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Mar 21, 2023
Made in Abyss is a show that I have been putting off for quite awhile. I have been well aware of the love that this show receives from the anime community and the general consensus of it being among the truly great pieces of anime that exists, however something about it just never interested me enough to get myself to dive in. After watching this first season, the only thing I can say is that all the love it gets is absolutely deserved and I wish I had watched this sooner.
PLOT - 9/10
Made in Abyss is a unique anime by today's
standard. With each season churning out a plethora of isekais, dollops of various slice of life shows, and sprinkles of sports and other shows, Made in Abyss is just a unique piece of fantasy. It introduces us to a... melancholic world, is how I can best describe it with one word. You have people that are filled with hopeful and eager adventure as they explore the Abyss in the hopes of fortune or just for the name of science and research. However, in line with the static of discovery in the air also looms a whiff of dread and hopelessness in a way that I cannot exactly pinpoint. This all produces for such an interesting world that the show just does an absolute immaculate job of building throughout the first season.
Simply put, Made in Abyss feels like a classic epic akin to those of greek and other similar mythologies. You have your heroes embark on a quest to unravel mysteries as they encounter increasingly dangerous foes. The twist here is that the heroes are kids that brave onward in the face of almost certain death.
The overall plot and story is simple enough, it revolves around Riko and her desire to learn more about her mother Lyza, a famed and excellent Cave Raider that has gone missing. What sets apart Made in Abyss is how they craft their world to truly capture the viewer together with its excellent cast of characters that truly weave themselves into the story and into the hearts of the viewer. Generally, the overall progression of the plot feels a bit slow, but is definitely understandable given the amazing attention to detail when crafting this gorgeous world and its amazing characters.
ART/MUSIC - 10/10
This is absolutely one of the best anime soundtracks that I have heard. Absolutely amazing with each track tying in to the emotion that each scene is trying to portray. Also of note is the amazing VA work of each character, especially the main duo of Riko and Reg. You truly feel each cry of pain and every squeal of joy that comes out of their mouths.
As for the art and animation, it is absolutely gorgeous. It does justice to this incredibly vast, unique, and creative world that has been built. With varying landscapes from lush jungles to eerie swamps, the world just immerses a viewer so well. One thing I can nitpick would be the fight scenes. They didn't really stand out to me too much, but it could be due to the fact that there generally hasn't been a lot of fight scenes and they weren't exactly grand in scale.
Now the characters are truly what makes this show a masterpiece. Not only are the characters well-written, but they are also each so well designed. We have an excellent main duo with Riko and Reg that have such heartwarming chemistry that you can't help but cheer them on in their seemingly hopeless and bleak quest. Seeing them strive and push onwards is definitely something that all viewers can get behind. However, what I truly adore with this show are the supporting characters, which I believe are always essential in making or breaking a great show. Supporting characters in Made in Abyss are absolutely amazing. Specifically, credit has to be given to the likes of Ozen and Mitty. We only meet Ozen for 3 episodes, yet in those 3 episodes Ozen is able to contribute so much in the development of our main cast as well as enriching the lore and overarching story with regards to Riko and Lyza. Her brief appearance takes you on a ride of mystery, anger, and adoration all directed at Ozen herself. She makes you love not just herself as a character, but makes you love Rika and Lyza even more. Now we have Mitty, a character that technically doesn't even say a single word, but is able to convey so much emotion through her short time. A mix of a strong main cast and amazing side characters make for one of the greatest roster of characters in an anime.
Made in Abyss is carried by its beautiful world and charming characters rather than its plot, which to me did make it feel slightly draggy. However, as mentioned earlier I do understand and even appreciate how it is taking its time in unraveling the story in exchange for masterful world building and developing the overall rich lore that this universe has to offer. Overall, it still had me looking forward to each episode, if only for the excitement of seeing more of this amazing world.
OVERALL - 10/10
Made in Abyss absolutely deserves the claims it gets as one of the GOATs. With a truly captivating world, an amazing cast of characters, and mysteries that are waiting to be unraveled. I can only be even more excited to begin season 2, which I have heard is absolutely even better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 11, 2022
Cute girls with guns!! That's basically the gist of this show. Teenage girls called Lycoris are tasked with enforcing and maintaining the peace within Japan all in secrecy to preserve the public's peace of mind.
