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Mar 13, 2025
Just watch Hellsing Ultimate instead, and if you want an alternate version done conceivably better, watch the TeamFourStar Hellsing Ultimate Abridged parody.
Entirely and drastically inferior version to the Hellsing Ultimate reboot. This covers the same story but was made before the source material was finished so it has an uninspired filler ending of a fight with some generic cringe evil vampire. Starts off slow and after ep 1 the cinematography falls off completely. Even the story itself goes nowhere with nothing to say even sidelining the Judas Priest. The characters are boring since the dialogue is all pointless filler. The art is low-effort and poor
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Mar 13, 2025
Send this poor, mentally ill/schizophrenic child to a non-quack doctor. That was genuinely what I was thinking for much of the movie, all the more by the end of it.
This movie barely goes anywhere and is almost completely SoL filler aside from a single exposition dump dialogue scene. The plot, beyond irrelevant specifics, is extremely predictable and boring, relying on unearned heartstring pulling. No justice for boat guy's irrelevance to the movie. No point to random fat-shamed character. No point to random exposition dump art-lady. The plot of this movie is summarized in one minute of exposition dialogue and spends the entire rest of the
movie insincerely baiting a shallow romance while tipping its hand on a pointless mystery that is hard to care about as they present it in the most excessively saccharine way.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Mar 13, 2025
There are no characters here. The main duo are: Generic self-insert guy who is explicitly a blank slate devoid of any character aside from the 1-note of the original novel author's self-fellation of books, he likes books, he reads books, he's a librarian, books books books, library library library, Le Petite Prince, diary diary diary, texting texting texting. The girl is generic dying perfect dreamgirl who exists to throw herself at the MC and force him to learn the wonders of generic socialization one childish platonic crush date at a time.
The other students (who are all laughably barely present noncharacters) are assumptive angry manipulative assholes
who refuse to allow her any agency as a person and bully the guy they don't know for no reason just because he interacted with her. Of course the author has no awareness of this bizarre narcissism because he wrote the girl to be hypocritically forcing her will onto MC in exactly the same way as she complains about in others and her ex(another aforementioned noncharacter asshole student who does nothing but be jealous once).
There's 1 laughable side plot of the only other 2 characters, who would've been better off cut from the movie instead of having one sitting around offering bubblegum and the other shouting pointlessly every scene until the end when it is used for a pointless 'and then they started dating' ending despite having the side characters literally never interact in a single scene for the entire movie.
Lastly is the mother of FMC who exists for 1 scene to say "thanks, read this."
Character explicitly name dropping "I want to eat your pancreas" like some kind of cringe Hot Tub Time Machine.
The plot spoils itself from the first scene: She dies after they get to know each other and caring about each other. It generically and mundanely presents the very basic notion of memento mori(remember you will die). It doesn't actually dig into anything of its themes, instead filling the movie with small talk and ultimately concluding with a bunch of generic empty fluff words about how "there are no words to describe our relationship, null character guy. Thank you for spending time with me." The end.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Mar 13, 2025
This is the 'sequel' to Amrita (which the creator more appropriately calls a spinoff), though it has almost no connection aside from the same apartment setting (but beyond the shared insect theme the monster happenings are completely different) and Amrita has a momentary unrelated scene cameo of the 2 main girls of this movie existing tossed in at the end, and with the potential for achronology it isn't even possible to say which movie actually takes place first. They are inconsequential to each other in terms of watch order, but I'd recommend Amrita instead, since it's short and better quality, and only this movie if
you really want to see more but worse.
Both movies were written/directed/animated by a single guy which is a bit impressive but also a bit pompous and obviously shoots it in the foot in terms of severely limiting man-hours/productivity and it really shows in the limited quality of all aspects of the production, would it really kill him to delegate some menial labor to some underpaid animators? Hell he'd make way more money just from increased productivity let alone that it would be better quality.
This movie's not good.
There is a huge amount of filler of just nothing going on. Even the non-filler is mostly boring.
The art style is often comically bad (2D faces wrapped over 3D poly-mesh heads, the MC's eyes are very far apart) and the rare attempts at actual visuals are almost completely uninteresting.
