If you go onto the MyAnimeList page of top characters, who will you see at number 20? A familiar blue haired maid will be there to greet you, obviously I am talking about Rem. Removing all the male characters from the list leaves her as the 3rd most favorite female character on the entire site and looking at the cover of this hentai, you can clearly see where I’m going with this because what’s better than one loving blue-haired maid? Even a monkey could tell you its two loving blue-haired maids, which is exactly what Kaede to Suzu gives us. It is a no-brainer that
this show is great, packaging a wholesome slice-of-life style high school episode into a comfortable 26 minute run time with execution I wouldn’t exactly call stellar but definitely passable.
Story and Characters: 8 | 8.5
Straight off the bat, the story is kinda as basic as alkaline battery fluid. Our man fucks twins the they have a maid cafe at the school festival (real innovative stuff here) and he fucks the twins in maid cosplay. This is as straightforward as it gets. However I do give the show props for taking us down a well-trodden path while still pulling out all the stops to make this plot we all know by heart still feel fresh and surprising in ways I will get to through our character evaluations.
Starting out our roster is our boy Hayato or as we all know him “MC-kun”, a cookie-cutter character with all the sadistic tendencies of an average hentai viewer, enough to enjoy humiliating a girl in public but not enough to hurt animals for fun. Hayato is a very viewer-minded character, built with ease of self-insert in mind, helping you settle into the fantasy you will never achieve as easily as putting on pants in the morning. Moving on we have our tsundere character, student council president Kaede, who like Hayato is as cookie-cutter as you can get, slowly breaking down her barriers as they get closer and becoming an absolute push-over. Rounding out the roster is kuudere Suzu, Kaede’s twin sister, who really elevates this show through her sheer presence alone by adding a contrast to her sister’s fiery nature.
However just saying that much would downplay the importance of Suzu as she is the driving force behind the whole show, tricking both Hayato and Kaede into meeting in a room and trapping them into a sexual encounter. Here we really see the other side of Suzu as she just jumps right into the swing of things without missing a beat while still letting Hayato take full control of the situation to appeal to the weeb’s power fantasy. It would be too long of a review to go through what makes Suzu the greatest character of this show but she added a cool element and in conjunction with Kaede’s fiery attitude and Hayato’s more passive nature (until Suzu gets him going) the dynamic of the three characters hits a well-balanced vibe with Suzu especially engaging with her sister to both other characters’ surprise. Moving on we get the maid cafe scene where Hayato uses toys to tease them in public and while it isn’t an outlandish idea to use remote vibrators in public, what ensues in the toilets is what brings the whole scene together as there are risque moments where people are entering and being a bathroom, a single peep is easily echoed outside which added another element of danger I’m not used to seeing, also pee was an interesting addition.
Art and Animation: 7
In my opinion, the art isn’t spectacular as it lacked a certain level of detail but it felt reminiscent of some older hentai I’ve watched which was quite enjoyable. The animation didn’t feel cheap at all and the characters' facial expressions really felt in line with their personalities so all in all it wasn’t terrible but it didn’t blow me away either. Definitely passable and the character designs of the girls have a broad appeal.
Character Development: 8
While I could have added this to the Character section, it was already getting quite long winded so I wanted to set aside time to highlight just the introduction scene of this hentai because it’s just great. Every single bit of dialogue, how the characters walk with Hayato in the middle, the silence of Suzu. Each element very quickly and efficiently establishes a character dynamic and introduces all our characters with so little time wasted that it leaves so much room in the show for the characters to develop and grow. Establishing this early character dynamic is very important as Suzu breaking out of her preconceived role creates change which creates motion to drive the story. Of all things, this hentai definitely handles its characters very well from the looks to the feel so I’d just like to commend it for that.
Enjoyment: 8
Overall this hentai was a nice surprise, it was a little refreshing to see a new release I wholeheartedly enjoyed while seeming so mild-mannered at first. In a sense, the hentai is a reflection of Suzu, looking somewhat bland and uninspired (besides heehee twin maids on the cover) to being a surprising turn of events that kept me genuinely engaged throughout the watch. If you like blue haired maids, this is the hentai for you and I give this a sincere recommendation.
Doujin recommendation - I’d like to shout out a top tier doujin as well if you made it this far down the lengthy review. The series is called “Hyakkasou” by Heiqing Langjun, an ongoing series with six of eight parts currently available in English. There is no good way to describe the plot but the dialogue, characters, ero-scenes and art are absolutely top-tier (don’t get thrown off by the cover art, trust me). Full disclosure I was the one who released part 6 and am working on the to the other parts but after backreading the whole series I have to say it is BY FAR my favorite doujin of all time.