STORY - 9/10
Overall, LycoReco doesn't have an amazing story. It focuses on two main Lycoris: Chisato, the extremely gifted agent outcast from the organization and only brought in for special missions and Takina, similarly outcast for disobeying orders to save her team. Together, they grow and learn more about themselves and unravel the mystery of Chisato's past with other friends from the LycoReco cafe, their headquarters of sorts.
can say that nothing really stood out too much in terms of the mainplot. The first few episodes are quite standard by introducing new characters and building the team, and it begins to pivot midway through with encounters with Majima, the main villain, and culminates in some final extravagant fights. Quite a standard formula for an action anime. However, while it may not be groundbreaking or stand out with brilliance and originality, it implements this simple formula very well. On top of this, what I can really commend LycoReco for is the genuinely interesting mystery and backstory of Chisato's past. Rarely do I find backstories worthwhile and I often find them such a chore to get through, but Chisato's mysterious history is intriguing enough and is executed in a way that it involves other characters like Sensei Mika, Yoshi-san, and even has connections to Majima. Basically, the backstory didn't feel forced and it was woven in seamlessly into the overarching plot of the entire show which I feel is something most shows are unable to do.
Aside from all this, even with an average plot, what LycoReco does so well is having an amazing balance of being an action and slice-of-life-esque anime. Of course, in the latter episodes, it was mostly high-octane action, but the earlier episodes were able to produce slife-of-life moments between Takina and Chisato and their various interactions with the other characters. I felt this really gets viewers hooked and invested in the genuinely charming and lovable characters that this show had to offer. On top of all this, I felt that for an original anime, the world building in this show was exceptional. After 13 episodes, I feel that there are still so many potential stories to explore with the various characters we were introduced to.
Maybe one last critique I have with the story would be the pacing. I felt that it was slightly off. I remember noting that about halfway through the season, there were still so many questions left unanswered and the plot was only really pushed forward when Chisato was ambushed and her heart was damaged. An event that felt a bit forced.
ART & SOUND: 10/10
Geez. Just wow. Lycoris Recoil is just stunningly beautiful. The best way to describe how great this anime looks is that it is extremely REFINED. Everything is just so smooth and pretty that it really brings life to the diverse characters. I honestly don't know if I have seen a show that is able to depict emotion better than LycoReco. Every emotion each character feels is not only reflected in their facial expressions, but even in their body language and it is this attention to detail that sets LycoReco apart in terms of animation. Even in zoomed out "lowqual" frames, facial expressions and emotions are always so clear and apparent. Aside from all of this, the VAs, specifically Chika Anzai as Chisato does an absolutely amazing job of bringing their characters to life. All that on top of some banger songs and the art and sound of Lycoris Recoil is easily a 10/10.
I honestly don't want to give this a 10/10 as I feel that the characters are generally all tropes that we have seen before. However, they are all just too charming and the show does such an excellent job of making you fall in love with them and genuinely caring for them. Specifically, the main duo of Chisato and Takina are just such an amazing combo that really carries the entire show on their back and watching them together is something I will never ever get tired of doing.
Chisato herself is a very well-written character with a complex backstory on top of her amazing abilities and absolutely lovable personality. She's able to pivot so effectively between her fiery spirit and her soft and bubbly nature. She pairs perfectly with the cold Takina whom she is able to gradually soften up as well. Seeing their relationship with each other blossom as they bring out the best in each other and what nothing but the best for each other was truly heartwarming.
Aside from Chisato and Takina, supporting characters were also great, especially the relationship between Mika and Yoshi-san. Their complex history really added a layer of depth and mystery to the show that I greatly appreciated and enjoyed. Aside from them, Walnut the resident loli and Mizuki the mommy figure add great chemistry and comedy to the show.
Lastly, Majima was a good villain. Not a great one, as I feel much like most of LycoReco, he seems a bit generic and does not offer anything entirely new. But, I respect his character and his motives and he was truly a fearsome adversary for the show. He may not be revolutionarily original, but again much like most of LycoReco, his character is executed brilliantly.
I am very, very behind on all my anime for the Summer 2022 season, but Lycoris Recoil was the sole anime that I really tried to keep up with (but still failed). It's combination of intense action, charming characters, funny moments, and just absolutely stunning visuals made for a show that was so easy to follow and enjoy on a weekly basis.
OVERALL: 9.5/10
As I have mentioned plenty already, Lycoris Recoil doesn't offer anything remarkably new or groundbreaking. However, it's able to execute everything it does flawlessly which results in a refined and high-quality original anime that is sure to leave a lasting memory for most of its viewers as they hope and look forward to more from this new world.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 5, 2022
For those who have not played the game (including myself), Cyberpunk: Edgerunners is centered around the world of Night City and its neo-dystopian society filled with greed, violence, and the clear social divide established by the mega-corporations that run the world. This show tells the tale of David Martinez, a young teen finding his way in the unforgiving Night City amidst losing his mother and gaining a valuable strength.
STORY: 10/10
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners only runs for 10 episodes but make no mistake, these 10 episodes are some of the best crafted episodes of anime I have ever seen. In 10 episodes, so much world building, character
development, backstories, and twists are jampacked that you would think it would be overwhelming and fall flat. BUT NO. NOT IN THE LEAST. That's what fascinates me the most about this show is how it was able to produce something so great with only 10 episodes while filling it to the brim with quality storytelling.