The horror is barely present inundated in filler and even less horrifying than Amrita.
The characters are not characters despite the insane amount of time we spend watching the MC... moving, standing, panicking, etc.
The story past a pointless, empty, long, slow drag of a first half, progressively turns towards what seems directly inspired by Silent Hill (2, I suppose) to the point many story beats and even some entire scenes seem ripped straight from it. I can even explain what this movie's 'plot' is meant to be based on that comparison, with the hellish setting, memories of regret revealing love-hate murder/loss and an ending attempting to reconcile that regret with sacrifice towards redemption/rebirth... but it would be pointless because there is little actually here beyond a continuous sequence of contrivances and a bunch of vaguery where dozens of different explanations are possible (and all of them rely on bs logic so all are almost equally as worthwhile as 'it was all just a dream') along with characters/plot points it keeps throwing in and pointlessly throwing away as it goes.
(Some other Silent Hill parallels: haunted town/apartment complex, falling within interior holes into deeper areas that look like meat processing areas and old facilities that housed past war/prisoner experiments giving rise to body-horror monsters, ominous moths/butterflies, pyramid-heads in this and Amrita, etc.)
The creator relies way too much on subtle subtext to vaguely and briefly convey too many ideas at the end while leaving most everything else largely unexplored because it is such a short runtime full of way too much filler. So either the point of 80% of the movie went over my head or he just wasted most of the story on bs serial killer filler scenes then ripped off some 'cool' ideas from Silent Hill and threw them together without actual consideration behind it while relying on ambiguity to try to seem like maybe there is more depth than there is.
Even a glancing look at certain 'plot' points should reveal which it is (spoilers below):
The serial killer the story wastes a ton of time emptily referencing is revealed in the end to be a noncharacter who we've never actually interacted with.
A random bookish guy conveniently spots the MC to exposition dump a bunch of generic/vague exposition filler about the insects/disease/spirit world and the omen of death butterfly before being seen next pointlessly murdered.
A random other guy is revealed to be a spiritualist who knows all about the otherworld insects and gives the MC a protective necklace and a little vague/generic exposition filler before pointlessly dying in his next scene.
The blond guy is revealed to be a shonen protagonist (from organization XIII fighting the nobodies/heartless jk but it does fit) monster hunter (who is also another serial killer since the monsters he kills were the girls infected by the other serial killer, though it seems a pretty severe case of nonsense that he went through an entire chase sequence to attack the MC with his bonesaw for no reason 'it was all a dream fku') who conveniently saves MC in the middle of nowhere and starts exposition dumping a bunch of generic explanations of monsters existing before immediately being killed by a car suddenly armghost-commandeered to drive off a highway overpass into the upper floor window to kill him(where no one knows he is) followed by a bunch of explosions (did I mention this director seems to have gone to the Michael Bay school of tons of pointless explosions for this movie? Even a butterfly randomly shows up to save the MC from a monster by exploding like a cluster bomb for no reason)...
In other words the director waved in front of the audience's faces yet another super knowledgeable person giving the opportunity to have any coherency where the plot would actually go with them somewhere beyond random bs and immediately slaps the audience in the face by absurdly contriving a reason for them to be removed from the story as nothing more than a pointless waste of time exposition dump mad-lib of this series' flavor of generic monster details. The only conclusion I can draw from it is that the writer in fact meant it as a slap in the face to the audience but I suppose it could just be the writer trying his best when his best is just shitty exposition dumps and an inability to write anything more complex than a collection of loosely strung together ideas which therefore can go no further than: dies or wakes up from plot-armor death, which come to think of it is more or less the content of both Amrita and Aragne...
And according to an interview from the creator, it originally had a single plot, then while animating he added a bunch of other elements to it turning it into a Frankenstein story with a bunch of scenes relegated to nonreality dream sequences to try to cobble together some coherency.
