🇺🇸🇬🇧 My god where I start.
First of all this anime is the best so far over other Precure's shows. All character are written perfectly both the protagonists and the villains. Every character has a perfect life written. The villains are bad guys for them true intentions and the protagonists are good for them reasons. The art and dessings were pretty cool. Harry and Hugton are supposed to be the mascots of this show and they aren't that. The principal villain has a incredible art and story line. And for finish this review the finish chapter was awesome, a perfect episode to end this great anime.
Jan 1, 2021
🇺🇸🇬🇧Well a hentai anime with magical girls wow. You may think the protagonist can be Madoka xD.
Too much tentacles and ogres/demons. The principal antagonist looks cool, it reminds me of a dessing for Bem. Both magical "girls" are good and the plot twist of the history it's great, I didn't expect it. Some more inconvenient? Sometimes the animation turns bad but they were few times. 🇪🇸Es raro ver un hentai sobre chicas mágicas, la protagonista puede recordarte a veces a Madoka incluso xD. Hay demasiados tentáculos y ogros/demonios. El diseño y manera de la principal antagonista esta bastante bien, me recuerda un poco al estilo de los ... |