The pacing of the show was magnificent. I never felt it was ever too slow or too fast. The mini timeskip it utilized was very well done. The overarching plot of the entire show was actually quite simple, but it was executed very well and didn't try to do too much. It was just enough to keep viewers engaged and interested with the overall story so that it can keep impressing with all the other amazing aspects that it had to offer. What I think really made Cyberpunk: Edgerunner's plot so special is how well it executes the 4 types of conflict: man vs himself, man vs man, man vs society, and man vs society. I don't wanna get too deep into it and pretend that I'm some master of literature and composition, but I feel that this show is able to sprinkle in a little bit of each type of conflict and blend them together so masterfully and seamlessly.
At the end of the day, Edgerunners is a MASTERCLASS of execution. With such a large world to work with, so many potential stories to tell, and only 10 episodes to wrap everything up, the creators understood the assignment. They knew what they wanted to create and were able to magnificently do so and produced a conclusive, focused, driven, and highly emotional story. They understood their limitations and although they had so many amazing characters to work with, they were able to rightly focus on the perfect ones to truly bring out the beauty of Edgerunners. This was just such a perfectly balanced show in all aspects. It had a simple yet effective story, heartwarming romance, comedic relief, all brought together by amazingly written and designed characters.
ART & SOUND: 10/10
Nothing else needs to be said. You need to watch, see, and listen for yourself. Studio Trigger absolutely knocked this one out of the park. The character design, environments, and action sequences are all extremely well done. The almost cartoon-esque style works and is able to produce some insane moments especially with how gory and wild the show can get at times. The music might be the best from any anime I have ever seen. Some shows will have 1 or 2 songs that really end up as bangers, but Edgerunners is able to provide new songs that are perfect for every situation and mood that they are trying to set.
Oh man, oh man. Where to begin. In 10 short episodes, Edgerunners was able to introduce and make us fall in love with some of the absolute best characters I have ever seen and what makes them stand out? They're human. Ironically (hehe is that a pun), through all their cybernetic enhancement and modifications, one thing that was clear throughout each character is their humanity. The very nature of being a human shines through each character; whether it was through love, pride, greed, selfishness, doubt, insecurity, passion, betrayal, this show was able to showcase such a wide array of human emotions and actions.
With David we're able to see his constant drive to prove himself to everyone, to himself, that he is special and that he is someone others can depend on. We're able to witness his gradual descent into madness in pursuit of this goal despite already having so much, he continuously seeks more for the pursuit of satisfaction? Pride? Self-worth? It's really something up to interpretation. I believe David is able to depict how even when we may have money, peers, and an amazing waifu, it can be very very difficult to quench our thirst for satisfaction.
Speaking of amazing waifus, Lucy is an absolute S-tier waifu. In contrast to David and his somewhat general dream of success, she has one simple and clear goal in life, to be able to go to the moon. She starts of as a pretty typical ara-ara tsundere, but it was heartbreaking as we see her fall for David and slowly witness his descent into madness, and there was nothing she could do but support and protect her from behind the scenes even if it meant keeping a certain distance. The final moments of the show with her taking the trip to the moon all alone was just... sad. There's no better way to put it. All the peers she made, the love she had for David, at the end of the day she was still left all alone despite being able to accomplish her dream. A depressing reality, really.
Last for a character spotlight would be Maine. The headhoncho of the group. I honestly don't know how they were able to make Maine into such an amazing character. I typically dislike his archetype of big, muscular, and strong leaders but that was only the first page to his story, no, the cover really. Throughout the time we were able to spend with Maine we were able to witness a kind and benevolent soul that took David in and really cared about his entire team. It's such a strong irony how the leader of a pack of goons treats his crew fairly and divides wages evenly compared to the greedy corporations that run the world. We see a glimpse of his backstory and his descent into insanity served as a haunting warning that David refuses to heed. Maine is the definition of gray. His nature of work is definitely questionable, but his personality and morals are strangely admirable. The way he treats his team and his view of the world was truly something to behold and something that gains the respect of everyone; truly a stark contrast to their cutthroat environment.
Aside from those mentioned, Edgerunners has so many other amazing characters from Kiwi, Rebecca, Faraday, and even Pilar who I didn't expect to feel bad for when he zero'd out. Especially with characters like Kiwi and Rebecca, you just know that they have so much more stories to tell but the creators are able to rightfully hold back stay grounded and focused on their main stars. It's a masterclass on how to handle characters and their backstories. Not every past needs to be told FOR NOW and Edgerunners proves that even without a sad, mopy, emotional backstory, simply excellent character design and building is more than enough for us to fall in love with even "minor" or "side" characters.
