I actually think this manga could be labeled as a "horror-manga" because it all plays out like some sort of demented never-ending nightmare. Not the sort of nightmare where you're chased by a serial killer, mind you. But rather the sort of nightmare where you discover that you've forgotten to wear clothes to school. (I would name the genre "social-horror")
The set-up is wonderful! Kasuga Takao is a somewhat pretentious boy who considers himself different (and perhaps better) than other people because he's reading difficult french poetry. His favorite book is "the Flowers of Evil" by Baudelaire (thereby the title of the manga). One day he
Apr 16, 2011
Shounen Shoujo Hyouryuuki
This is a weird manga, that's for sure. I would say that the main genre of this manga is "Surrealism". It is clear that the mangaka has been influenced by surrealist art and thought.
The manga is a collection of somewhat independent short stories, all of containing strange, neurotic and kind of freudian dream/hallucination sequences. While the mind-fuck of this manga is interesting to watch, it's hard to know what to make of the actual stories. Sometimes it's like they don't really lead anywhere and that they are just weird instead of being actually good. Often I didn't know if what I read was funny ... Mar 19, 2011
Mirai Nikki
To me Mirai Nikki is a truly unique manga. It's the only work of fiction that I've come across that somehow manages to be "so bad it's good" while also being damn good! Sometimes it comes of as so silly that I laugh at it, but still I find myself genuinely interested in what will happen next. I don't know how it manages to pull this off, usually when I laugh at how a plot twist or element is stupid (in some other manga) I would begin to feel that the entire manga is stupid and bad. But not with Mirai Nikki! This paradoxical quality