Report MaxfighterXD's Profile

Heey welcome to my profile hope u enjoy your stay!

Heey welcome to my profile hope u enjoy your stay!

Heey My name is Max nice to meet ya I'm pretty old already 31 but young mind wise because I always get guessed younger on this feel free to leave a comment or a friend request! :)

My passion and hobby's:

I work in a Eco-Friendly Kitchen vegan and vegetarian mostly now which I don't prefer it but still tastes great so I am no vegeterian and I'm mostly are busy with baking pies or cutting vegatables and making sandwiches :).

My hobbies are mostly watching animes or series but I like also Biking and cooking of course and tech stuff kinda a geek haha I'm busy with trying some costum lists but they take time and I'm quite busy I also collect pokemon cards and like working in the garden :)

My top 10 favourite animes are :

Death Parade / Megalo Box / Naruto Shippuden
Black Clover / Dragonball Z / The king's Avatar
Vinland Saga / Dr. Stone / Barakamon / Dororo

Feel free to look true my animelist if u want suggestions anime wise u can always ask I do that sometimes on the forums in the anime suggestion section it was nice to meet you hope u have a great day :D


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Days: 84.9
Mean Score: 7.60
  • Total Entries369
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  • Episodes5,128
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Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan 3rd Season
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan 3rd Season
5 hours ago
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
8 hours ago
Completed 148/148 · Scored 9
Trigun Stampede
Trigun Stampede
Mar 20, 4:44 AM
Re-watching 1/12 · Scored 8
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 0.4
Mean Score: 8.00
  • Total Entries1
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  • Chapters33
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Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball Super
Jan 25, 6:58 AM
Reading 33/? · Scored 8

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Freyja-Lilith Feb 21, 4:36 PM
Happy Birthday!
Freyja-Lilith Feb 22, 2024 12:13 PM
Happy Birthday!
Freyja-Lilith Oct 22, 2023 12:58 PM
Hey. Sounds like you've had a good year this year. :)

My year's been busy. We moved apartments a couple of times, but think we're staying where we are for a while, so it's all good. Also had a bit of a health scare this month. Been having panic attacks a lot.
Meroxy Oct 22, 2023 7:50 AM
Hi Max! First of all thank you for accepting my friend request.I am from Azerbaijan and I am 17 year old student.I am really busy this year cuz my exams, so I have only a little time for anime and other stuff :( .I think Netherlands is really great country.Not only for its economy, but aslo for its culture and history.Dude working in a eco-friendly kitchen is sounds amazing!But I am wanting to be a policeman or something.Because I am really interested in crime-justice relationship and I am fan of The Sopranos, The Wire, True Detective and other crime-drama shows.Bro your laptop is really good.Mine is MSI Stealth 16.I don't like Shonen personally because I always wanting well-written characters and plot, good character developments and etc.But it's fact that Shonen series especially One Piece is really enjoyable.Can I recommend you some anime. manga and TV shows? I will recommend Mushishi and Mononoke as anime, Vagabond as manga and The Sopranos as series.Which city of Netherlands do you live? I really like Rotterdam and Amsterdam.I live in a small city - Lankaran.The population and territory of the Lankaran is small but its history and culture is great.My favorite anime of this season was Tengoku Daimakyou or Vinland Saga season 2.Yeah season 2 was good but I think season 1 was better.I just noticed that my list is so unactive :( I don't have enough time for updating my stats.Whatever, I will sent you a list of my whole suggetions.Also I use Discord, we can talk there if u want.Your message was so friendly and sweet.Thank you for that.I feel very alone in last 1-2 weeks.Speak to u soon.Bye :)
Freyja-Lilith Feb 21, 2023 5:48 PM
Happy Birthday!
EmilioX Sep 10, 2022 4:43 PM
Hey Max,

Gaat goed, ik heb dit jaar amper iets gedaan anime gerelateerd, ben ook al een jaar niet actief om MAL geweest. Beetje tijd genomen om even wat andere dingen te doen. Met name werk, mijn game backlog bijwerken. Ik dacht pak MAL weer eens op, alleen beetje lastig om op mensen te reageren die me een jaar geleden een bericht hebben gestuurd waar ik nog niet op gereageerd had ^^'.

Ik hoop binnenkort een inhaalslag te gaan maken met alle nieuwe seizoenen van anime's die ik gemist heb en wellicht daarna wat nieuws te kijken. Ik heb echter niet echt motivatie om te kijken, ben beetje uitgekeken geraakt op anime na vorig jaar. Ik mis het eigenlijk ook helemaal niet. Maar goed heb wel altijd heel erg genoten van anime kijken, dus wellicht moet ik gewoon er weer even inkomen.