This show absolutely grips and hooks you from the very first episode. It fascinates you with its amazing and beautifully crafted world, hooks you and keeps you invested with their lovable and complex characters, and keeps your head banging with high-octane and jampacked action sequences. Once I started, it was impossible to stop and each episode just brings so much to the table that it was able to create an amazing and conclusive story in 10 episodes.
OVERALL: 10/10
I wanted to find some fault with Edgerunners. With the hype it was getting from literally everyone and everywhere, I wanted to be able to say that it was good, but way overhyped. I wish I could say that, but I can't because this is an absolute masterpiece. 10 episodes of gut-wrenching, eye-popping, and heart-twisting goodness. It truly fascinates me how so much was packed into 10 episodes, yet it was able to provide a coherent and conclusive story. Something that most animes struggle to do with 100s of episodes. Defintely a modern masterpiece and a must-watch
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 11, 2022
As its title suggests, Shikimori-san indeed isn't just a cutie, but she's also mid as heck. I want to preface this review by acknowledging that I had high expectations heading in with all the buzz the show got prior to release and even drawing comparisons to Bisque Doll with fans claiming Shikimori-san will dethrone Marin Kitagawa. Unfortunately, my expectations were not met at all as Shikimori-san proves to be a bland showing.
STORY: 6/10
The core plot of Shikimori-san is actually quite unique. You have a soft boy who is seemingly perpetually cursed with bad favor and his wonderful and all powerful girlfriend
that loves him and protects him from all harm. It's an archetype that I feel I haven't seen before and yet the entire show still feels bland and lacks actual purpose. The running gag/theme of Izumi being clumsy and always falling into trouble gets old quickly and so does Shikimori's badass and cool nature. The show progresses but there feels no progress at all. I feel that we have the same exact characters that we had during the very first episode until the very last. The bit of Izumi being clumsy and Shikimori being cool fails to be a strong center point that offers an overarching goal similar to that of Bisque Doll's cosplay theme or even Komi-san's goal to make 100 friends.
ART & SOUND: 8.5/10
If there's one thing I have to commend Shikimori-san for, it has to be its art. I absolutely love its vibrant colors and artstyle and it single handedly brings life to a dull world. The various contrasting colors of each character is a treat to the eyes, and speaking of eyes, so much detail is given to each character's design down to their pupils. Animation is consistently smooth and very crisp. For an underwhelming show, this is one area that it was able to stick the landing.
Now to talk about the characters of Shikimori-san. Where do I even begin. With Shikimori-san's unique plot and wonderful visuals, you would think it would be an enjoyable romcom series, but it lacks the vital crux of any decent show: characters to care about. I won't even pick on Izumi too much in this review. Yes, he has been a point of heated discussion among the community with most being unable to stand his weak and soft nature. I am personally fine with that, I find nothing wrong with it and even find it interesting and unique. However, the problem is that much like many of the characters in this show, he has personality but no identity. I feel that each character has their unique traits and characteristics, but they all lack a sense of personality that makes them memorable and makes them a character that the viewer can resonate with and care about. Yes, this sentiment of mine extends even to the titular Shikimori. She is unable to provide anything that sets her apart from your traditional anime waifu and she comes out bland and dull, even for the main character that is supposed to carry this show the way Marin and Komi-san carries their respective shows. Additionally, there's just a lack of chemistry between Shikimori and Izumi. For the main duo, they lack the chemistry that provides excitement and something to cheer for. I understand that they are going for the awkward stage vibe especially with their contrasting personalities, but it isn't executed well. For a romance with weak chemistry that works, I suggest checking out Tsuki ga Kirrei. It's able to tell a love story with minimal chemistry while showcasing young and awkward love.
I honestly have a hard time trying to find the right words to express what I feel for these characters or rather the lack of feeling. They all just lack something for me to cheer for or care about. All except one, I guess. Kamiya-san singlehandedly resurrected my little interest for this show when she appeared. We were finally presented with a character with heartfelt motives and genuine conflict. In her little screentime, I can easily say that the episodes she was in were my absolute favorites. She is the sole reason the score does not go any lower.
With its dull characters and plot that misses the mark, Shikimori-san still had its enjoyable moments. Aside from literally every second Kamiya-san is shown on screen, moments like the fireworks at the festival or the scene in the gondola are able to provide a short-lived and much needed spark. At the end of the day, though, Shikimori-san was not a show I was really looking forward to or excited about each week as every episode was mostly more of the same.
OVERALL: 6.5/10
Coming in with high expectations, Shikimori-san was unable to meet them except on the visual aspect. Everything is dull and bland with nothing special especially during a time with great romcoms like Bisque Doll, Komi-san, and Kaguya-sama. The main leading duo is just unable to keep the show afloat and even Shikimori herself fails to standout. When the best part about the show is a character that shows up for about 3 episodes, you know there's something wrong.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 4, 2022
Love After World Domination is another of this season's many surprises. Initially, I wasn't even watching this show and only picked it up midway through the season, and boy am I glad I did. It's a fun take on the Romeo and Juliet star-crossed lovers trope wrapped in a Power Rangers package.
