In Utawarerumono, there are two gods that fight for eternity. This explanation as an answer to the mystery that surrounds the anime until about a half is somewhat disappointing, in my opinion. E gives rise to a final ultra-romantic, and so very unpleasant.
However, the idea made me reflect. It was another anime that I felt sick to finish. Not as much as X, but almost. It's a sad ending (after all, it's ultra-romantic), in which many are hit and confirms that a destination of suffering for one of the main characters. Something forceful means to an anime that will gradually captivating, at least until the
middle of the plot. Once captivated, feel more impacts with those fictitious persons.
The reflection reminded me a bit of Nietzsche, the Greek philosophers of antiquity and also Milan Kundera, in his novel The Unbearable Lightness of Being A concept I never studied law: the eternal return.
The idea that I could infer the eternal return, which may be distorted with respect to the above references conceived, but I built up here has the following premise: we carry our past. The drama of Hakuoro, the anime, is precisely that of not remembering his past, not knowing what he carries. A drama that becomes more painful to the extent that he suspects not to remember his past. But how to get rid of it?
How Karura says, "it is impossible to completely disconnect from the past." As it becomes worse for a god who returns to experience several lives forever? The hidden horror of the anime Utawarerumono is something that resembles the curse of Dracula in Bram Stoker's novel. It is the inescapable destiny to live forever, forever come back to life.
Milan Kundera says in his most famous novel by celebrated and that is the French Revolution, for example, how would react if we were to repeat it forever, always cutting heads, an eternal return? What would be the weight of it? Einmal ist keinmal, says the German adage ("once is never"). There is a mystique around binarity, and very curious. It is as if there were only two numbers, where one equals zero, and the rest reaches infinity. The light would live once, only once, so that the experience would equal to nothing, perhaps because it is something finite in an infinite time. Interestingly, I remember having spoken about equality of existence and nonexistence. I ended up dropping it again somehow. The heavy, in turn, would live forever, forever returning to live. Again, I remember having mentioned the question of "whether or not a story to an end." The target heavy does not give us that chance.
In Utawarerumono, does not explain how these gods were born. They may have arisen from mere humans. It is possible that they, the gods are nothing but ourselves. It is possible that we humans, for which accumulate more knowledge, nothing more than able to awaken the consciousness of the eternal return which we are stuck.
If it's terrible for a man found in the woods, injured, not remembering his days until then, how terrible it would be for us to be in the same situation? Assuming then that there is something like an afterlife, or something that brings us back to an experience ... how terrible it would be to ignore the past that pervaded by several lifetimes? Worse, how terrible would not realize that we are beginning to remember that?
Although the chance of revival can not be disputed, we need not go that far. Simply we exchange of god. Just think that the god in question is not a human being, but humanity itself. As a member of humanity, can we, each of us, off the streets, watching the sky, hit the ground and even see how we treat each other and still say that what others have done before us has nothing to see us?
Assume then that humanity is the god who is destined to fight with himself, guiding other beings with their power. God attached to the eternal return. Coincidence or not, Hakuoro is the only fully human person, ie, does not have ears or tails of animals like all other characters. The difference is that Hakuoro has a mask that can not get out. The question is if that mask is the hallmark of the link between apes and humans or whether technological remnant of an advanced civilization that perished - we do not have the answer to the curse which it represents (not sure if Benawi also not human, what would the only odd exception, as I remember). When this god despair, crushed by his fate, would be annihilated. But not even the black winged angel, created by him, Mutsumi, can do it.
Assuming then that we, all of us, this god. What do you think? It is a god that is divided in two because it indulges in his wrath, and will pay for this act forever as the eternal return will bring back the anger. Every act is heavy. Every mistake is perpetual.
I must confess I underestimated Parmenides. He said that in his philosophy that everything was very complicated being, that motion, time and change were illusions, also said that everything was binary. And in all groups associated dichotomies associated with the good and the bad. The pair light-heavy, so if associated respectively to the good-bad. I have always considered him a reluctant to accept the flow of things, like his contemporary Heraclitus said, today I must admit that he was more intelligent than I supposed.
What shall we do with our mistakes? What shall we do with the sins of mankind? What awaits us?
If everything was light ... live with ease. Eruru not carry the suffering that comes from the Mikoto, Hakuoro could live without mask. Bastaríamos live with and hope our story will end. So would fly over our destinies. And we would be so light and so scattered, like cirrus clouds. Our existence is no more than an imperceptible and tremendously ephemeral blur, a flash of blink of an eye.
I have overcome the terror that comes over us when we first understand what it is to live once. But assuming the truth involving one of only two numbers of binarity existential, which would be more terrible? Living or once living forever? We would have to live only by our successes, that should sparkle on any errors that surely commit more frequently. What is harder then? Isolate themselves, cling to faint and rare warmth amid the eternal darkness and always retornantes or bet everything on one chance to live a simple and final time?
Feb 10, 2013
In Utawarerumono, there are two gods that fight for eternity. This explanation as an answer to the mystery that surrounds the anime until about a half is somewhat disappointing, in my opinion. E gives rise to a final ultra-romantic, and so very unpleasant.
However, the idea made me reflect. It was another anime that I felt sick to finish. Not as much as X, but almost. It's a sad ending (after all, it's ultra-romantic), in which many are hit and confirms that a destination of suffering for one of the main characters. Something forceful means to an anime that will gradually captivating, at least until the ... |