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Jan 31, 2025
This is what Americans mean when they say "We work more hours though" *Proceeds to spent 50% of the their hours on pointless things like meetings.*
Look it wasn't completely terrible, but compared to season 1 for example it was utter trash.
The world building is "good" but you can't literally just *only* have world building and exposition.
there's funny moments, interesting ideas. But nothing actual which even remotely feels like it poses a threat at any point.
This season felt like the story was over, and now we had to find a way to keep it going with things we hadn't completely resolved yet. It's like someone
is writing, but no longer has a Story. Imagine like if at the end of an epic movie you just kept writing "and he went home, he ate lunch, he went to the toilet, he watched the birds, he started thinking about renovating his house," and they turn those few phrases in like 20~30 minuted episode. It's like a Badly written Epilogue. Like as if at the end of the Hobbit, Tolkien had a whole book literally about Bilbo just living a boring Hobbit life, except in Tolkien fashion he still describes it in excruciating detail. They even messed up the most easy W in anime history "a fight/tournament arc" like... how do you mess that up this badly.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 14, 2024
Probably being a bit generous here but yeah let's start with the positives.
+ Fast/Good Pacing
+ Can be fairly funny sometimes
+ Not bad in a "discomforting way" just a typical B series.
+ Iris is a mood, also DIO (even in a show this "meh" there's still good VA's)
+ It can have "charm" kind of like how Fairy Tail is "Charm > Writing" except unlike Fairy Tail it doesn't pretend to have good writing which does make it less "frustrating" to watch than a B show that pretends to be an A or an S.
Aight, here's the bad things:
-The "good pacing" is sadly because of an utter
lack of writing.
-Kind of anti-climax/bad ending.
-The best parts were in the middle of the show, not the end nor the start which... is generally the opposite of what you want.
- World Building = 0 Nor does it make any sense
- I know the top review says "Show don't Tell" but it doesn't Tell the things it should either. There's one major thing it never explains and it literally cuts away from the explanation and as the show goes on all you can do is assume that "there was no explanation."
-One plot line it kind of just "forgets about?" (I know crazy considering it barely has any plot.
-The overarching plot the series hinges on, is not really explained or solved, or resolved in any way.
-The characters are the only reason I stuck around and they aren't even really good, it's just that they "can be" funny occasionally somehow more so in the outro. Alma feels most of place/empty, it's not that she doesn't do anything it's just that the other can at least be narrowed down into a "relevant" stereotype, whereas this is just "Side/Supporting Character"
Anyway certainly not impossible to get enjoyment out of this but very Cookie Cutter, and not much going on when it comes to writing.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 16, 2024
Dropped it, came back because I found out this wreck of a show got a season 3 somehow.
Frankly if you choose to watch it here's some fair warnings and advice:
-Lower your expectations, then when you encounter something even slightly positive, funny or that seems like it could be good or has potential, Lower your expectations again.
-Don't watch if you have no tolerance to mediocre/bad writing
-Don't watch if you have no tolerance to loli's and literal children frankly being in situations they shouldn't be and just general things that dance on the line between "Weird" and "Go to Jail"
-ow The edge
However perhaps if you are a
being who feeds of Cringe you will find yourself somewhat satisfied or if you simply have such low standards that the lack of quality doesn't matter for you to get some enjoyment out of this.
The set-up wasn't even that bad, it just fumbles all the writing after.
When you think it can't get worse or more disappointing, it will.
It's not "literal garbage" but that weird state of being too mediocre to actually be total garbage somehow makes it worse.
Wish me luck as I head on to season 2 and 3. They are rated slightly better yet I have a bad feeling about this regardless. But I guess it's not impossible for those season to at least try and make some sort of redemption, I just doubt it will be in the writing department.
I've watched more painful things to get through but it's really trying.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 30, 2024
Final Verdict, certainly a 7.5~7.7 though I'll round it up to 8 because I have to.
Despite my initial worries, it delivered on everything I was worried about. Like it being a stereotype at this point "kid without magic goes to magic school" and that it really had to set itself apart. I think it ultimately it certainly succeeded in that. I was suspicious at first and already from the start thought that it had even some inspiration from DanMachi (a seemingly very different type of show) and after watching all 12 episodes I can say with certainty that there are too many similarities to be
a mere coincidence, and this show must indeed have taken some inspiration from DanMachi. Not in the main theme, or even the atmosphere but more in details so obviously don't go in expecting it to feel anything like DanMachi, but you might notice little things here and there.
Overall as a protagonist, he steers away from the "kid with no magic" type by not "simply" being OP which I was afraid of and indeed applying more creativity and gadgets and such which I was hoping for.
He's kind of a middle-road between on one side: "OP protagonist like Mash, Asta(although Asta obviously still has to train and struggle a lot), Noor and on the other side: more typical protagonists like Bell that start off weak, but struggle to get stronger and stronger.
