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Feb 12, 2025
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
Absolute garbage of a show. This show has a structure of a teenager's shower session in which he imagines arguments with everyone and wins each one through sheer brilliance and zero effort. Every single character is either absolute saint or absolute evil. No in between.

There is, however, a hidden blessing. It's painfully obvious how big of a failure this will end up being from first episode alone. Rarely is it ever telegraphed so clearly that they have no idea what a compelling story or character design is. Within first 15 minutes 75 different things will happen, all in favor of our main character who is ...
Feb 1, 2025
Preliminary (4/13 eps)
A beacon of hope in damp cellar of ideas where anime shows are born. While others are playing the game of testing the limits of audiences when it comes to repetition this show decided to tell their own story. It's not a great story and it's most likely an ad for the game of the same name but it's good enough and we are certainly not being spoon-fed any content by force.

While story is not the one to ever get leather-bound hardback edition for some noble's library it is serviceable enough to provide good entertaining. With its supremely tuned pacing in combination with really well ...
Feb 1, 2025
Preliminary (4/24 eps)
Shows are starting to blur. Each season brings up number of them which, if not for the name, you could have sworn you have already watched not so long ago. Similar looking characters, with same voices, same temperament, same behavior patterns forming a harem and following in same footsteps as many of them before did.

But it seems writers and directors have gained sentience this time as this show is not as boring and not as bad as the others. It's not good or creative either. Story is still the same from that one show from last season, and season prior to that, and one before ...
Jan 22, 2025
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (4/12 eps)
This show is developing the way we all seem to develop stories in our head moments upon waking up after a great dream we had. Story in which everything goes your way and you only need imagine something to be granted. Where things magically fall into their own place and no one is better looking, stronger or smarter than you.

First few episodes go somewhat slow but in a very predictable and well trodden path of issekai shows. Then things start speeding up and all of the sudden you find yourself challenged to accept even the simplest of stupid things of which there's plenty. Left and ...
Jan 19, 2025
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
Show which can be easily described in few sentences. It's a world filled with mentally challenged kids and adults who never skip a single opportunity to jump to 100% always wrong conclusions. This plot convenience is the main driver for everything, story, drama, so-called humor and character development. For anything to progress there absolutely needs to be misunderstanding of sorts and then you repeat the same process on every character involved since everyone will also have wrong opinion about everyone. A recursion of misunderstandings.

It's just a mess which they tried to hide using the old "tee hee look how silly they are" method. Main character ...
Jan 4, 2025
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (5/12 eps)
Pretty average show with nothing interesting going on and with pretty insulting way of telling the story. Just another run of the mill issekai where main character is subtly overpowered and has everyone in awe constantly. This time the shtick is him being a loner, although at no point is he surrounded by fewer than half a dozen scantly dressed girls, about which he complains constantly.

This is a teenagers dream turned into TV show, who also happens to be a virgin. Main character is overpowered and strongest of all, but at the same time controlled by the love interest. He's a loner but always takes ...
Jan 3, 2025
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (5/25 eps)
Am torn on this one. Really am. Adult subject, well animated by a respectable studio and acted by excellent voice actors.


While story is an interesting one, it's being told in round-about and very tedious way. Characters come and go, or rather appear out of nowhere without any hint only to slowly fade away over episode or two worth of time without providing us with any time to relate to any of them. I understand what they were going for but end result is just annoying rapid fire of meaningless characters we suffer through to get to the next bit of story. Each one of the ...
Aug 19, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (7/12 eps)
Another installment in increasingly popular "dumb but overpowered main protagonist" theme that has been like a plague of shows this season. Saying it's good or bad would be an act of dishonesty. It's neither. Average to a fault in a forest of cliche's and predictability. At least Rick figures out pretty fast that he is indeed to powerful and tries to control himself, which writers used as source of comedy. First few "oops I broke this" jokes were entertaining but like any cheap humor it gets boring fast.

Overall, it is decently animated and acted. Story doesn't really matter and main goal will change every few ...
Aug 5, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (4/12 eps)
Yet another show with school setting and competition as main event. Yet another character who is blue eyed angel working five jobs, is loved by everyone, making no mistakes what so ever, living his life without a speck of anger even though he's bullied daily. Yet another blatant and obvious love interest for our ever-so-blind main character who is secretly overpowered but people don't know that because they are all judging fish by its ability to climb a tree.

Problem is, this fish is stale and it's starting to smell bad. Same idea regurgitated thousands of times with slightly better execution which is not a result ...
Aug 1, 2024
Preliminary (5/12 eps)
Mentally challenged middle-aged man goes around and experiences things for the first time. Ooh, look a frog. Ooh a goblin. Oooh, a carriage ride in the middle of the fields. Aaah, oooh, eeeh. This pretty much sums up the behavior of main character, his complete lack of ability to think and lack of experience when it comes to common things. Most importantly lack of self-awareness.

He keeps jumping into every situation without a second of a thought while at the same thinking he's the weak one and everyone else is strong, even though he keeps besting everyone and people keep praising him and giving him rewards. ...

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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