What can I say that hasn't been said about metamorphosis already. Its truly disgusting. But enlightening. (Ill call it henshin from now on as well) Henshin was a very infamous doujin about a girl named Saki and her downward spiral from drugs, sex and violence. Everything that happens in this story could happen to a regular girl today. Considering that I am not a woman I can not relate to the struggles of being a highschool girl. But I can talk about the social anxiety and growing up. When I read this for the first time I was disgusted and rightfully so, but unlike the
usual gore and violence and disturbing imagery you see in those types of manga Henshin has a purpose. Personally I think everyone should at least indulge in the themes that Henshin it represents. Now I will talk about the different ratings that I would give Henshin AKA Metamorphosis:
Story: 8/10
While I really loved the message conveyed by Henshin. There was not really anything else to it, sometimes I felt like it was messed up just for the sake of being messed up. An example would be the parents of Saki, these two are what parents shouldn't be. First is the obvious thing of the dad sexually abusing his daughter. But what pissed me off the most was the mom, I still don't understand how in any world that the daughter would be punished for quote "seducing the father". Even if she seduced him it would still be the fathers fault for not stopping the advances and getting the daughter the correct help. So the fact that the mom kicks Saki out of her own house is fucking stupid. This next example is a short one but the scene at the end where Saki's classmates show up and start sexually assaulting her and stomping on her stomach while she is pregnant feels a bit forced. Like they were doing this in like a train station or something feels a bit unrealistic. But again I have to keep reminding myself that the world of Henshin is an unfair one to Saki. But the parts of peer pressure and fitting in with these messed up stereotypes and being taken advantage of seems very realistic and props to ShindoL for portraying in such a messed up and realistic way.
Art 10/10
The art is brilliant in this and fits the story perfectly, for some reason ShindoL is really good and doing the mind break face (ahegao) a bit too well. The art portrays all the sick messed up expressions of all the characters even Saki (because she's a bit of a masochist) . He draws the highschool girls as pretty and with no blemishes or scars or anything and the guys have this look in their eyes of pure evil and the old people, homeless people and bartenders are drawn big and scary (and yes she gets fucked by all of them).
Character 8/10
This rating is a bit generous because I loved Saki's transformation (well I didn't love it in the traditional sense but for the narrative it works really well). Saki is the only really good character and everyone else are spawns of Satan (except for when Josuke comes and rescues Saki lol). Every single character is a piece of shit and goes to take advantage of this innocent and confused girl. Honestly I was so pissed off at these characters that if I saw this shit at my school id flip. I just wanted to save Saki that whole story from that messed up world of hers and I'm no prince charming but I'm just saying that I hope everyone felt that same way as I did reading this. Honestly all the characters Saki encounters are more like enemy AI than actual people. They are only there to mess up Saki's life up. It works too. But there is the best scene in the whole doujin, and its the hallucination right before Saki dies. This scene legit made me cry like a bitch, the scene was a made up reality where Saki got over her troubles of drugs, sex and violence. And is living a happy life with her child. But the last page is of Saki's glasses on the floor with blood all around them showing that this was a hallucination. That shit hit hard.
Enjoyment 2/10
The only scene I actually enjoyed reading was the fucking Hallucination. And that wasn't even fucking real. I kind treat this doujin more as a thing to teach and learn from than an actual piece of entertainment. I did not enjoy a single one of the sex scenes (because that's the point hopefully). There were a lot of them too if I had to list out the most disturbing ones it would have to be: The dad, the two homeless guys and the guy that fucked a pregnant Saki and this piece of dialogue "the jizz is next to the baby" I literally almost threw up because I skimmed past this scene and they fucking showed an X-ray of it! This doujin is not meant to be enjoyed cause honestly if you get off to this I don't care just stay away from me and everyone I care about (just kidding. Maybe).
Overall 8/10
Metamorphosis is a masterpiece it beautifully shows how messed up people are and the evil in some peoples hearts. The sad truth is that everything that happened to Saki, is probably happening to someone right now. Cause when you go to read Henshin its not to bust a nut. Its to learn there are some sick scumbags in this world that will take advantage of you. That's why you need to find friends who truly understand you. If you have a "Friend" and you have a feeling he doesn't see you as his or her friend and they don't appreciate you. They are not worth your time. I just hope that anyone who reads this review is struggling with the things in this story than just know. There is someone out there who will love you for who you are. Someone who thinks like you. Has fun when they are around you as much as you are around them and love you without any addons. That is real love.
Edit: I have come to the conclusion that the scene with the mother is a representation of these things actually happening IRL. So sorry about that.
Sep 20, 2021
What can I say that hasn't been said about metamorphosis already. Its truly disgusting. But enlightening. (Ill call it henshin from now on as well) Henshin was a very infamous doujin about a girl named Saki and her downward spiral from drugs, sex and violence. Everything that happens in this story could happen to a regular girl today. Considering that I am not a woman I can not relate to the struggles of being a highschool girl. But I can talk about the social anxiety and growing up. When I read this for the first time I was disgusted and rightfully so, but unlike the