The black-haired ballet (why ballet? no reason) girl romance-bait (because gaybaiting just like Amrita) who dies much like all the others having contributed nothing of value to the plot seems the most apparent example of Frankensteining as she is the same character model as the black-haired childhood girl but a different name, conflating 2 characters out of seemingly 1 original just like they did with the MC conflating the coma blonde girl but actually being the black-haired girl, all now reworked into an overcomplicated mess that would've been really interesting if it had been the central plot instead of being a brief flashback-montage dump tossed in schizophrenically at the end which renders the entirety of the black-haired girl we see interacting with her and others before being killed as confusing at best (explained away as: this random girl just happens to look like the black-haired girl so the MC is reminded of her past self and thus conflating this girl as herself) or less ideally (and realistically what +99% viewers would conclude): 'just a dream fku' among other equally unsatisfying bs explanations for this pointlessly confusing contrivance on top of the plotline itself being pointless filler either way. (And none of them are related to the serial killer mother either since the creator gave them different full names).
This is like a horror version of tropey spanish soap operas replete with twins swapping places, amnesia, comas, doppelgangers, dream sequences, etc. all to just contrive an even more convoluted plot for no reason. It didn't have to be this way.
(Even just a bit of editing and added lines explaining the story at the end (Howl's Moving Castle does this type of mystery reveal ending well for example) would've taken this from 'a silly movie with a convoluted plot buried under so much ambiguity and subtext that only a handful of people in the world would even bother to unbury it' to a decent story people could enjoy even if one doesn't also cut out a ton of pointless filler).
The Japanese title is: Insect |Cage/Prison| of Aragne (Arachne of various forms anglicized from Greek myth of the woman turned into a spider by a god(now that I think of it, the MC with her time powers could be the main antagonist red brain arachnid woman monster of the other movie through the art of even more bs contrivance), but also it's written on the MC's medicine prescription as either the name of the medication or a 3rd alias for the MC (alongside _atopy which is a disease of excess allergic reactions and etymologically means 'being out of place' but that could be nothing since it seems to be preceded by A/L/R) (because she's trapped in the cursed insect-riddled apartment, and in the movie insects are inherently part of the soul and coming out of the bodies, and the trapped in an undying body undead, and the girl trapped in a coma where the afterlife is insects judging souls of the dead).
The English subtitle is: Aragne: Sign of Vermillion (vermillion being an etymology pun derived from a root meaning worm/larva(and also an associated disease that causes madness) and being the latin namesake for an insect from which the vermillion-red dye was made) (the 'sign of vermillion' being: the red butterfly omens of bug infection/death, the spirit-bugs stuff in general, and blood from violence)
It is apparent what much of the story elements are trying to be: the pointless prologue's red tree hallucination seems to shallowly symbolize the brain (paralleling the brain that comes out later), black-haired girl's abusive mother is symbolized by the serial killer mother (who is another case of splitting 1 character model into 2 as she could just as easily have been the actual mother of either of the black-haired girls who are also multiple characters from 1), her trauma symbolized by the mothers' apartment and the bathtub her mother would drown her in, (mentioning by cringe dialogue) the very notion of 'a fate worse than death' as a theme with coma and the monsters, blonde MC's brain leaving her trapped body (representing part of her soul leaving her body) as coma metaphor, MC has a scar on her neck because she was pushed as a child cutting her neck (but also the scar is revealed after a death-dream cutaway from the mother's apartment hoodie attack so interpretable as maybe she was infected/cured) paralleling the broken neck curse/bugs and the blonde girl breaking her neck in her fall, black-haired girl metamorphoses death butterfly wings and blonde MC metamorphoses lunar moth rebirth wings as symbolism of each girl as well as the MC's inner conflict (based on Asian mythology of the two parts of the soul, hun(black higher soul) and po(lunar/white lower/basal soul), of which the po remains in the body after death while the hun leaves coinciding with the spirit bugs/undead monsters, coma girl, and the MC's inner conflict with herself between her new (stolen) identity and her black-haired past) culminating in the black-haired childhood friend (giving up her jealousy so now black-haired again, and so giving back the life she took) sacrificing(part of her soul I suppose)/redeeming herself in a reversion of pushing her down into a coma now pulling her up for the blonde's rebirth from coma as black-hair falls instead into the spirit-bugs that judge the dead.