STORY: 8.5/10
The main premise of Love After World Domination may be the most interesting and entertaining aspect of this show. You have Fudo (Red Gelato) and Desumi (Reaper Princess) being the respective aces of their warring factions who find love and comfort in each other. Together, they
explore the challenges of this secret relationship while continuously growing deeper in their relationship together. While it isn't anything too deep, meaningful, or complex, it's definitely unique and very fun. It's wacky, silly, and wild and the show is completely self-aware of this. I mean having your Power Rangers being gelato-themed? This show pokes fun at the entire tokosatsu genre and it provides for some good humor. What the show's plot lacks in depth, it makes up for it in its uniqueness and creativity.
ART & SOUND: 8/10
Personally, I felt that the animation was good but nothing special. For a Power Rangers-like premise, I felt nothing too remarkable about the fighting and action sequences. However, what I felt was very special was in the show's character design. While Gelato 5's design is pretty stale and just seems like generic Power Rangers, the Gekko operatives designs is where the show stands out. With their framework of having the Beast Series and the Princess Series, they are able to produce wild and crazy concepts and character designs. Each one has their own theme, corresponding power, and fantastic designs. This is an aspect of the show that I wish we could have seen more of and I hope that we will be able to do so in the future. Each Beast and Princess series character seems like they could all have an interesting story to tell.
While Desumi and Fudo are an absolute power couple and are maybe the best romantic duo this season, aside from them I felt that the character's were a bit unfulfilling. Supporting characters like the other Gelatos are only briefly featured (especially Yellow Gelato, I would have loved to see more of her). The other Princess Series and Beast Series members also lack depth as only a few of them really get some time during the show for us to get to know their stories. At the end of the day, I feel that the show definitely accomplishes what it means to do which is to feature the main couple and make them shine. No doubt about it, they are able to do so very well, but at the expense of some more depth and detail with regards to the stories and development of other side characters.
This is just a very fun show with genuine comedic moments with an interesting premise. Each episode seems to go by very quickly as there are never any stale moments, only either heartwarming romantic moments or silly and funny stories. For something I wasn't initially watching, I am glad I picked this up midseason.
Overall, a very fun and light show that is very enjoyable with its strong main duo. Its shortcomings with regards to the depth of its plot and characters is made up for with its silly nature and just fun episodes and moments.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 4, 2022
Kunoichi Tsubaki is one of the bigger surprises for me this season and almost a guilty pleasure. It has gained an almost controversial rep within the community with its use of young girls as its main focal point, but I believe it's only problematic if you think it is. At its heart (pun intended), the show is a charming and relaxing slice of life/coming of age about a village of ninja girls as they continue to grow and learn with each other spearheaded by Tsubaki and her growing curiosity about men that they have been conditioned to fear and
STORY: 8/10
The main plot of the show is what actually pulled me in and made me decide to give this a go (yes, not the kawaii girls). It is centered around a village of ninja girls in training who are taught to despise all men. Tsubaki is the main protagonist in is senior and arguably most respected and strongest among them. Gradually, Tsubaki becomes increasingly curious as to what men are really like as she begins to develop some strange new feelings and emotions. Overall, this plot point did get a bit old especially when it was abused with the spreading of the Attractiveness Jutsu; at that point it did become a little cringe. Aside from it being a bit overused, the whole concept of the show was very fresh, unique, and intriguing. As I mentioned earlier, at its core, this is a slice of life show about ninja girls; a very unique setting for a slice of life, but hey, it works. The general formula of introducing a new trio of characters in each episode was very fun as it constantly adds something new.
I feel that there is still so much potential with the show's plot when it goes further into exploring the world of men. Especially with how the surrounding mystery of Hana-sensei's past continues to unravel and her secret meeting with a man during the closing moments of the final episode. It feels like the show can trend towards a better direction surrounding its "men are evil" theme.
ART & STORY: 9/10
This aspect is what surprised me most about Kunoichi Tsubaki, it has one of the best animation in an absolutely stacked season. Yes, this show is about ninjas and it includes all the cool fighting, kunai throwing, and jutsu casting that has been so popularized by the likes of Naruto. The fighting sequences are very well done and the character design is so diverse given the fact that this is an entire village of ninja girls. I love how they each have their own specialty in terms of skillset and jutsu's which is very creative. Aside from the action sequences, the art style is incredibly crisp and vibrant that really sets the atmosphere of a wholesome and charming show. Special commendation must also be given to the ED of this series as there is a new ED animation for each and every episode which is a great show of care, effort, and detail. When it comes to the music, you have The Peggies headlining the OP and I think that nothing more needs to be said about that. Overall, this would have gotten a 10 in this department if there were more sequences like the final battle in the last episode. Just well put together and choreographed ninja fighting goodness. As a matter of fact, the entirety of the last episode was so good that it left me wanting for more as we were given a glimpse of what all out fighting is like in this series.