May 18, 2022 Recommended Preliminary
(1/3 eps)
If you go onto the MyAnimeList page of top characters, who will you see at number 20? A familiar blue haired maid will be there to greet you, obviously I am talking about Rem. Removing all the male characters from the list leaves her as the 3rd most favorite female character on the entire site and looking at the cover of this hentai, you can clearly see where I’m going with this because what’s better than one loving blue-haired maid? Even a monkey could tell you its two loving blue-haired maids, which is exactly what Kaede to Suzu gives us. It is a no-brainer that
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Apr 15, 2022
Akane wa Tsumare Somerareru
Mixed Feelings Funny ![]() Creative ![]()
Tag Warning: Mind Break, Rape, NTR, Ugly Bastard
... Heath Ledger’s Joker, Javier Bardem’s Anton Chigurh, Christoph Waltz’s Hans Landa - these are the onscreen portrayals I think of when I try to picture a great villain and joining their ranks is the coach from Akane wa Tsumare Somerareru. While the hentai as a whole was quite mid and being NTR it wasn’t suited to my more vanilla tastes considering I am a megavirgin who can absolutely self-inserts myself as the cuck, I just cannot deny the fact that the coach was one of the greatest villain portrayals I have ever witnessed in cinema so despite any preconceptions this one is just for the true cinephiles. Story and Characters: 4 | 9 The story is pretty much as barebones as an NTR can get - a girl wants to support her crush by being an assistant on the boy’s baseball team but then the coach fucks her and because she loves her crush so much she lets him fuck her so that the coach won’t pull him from the team. In the end, she’s broken and discards her pure love to becomes the coach’s sex slave. Honestly, it's insultingly boring and just distasteful for a non-NTR enjoyer like myself. I was genuinely put off by the hentai but I stuck through to the end just to see how it ended and I have to say this coach is one of the most stomach-turning characters I have ever encountered in many ways. The overbearing domination the coach has over everything in his vicinity is genuinely sickening and as the girl struggles to not get swept away by his influence you experience that internal conflict she undergoes which makes you hate her as much as you empathize with her. The one underdeveloped character feels like the boy that our main girl is trying to protect so vehemently (by fucking the coach) and while this could be seen as a flaw, this lack of attention on him reflects exactly how she really feels about him as a scapegoat, a tool to justify her own actions. While the story is very straightforward, to be able to execute such a complex character-driven experience the hentai cannot be bogged down by a more complicated plot so in a sense it is justified as it fulfills its role in providing a succinct medium where the very essence of the two main leads can be dissected and broken down to the deepest levels. Art and Animation: 6 Visually I hate, yet love everything about this hentai which reflects how I feel about every other aspect of it. In the past, I have had very harsh opinions and have been very clear about my distaste for the excess of body fluids, disproportionate bodies and motion blur effect applied to the breasts which this hentai ticks every box and yet I cannot deny how perfect a pair this style is with the actual content of the hentai. For such a visceral and gut-wrenching hentai, it only makes sense that the visuals evoke that feeling in you as well and if you read the first bit of this review then you know what you’re in for when you boot up this hentai and it definitely isn’t sunshine and rainbows. Villain: 10 I really have to dedicate a whole section to the Coach because he is truly a compelling character and when you have genuine hatred for a fictional character then you know that’s one hell of a villain. So let’s think about what makes a great villain, what story points can you include to create someone vile? 1. Make the villain more powerful in creative ways In reality, our coach isn’t a powerful man, he’s a high school baseball coach plain and simple, but for such an insignificant role this man wields an unprecedented amount of influence. Within the sphere of Japanese high schools, baseball is the equivalent of football in American culture so just being on the baseball team gives you certain superiority over your peers making it one of the most coveted positions to hold within the hierarchy of high school and who controls those positions? The coach. So within the realm of high school students, our coach is a kingmaker who we’d never even take a second look at in real life, working behind the scenes yet essentially owning the backbone of high school society. 2. Let them win This is real plain and simple. The most impactful diversion of a story is that the hero doesn’t win and here that is absolutely given to us but since its a hentai that diversion is rendered moot the moment you see the NTR tag because you know that ugly bastard won, you know the cuck lost, you know the girl lost and you know you, the viewer, has also lost the moment you clicked on the video. 3. The villain thinks they’re right One of the vilest things you realize about a true villain is that they genuinely, unapologetically believe they are right. Our coach is the purest utilitarian you will ever see because as it gets revealed later on in the episode, he never cared about the girl or cucking the guy, all he cared about was honing a new tool to use to further his coveted baseball team. The coach threw her to the wolves as quickly as he broke her just to motivate his team and the worst part is that it actually worked considering the blowout match they showed later in the episode. The coach thinks his methods are absolutely and unequivocally flawless as they produce results. 4. The villain is in control Staying on the coach’s method, one thing that takes away from a great villain is that their success is attributed to luck or unpredictability of their chaotic nature but what truly brings fear down to the bone is realizing every action is carefully considered and calculated. Everytime our protagonist struggles to beat the villain, the realization that they are playing exactly into the villain’s hand is a chilling feeling and our coach is exactly that. He knows his place as he does everyone he interacts with, he knows he owns the girl and he makes sure all the baseball members know it and that show of domination reveals on an instinctive nature the strength of the coach’s rule on his dominion. Enjoyment: 1/10 I hated this hentai, my heart rejected everything from the plot to the characters to the visuals of it all. It took all my efforts to hold a somewhat objective view and throw out my anti-NTR preconceptions so if you really like NTR or purposefully grotesque visuals then you’ll love this but you pure of heart vanilla enjoyers should keep a wide berth from this hentai. Of course, the coach is a GOATed character and if you’re just going to watch this then go ahead but if you’re planning to fap then take a look at the tags before you go in.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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![]() Show all Feb 4, 2022
Girls Rush The Animation
Tag Warning: Lactation
Girls Rush is a hentai of two stories, one is about a latchkey kid who finds a “sugar sister” to help him kill time after school (yeah nothing suspicious or dangerous about that) and the second story is about a girl recouping her high school romcom she was so viciously denied through her bad luck. Overall this is a good hentai to watch if you want something wholesome because believe it or not, that first story isn’t about some shota getting kidnapped, drugged and raped. I kinda got bored and slightly weirded out by the first story but the second story is genuinely ... sweet and well-paced which brought the score up for me coz you know I love a wholesome hentai. Yeah this hentai is essentially boys getting affection and goddamit if that isn't the male fantasy. Story and Characters: 6 | 8.5 The first story centers around a neglected kid who’s trying to find an outlet to spend some time after school because his parents don’t love him so he finds a “sugar sister” to give him the love and attention he so desperately craves. Yeah there’s really nothing weird about a presumably middle school kid going over to some random lady’s house so she can pamper him, he is definitely fine. Anyway, she ends up being a super cute and not crazy girl who cooks for him and plays video games with him which is secretly what all