All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 343.5
Mean Score:
- Watching16
- Completed1,352
- On-Hold1
- Dropped260
- Plan to Watch9
- Total Entries1,638
- Rewatched4
- Episodes20,506
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 163.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries384
- Reread0
- Chapters23,792
- Volumes2,356
All Comments (23) Comments
Thanks for reading my review!
Mai Waifu <3
All hail Fire Emblem!
It's tied for 1st for my favorite anime of all time and I really haven't found much like it. Do you have any recommendations?
When I first heard of Kiseki, I got super hyped. Then I watched it, and I knew I had to spread the word of why that was a terrible condensed version of a show, which I don't even get the point of in the first place.
To be fair, I did watch a terrible fansub with hilarious mistranslations such as "Yahiro, why you do this?", "Aren't you understand the situation here?!" and my favorite, "baka" translated as "fool guy". This may have been some of the problem, but it doesn't excuse the fact that they don't even name characters for the first 35 minutes, and the majority is just Shu using random voids, which is not the point of the show.
Once again, glad you enjoyed my review!
That's why I'm gonna try to deliver the message to everyone, as much as I can!
Btw are you happy with the ending now?
Can you please let the people know that they are still together?
You have a decent amount of votes in your review and I'm sure a lot of people will listen to what you say.
And btw, Kyousuke kissed Kirino on the lips in Akihabara at the last scene of the light novels.
But the anime changed the kiss on the cheek so a lot of people are confused with the ending.
It is clear that Kyousuke wants their relationship to continue.
And Kirino supports it too.
She said "I want some life counseling when we get home!" after their last kiss.
But the subtitles didn't accurately translate it.
There's a lot of people really confused and getting the wrong idea of the ending.
Check the video on my profile. It explains everything about the ending.
It's a happy end :)