First of all i would like to say that im a huge given fan and this ova got me disappointed. I also need to say that I may have some mistakes since english is not my first language.
First of all the ova starts showing us how uenoyama and mafuyu have been as a couple and how they are still getting used to each other, which is something good. It continues with their development.
Then we get to another issue of the ova, mafuyu's new lyrics to the song, it reuses the same process we saw when he was writing his first lyrics. Although this time things are shown rushed.
After that, comes the live presentation of the new song. Here they compete against shizu's and hiiragi's band. In the main show they were never shwon further as a band and we never got to see their potential. This was the worse part of the ova, we never get to see the presentation of neither given band nor hiiragi's and shizu's band.
after all this we find out that hiiragi's band won the live presentation without us getting any further information about their band or their song.
this ova rushes the whole thing and makes the live presentation and the new song look like they are no big deal, by doing that it throws away everything that happen earlier in the ova.
the only reason I am giving it a 7 is because we get to see mafuyu's and uenoyama's deveopment that was missed in the movie.
Dec 5, 2021
Given: Uragawa no Sonzai
First of all i would like to say that im a huge given fan and this ova got me disappointed. I also need to say that I may have some mistakes since english is not my first language.