The main group of the series of Team Dog is a wonderful mix of personalities in itself. You have Tsubaki as the level-headed and mature leader, Sazanka as the crazy and wild variable with an onee-san complex, Asagao and her calm and constantly hungry nature, and the introduction of Rindou to add some depth to the show's story midway through. Together these 4 by themselves are already enough to make interesting and hilarious moments, but this show doesn't stop there. With each episode, a new team from the village is introduced. We're able to learn a bit about their personalities, skills, and dynamics and relationships within their squad and with Team Dog. For all the different characters introduced, each have interesting stories to tell which made each episode fresh and gave viewers something to look forward to each time.
Kunoichi Tsubaki is a wacky and silly ride all the way through. Each episode we're treated to new sets of characters and more fun moments. Although the overall plot does stagnate a little during the middle, the show is still plenty of fun to watch and is very easy to watch. It isn't necessarily the show I am most excited to watch each week, but is definitely one that I felt I could watch at any moment because of its charming and wholesome atmosphere with sprinkles of ninja fighting goodness.
Overall: 8.5/10
Definitely a pleasant surprise for this show to be this good and have animation of such a great quality. With a fantastic final episode filled with amazing fight scenes and hints of what's to come, I really hope that we will be able to see Tsubaki, Team Dog, and the entire village for a second season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 3, 2022
The Shield Hero, Naofumi, is back along with his group of slav- I mean his harem of pets, I mean his party! Together, they embark on a thrilling adventure to discover the mystery behind the Waves and save the world--that's what I wish I could say about season 2 of The Rising of the Shield Hero after an excellent first season. However, season 2 falls absolutely flat and fails to leave a memorable mark.
STORY: 6/10
One of the best things about the first season was its extremely compelling revenge/training/redemption arc theme whilst tackling the mystery of the Waves. With the
whole redemption arc resolved, the question was where does Naofumi head to next in his journey? No one would have guessed the answer would be slaying a giant, magic, spirit tortoise that is going to destroy the world. The season comes out of the gates like a newly isekai'd protagnoist: lost, dazed, and pointless. The entire spirit tortoise arc seemed lame, useless, and was just extremely boring. I mean how can you take a giant turtle as a serious threat? And when the grand reveal came, it was a horrendous CGI-rendered beast? Yeah, nope. And don't forget about Ost, or actually forget about her because that's exactly what she was, completely forgettable and only served as the martyr to power-up the squad when they need it.
While I understand that the whole spirit tortoise arc was a setup for what was to come, it still could have been done much better and in a shorter time to cut to the chase quicker. The second half of the season redeems itself a bit as the tension and action starts to rise. We are also introduced to new characters and Naofumi's slave party is even divided. For a moment we were able to catch glimpses of a return to form of the greatness of the Shield Hero similar to season 1, but it all falls flat again in the end. After the grand reveal of Kyo's Wave, I expected we would be in for another massive battle similar to the first season, but instead we had to settle with an anticlimactic showdown between Naofumi and Kyo to stop the Waves.
Honestly, the only reason the plot doesn't get an even lower score is because of Raphtalia's little power-up arc. I'm sorry for I have simped, but really it was very cool. Actually L'arc, Therese, Glass, and Kizuna really saved this season from the depths.
ART & SOUND: 7/10
The art is maybe the most redeeming quality of the season. Shield Hero's character design has always been a treat and in this season, I especially liked the moments where they are travelling through the new world with aesthetics inspired by various cultures. What I did not like was the horrible CGI turtle, I'm sorry but I cannot let that slip.
Together with the plot, the characters became bland and stale like an unseasoned burger. What made the first season so great was how invested we get with Naofumi and his determination to become stronger and clear his name. This season, I honestly couldn't care less about what Naofumi was doing. He just seemed irrelevant. Speaking of irrelevant, we go back to Ost, who I feel is supposedly the center piece to this season and the main motivating factor for the squad, but when she died I felt absolutely nothing and I could care less. Then we have Kyo, the main villain who had some potential to be a decent antagonist with his maniacal genius archetype, but again he falls flat and fails to be memorable. Perhaps given some more time he could have matured into a better villain. L'arc's squad was okay. They were mostly vibing the whole season. Rishia and Raphtalia had interesting character growth which was decent. Filo, I thought she died as I barely felt her presence. Lastly, maybe the best thing about this season (besides Raphtalia) is Kizuna. She is a bright spot in a rough season with her bright attitude and unique power. I love how she was able to bridge the gap between the two worlds. Overall, the characters just didn't feel coherent and most of them felt irrelevant to the point that I don't care what happens to them. Especially Naofumi, which was really disappointing to see. After such a strong performance leading Season 1, he stagnated and just went on a cycle of RAGE -> gets comforted by waifu slaves -> power of friendship beats the villain. Rinse and repeat.