It's great as individual pieces, but it comes with SO much dumb contrivance to arbitrarily shove the noncharacter set-pieces into position for each scene, and each element of the story comes with so many caveats of pervasive ambiguity from excessive subtlety(vaguery) as to force them to remain disconnected ideas because any attempt to bring them together into a coherent plot gets frustrated by how thoughtlessly tossed together it is since every explanation is equally bs and nonsensical:
The armghosts that come out of nowhere phasing from within the steering wheel? the monsters are undead corpse monsters not ghosts, there aren't supposed to be ghost poltergeists here, literal nonsense on top of nonsense... The mother who represents the MC's abusive mother was a member of a circle of insect-spiritualists defending everyone from otherworldly insects and is now killing everyone and presumably making monsters for no reason... Suddenly blonde MC was actually black-haired childhood friend of blonde girl having taken on her name and hair color after making her fall into a coma, yet she seemingly didn't recognize someone (who also does ballet like her) who looks exactly like herself with black hair standing in front of her... Suddenly the black-haired girl, who represents MC's inner self but is actually someone else (because she gave a different name), died from infection by the serial killer woman who represents but is not actually her abusive mother (because the creator gave her a different name on his website) and decapitation by some random EMT guy from the spiritualist circle... Either it was all just a pointless dream of blonde coma girl before she woke up, or she never actually woke up and is just death-dreaming, or the MC randomly gained fku god powers from being put in the psychic experiment machine and nothing matters because fku she woke coma girl up, or MC was the blonde girl and had already woken up from her coma before the start and was moving into the apartments and you put way too much certainty into a single vague scene where black-hair girl grows up and is replaced by blonde girl... MC is put in the psychic experiment machine alive after having been stabbed to death in the heart yet the blood and wounds shown prior and in transit are not there so either continuity error or more bs... coma girl wakes up in the insect hell version of reality or very unlikely in a post-apocalyptic future despite the incongruity of her being fine and with flowers and whatnot in that scenario (but it is alluded by the scene of the doctor and city being attacked by the monsters after the shonen savior dies and is now no longer stopping the monsters (except this isn't really infectious (at least much) unlike a zombie apocalypse so it wouldn't spread much)...
If the plot had actually come together it would've been a decent movie, but it's all pointless bs because pretty much every plot point in the movie has its own series of caveats of ambiguity on top of multiple overlapping layers of dream-bs, and all possibilities render entire swaths of the movie nonsensical if not just pointless dream bs. And the audience has no reason to look any deeper than the surface level because all the other characters are nonentities introduced just to die in a bunch of dumbly contrived filler scenes in a movie with scenes that deliberately make a point to insult the very notion of good storywriting.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Mar 13, 2025
I highly recommend at least 1.25x speed, otherwise the low frame rate makes it almost unwatchable.
Cost-saving frame rate aside it is surprisingly well done art/animation if one forgives a bit of slippiness on the 2D overlaying of the 3D environment. They actually went to the effort to have (a lot of) non-static camera cinematography, which is far too rare in animation due to 2D costs. Though the mock handheld camera shakiness effect (covering up imperfections/slippiness and adding immersion) in combination with a low frame rate is nauseatingly bad.
At 1.25x this movie is only a little below average. It's very underrated relative to others here.
The visuals
themselves are a bit boring, but at least qualify as horror unlike most horror anime. I wouldn't really call it 'horrifying' though, mostly just 'frustrating' because of how shallowly contrived the plot is.
It's pretty much a generic B-movie horror plot where you just constantly feel annoyed that the characters act like idiots trying to die so the movie can happen. It certainly doesn't help that the movie throws itself full tilt into these contrivances from start to finish literally having the MC run straight into arbitrary bs-land from the start 'just cause, ok? don't think about it.'
Amrita comes from Hindu mythology meaning immortality/not-dying much like ambrosia, eating to become like gods. A fitting theme.