males aspire towards so this hentai is really catering towards its target demographic. After all that gaming though, sister wants some compensation and that’s clearly to satisfy her shota complex by fucking the absolute shit out of our MC. After fucking, they decide to go on a date and fuck in a love hotel where he takes the iniative and they fuck like rabbits till he cums bloo - 10/10 whole af. Of course I’m kidding, the story seems a bit rushed to me and the transition from this almost business-like transaction to a relationship gives me an insane amount of whiplash and nothing about this feels all that natural. The MC doesn’t really open up to her about why he even sought out this kind of service and they just go into this really surface level relationship which kinda fails at the point of the hentai. I’d really like it if they cut back on the fucking and added a couple minutes where the characters talked more and there was something more meaningful. Also the lactation was really weird, looks like someone has big mommy issues. The second story for me is really perfect, it tells the tale of our MC-kun getting ditched after he splurged a ton of money to take a girl out on a weekend getaway to a hot spring, typical women. So, since he’s not made out of money he decides not to waste the trip he already planned and goes ahead alone, already an extremely relatable character. On his way, he runs into his former classmate Tokiko who tried to walk to an inn without a reservation and collapsed out of dehydration, heat exhaustion and starvation. Apparently, she was trying to recreate her school trip since she missed it way back when due to her klutzy character but wouldn’t you know it the inn her class went to isn’t even open anymore. So MC-kun being the humble god that he is, takes her to the inn he’s staying at but another oopsie, the inn is booked up and all the other inns are booked up as well so he decides to share his room with her. Along the way, they start drinking and MC-kun starts getting the hots for her. In the end, through hentai shenanigans they ended up doing the devil’s tango and profess their love for each other and all's well that ends well. MC-kun and the girl got together, Tokiko got to live out the high school memories she missed out on and it just gave me a really good vibe. The story really takes the forefront here as you get to know the characters and MC-kun sees a new side to Tokiko but when they actually get to doing it, it is rewarding as hell. My only gripe with the story is that I'd like to see more of them together because Tokiko is such a goddamn treasure and the MC-kun is flawed enough that he isn’t just some perfect guy, but he does the right thing when the circumstances call for it. By no means is this story perfect, but it gave me a great experience. Art and Animation: 7.5 While the art and animation look kinda dated, I really digged this vibe way more than the overproduced crap that I am constantly complaining about. While the animation was somewhat reserved, it is still used in a creative enough way that you don’t really feel that it is inferior in quality. While the lactating boobs in the first episode kinda put me off, I couldn’t find anything to complain about in the second episode. Tokiko and the MC had somewhat generic designs but there was a little something extra that made them stand out from being cookie cutter stereotypes both in writing and design. While this won’t blow you away, it really gives you that warm and homey feeling the whole series is trying to convey so it doesn’t let down the whole series. Wholesome: 8 Fuck this shit is pure diabetes. You’ll just vibe right along and in the post-nut clarity your soul will be filled with warmth rather than looking into that cold, desolate void where your heart should be. Obviously hentai will never replace true human connection, but by golly does this hentai get quite close. While the first episode could’ve gone further, episode two left me with hope that one day a cute girl may fall into my lap as well and I can grasp that high school romance that was so cruelly denied. Don’t let your hentai be dreams boys, seize it. Enjoyment: 8.5 I think it’s abundantly clear I fucking love this hentai (more so episode two but hey episode one is trying it’s best all things considered). It’s kinda a no brainer to watch this and dammit Tokiko is such a wholesome best girl, all I wanna do is protect and love her. There’s not much to say but go fucking watch this hentai, you won’t regret it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Jan 9, 2022
Iyashite Agerun Saiyuuki
Score: 9
TAG WARNING : futa, tentacle No spoiler overview: Great animation, character design and sound design. The story is a bit confusing at the beginning but it is actually quite engaging. Art style is more vintage so some people may not like it, there are a few unusual tags (tentacle, futa) but it's not gross in any way. If you can get past the tags, it is a must watch hentai. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh boy, where do I even start with this one. A hentai parody of Journey to the West (Monkey King and pals) which touches on electronic waste in 2007, just reading that it already sends a ... whirlwind of emotions and by no means is there any exaggeration in that description. What may be even more surprising is just reading the staff of this hentai which explains the quality it has head-and-shoulders above the competition, while I won’t name anyone specifically I implore you to browse through the staff and read the works that they had contributed to after this hentai with legendary anime under their repertoire such as One Piece, Samurai Champloo and Code Geass [https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=8055]. This hentai has great pacing, great characters, great fight scenes and a genuinely good and environmentally conscious message but that could just be me reading too much into things. Story and Characters: 8 After reading the source doujin this is adapted from, the actual story that is adapted is basically a 1:1 for the actual Journey to the West section while the initial cutesy anime intro + gritty futuristic flashforward seems to be original to the hentai which really is the more confusing part as it seems like they are trying to promote two other unrelated things to the core story due to them using basically the same characters. I have my own headcanon that may tie it all together but for a first time viewing this is seriously confusing, but if you can get past the intro the rest of the story is solid. The characters are quite good in my opinion with the Monkey King being perfectly portrayed with his more relaxed and laid-back attitude while still ultimately being an ultra powerful badass. The two other attendants to the monk Zhu BaJie and Sha WuJing kinda fell flat individually as they weren’t given much to do but the banter between them and Tan SanZang helped the three shine brighter as a group. This dynamic works well due to Tan SanZang being somewhat more fleshed out and bombastic which plays off Sha WuJing who is more stoic in nature while gelling with Zhu BaJie’s gluttonous behavior. In the original works, Tan SanZang is canonically a Buddhist monk who is a reincarnation of the a disciple of Buddha so the juxtaposition between the pious nature of the original and the representation in the hentai of this young boy bursting with lust is quite amusing which adds an extra layer of comedic context to his actions. The story and pacing are also very good with the way they go from the monk and his two attendants to Monkey King trying to catch up with them. Not only does this create some anticipation for the next scene of each story-line but it also slows down the pacing of the somewhat sparse amount of erotica on display. This allows for a better buildup and mixes things up to prevent the hentai from growing stale. With the fight scene in between the two sections of actual hentai, it adds genuine entertainment to the experience and lets you finish off on a wholesome note. It is astounding that they managed to mash that all into 35 minutes but with the way everything is edited and put together, it is a testament to the story-boarding that despite a 35 minute run time, you feel like you get so much more out of it. Time for me to put on my “reading way too deeply into a hentai” hat on. The story starts with an introduction to essentially the same cast of characters featured in the Journey to the West setting in modern times as our Monkey King rushes to the mechanic shop she works at where along with her two coworkers (presumably Zhu BaJie and Sha WuJing), they use the power of a pendant to