Aug 29, 2020
First review of mine on this website so sorry if its a tad bad.
I picked up this movie from a youtube video and on first inspection i thought it would be a good exercise for me to branch into different genres of romance. this is a recount of what i thought of it .
[Story]: The story in my opinion was alright if a bit generic i feel. its the classic tale of boy meets boy and then they fall in love, gradually opening themselves up to one another romantically.... but that's it. This movie is the story as listed above and in my
opinion nothing else, which is unfortunate as i feel like it could have been a lot more impactful or fleshed out. At best this film felt like an honest attempt at portraying a gay relationship, at worst it just felt like an excuse for the mc's to kiss ( bearing in mind this is my first yaoi and this could just be me not used to the genre)
[Art]: The art in this movie is amazing and if anything id give it a watch even just for the art. As the art for the movie it did a very good job of portraying what this movie is about and in my opinion was very well suited to the story it was telling, which is always great.
[Sound]: I didnt hear much music in this film to be honest, the foley was good enough and it was passable enough to the point where i didnt notice it being bad, which is a good sign. in my opinion the sound was all right.
[Character]:This film's characters are very well designed in my opinion, the subtle details they have in their design is great... which is why that its so unfortunate that apart from their stereotypical ( which theres nothing wrong with in my opninion) design work the characters are very bland and have no signifigant development apart from one of the characters being afraid of trains i think? ( which is never really given reason and just pops out of the blue). Although this problem may be about the short 1 hour runtime.
[Enjoyment]: I thought this film was only okay. It definitely has an audience and im not going to tell that audience that their taste is trash because they enjoy it, im simply new to the genre and i dont think its for me, so if you like this movie by all means rate it 10, don't let some reviewer on the internet stop you from enjoying the film.
Just so im clear im not homophobic. I dont care who your attracted to its not my business. But during the film i did feel a bit flustered and sometimes downright uncomfortable ( the scene with the teacher and sajou being the most uncomfortable to watch) I had one problem with film and thats that it sometimes felt like kissing the movie and that it was "yaoi bait". But honestly it's probably because of my newness to the genre that i felt all these ways.
{Overall}: In the end i dont want to flame anyone for watching this film and liking it. I think it has potential and if you see things that i dont and enjoy it for that, thats a great sign that the world still works and that people can have different opinions. This is my first review as i said and i tried to be as respectable as i possibly could but if you were offended in anyway feel free to walk away from the review with my appologies, that wasnt my intention.
In the end i dont think this film is for me, i want more development and i like stories that take it slower with the characters ( i sound slightly prudish here).
enjoy what you want kids. time on this world is short.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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