We've been less than starved for decent romcoms this season, but, if you're like me and can't stand Giji Harem, Roshidere is probably your best option. Even if you like Giji Harem or Too Many Losing Heroines better, Roshidere still provides that classic romcom experience without deviating too much from a winning formula.
Doga Kobo is in almost perfect form again, with striking character designs and competent, easy to follow direction and pacing. All of the characters have fairly well thought out personalities and don't feel too trope-ish, which is hitting above the bar for romance nowadays. The show is at its best when its focusing
Dec 23, 2023
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata
Dropped this one after 4 episodes. The first episode hooks potential viewers with gratuitous fanservice that approaches, but never reaches parody. Character designs are attractive, but the characters themselves are forgettable. I struggle to even recall their names, save for Kasumigaoka Utaha, whose name I remember not because of an interesting personality, but because the show forces her name down your throat, as some kind of bad joke.
In concept, the show's premise is at least vaguely interesting. The problem lies in the execution. At least within the first four episodes (Three, not counting the blatant fanservice "pilot"), the show focuses *exclusively* on the most boring ... |