repair vehicles and electronic devices that are broken. Seeing as this story is centered around a piece of Chinese literature featuring Buddhism where in the religion there is a strong belief of reincarnation I would infer that this intro is actually the reincarnations of the characters from later on as a good way to introduce the characters, their dynamics and the pendant which allows them to repair objects. For me, that timeline is separate from the rest of the story while the android abuse scene and the rest of the hentai with the Journey to the West motif are both in the same timeline. While the first scene we see of the androids looks super futuristic and cyberpunk, the medieval Chinese setting of the Journey has androids so it isn’t such a stretch to say that this isn’t a purely medieval setting and it is a hybrid of the genres. For the second part, the story focuses on these androids going haywire due to the years of abuse they have felt and in losing their way they are just trying to please their customer to an extreme they do not realize is hurting them due to the abuse. In the end the girls end up repairing them similar to the power demonstrated by the pendant and they literally ride off into the sunset. Now ask yourself, how many useless electronics do you have around your house? Even from a cursory glance when you go outside, you can see numerous people with smashed phone screens, headphones with fraying wires and abused charging ports. In 2021, 57.4 million tonnes of electronic waste was discarded which is a staggering amount that perfectly highlights the message of this hentai. Take care of your devices, do not mindlessly throw the around because technology is the lifeblood of our society and the resources for manufacturing these devices is finite so we must all do our best to repair our devices if they are damaged instead of throwing them out and if we must throw them out do not let them idle around in a drawer but instead make a conscious effort to recycle them properly. This hentai highlights the value of our electronics and that we do not value them as much as we should so next time you get a new device, make sure you properly take care of your old one. Art and Animation: 9 Art is subjective so I can see quite a large amount of people disliking this due to the vintage or old fashioned art style but for me it gave me a sense of nostalgia for something I had barely experienced. There was a retro vibe to the whole thing that just made me want more, with characters that would fit perfectly on the thumbnail of a 90s city pop YouTube compilation. The animation is unsurprisingly amazing given the talent behind the work and even the fight scene was genuinely engaging with fighting that actually told a story as the characters fought. The ero-scenes were great too with a focus on both characters involved in each interaction and variety that kept me engaged throughout. Was the manga better?: No For this adaptation, I won’t be recommending the doujin as there is just so much extra flavor added to the hentai that it feels like the definitive way to enjoy this piece of content. The fight scenes, the ero- scenes and especially the environment just pop to life in the hentai exponentially more so than in the doujin. You feel a certain ambience in the hentai with the sound design complementing the masterful background plates that never felt disconnected and built up a great lived-in world that felt very grounded. Enjoyment: 10 For me, this is a must watch with some of my favorite tags involved in a very tasteful way. The animation, art and comedy are all top-tier for me and I had a great time watching this. Some people may not like it and the beginning is somewhat confusing but piecing together the motif and structure of the hentai was quite fun and challenging. Besides that, it just oozes fun and that energy is infectious so even if you don’t really get what's going on I don’t see how anyone would have a bad time with this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Dec 6, 2021 Recommended
Tag warning : yaoi(ish)
Watch instructions: most hentai sites should have a 40 minute supercut which I’d highly recommend over watching the individual 5 minute episodes which kinda mess with the pace you consume it. I am a 21 year old virgin who is extremely insecure so if you’re anything like me this hentai may be a challenge and I think my friends’ genuine disbelief that I fapped to this basically sums up the struggle to get through this if you generally do not prefer yaoi hentai. What I will say is that I managed to get through it and if you can look past the fact ... that this isn’t straight or yuri (basically the mainstream) then you’ll find a genuinely good hentai that look amazing, has a generic gimmick that is executed well and surprisingly great character writing so if the fact that there is a yaoi tag doesn’t faze you then I wholeheartedly recommend it, if you’re hesitant like I was then I will address the yaoi aspect and why I’d classify this as yaoi~ish because it really isn’t your straight yaoi (not that I’d really know). In essence, this is what I expected TSF Monogatari to be when in actuality it just turned into a censored horror show as I should’ve expected from ShindoL but well that’s just egg on my face. Story and Characters: 7.5 | 8 The story is quite simple to sum up: man gets cursed to where if he’s ever horny he turns into a girl and so naturally his bestfriend (who recognizes him in his female form) proceeds to fuck him and leads into a 40 minute journey of self-discovery for our MC as he/she tries to figure out the eternal question “is it gay to fuck your bestfriend of the same sex if a curse turns you into the opposite sex?”. They really just take this concept and run with it in the best way possible, going through various scenarios that force our MC to question his own sexuality as he slowly comes to an acceptance of who he really is as well as putting our MC in the shoes of the women he so often hit on and seeing the world through their eyes. At worst, this is just a well-made gender bender who doesn’t want to fully commit to the bit and at best this has the beginnings of a genuinely thought-provoking introspective about the fluidity of gender and orientation, but anyway I don’t know much about that and I fear I’ve already said way too many wrong things. Like I mentioned, this is a very character driven piece and boy do they nail the characters. We really just have MC-kun, his ride-or-die buddy and a doctor that is a little too horny but by and large this is really just a two character affair which really works for this hentai. Some of my top hentai like Aikagi/Aibeya are basically two-character hentais that really put care into developing the relationship and I’ll gladly say this hentai takes the same approach. Every single scene is between MC and his buddy as it is established quite early on that his boy really REALLY wants him while he’s in denial that his bud wants a piece of him. Every piece of dialogue continues to drive the inner turmoil in MC-kun and even the ero-scenes are layered with important dialogue that subtly changes our MC in the slightest of ways compounding into a cathartic ending where the efforts of the past 40 minutes are paid off with a metamorphic evolution as he finally accepts himself (I am obviously being hyperbolic but there is definitely a pay-off to the last 40 minutes). While his friend doesn’t change much, from the beginning there is a confidence he exudes that tells the viewer that he is already comfortable in himself and he knows what he wants. Really, the curse just opened an opportunity for him to reveal his true self to MC-kun with less repercussions but you can generally feel that he is a “whole” character from the get-go. I think this generally works as the show is framed more so on the journey that the MC takes and his friend plays a large part as that catalyst for change, the friend serves as a great contrast to make the insecurity and confusion that the MC experiences even more evident as he has found himself and does not need to change. Despite the lack of change, just the conversations with the MC reveal more and more of his depth to the audience while he inherently lacks a flaw which is fine as our focus is really on the MC and his journey and the character development he undergoes is less transformative and more for the benefit of the audience to add depth and layer the complex internal evolution of the MC. Overall, the show is able to leverage two character externally mirror images of each other, yet internally polar opposites and through normal interactions and situations paint an image of self-discovery