Naru Narusegawa

Love Hina
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Love Hina Again
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Love Hina Christmas Special: Silent Eve
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Love Hina Haru Special: Kimi Sakura Chiru Nakare!!
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Love Hina: Motoko no Sentaku, Koi ka Ken... "Naku na"
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Love Hina Final Selection
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Love Hina
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Love Hina
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Love Hina: Special Project
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Member Favorites: 665

Naru Narusegawa (成瀬川 なる)

Birth Date: March 25, 1981
Age: 17
Height: 168 cm (5' 6")

Naru Narusegawa is a 17-year-old student and resident of the Hinata Inn that can be described as "one fuse short of a cannon" because of her extremely fiery temper and tendency to be very physical, mainly with Keitaro whenever she feels he's acting perverted. Of all the girls in the Hinata House, she is victimized the most by Keitaro's clumsiness which often results in her being naked, exposed in some fashion, or lying in very suggestive positions. Throughout most of high school she studied hard and became Tops in the nation on the college practice exams in order to get into Tokyo University. Because of her intense study regiment she became majorly short-sighted and has to wear thick "coke-bottle glasses" when not wearing her contacts.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Voice Actors
Horie, Yui
Elias-Fahn, Dorothy
Liberatori, Perla
Tissier, Barbara
Koschny, Maria
Garcia, Melissa
Portuguese (BR)
Song, Do Yeong
Bayarri, Noemí
Guadagno, Francesca
Altamirano, Karina

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