Allegedly this is a prequel (but the creator more appropriately called it a spinoff) to Aragne since it has the same apartment setting and momentary unrelated scene cameos 2 of its characters tossed in at the end, but there isn't really any meaningful connection, and with the potential for achronology it isn't even possible to say which movie actually takes place first. I liked this better than Aragne which was a step down in pretty much every category except better frame rate (that has a much more complex story with more meaning but is far too convoluted and full of filler).
Both movies were written/directed/animated by a single guy which is a bit impressive but also a bit pompous and obviously shoots it in the foot in terms of severely limiting man-hours/productivity and it really shows in the limited quality of all aspects of the production, would it really kill him to delegate some menial labor to some underpaid animators? Hell he'd make way more money just from increased productivity let alone that it would be better quality.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Mar 13, 2025
I won't waste effort on a wall of text like some shills since this is a silly children's action movie of no depth.
Full 3d childish art style of silly caricatures doing silly things. At least 3D allows for decently fluid animation.
The characters are mostly action set-pieces, slapstick potty humor machines, cartoonishly evil, assholes, etc. It's very hard to like or care about any of them since we barely get to know any of them, and the MC is a childish gremlin interacting with a walking ha ha fat dumb person joke. The only nonsilly characters in the whole movie are MC's parent's and brother.
Borderline deliberately
offensive tokenism of minorities in a movie that preaches "do not be biased (against your rulers and their nephews for their incompetence and destructive acts). Prejudice (against the elites) is bad." while going out of their way to uphold divinely approved prejudicial societies of both heaven and earth.
The world itself is generic Chinese mythology of everything magic bs and (un)enlightenment cultivation to curry enough favor to go from courtly aristocracy on earth to (identical) courtly aristocracy of gods in a divine realm. Lauding a culture of greed and supremacism.
The plot is willfully dumbly cartoonishly contrived. The few emotional moments are extremely hard to care about and almost exclusively just the MC (an asshole gremlin surrounded almost exclusively by assholes and silly idiots) crying because sad. The movie is effectively just a bunch of pointless action sequences that are drawn out with completely excisable filler and mostly accomplish nothing but fill time with boring weightless spectacle since cartoon logic is in effect so none of the impacts actually matter and everyone is completely fine. The end.
Also that narcissistically long string of premovie credits including a animation/production company advertising itself as a shitty performance the audience doesn't like followed by them mass electrocution murdering the audience as a threat to enjoy this movie or else was quite on-the-nose.
The english dub is pretty good, though the lines are mostly dumb jokes only a child could enjoy.
And yes, a child could enjoy this movie. There are however way too many far better movies out there with better ideals.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Mar 13, 2025
The plotline/premise is a lot like Dorohedoro and Undead Girl Murder Farce, except this is incredibly generic and shallow shonen action cringe that takes itself way too seriously while failing miserably to actually be seinen.
These characters are all cardboard cutouts we learn almost nothing about and what we do learn amounts to: generically evil witch, generically persecuted good witch, generically evil executioners, generically good mage society, generically angry MC, etc. Shonen trope hell. If it weren't shonen it would actually put effort to have meaningful character depth to give any of it emotional weight.
The world is generic. The interactions are contrived. The exposition is cringe.
The pacing of everything is slow, practically just slow fps sloth dialogue to monotonously overexplain exposition and feelings stretching out everything with filler within filler. (For example: the cringiest scene where MC retardedly didn't kiss the witch to be able to immediately overcome all obstacles because partner spoonfed some dumbass excuse not to, so instead MC is flung out a window while having an entire conversation with the witch about the power of cringe and tryharding drawing out 2 seconds into the most cringe conversation that painfully refuses to end...) (The story randomly jumps into an entire filler arc following characters completely unrelated to the MCs and plot.) (It also takes 1 episode to introduce a plot hole since each witch body has a max lifespan of 200 years, the witch's grandmother was murdered for sealing the fire 417 yrs ago yet her granddaughter witch and her mother witch could've lived for no more than 400yrs combined at the absolute max. So we have a witch dedicating decades of her life to an absurd plot to kill innocent people as revenge for a woman she never knew who died over 200 yrs before she was even born, literally hamfistedly retarded being the very thing she hayes all conveyed via braindead exposition dump mid-fight. All when she could've just done this decade long plan in 1 night from the start but Main Character Syndrome dictates that it must be exactly the night the MCs show up on a job to see her for no reason. The ending mystery involves the exact same contrivance baddies doing the a retarded plot for half a year to betray exactly when the MCs show up when they could've just done it in 1 night from the start.) The writing is unbelievably dumb.