with real depth that is uncommon in hentai. There is a strong dynamic between the characters that feels like unexplored territory for each other as much as it is for the audience which really captured me throughout my watch. This hentai is not original in concept but really is just taking a basic formula and elevating through execution. Art and Animation: 9 Visually this show freaking slaps, there is nothing lazy about it and all I feel is just quality, quality and more quality. This basically falls in line with the JoshiOchi or Overflow series where they have TV releases censored and a much more uncensored version released online which probably means it has a higher budget or at the very least is expected to look presentable considering it is broadcasted on TV. I’m genuinely blown away that this is the first hentai of the studio and honestly I’m looking forward to more from them. The character designs were phenomenal with a striking visual distinction between the main character and his friend (enhancing the dynamic of their relationship of being polar opposites on the inside) not just in the surface level (skin tone, hair color and eye color) but also within the general design of the characters. The design of the male/female version of the MC also seemed to have great thought put into it as they felt very different yet very similar which feels like such a fine line to tread upon. The animation was also amazing and consistent throughout, this is basically what I expect from modern hentai and yeah they deliver in spades so you won’t be disappointed in this aspect. Gay?: idk Regarding the yaoi~ish tag, I would say this hentai is essentially dipping your feet into the cold water as it is the least yaoi yaoi hentai I’ve watched if that makes sense. Firstly, no matter if MC-kun is in his male/female form the VA doesn’t change besides an unconvincing tonal shift which you can still clearly make out is female. Secondly, almost throughout the whole show the MC is fucking in female form with a few loose fingers getting here and there and some dicks touching but for me that strangely didn’t feel all that weird. Personally, I often find that I can handle many things in hentai much better than I can in real life (I mean we’d all probably be locked up if our hentai fetishes transferred over to live-action porn) so I was pretty unfazed considering the VA is female, he takes on a female form a lot and I am a big futa fan. This hentai did test my limits of “wait am i gay?” but after a literal month of confusion (much like the MC), it really is just a “your brain on hentai” mindset which for some it might not be. So if you are at all curious about stepping onto the other side, take a look at this hentai as a little dip to see how the temperature suits you. Enjoyment: 8 As I said, this hentai messed with my head a lot and pre-nut/post-nut you is very different in my experience so it took me a long time to get my head straight. Personally, this is just hentai for me in the same way I wouldn’t actually want to see someone getting assaulted or used yet I can tolerate that in hentai because at the end of the day these are just drawings. I would genuinely recommend this hentai to people who think enjoy yaoi and for those who are unsure this is the least yaoi piece of yaoi hentai you will probably encounter so take a look. Objectively this is just a great hentai in terms of the story, characters and execution so why not take a watch.as I certainly enjoyed it and it really helped me figure myself out.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Oct 24, 2021
Joshikousei no Koshitsuki
After going through my monthly porn addiction cycle as I forget and relive all the horrors of JAV again, I finally find myself coming back to hentai and a recommendation that someone had sent me a while back, Joshikousei no Koshitsuki. I think it's a pretty basic hentai, sort of like a Big Mac because you can’t really hate it and earns its high score here handedly. The show is basically an anthology of the different illicit activities going on in various clubs at a high school and while there isn’t much that’s fucked up to talk about, it was just a fun ride that
included some minor twists and turns which spiced the experience to a notable degree. At a glance, it seems pretty average but when you take a moment to appreciate each storyline, you are actually presented with a smorgasbord of quality shorts that take on specific hentai and anime tropes while executing each to a high degree. If you are a vanilla enthusiast then you will be absolutely spoiled for choice.
Story and Characters: 7.5 Recommended: At least watch the Photography Club episode 10/10 The Volleyball Club (two episodes, 1 & 5) This is the only two-episode arc of the show, with the least deviation from the norm. It is a comfy series where there isn’t much that would be off-putting to the average viewer. The story follows a member of the volleyball team failing to perform under pressure, leading to her asking her coach for some “special training” which leads to him having relations with her while she wears a bikini to “overcome her shyness”. Her younger sister catches them in the act and watches from afar and in turn she approaches the coach herself for that special training. Overall it’s a pretty tame story where we just have the coach fucking some students and some toys coming into play with the end of episode one being a personal favorite of mine as the older of the two sisters gets involved. The coach just comes off as the lewd older gent, not much malice from my perspective, and the girls were just your quintessential JK (joshikousei) archetypes with a decent arc of them basically coming out of their shells. The Tennis Club This episode was probably one of the weirder episodes in my opinion, with open intercourse being practiced as the norm. It felt like a departure from the point of being a taboo activity in such a puritan environment such as a school, with the winners of the male tennis club being allowed to have their way with any member of the female tennis club and just doing them right out there in public. It just felt odd, I felt like one of the other club members just standing around watching these people having it out in the school gym and just providing some idle commentary. I would’ve preferred a private verison, especially with the “reverse-nomination” couple, so that they could reveal a deeper part of their characterization to each other in that privacy given the opportunity that the situation provided them with. The character pairings were pretty good among the three couples, covering a wide spectrum that isn’t all too common in my opinion. Firstly, we had the reverse-nomination couple who were as vanilla as ice cream with their complete lack of experience, a wholesome confession and figuring out things together, (odd that your first time would be in front of all your classmates, but I digress) obviously we welcome our vanilla overlords whenever they choose to grace us. Next we had a dommy mommy insulting her victim’s dick which is always a nice treat to fill that masochistic need in my life. Third was the least common, the virgin girl and the expert chad, as the pairing is often peppered with overtones of rape and coercion but this didn’t have that layer of grime to it which felt what diet soft drink advertising tries to achieve (all the flavour without all the guilt). Overall the mix of character pairing was pretty great, however it is all for nought when they are put into this really weird setting. The Photography Club This is my favorite out of all the club “activities” for this entire series. Ubukata is the true best girl and you cannot fight me on this, because at least for this hentai, this is the only relationship where I can see there are feasible feelings. Torn apart by the fact that her senpai is leaving she commits to leaving him with as much fanservice as she desires and damn does it satisfy, from the varied array of cosplay to the determination of confessing to her senpai breaking through her uncertain demeanor it is just the best that this series has to offer. There is an earnest love that Ubukata exudes which is unparalleled. Also although most of the girls look the same in this hentai there is just something about her, perhaps just her mannerisms, that makes her stand head and shoulders above the competition. While I realize I didn’t mention much about the story itself, the story IS Ubukata as we are experiencing her grabbing control of her love life which she was quite passive in her approach expecting the winds of change to sweep through and incite some change, instead accepting the onus to progress with her