This series has a big problem that can't make me ejoy it: it has a really bad understaning of gambling.
Kaiji plans are big plans that rely on a perfect scenario coming to his mind that would allow him to crush every opponent.
The problem with that is that he also makes himself weak to unexpected stuff.
In the real world gablers know that the good stretegies are not make it or break it but tiny advantages, if you can turn a 50/50 game in 55/45 you won.
Jun 22, 2021
Sayonara Watashi no Cramer
This is no way a 10
8 story 6 art 6 sound 10 characters 9 enjoyment avg 8 ... Apr 3, 2021
Wonder Egg Priority
This is a mess.
It started as a pretty metaphorical anime, not my cup of tea since I'm not good with emphaty but something that had some objective value. However episode after episode problems began to came out. I can name 3 : -the episode of the trans boy crossed the line between drama and comedy, the fact that only gay people fell in love with Momoe was nonsense and the fact that not only the evil professor was a tranphobe but also a rapist was too much to handle in a serious context, and so I loughed and the anime failed. -episode 11 tried expalining stuff that didn't need ... Jan 10, 2021
This has the same problems as before (look at my first 12 episodes review) and one more: there is no need to fight fairly.
If all the teachers and judges are paid and under the director influence thay can simply say that the food is bad and expel the rebels. Gosh they could even expel them without any reason. The facty is that we didn't need such a villain, the series was good enough when the obstacals were harsh teachers, the very competive world of high cousine and other very talented students, there is no space for a totally evil villain in a fight were the wepons are ... Jan 10, 2021
Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara
Ok, nothing much changed form the previous sesons but the villain that is the reason of the low score.
Nothing makes sense The fact is that he doesn't have the power to do what he does, I mean he can do it becose he controls the school but the outside world can turn against him at any time: he is not the Nakiri family head so the old man can just talk bad about the new school direction and nobody will consider tham, even more if Alice dad doesn it, and the alumni we knew, and all the food critics,... Nov 2, 2020
Taisou Zamurai
This is a strange beast.
They promoted this anime (look at the cover image, or the synopsis) as a spokon abouit gymnastic that would be really cool. But in 4 episodes the gymnastic was the weakest part with bad animation of the hig bar exercises and lack of screentime. The actual story seems to focus on the struggles of the MC, a former olympic medalist, and the people around him that have to deal with a career on the decline and some incredibely (the triple summersoult was never done in reality at the high bar) talented youngster. If they manage to stick actual sport in this the series amy ... Oct 28, 2020
Never ever underestimate the power of the mighty Cruchyroll X Manhwa combo.
ToG was badly paced and with an abysmal wouldbuilding and more plotholes than characters but there was a spark of something. GoH had a terrible story, random power up, messed up power levels but some smooth animations (not really great fight directing though). This has nothing, I can't even tell you why it' bad because there is nothing to comment: random fights where the strongest characters don't even lift a finger, paper thin "I'm revaluating Twilight" vampire character, mediocre animations and overall the worst animated thing I've seen in the last year (and only because I'm ... |