This season started incredibly slow and I would have easily dropped it if season 1 didn't leave such a strong impact. However, it greatly picks up at the midpoint and has u looking forward to each episode more and more as mysteries begin to unravel.
Perhaps I'm being so harsh on this season because of the standard that the first season set. I expected more greatness and was eager to become invested once again in Naofumi's journey, but this season failed to do all that. I guess I understand that it serves as an Age of Ultron-esque purpose in the sense that it sets up the bigger picture of the Shield Hero universe for future development, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it was a boring, uninspired, and stale season. A major step down from season 1.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 1, 2022
For season 2 of Komi-san we're given even more of what made season 1 so great: wholesome moments, a wonderful and wild mixed bag of characters, and CHADano-kun and Komi-san. On top of that, season 2 begins to push Tadano and Komi's feelings for each other which adds a wonderful romantic layer to an already great show.
STORY: 9/10
Komi-san's premise has always been unique and lovable. On the surface it is a standard high school slice of life, but add the aspect of Komi-san's social anxiety and her quest to make 100 friends and you have a fresh plot. What I loved
about season 2 was the development of Tadano and Komi's feelings for each other. It added an extra layer to an already very solid plot that gets you even more hooked on such a sweet and wholesome tale.
ART & SOUND: 9/10
There have been some clamor about how the animation quality has dipped this season, particularly in the later episodes. In all honesty, I would not have even noticed it if I had not heard of these comments. Once I did, however, I guess I was able to notice it slightly as I had my eye out for it. Maybe it was more use of the cute low-poly style that the show often uses rather than having more dazzling and gleaming moments like that of Komi-san in her gym uniform from season 1. Overall, I will not take it against season 2 as I would not have even noticed it if there were no complaints. The music is wonderful again particularly the ED (and its amazing visual).
The show is headlined, of course, by Tadano and Komi. I don't think I need to explain any further about how wonderful they are individually and how much greater they are together. Tadano continues to be an absolute chad and just a great and lovable character while Komi remains the adorable and heartwarming sweetheart that she is. However, many shows can have a great leading duo, but what sets Komi-san apart from other slice of life/romcoms is the amazing set of supporting characters. With the main goal of the show for Komi to accumulate 100 friends, you would expect we would meet a plethora of different characters and we have met a lot so far. What's so special is how amidst the many characters we have met, each of them are unique with regards to their character and their relationship with Komi. Take for example, we have the chaotic trio of Najimi, Yamai, and Nakanaka to provide the wild and crazy fun while we have characters like Agari, Onemine, and Otori who are just charming and calming characters. Komi-san also provides each character with their own little segment/arc where we are introduced to them and discover how they eventually befriend Komi. All in all, the many crazy, charming, and wholesome characters of Komi-san is definitely what sets this show apart for me.
I love this show and it is hard to hide. From having one of the best pilot episodes to Komi and Tadano's heartfelt moment in the latest finale, each episode is just so fun and relaxing to watch. No moment or episode ever feels draggy as it always just feels light and fluffy like a cotton candy.
Overall: 9/10
Season 2 of Komi-san Can't Communicate continues to deliver more of what made the first season so great and adds on it with the growing development between Tadano and Komi. While I feel that season 1 may still have a slight edge over this season, this was definitely no disappointment capped by an extremely sweet finale between our two leads that has you so excited for what's next in store as they move up a grade.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 30, 2022
Tomodachi Game feels like a combination of Death Note, Kakegurui, and Squid Game with someone like Lelouch manning the show. A gripping show with cliffhangers at every episode that has you grasping for more with payoffs that aren't able to be as fulfilling as the mentioned shows.
STORY: 8/10
Tomodachi Game may be the show that is the most difficult for me to evaluate ever since I began writing these anime reviews and its plot is the main reason for that. Generally, you have a Squid Game-esque situation but instead of facing death, groups of friend are challenged with games and saddled with debt.
An intriguing concept which made for a very good pilot that was extremely engaging and immediately caught my attention. It also goes for the psychological and genius protagonist formula similar to Kakegurui or Death Note and personally, that always entertains me but aside from the cliffhangers of each episode, the ultimate resolutions and revelations feels flat and unfulfilling. I don't know if I would call it predictable, but oftentimes Yuichi's actions are obviously a front for something he's planning.
The overarching mystery of the Tomodachi Game organizers is also interesting, but there are still so many factors that remain unknown, especially with regards to our individual characters.