life. So the fact that we can visualize her internal monologue without a word being spoken is what I consider a hallmark of a great character story. I would HIGHLY recommend this episode if you’re only going to watch one episode. The Billiards Club This episode is basically what I wanted out of the tennis club episode to a certain extent. We have three girls who go through their separate journeys into convincing some horny dudes to join their club. My favorite of the three is the “girl who taunts guys for being virgins but is actually inexperienced herself” as she grows to admit that she hasn’t had much experience either and they slowly pick up the pace and discover each other. While this is a common trope, the execution is always what differentiates it from other hentai/doujin examples so for this hentai, with the pacing and dialogue they absolutely deliver. The other two girls follow a similar evaluation, with the “yeah im just horny” girl and the “kuudere’s first time special” being common tropes as well, it came down to the execution and they all met my expectations. Weaving in each plot line into a cohesive experience also helped in strengthening each other as the variety held my interest throughout. The Drama Club This one is alright, two girls want to learn how to be meek so they do a character studying by fucking a dude. They end up being waaaay too assertive and they just end up riding him like a machine and learn absolutely nothing. Overall - meh. Girls were cute and at the end, the DP bit was *chef’s kiss* but they did that in the volleyball episode so it feels a bit cheap. Overall the stories and characters aren’t exactly mind blowing but they took well-established tropes and executed them as well as they could which met my expectations and then some. The variation of storylines and character archetypes from episode to episode was welcome and complemented the anthological structure of the series. Art and Animation: 9 I’ve already said this time and time again, new hentai art just kinda blows, so I don’t really mind the “older” art style as long as it is objectively well-made. They never held on shots for too long, they had a varied array of outfits between the characters, they played with switching between screen tones and environmental background plates between scenes. It just checks all the boxes in terms of animation execution for me, I never felt like they skimped out and my only major complaint is just the saminess of the female character designs. Yet overall the quality is so top-tier in my opinion that I would still be able to argue against my own critique that the show is just about an amalgamation of popular high school girl tropes and this theme of the Joshikousei aims for us to look at these characters as less like “main characters” and more like your everyday high school girl which the lack of wild character designs compliments exceedingly well. Variation : 7.5 I think despite how tame this show is, the tags on display are much more varied than you’d think at a glance. We had voyeurism, exhibistionists, a bunch of toys in play, random group orgies, wholesome one-on-one stuff, cosplay and double-fillings so it was in the most mundane sense quite exploratory and it's just another great hentai to recommend to weeblets. Enjoyment: 9 Overall, good times were had, some of the episodes like the tennis one were a bit weird so I feel like they could’ve trimmed the fat a bit but at this point I’m nitpicking. Even if you’re really bored of vanilla, the character interactions and stories are a bit more varied than what you’d typically expect so I think you should at least give it a try and if you really want some vanilla than this definitely one to watch. Now off to watch Kuro Gal, oh boy the girl looks so cute in that, I bet it's just a normal vanilla hentai!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Sep 22, 2021 Recommended
That’s good, that’s really good, that’s genuinely good. That is “Uchi no Otouto Maji de Dekain dakedo Mi ni Konai?” but the good ending and executed much, much better. Congratulations Bunnywalker, you redeemed yourself so I’m letting you off the hook just this once. Is there much more I have to say to get you to watch it?
Story: 7 The story revolves around the titular Imaizumin whose house has been taken over by a group of gyarus to hangout and play video games. Imaizumin is a lonely boy whose parents somehow let him live on his own and following the typical storyline our ... timid MC-kun gets bullied by these girls. However, soon they grow affectionate for him and whoops wouldn't ya know it his massive cock flops out of his pants, oops accidents happen. Now all three girls are lusting after him and this relationship takes a more positive turn as MC-kun basically fucks these girls into submission (Not like that other hentai with a timid big cock MC and three girls) and they become good friends with each of the girls having feelings for MC-kun. As their bond grows, they take a trip to a hot spring and well you guessed it, more fucking ensues. Overall, the plot is pretty mid with a more positive spin that these girls genuinely care for him and this warm feeling is carried by the voice acting and character interactions of the girls with MC-kun. Art and Animation: 8.5 This shit is actually good, nothing looks out of place and after reading the manga, the art is genuinely comparable. There’s a lot more life in the expressions of the characters (not just ahegao) so a lot more characterization is brought out through the aesthetic alone. Animations seem pretty smooth and it is just such a breath of fresh air for a hentai to look good. No complaints here, you will thoroughly enjoy this one. Characters: 8.5 This aspect of the show really sells you on the emotions of the characters, with believable growth that these girls held no malice for Imaizumin and once they exposed themselves to him they were much more forthright with their affection. Imaizumin never lets the popularity get to his head and he genuinely cares for each girl which manifests this healthy relationship, well as healthy as polygamy can look that is. Ruri is a bit annoying that she’s pushy and shows the least affection for MC-kun while Yukina’s more level-headed decision making and ability to read the room balances that out so while Ruri is my least favorite character she still builds to creating the mood and atmosphere that quietly surrounded the four of them. By far, my favorite character is Reina because she genuinely seems to have feelings for MC-kun and whether through her throws of affection or minute acts of caring, the whole show builds you up to see her as the most passionate about MC-kun with Yukina being a mediator and observer and Ruri being the most passionate about MC-kun’s dick. These characters bounce off each other so well and you can see how they’d be a real friend group as well as how each of their feelings for MC-kun materializes and develops over the course of the show. With great writing and voice acting, this is probably one of my favorite casts of characters. Reina best girl Wholesome Level: 9 No NTR, no broken hearts, no rape, no mindbreak. Ruri is annoying but it was just pure love overall. You don’t need rape to sell a hentai, when you will you learn doujin artists. Enjoyment: 9.5 This show shocked me, it looked like it could be absolute garbage but it surprised me at every turn. It never took the cheap shot and instead built on these characters and their interpersonal connections which by the final episode had me surprisingly attached to them. While I’d love to see Reina and MC-kun get more time together, nonetheless it was still an enjoyable ride which I highly recommend you check out. This is the insanely rare instance where the hentai outdid the doujin so it won’t convince you then I don’t know what will
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Sep 3, 2021
Kimi ga Suki. The Animation
Not Recommended
Oh boy, this truly was a painful experience to watch as a rare occasion where I had the source material and what can I say except … look how they massacred my boy. I’ll be the first to admit that some of Pink Pineapple’s stuff is good, however they really have gone downhill over time. What I will say is that if you are willing to read the doujins, I implore you to give them a shot before watching the hentai because most of these make up quite a great collection of vanilla doujin centered on romance with some absolutely breath-taking art. The hentai adaptation,
unfortunately, is not nearly as emotionally gripping of an experience as the doujin sources which are able to convey this deep and layered romantic backstory in just a few panels.
