan within me talking. I guess I'm kind of hoping for Pixy's next Himekishi Lilia or Taimanin Asagi, both that really go above and beyond and go into some extreme territories we haven't seen before. Honestly though, the more I watched Iris the more I came to enjoy and appreciate it. Overall, the
quality is there.
The budget seemed pretty good for this one. The animation and art design is very top notch for a hentai title, the beginning even has some pretty good CG mecha action. It's not as detailed as Lilia or Asagi, but the quality is pretty high. The setup is again pretty basic here, Iris pilots one of the mech's and loses a fight, gets captured and becomes a sex slave for some aliens. I'd like to argue though, chances are if you're a hardcore Pixy fan like myself, you're in it here more for the sex. Iris does deliver this pretty well. The hardcore level is pretty high and there's a few instances of stretching with huge penetrations, though nothing compared to Lilia or Asagi, yet.
The beginning gives us a lot of dailogue, though since it's not licensed nor translated I can't say much about it. Eventuall Iris does get captured and becomes enslaved towards the middle. The first sex scene is her on a stage in front of a large crowd of intergalactic beings where she has to perform, if you know what I'm saying. Eventually it becomes a huge orgy and I guess there's an element of humiliation here. From here, she is sent in alone to meet some big alien boss, whom looks entirely based off of Jabba The Hut. She has a colar that shocks her unless she does his bidding. He has his ways with her in a somewhat long scene and his tail turns into this big tentacle thing that, it almost looks like she starts to enjoy. Does look a little consensual! The end is a definite cliffhanger, but that should be expected since there's more to come from this series (so I'll probably have to edit this review a few times).
All in all I think Iris has a little promise here. The game HCG that it's based off of is one of my favorites from Black-Lilith. This first episode basically sets up for what could be a pure sex fest in the next one. I've seen a lot of cultaral references people have made with this one, from calling Iris a Samus-look-a-like, to noticing some of the aliens look like Greedo from Star Wars, then there's of course the Jabba-like alien. It's kind of funny to see, but hey it's not typical monsters and ogres. Hopefully the next coming episodes are great! Definitely check it out if you're a hardcore hentai fan and want something a little fresh.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 18, 2009
Soreyuke Marin-chan
Marine A Go Go is like the Monty Python of hentai anime. The plot is so downright ridiculous you can't help but love it. This was one of the first h-anime's I saw several years ago when I really started getting into the genre. Fast forward a few years and I can still go back to this one and have a blast watching it again.
It starts off with some Professor that resembles Dr. Wily from the Megaman series and some robotic pet turtle, that needs to collection 100 samples of sperm from various men to save mankind. To do this, he needs an assisant,
someone who can "Love and Serve!" men and get these samples. So where's the best place to look? Yeah, school girls. They stumble upon the busty Marin walking about at her school and the turtle gives her a magical ring, when she puts it on her outfit is transformed into something that resembles a maid's outfit, though it's colorful and bright. But Marin wants to get married and can't get pregnant! Fear not! That's where the turtle comes in, every time a man barely let's go inside of her, the turtle comes to the rescue and takes it in himself! He can even magically appear inside of her womb!
So Marin begins to except her fate, though she needs practice. They find a nerdy guy whom hasn't made love in a long time, so she gets on her knee's and gives it a shot. She's not doing very good though! So the Professor and his female assistant get it on and show her what to do, Marin then finds herself pleasing the geek better than ever and successfully captures his sperm! Eventually, the Professors assistant betray's him and builds a female robot that is designed to do the same thing Marin is, except she's a machine. She's faster, better, and more precise with her sex and love! In the final episode they battle it out to see who can get the most samples of sperm before it's too late!
It's absolutely hilarious. The storyline is so off the wall like I said earlier, you just can't help but at least smile about it. The best part is that it somehow seems to take itself entirely seriously as well, rather than just being another typical parody hentai like many others out there. As for the sex here, it's not that bad at all though the animation is a little faulty here and there, you can tell it's aged a bit. The proportions are sometimes really goofy and seem completely out of place, but there's worse out there. As for what to expect, it's mainly normal sex with nothing weird thrown in. Marin-chan herself is quite the looker. The music is surprisingly top notch and the main theme brings in a lot of nostalgia for older 90's anime.
This was directed by Masami Obari, infamous for character designs in Viper GTS and the Angel Blade series. So fans of those will probably enjoy this quite a bit, because there's definitely similarities (even a cameo of Blade in one scene). All in all this is one of the funniest h-anime's I've ever seen and highly recommend, especially to the newbie hentai fans.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 18, 2009
Himekishi Lilia is, EXTREME!
That needs to be firmly stated. This series has various fetishes that will surely turn some people off instantly. If you don't enjoy tentacle or monster based hentai, then you should start running away now! On top of this, there's inflation, internal views, orgies, huge penetrations, cum drinking/swallowing, a petite catgirl, incest, and yeah. If anything in that list disgusts you but you're still interested, you have been warned. But hey, it's not Bondage Games or anything -ultimately- disturbing or deranged.
And really I think it's a fantastic hentai from Pixy, which was their first release. Based off the game of the
same name from Black-Lilith (like all Pixy's h-anime). The animators from Sexy Magical Girl Ai worked on this one and compared to some of Pixy's other releases over the last two years they've been active, Lilia still remains as one of the best in terms of quality. The tone is a little darker than Ai's, no surprise being set in a medievil setting. The detail is definitely there in the characters and everything, besides the catgirl it does generally come off as a bit more serious than Ai's designs. Because of this connection some can probably already guess the tentacles are more on the extreme side, you can see them moving around Lilia and poking around. Never do they violently poke through or anything of that sort however.
