This anime starts off with your average kid, tyson, who loves to beyblade and almost devotes his time to the 'sport'. Then Tyson hears of an unbeatable blader, then he embarks on his journey to become champion beyblader of the world, with the help of his good friends : Kenny, max, Ray, and another champion blader.
Ok sooo:
This anime's storyline is quite good, and it was fun to watch and quite new for the first 10 or so episodes. Although further on it becomes a little repetitive, some of the inside storylines are quite good, for example Ray's past.
The art on the other hand, i wasn't
Sep 8, 2007
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
I struggled trying to understand the chronological order at first and watched it in that order. It made sense and the story was a very good one but i think it lacked some exitment, i think i had expected more from it. Watching it again in 'haruhi's order' was more fitting at the ending worked well. but i would suggest watching it chronologically because it does make a lot more sense. The story of haruhi and how she longs for aliens, espers and time travelers. Haruhi doesn't know that the world revolves around her. She gets exatly what she longs for but just doesnt realise