Fijn dat het ook goed met jouw gaat, tenminste ik hoop dat dat nog steeds zo is! Zo'n e-bike is wel echt een uitvinding ja. Ik bedoel je kan zeggen wat je wilt maar het zorgt voor veel meer fietsende mensen. Ook raak je zoals je zegt ook gewoon fitter van. Ik hoop dat je een leuke vakantie tijd hebt gehad? Ik heb niet zoveel vakantie gehad deze zomer, wat heel raar was de eerste keer na mijn studie zo. Dat je gewoon helemaal niet meer beseft dat het zomervakantie is.

Met werk gaat het zeker prima, ik ben inmiddels net iets meer dan een jaar in dienst en heb na 3 kwart jaar al een vast contract mogen ondertekenen, dus dat is wel lekker. Verder tot heden alleen maar positive klanten en die streak wil ik graag vasthouden. :D

Haha van die drank ken ik maar al te goed. Ik drink ook niet zoveel meer, ik heb niet zo vaak katers gehad, maar mijn maag kan er gewoon slecht tegen. Ik ben altijd minimaal een dag misselijk als ik goed gedronken heb. Was daar op een gegeven moment zo klaar mee dat ik bijna niet meer drink.

Ik ga proberen MAL weer iets meer op te pakken, dus hoor graag van je hoe het nu met je is ^^
groet, Emilio
Delphineum Aug 21, 2022 10:18 AM
Hey, nice to meet you, thanks for the comment!

I see we can get along nicely, I too like whisky (and cognac ofc). Currently I'm watching Moribito, Overlord S4, Classroom of the Elite S2, and Vermeil in Gold. Also good luck in the competition!

Wow that sounds awesome with the gardens and restaurants, glad to hear it's going well! I'm actually in the process of buying a house and I'll be designing and creating an ancient Roman-style garden, a Japanese garden, and a vegetable one too! Really excited about that. My biggest passion by far are pine trees, I look at them in adoration whenever I see one. I go to forest parks and gardens whenever I get a chance.

Regarding work, I work as a software engineer at a multinational company. I finished my Computer Science degree last year.
itsrj20 Aug 20, 2022 4:25 AM
MaxfighterXD said:
Heey Ur Profile looked cool and u look like a genuine So will u accept my friend request and comment to me once in a while if ur interested of course!

My name is max btw
Nice to meet ya!

Hi, Sir Max, haha thanks for the profile one. Yeah sure, comment whenever you want, I'll reply as soon as possible, although I'm not a genius or I don't know where I looked like a genius :-P. I also read your other comment on my profile, and wanted to reply one, but as you said "I don't need to send back a big responses like this", so here I am with a small response (maybe?) ;). I really liked your hobbies, and specially like "how you are interested in most of the things". As for me, currently I'm a student, so nothing big, but I really liked how you told your work experience, it's good to see people enjoying in their work area. I spend my most of the free time in "tech stuff" (like roms/mods, Android stuffs) and of course "anime", too. You can see that I've seen all of the ones you mentioned (except rockman/megaman) , and as well "Death parade" and many others, too. I didn't added them in my list, tho. There are many others too, which i didn't added, probably forgot to add them in my list, as i just complete and enjoy but forgot to add most of them in "MAL". The two major reasons i use "MAL" is for "discussion" (with fellow watchers) in active forums, and looking on infos/database on "sequels/adaptations", so i don't look much on my list. One of my favourite in sports is "Hajime no ippo" and that one is also not in my list (probably going to add it, rn). I watch anything that interests me and i make sure to complete it without dropping it (as i also stated in my profile), and I'm currently watching most of the weekly. Oh yes, I don't mind big or small comments, I'm ready to read and respond to any of them, so consider my profile's comment section as your home, xD. Anyway, What's up? Thanks for the FR.
Ardanaz Aug 18, 2022 11:02 PM

Doing well :D
You mean swagernator? We're friends haha

Ooh rs3. I played that a lot too. Now I play osrs :3

It's a lot of work. I do like it, but I'll never have that same spark as when I just started out :')
Gotta deal with annoying people and loads of reports, but it does feel fun to work with the team and make loads of friends.

Sounds like a great time!

My hobbies are gaming, watching shows, DJing, studying Japanese, chilling with my wife and modding on mal.