Which kind of brings me to another point. While the series is more on the extreme side and there are a few deaths here and there (some just suggested. minor characters too), they aren't that violent. For instance compared to older hentai like Twin Angels and some of the various Darkness titles, there isn't a case here where you see a girl getting raped then exploding into guts and whatnot. So, despite all the fetishes there is no guro/extreme violence here in sight. Definitely a plus I'd say.
The storyline is decent, for a hentai I guess you could say. The music is decent, as with a lot of hentai out there it's not that special or anything, probably one of my only disappointments. But it's not a huge deal.
As with all of Pixy's releases this series hasn't been licensed so there's no uncensored versions available, though it has been subbed by X-SASG (might see me in the credits, heh). The only bad thing is that episode 3 clearly leaves us off with a huge cliffhanger and despite being Pixy's first h-anime adaptation, we haven't gotten any news or updates for another installment in the series for several months, while other series continue to get more episodes (like Rei and Fuko). This is somewhat disturbing because I clearly believe Lilia is one of Pixy's best works. Hopefully it hits Pixy in the head sometime.
All in all if you're in it for the h-enjoyment and have some of those quirky fetishes, then Himekishi Lilia is highly recommended. Definitely not for the newbies or those who are picky about their h-anime, though.
-Episode 4-
This episode came out awhile after I wrote up the review for 1-3, figured I'd add a little input about the newest episode. It's clear that episode 4 is still not quite the end of the series, which isn't a bad thinig I'd say! (apparently being Pixy's most popular series next to Taimanin Asagi). The plot doesn't develop much, though there's two plot twists, one between Kiriko and Dirk which you probably saw coming at the end of episode 3, then a nice cliffhanger.
The animation and art is still pretty much the same, though the characters seem a bit more vibrant and detailed this time (afterall it has been a year between this and episode 3's releases). The facial expressions Lilia makes are awesome, very sexy. The sexual content is just like the previous episodes, more extreme and not for the average fans. This episode mainly focuses on tentacles which is great because I wanted an episode from this series with pretty much nothing but this. First there's a scene with Lilia's mother, Lyla and some tentacles which is a little short, then Lilia is forced to "train" with some royal member of the castle. You can tell Lilia has pretty much lost it here, she seems almost like a sexual pet in this one. You almost feel bad for her! The guy was poisoned by Kiriko and eventually mutates into some huge froglike monster than proceeds to continue having sex with Lilia, she gets a little freaked out now. He spawns some slimey tentacles and that's pretty much the rest of the episode, this scene is a little lengthy and pretty nice. Basically if you enjoyed the series already, check out the newest episode. show less
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 18, 2009
For those who want a tentacle hentai that lets nothing get in the way of the tentacles and sex, this is for you. While the series in Japan is quite popular spanning two games with loads of text, several doujins, and even a few books, with the h-anime here we are treated to the King of cookie-cutter plots. Mikoto, Sui, and Yamato are all special classmates at some school gifted with magical powers that they use to cast away demons. Well, one day an extremely powerful demon in the form of a humane-like horse, captures them and sends them into his hidden world of tentacles,
his only goal is to show them their true desires, controlling their mind and making Mikoto and Sui ultimately submit themselves to not only his tentacles, but himself as well.
Alright, getting the fancy setup out of the way there, simply put as a tentacle/monster/fantasy hentai fan, this is the hottest one I have ever seen. Since October of 2006, it's still remained as my number 1 favorite hentai. As I've stated before, if you truly want an enjoyable nonstop tentacle action packed title, Inyouchu takes the cake. The intro is about 5 minutes long and from there, it's basically 25 minutes of nonstop tentacle and horsedemon sex.
This was handled by Amour studios, pretty infamous for animating Sora no Iro, Mizu no Iro. Because of this, you can easily expect to see some fascinatingly smooth animations at work here. There are absolutely no stills to be found here at all and they do not repeat any scenes or shots unlike a lot of other hentai out there. That's impressive when you've got 25 minutes of dynamic sex going on. I also firmly believe the music in this one is the best I've heard in any hentai out there. It's incredibly soothing and very high quality, unlike most themes in hentai it doesn't sound out of place or just downright goofy. The sound effects are also dead on. The character designs are like most of Amour's stuff, a bit on the cute side. I think this adds a lot to Inyouchu and a level of innocence, while it's very vibrant and colorful, deep down it's all about the tentacle and demon sex.
Getting more to the sexual (more graphic in words) part here, it is very hardcore. Though, not something I'd exactly call an "extreme" hentai. The tentacles won't be poking out of the girls or anything, unlike Taimanin Asagi, Himekishi Lilia, or Sexy Magical Girl Ai to name a few. But Inyouchu is very hardcore in its own cute way. For those who have a fetish for lots of cum in their hentai, you will love this. There are up to 5 scenes of internal "cumbustions" as some say with the tentacles and the horsedemon where the girls are just pumped full of enormous amounts of juices (several seconds of inflation sometimes, again, not too extreme though), eventually the cum comes erupting out of the girls privates and right after that, the tentacles are back to work. Rarely do we see something like this in hentai as detailed as Inyouchu has done it, and they do it 5 times! The girls don't get killed or beat up or anything, with the exception of a short deflowering scene towards the beginning that I actually found to be pretty hot, despite not being a fetish of mine.
Well, there you have it. This review might be a bit too long for its own good, but I think I've stressed my point enough, I'm sure after reading this it's obvious this is my favorite! It's an absolute masterpiece, the only problem is, will we ever get a follow up episode? With so much material for the series out there in the form of books, games, and whatnot, it's just begging for more! The issue is Amour is a rather small studio and they've gone through a lot. But, I'm not going to stop crossing my fingers.
All in all, you want nonstop tentacle action with loads of cum and insanely cute heroines? Inyouchu is just that!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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