(Mods will remove this review if I give even mention the site that shall not be named or six-digit numbers I will just leave the titles for you to look up): Natsu to Jun | Summer and Innocence (Personal favorite) Daisuki | I love you Will You Marry Me? Koiseyo Otome Artist: Jorori Story : 6 So after watching this hentai I started doubting myself that perhaps those vanilla hentai I hold in such high regard such as Aikagi and Aibeya were not as good as I thought so I went back to them and frankly they don’t hold up visually as well as I remember however I’ll get back to that later on. What does hold up for me is the story, because in just an episode they take great care in escalating the romance, they take it slow and steady despite the limited run time and this results in a more personal experience where we, the audience, are able to glimpse the emotional connection that has occured in that moment of confession and release. Initially, my thought process was that by fitting in all these different stories, the pacing was messed up which led to my negative experience. However, after revisiting the doujins I can confidently say that the runtimes were never the issue and that no matter how much time they dedicated to each short, they probably would’ve messed up the pacing all the same. What differentiates some of the great vanilla hentai is the ability to crank up the heat at a moderate pace, it isn’t simply flicking the horny button on, they really make you feel that there are unspoken words left hung in the air for so long which builds an absolutely palpable tension which when actualized through a brazen moment of desperation releases all that was built up in pure catharsis not only for the characters but for us as well. When I watch Kimi ga Suki, they never hang on those pressure building moments so I just didn’t care as a viewer because I knew in the forefront of my mind the eventuality of their intercourse. Now given the short runtime per episode, you could still argue that it was time pressure but for me it just wasn’t the issue. For example, in Natsu to Jun the pivotal moment is when the fireworks go off and yet the lead up to that is this very clumsily put together scene of them on the bed together yet there is no silent hum to precede the moment the fireworks exploding, no frame of beauty to capture how our MC sees the girl, no fanfare whatsoever and this frankly just ruins an iconic scene. Art and Animation : 1 This isn’t the worst looking hentai (yeah I’m looking at you Kansen Sodom even though I argued that it was an abstract art piece) but comparatively it really opened my eyes to the shitstorm that is Pink Pineapple. Just go back through their catalogue and some they’ve done some truly legendary hentai that look like straight classics but fastforward to as recent as 2019 and you can see the cracks start to form in their hentai and now it seems that it couldn’t get any worse with how worthless this hentai looks. It's like they're not even trying in comparison to their competitors such as Bunnywalker or Mary Jane who still come out with some passable animation and artwork. Worst of all, why did they have to choose an artist that has made doujins that are in the 2nd ranking of my all-time best artwork doujin list. It really is like they took the Mona Lisa and told a child to draw it in crayon. This lack of fidelity in the drawings as well as the rigid animations just takes away any chance that it would recreate the experiences I had reading. Characters : 5 I just don’t care about them at all. I like that no one is a cheating scumbag or an asshole but that's a pretty low bar. Each story just kinda melds together at some point and I can’t really tell one character from the other. Their interactions don’t really feel that meaningful and all that deep personality is lost is the messy facial expressions drawn. Overall - meh. Vanilla Level : 10 (Like too much vanilla) I mean this is a pure, unadulterated, clean as a white dress at a Sunday church grade vanilla hentai. It ain’t cut with any bullshit but this is truly entering the realm of “so vanilla it’s boring” and that really means something from a vanilla enjoyer not an NTR fan. People will say “its about the story” or “don’t just look at the graphics” but when your shit looks far, far worse than what you did 10 years ago then I just can’t support it. “It is evolving, just backwards” - Pewdiepie commenting on the state of hentai. Enjoyment : 3 What can I say, they fucking massacred my boy. Took him out into the streets, beat him with sticks, shot him dead in an alley and left to rot as the rodents descended upon his feeble body. All I can say is that this just sucks, no one should celebrate a tragedy such as this. I understand that studios may not make much money off of hentai and that budgets shrink but maybe my complaints are just the mourning cries as the bells of death call out to hentai. This is truly a sad day.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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![]() Show all Jul 31, 2021
Tsugou no Yoi Sexfriend?
This is a work that falls under the isekai or fantasy or science fiction genre and I won’t hear any arguments against it. Overall, this is basically a power-fantasy type hentai with a wide cast of girls who somewhat interact with each other to give us less cookie-cutter characters and while it works, the premise that this salaryman living in a run-down apartment has a harem of five beautiful and successful girls was completely lost on me. Visually it’s fine, it isn’t quite as egregious as today’s hentai but doesn’t quite have the feel for “vintage” hentai which I’m quite fond of, it just tip
toes the line in between so it’s not bad but it’s not great either. It's pretty inoffensive with light BDSM to add a little spice so it isn’t completely boring.