ART & SOUND: 6/10
Straight up, the art of this show is pretty bad. Honestly, my eyes aren't trained to notice poor art quality yet when watching anime, but it was definitely noticeable here. Action sequences are almost nonexistent with mostly just moving PNGs and the art itself is often rough. A redeeming quality, however, would be the fact that the rough art style fits the general gritty theme of the anime. I have no idea if that is intentional, but that's just something to note.
The main group of friends in Tomodachi Game is composed of 5 friends with each unique and contrasting personalities. For the time they were together, they had an intriguing dynamic pushed by the looming mystery of whom among them is the traitor. Ultimately, though, I felt that they lacked depth which I feel is mostly due to the fact that we have only been able to scratch the surface of their characters as we were only given 12 episodes. Even Yuichi who is the main protagonist still feels shallow as his true motives and character is yet to be revealed. I can't lie, though, Yuichi and his sinister side is entertaining, especially in that final episode.
With all the shortcomings of Tomodachi Game, it is entertaining if solely for the anticipation of discovering what Yuichi is up to. It's also most likely a personal bias of being easily hooked by thriller/psychological mystery game animes.
Tomodachi Game is very entertaining even with its bad art and slow development of its plot and characters. Its shortcomings are not too distracting and even noticeable until after you finish the season as you can easily get caught up in the engaging and suspense-filled story and cliffhangers.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 28, 2022
The latest anime to take not just the anime community by storm as Spy x Family paves its way into the mainstream flow of the internet and media. There's a reason that Spy x Family is probably on everyone's social media feeds and it's because this is one heck of a good anime. Put it simply, Spy x Family is about Twilight, an expert spy that is tasked with a mission of infiltration in order to maintain world peace. In order to do so, however, Twilight needs to put together a family. Unknowingly, he puts together a family with absurd talents with
Anya the telepath and Yor the deadly assassin.
STORY: 9.5/10
The premise of Spy x Family is enough to draw anyone in. It was fresh and having such a mixed bag of main characters with unique abilities it was entertaining each and every episode. The main plot is quite simple, Twilight needs to be able to maintain world peace, but to do so requires a few extra steps. The story follows the everyday lives of the newly assembled Forger family and how they adjust to their new roles as father, mother, and daughter. Put together, it makes for a thrilling adventure of a spy rushing to save the world however possible, while balancing his new role as a father of a secret telepath and the husband to an assassin. I would give it a 10, but I just feel that the general progress and development of the overarching story is a bit slow, but that doesn't take away from how enjoyable the show is. If anything, it leaves so much to be excited about when the Forgers return.
ART & SOUND: 9.5/10
Animated by two powerhouses of Cloverworks and Wit Studio, you know what you are getting in terms of the animation. High quality and crisp animation comprised of excellent action sequences and dazzling art. A tandem of two of the biggest studios completely and absolutely delivers for one of the most anticipated animes in recent history. Maybe I'm being a bit nitpicky, but it gets a 9.5 as the soundtrack is good, but is not able to reach an iconic level the likes of Chiki Chiki Ban Ban or Daddy Daddy Doo.
I'm certain that one of the main reasons for Spy x Family's mainstream success is that it features a main cast of characters that has a little bit of something for everyone. You have Daddy Loid for the female fans, Mommy Yor for the male fans, and the adorable Anya for everyone. Together these 3 characters are able to compliment each other so well that it makes for such an entertaining dynamic. Anya's antics alone is something that I don't think I will ever get tired of laughing. Anya herself is such a brilliant and perfect character to insert between the cold and calculated Loid and the clumsy Yor. Her ability to read minds is able to provide such a comedic effect as well as balance the relationships of the family. Once again, if I were to nitpick on this great show, it would be Yor's character and her purpose. I feel that so far, Yor has felt a bit out of place when compared to the spotlight given to Loid and Anya. I understand though that she will definitely play a greater role down the line (especially with her relationship with Yuri) that I cannot fault the show and just remain patient as the story unravels.
Spy x Family is either the first show I would watch each week or the last, but both have the same reasoning: it is the most enjoyable and maybe the best show of this season. Each episode is just filled with hilarious moments thanks to Anya, exciting action scenes, and heartwarming moments as we witness this family grow closer and closer together. Not once during this entire season did I feel bored and each episode feels like it passes by in 5 quick minutes.
OVERALL: 10/10
Spy x Family is deserving of all the recognition it is currently getting. It is hilarious, entertaining, and fresh. It appeals to most, if not all, audiences with its amazing main cast of characters and easy to follow plot. Spy x Family may just be the best anime of the season and what's even more exciting is that you know that this is literally only the tip of the iceberg. Spy x Family and the Forgers still have so much more to reveal when it returns. Heck, I can't wait for Bond the gud boi to be introduced.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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