so you like shounin - ggs fam its perfectly fitting for that .
now iif you have stumbeld upon the very unpopular series naruto, bleach or dragon ball - well dont woprry because this is exactly that just mashed up.
now for the positives first : amazing animation, brilliant fight scenes and deccent character design visually and personality wise. (unoriginal buit decent for shounen)
as for the less positive stuff - this show reminded me so much of Naruto ( just makeing it pegi 15 instead of 12) it hurt- the bad duds are so damn exchangable and have no sort of personality to t hem (imo),
Apr 8, 2016
Noragami Aragoto
I'll just keep it short...
I really enjoyed the anime in its fullness. The plot was refreshing and the story plausible. Even though I did indeed have some periods where i was a bit lost. I also have to agree with some other reviews ( yukkine is indeed one of the most whiny characters i have ever witnessed in anime history.) Anyway ... as already said the plot was understandable and catchy, the action sequenzes in a decend dose, so that one didn't get overwhelmed and still keep track of the storyline. *even though you might get a bit confused by the amount of characters that ... Oct 13, 2015
Akame ga Kill!
as expected from an anime where square enix had its part with it .... this is an amazing anime which pretty much hits you in the face with all the cliche you can have ain a fantasy anime, to make oyou feel jolly... just to destroy alll you're hopes and happiness while progressing....
i never had such an anime that totaly went against my expectation and predictions.... with such brutality that it almost felt nice again... i love teh fact how the made alot of plot twits, these little cheeky sequenzes in it and up until the end you are not quite sure who might be ... Sep 12, 2015
Ixion Saga DT
Okay i have to admit it was hard for me to enjoy it at first .. but it gets alot better to the end ^^
iwould say if you like sort of premature humor, very interessting slightly confuseing characters and an interessting world i would say this is for you. It's a parody towards alot of anime and basically the main plot is about balles and loseing your DT (virginity iwould assume) its kinda flashy crazy and totaly unexpected^^. Iwould say if you have enjoyed something like gintama or simular stuff DT is something nice an fresh. I do admit i am not the greates ... |