As for designs, most of them are quite obviously not extremely original but as far the MC himself I do enjoy the Goggles the rest of his design is a bit Wacky IMO, especially how he looks as a young kid. Most plots and character arcs, weren't super original either but certainly enjoyable. There was at least one fairly unique side character though who is probably going to throw you for a loop. Personally it was only at the end of the show that I was once again questioning what the character was about, so even if you aren't confused by the character from the start, you probably will have some questions again by the end of this season. So a character like that also helps keep the show from feeling "boring" like nothing is going on in the background. It helps with world building and feeling like "there's a larger world" and that different things are happening that you and the MC are unaware of but the world itself is "moving" and not simply waiting for the MC to catch up, again similar to DanMachi but also just for example One Piece, though One Piece does it at a way bigger scale so in comparison, DanMachi is on a more similar scale.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 23, 2024
Sad it ended there, on a cliffhanger and then they never continued the OVA.
Certainly prefer it over the 2011 (I know hot take apparently)
At the very least the beginning and the pacing and slower and better explanation of motivations and character development.
I also prefer these VA's, over the 2011 one, so much so that this is the Voice of Gon for me more than it is the voice of Naruto.
I do admit the show got worse as it went on, but keep in mind I had nothing to compare it to as I didn't read the manga.
So for me, even Greed Island, didn't feel "that
bad" certainly less memorable though.
If there's one thing I can name without going into a lot of detail of a long rant which makes 1999 better than 2011 in my opinion, it's "character" I know that sounds crazy because "the characters are the same" but the difference is getting to know them and how much character moments there are even for irrelevant characters. For example in this version you have the Sushi episode, which really fleshes out a side character but also Gon himself by making Gon interact with that side character. On top of that there's just tonnes more talking, and therefor more "charachter" Gon leaving home and having a conversation with his mother about it was like "a whole thing" in this show. And you end up really understanding both their sides perspectives on it. While in the 2011 version it's reduced to like a single sentences, and all the depth is completely lost, in this version that sentence has weight, meaning and depth to it. Whereas in the 2011 version you have none of the context, meaning or depth, it's practically not different than Ash Ketchum leaving Palllet Town, you don't know why that sentence is what it is, and why those words are used and what the deeper meaning is behind them so it just becomes a basic "goodbye". Same goes for Kurapika and Leorio in The 1999 version they have more character and development, before they even leave on the boat than the 2011 version has by the time they finished the first and second trial of the Hunter Exam.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 23, 2024
My in depth review is posted on season 2, but overall:
It's good but the original OVA was better IMO.
They made certain changes in this I'm just not quite a fan of especially in the next season, but even in this season some episodes were just less funny to me than the OVA. I'm quite certain that part of that is the animation style. But also changes they made regarding the plot of an episode and how it's resolved. It's been years but I remember for example that the "hotel/abandoned town" episode was quite a bit different and better in the OVA.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 23, 2024
I defenitly prefer the original OVA, with this version "they changed the canon" , yes they added a bunch of things and slightly changed things here and their compared to the original series but they also made some pretty major changes.
The two major things as examples as to why I think it's less good than the original OVA are:
1: Kakyoin's Ending scene, it was way more emotional and hit harder in the OVA possibly because instead of playing his track, they used *silence* to really drive home the point, I also remember it being a much longer scene though I could be wrong on that,
that could simply be Nostalgia Bias.
2: Polnareff's Heroic moment, in the original from Jotaro's Perspective we don't even know if Polnareff is alive it's almost even assumed he's dead. Because they split up right away whereas in this version Jonathan and Jotaro meet up again and ride a bike or something (It's been 4 years since I watched this so I don't remember the details). So when Polnareff hits Dio through the head it's not nearly as cool of a moment as in the OVA.
In the original it made me smile ear to ear and acknowledge that Polnareff is one cool MF he came absolutely out of nowhere even the viewer wouldn't really be expecting him and certainly not like that.
I also distinctly remember there's various changes to the fight at Dio's castle/mansion. Some of which I really didn't like, in the original I think it was a little more obvious that Dio was using Jonathan's "influence" or "stand" to drive Polnareff back down the stairs, in this version however it does legitimately seem like the Meme, like Dio is just using the world and putting him backwards a bit each time.
Whereas in the OVA it's animated the same as when Polnareff and Kakyoin and Avdol first meat Dio, it's this overwhelming "presence".
I'm fairly confident Dio *was not* using the world at that point.
I think Part 3 is still my favorite part... just not this version of part 3 I can really see why most people rank part 3 rather low, because this version just has a lot of things that just aren't quite as good.
So overall, still good, laughed a lot, but i defenitly prefer the original OVA of this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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