Tomodachi Game, also known as "Friends game", is an anime that follows a young group of five friends who are placed into a life-changing game that forces them to pick between debt and friends. It's not some depiction about friendship- It's a test of friendship. Throughout the story, I found myself considerably enjoying the show; it had elements of surprise, precise details and explains everything properly after the big reveal- and so I will now share with you as to why you should watch it, and why it's worth watching.
Story - 9.5
First of all, the way the plot advances is thrilling. It's a high-stakes suspense
anime, meaning that there should be things that are being anticipated, and elements of surprise; it should keep you on-edge throughout the viewing. Tomodachi Game does that very well. When I watched this show, I found myself consistently on the edge of my chair, dying to know what happens next. The way the plot advances shows how it gets more and more intense, with more and more mind games popping up for the viewers and characters to think about, making the whole viewing enjoyable, and satisfying when it's solved; even if you don't solve it, they do a proper explanation of telling the audience what happens, and offers a perspective from most characters involved with the incident; making the investigation stages of the mind game being played all the more fun to think about.
Characters - 7.5
The cast is pretty typical- you have kind-hearted boy, chill boy, smart boy, cute girl, and other cute girl. They interact with each other pretty much like how you'd see it in any school anime; but throw them into a game where their whole life's savings and future earnings are on the line, and everything drastically changes; You see hidden sides and pasts that were sealed and sworn to secrecy, and you see doubts and lingering hesitations between everyone. Slowly, they lose faith in each other. That's how a game that would involve betrayal works, right? Right. And so Tomodachi Game does that right. Now then, why did I give a 7.5 then?
Like I said, the cast is still typical, and their reactions are typical. I mean, you'd be in shock and panicking all over the place if say for example, you were found out for grooming children, right? No more people would believe you and trust you, because they wouldn't want to be affiliated with someone like you. Tomodachi Game presents that properly, but again, that's just the typical behavior. These days, us internet bastards want even more irregular responses; we want postmodernism. But then again, the anime is able to present such a feature, and the characters do have shifts in their personality, so I'm telling you- it's good. The way they change and think throughout the story makes it all the more interesting to observe.
Music - 8.5
The sad and melodramatic parts were executed and enhanced well. The music fits with the situation they're in, and don't start suddenly playing at random parts in the anime. There were also some scenes where the music especially hits hard, and it just really gets you thinking to yourself, "Holy shit". It does its job, so there's technically not really any issue with them; though sometimes I guess I do find it bland and a bit too quiet in some scenes, but they're melodies are pretty decent, so you shouldn't have any problems with that.
As for the opening, at first it might seem a bit off, but let me tell you, it is good once you listen to it a few times; it really captures the suspicious tone and doubtful tone, which is the theme of the anime; to either doubt your friends, or continue to place faith in them, even if they were a bad person in the past.
Art - 8
On its own, it seems like your typical anime art style, but it has this added effect that I can't really describe. Maybe it's just that Okuruto Noboru isn't that renowned due to it only having 6 series animated, but I believe that they've captured the shadowing and stern expression in a very refined manner. Sure, you may disagree, but in my eyes the blood, the evil intents, the distortion and all sorts of effects are displayed fairly well. You should be satisfied with it.
Overall: 8.3 (Rounds to 8)
I genuinely enjoyed this show. It always had me anticipating everything, and the way the main character handles the problems thrown at him is conflicting and yet fun to watch. It's beautiful. It's deep. It's mind-numbing. Go watch it.
Though I do have to say, if you don't like critical and deductive thinking, then this may not be a compatible anime for you. Unless you really enjoy thrills and climax, go back to whatever rom-com or slice of life that's on your watchlist, because this anime isn't about the life and relationships of friends, it's about faith and trust with them; the hardship of gaining one's trust, and the pain of losing one.
Sep 2, 2022
Tomodachi Game
Tomodachi Game, also known as "Friends game", is an anime that follows a young group of five friends who are placed into a life-changing game that forces them to pick between debt and friends. It's not some depiction about friendship- It's a test of friendship. Throughout the story, I found myself considerably enjoying the show; it had elements of surprise, precise details and explains everything properly after the big reveal- and so I will now share with you as to why you should watch it, and why it's worth watching.
Story - 9.5 First of all, the way the plot advances is thrilling. It's a high-stakes suspense ... May 24, 2022
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