Story : 7 So yes, as I mentioned in the intro, this is basically a hentai where this horribly average man somehow has accrued a harem of S-tier girls whom he just wants to have casual sex with which would be fine however they never give us any true reasoning as to why all these girls fall for him. Personally I chalk this up to him being isekai’d into another world where God has given him some holy woman-attraction superpower because otherwise it just doesn’t make any sense. And look, I know money or looks isn’t everything that a woman can see in a man, but they barely give us any indication as to how he met each girl and how he got them in bed so until I see evidence my theory somehow makes more sense. Furthermore, in the personality we do see of him, he’s just kinda wishy-washy guy who hates commitment which I can’t see how any person in general would like. Art and Animation : 7.5 The art is quite good with each female character being given a distinct design which informs the viewer on their personality before they’ve spoken a word and first impressions are quite important. The proportions are not too massive that you’d be rolling your eyes and generally there isn’t anything that feels out of place at a glance. The backgrounds are adequate and don’t distract you, with lighting and saturation filters that help set a mood for each scene. The animation isn’t bad either, with various positions that keep the scenes feeling dynamic and flowing well together. My only issue is the sped up animations to signify that they’re getting more intense which just looks ridiculous in practice, however this is present in almost all hentai so I’ll give it a pass. Characters : 8 I won’t get too into the nitty gritty regarding the characters in this show because nothing is really that special about them. Each girl has their conditions they want met by MC-kun which is shown in the individual encounters we see which helps flesh out their personality in a way that doesn’t just outright scream “CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT” at you. My main complaint about these segments is that they didn’t take a little more time to show how these girls came to meet MC-kun and how he got them because he seems pretty bland and average to me. Out of all the girls, Makiko is a personal favorite as she has such a switch in personality betraying her tough “leader of a large company” exterior juxtaposed against her hidden masochistic side which while its not exactly deep character writing, it adds variety and flavour to the character. Where this shines even further is during the latter episodes where the girls are all involved and they get to interact with one another and talk about their relationship and how it will move forward. The little conversations that permeate the ero-scenes adds just that hint of extra sauce which makes a world of difference. BDSM Level : 3 There’s like only one or two scenes of BDSM and by no means is it hardcore, its basically “baby’s first BDSM scene” for a weeblet. What it does despite being softcore is actually quite educational for the viewer compared to some weird hardcore shit that tiptoes the line between BDSM and torture porn is that it highlights what people actually enjoy about BDSM. It isn’t just to get off to hurting people, its that the loss of certain senses, the uncertainty of it all when you’re bound and blindfolded can be exhilarating so while I can’t get into that stuff it makes me understand the broader appeal of it, rather than keeping it a very niche thing. Enjoyment : 6 Personally I felt like this hentai could have gone further with its concept instead of being an excuse to shoehorn in more girls for MC-kun to fuck. It was executed quite well but I still have issues with the lack of backstory which restricts this show’s potential to be a much deeper character-driven story supported by a strong ensemble cast. Instead, we get a color-by-the-number kinda show where they just fuck a bunch at the end to pad out time instead of fleshing out characters more. It still has pretty broad appeal and I think if you like the design of the characters then by all means watch it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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![]() Show all Jul 21, 2021 Mixed Feelings
Yeah it isn’t great, this hentai started off so strong and brimming with so much quality but then the facade faded and all we’re left with in generic hentai goop. I watched this hentai because of a fucking meme but it should not have been as bad as it was, it was a legit slap in my goddamn face and I’m still angry about it. This is basically that clickbait YouTube video that actually starts off well but they try to fill in the last 10 minutes with filler so they can put in more bullshit ads. The main character becomes this unlikeable asshole and
the very sudden shift in personality is so jarring that it actually made me hate the guy. Maybe it’s my masochistic tendencies talking, but once the girls become actual dogs to his dick it was unwatchable because we watched our innocent, anxiety-filled underdog transform into the moustache-twirling, trustfundy, tournament arc villain who nobody roots for. This is truly the greatest instance of character assassination since Jesus.
Story : 4 The title roughly translates to “My brother has a really big thing. Wanna come see it?” which is pretty accurate as far as hentai titles go. Our MC-kun has such a massive dick that he has to fap with a fleshlight but his dick is so big that it literally rips the fleshlight apart so his sister thought it would be “le epic prank” to bring her friends over so they could tease him about his giant dick (which in reality as a sister, you must be pretty fucked in the head to wanna watch your 12 year old brother getting teased over his massive cock). This literally doesn’t make any sense because later on his sister gets all up in arms because one of her friends just starts fucking him so she clearly isn’t ok with it or is she? Anyway her other friend goes into the shower to fuck him as well and then his dick is so big that it is able to make these girls his sex slaves essentially. Afterwards his sister catches them in an orgy, so he proceeds to start fucking his sister around the house and he’s such an absolute GIGACHAD that after his sister gets fucked by a random dude he goes and fucks her to show her how its really done. The story just sorta unravels in structure from there and basically he just fucks all three girls in his personal harem. Yeah this story actually started out kinda strong because of the slow pacing and ridiculous yet oddly disturbing scene of him breaking and mourning the death of his fleshlight. The tone was light and fun with our MC being constantly teased by the girls and just going along with whatever he said. Then he became a cocky asshole and that’s when you kinda fall out of love with the character as he gets such a big head over his big cock. The best analogy I can give is to imagine this is a shounen manga and you have your bumbling and untested MC like Deku or Naruto who are clear underdogs then you just turn them into a badly written isekai protagonist (think Choyoyu levels of dogshit) which disenchants you from the entire scenario and you’re basically watching the archetypical NTR chad fuck a bunch of girls. It just falls flat. Art and Animation : 8 This is probably the greatest strength of the show. The actual art is much better than the cover art portrays with great lighting all around. The scenes are pretty dynamic and all the girls have a distinct look that fits their personality quite well, no animation cycling feels all too drawn out and it’s pretty solid all around where I can see people fully enjoying it. Now personally, I’ve expressed this opinion over my many reviews that I hate this new style of hentai. Don’t get me wrong, this hentai does it better than most with reasonable proportions on the main girls but the glossy finish adds this odd artificiality that I just can’t get behind. Furthermore there’s the return of motion blur boobs which together give any hentai adopting this look the impression of a moving sex game ad on a dodgy porn site, but at least this show has some restraint and it comes out looking better than most Characters : 6 I actually liked the main girls despite how much I despise the MC to my very core. Each girl fits their archetype and the voice actors do an excellent job portraying them which adds so much depth and life to the girls. With the gyaru character in Nagisa, Yukiko the dandere and I guess the “plain as white rice” Chiaki we have a very balanced ensemble cast of characters who fill in for the weaknesses that come from each of their character types. It’s actually such a shame that they devolve into sex-dogs who come at MC’s beck and call. I have the same issue with the sister where she literally just rolls over for him despite the strange and weird dynamic that was prevalent in episode 1 which slowly crumbles as the show progresses. NTR Levels : 2 Oh yea, there’s some NTR but this show could be called baby’s first NTR because it introduces weeblets to the cuck culture I guess? I mean they barely mention it in the first episode, however MC-kun literally dicks down his sister fresh after some guy finished off so I guess that counts? It’s really not too prevalent but thought I’d bring it up. Enjoyment : 5 All in all I don’t really have much to say about this show except that it’s watchable. There’s nothing too offensive about it, with a mediocre plot and forgettable characters it really isn’t enough to have good animation to stand out. I mean I think people will be drawn in by the ridiculous name, or like me through the memes, but they’ll be left sorely disappointed afterwards. It doesn’t suck and it starts off strong, that’s all I can say. What actually pisses me off is that it defiles what I hold in regard as a pure and wholesome tag known as “shota”. Literally every single shota manga I’ve read has been this soft and warm story complimented by light color tones and thin, wispy brush strokes. I did not need to see a little kid gain a god complex over his massive schlong and proceed to collect his sex harem. Fuck this show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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