Hmm nothing stay the same... everything change so should I. But why to change if you can watch anime :) that's another story for tell. Maybe I will talk about it another time, right now I shoud write something about me, so now i'm 21, study information science, I like any kind of weapons (yeah I know it's some strange hobby but who cares), I love playing soccer and of all thing I like to watch good, funny and sometimes sad anime. The rest about me should stay hidden cause really there isn't anything worth about me:) so see you later going to watch another eps of anime.
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PS. Wielkie soraski za spamowanie profilu, ale pm'ki klubowe nie działają. :P
Mam nadzieje, ze sie podoba.
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No i Misuzu w ulubionych ;) AIR jest jednym z moich ulubionych animcow ;)
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