Glad to hear you kicked your addiction! Proud of you :D
Ardanaz Jun 14, 2022 12:34 AM
Hey Max! Glad to see you're doing well :D
I'm super glad we can do things again for now. Hehe good that you didn't get too sick. I've had it twice. First time felt like a short flu. Couple day fever and just feeling crappy. Second time was a sore throat for a week, nothing else.
I notice you didn't use "The line" (I'm grateful to be fully vaccinated and boosted or else it would've been way worse). You're supposed to use that line! XD I cringe to the bottom of my soul when I hear people say that lmao

Ooh good stuff! Got some followers yet?

I haven't been watching anime anymore for a while already. I just occasionally watch something if it peaks my interest. Last one I watched was Nagatoro when it was airing.
What do you guys serve? :o

Let's hope it stays open this time :D

Ooh e-bikes sound fun. Shame they're so expensive though T_T

Talk to ya later! <3
Ardanaz Mar 3, 2022 1:10 AM
Eyyy whaddup. Either one works fine for me :P
Glad to hear you're starting to live a bit again! Don't let the measures stop you from going out. At least for now they're gone again :)
Freyja-Lilith Feb 22, 2022 9:47 AM
Happy Birthday!
Grave_Digger_13 Jan 18, 2022 2:25 PM
Hello there
EmilioX Dec 9, 2021 8:10 AM
Hoi Max, sorry voor de late reactie ik ben dit jaar erg druk geweest met afstuderen en daarna met mijn nieuwe baan, dus helaas moesten veel hobbies even op een laag pitje. ^^'

Actief op MAL destijds heel erg ja, nu wel een stuk minder. Helaas komt bij een baan minder vrije tijd kijken, dus ik ben wel van plan om mijn aanwezigheid op MAL niet meer zo heftig te maken als destijds. Maar wil wel weer degene met wie ik door de jaren heen leuke gesprekken heb gehad de draad weer oppakken.

Het is even geleden maar ja ik volg het Nederlands Elftal meestal wel op de voet ja, maar goed dat doe ik ook met de CL, en de Nederlands club en top affiches in de EL en ECL. Ik snap je punt echter is het denk ik een beetje hetzelfde als met Max Verstappen, veel mensen volgende het F1 nooit totdat we vanuit NL ineens een kanshebber hadden. Is toch wat je zegt een beetje Hollandse trots.

Qua anime moet ik je echt teleurstellen ik heb dit jaar volgens mij letterlijk maar 2 anime gezien, Tonikaku Kawaii en The Day I Became a God. En de film van Demon Slayer. Die zou ik wel aanbevelen als je die nog niet gezien hebt. Tonikaku Kawaii is leuk als je van zoetsappige anime houdt. The day I became god had ik was meer van verwacht, dus niet echt een aanrader.

Klink als een goed plan en ook leuke werkzaamheden, gezien ik een IT opleiding heb gedaan weten mensen in mijn omgeving me ook wel te vinden als je IT problemen hebben en is altijd fijn als je kan helpen. Ben benieuwd hoe de status daarvan nu is? :o

Klopt het is te hopen dat het allemaal snel weer wat meer richting normaal gaat. Ben bang dat het voor velen te lang gaat duren helaas. ^^'
Grave_Digger_13 Aug 26, 2021 8:16 AM
LOL, I thought this was a spam message at first. No problem though, thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself so clearly. It's nice to meet you Max! I haven't spoken with Emilio in a while. He must be quite busy. I've been meaning to ask him about DAFT.

I have to go work in a bit so I will give a shorter response. Hope that's okay with you. :) Currently, I work at Amazon but I am studying on the side for both IT and Scuba diving. My ultimate goal is to become self employed. I want to be my own boss and build wealth.

My favorite anime of all time is Ghost in the shell, stand alone complex. It's an extremely intelligent show that doesn't hold your hand with interesting philosophical and psychlological themes. It also predicted some of the issues we see today with immigration, disinformation, terrorism, etc. After Ghost in the shell, I really enjoy Planetes, Gankutsuo, and Uchuu Kyoudai. I personally wish there were more hard sci fi animes. I've seen Code Gaess. I thought the first season was okay but did not finish the second season.

I see you are from Nederlands as well. There is a lot I'd love to ask regarding the country! Feel free to ask anything about America.

I'm also 28 years old.

I have grown a bit tired of Shounen animes. They seem too much of the same thing. I have stopped watching my hero academia and this other anime called demon slayer or something like that. I have never watched Naruto and I'm not sure if I ever will watch it. I am very interested in One Piece but I feel I am too far behind. There has been so many chapters and episodes. It feels as if I'd never catch up! What do you enjoy about One Piece?

I have some more stuff that I will say but I have to leave out for work. I only had time to check mynimelist as it is currently morning here.

Thanks for the friend request!! You can call me V by the way
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