Some people claim that the art is bad compared to the manga, but I checked and past the first few pages' bait and switch, the manga art is mostly terrible. The way the mangaka draws black haired MC is hilariously bad. This anime is frankly good art/animation quality, and the voice acting of the dub has good emotion and all, just sucks the dialogue is mostly exposition.
All that said, this anime is underrated/better compared to most cringe shonen here, probably so must dislike because it opens with a random goofy giant shark running through the city on 2 legs, dumb as hell cringe for no real reason but it more or less foreshadows exactly how cringe the author's storytelling/worldbuilding is. This season ends up being mostly just a pointless introduction that goes nowhere as bait for s2/manga but based on the mile-wide inch-deep multiworlds of generic fantasy cringe story the author set up, I'd assume 'vampire world' is just going to be more jumping-the-shark shonen trash. (*I checked and it is terrible)
It really could've been good if not for the writing. At least it's above the mountains of shonen/rom-com/SoL trash.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 13, 2025
It's a really great fantasy premise, but a really terrible execution on top of being used as a macGuffin vehicle for a terribly cringeworthy kiddy-romance.
It's really rough kiddyschool SoL for much of the first half. The FMC is portrayed in such a 'child-oriented man writing little girl' way, the 'romance'(nonromance) is absurdly forced for the entire movie. She's somehow all at once just a typical idiot who's suicidal, bipolar, autistic, narcissistic, cringe butt-bumping her crush and declaring her love to him constantly despite barely knowing him only through stalking as a cat, etc. She's a lunatic with zero ability to read the room or display
any competency for the entire movie. This alone entirely robs it of any fantastical charm, somehow being all of the worst aspects of The Cat Returns cranked up to 100, (Watch that instead).
The story is just silly contrivances for the mask macGuffin, and the characters love each other in the end (despite still having almost never actually had a conversation together about anything) just because they're the MCs and she smells nice or whatever (he literally knows nothing about her except in the end that she loves him for (to paraphrase her explanation) 'being a typical guy who pet a cat' and was creepily stalking him as a cat).
The other human characters are all normal (aside from an excess of annoying bully comedic relief non-characters), like shockingly so compared to FMC. Unfortunately none of them actually have any real significance in the story. Her biomother is just as bipolar as the FMC for pointless drama trying to get the FMC in 2 brief instances (and 1 text). This went nowhere in the end, could've just had her die/never come back (and had a theme of FMC dealing with trauma of rejection rather than 'wahhh I'm such a perfect selfless person and everyone else is only thinking about what they want when they try to be nice to me!' goddamn this narcissist) rather than waste time on characters that go nowhere. (They were definitely trying for the theme of 'other's expectations force me to wear a mask to behave how they want me to be rather than how I want to be' but it more just came out as 'communicating what I want is such a pain' the FMC literally wanted to wear a mask to be a cat rather than just be herself and use her words(the opposite of the theme) to take advantage of the Halo Effect and avoid having to actually talk to her crush... The desire of the crush to do pottery, the FMC's crush and relationship with her parents, all of them resolve immediately upon communicating what they want, literally all they had to do was say what they want because these people aren't forcing them to wear masks, they're bending over backwards to try to give them what they want, the main conflict was literally 'ugh why can't they just read my mind about what I want' (but sure, 'wearing a mask is bad, be true to yourself' is close enough to that since both involve doing what you want. except one is narcissism).
The art/animation is okay, but character movements/designs and the settings are all really uninspired. It really lacks any emotional weight.
The ending was also really contrived that the antag didn't easily overpower them and it was so pointlessly drawn out with nothing happening. (They could've actually done something interesting like pull a mask off the mask salesman's face to beat him or something but no, just uninspired macGuffining).
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Mar 13, 2025
S2 is just a generic yet juvenile low-effort ripoff of The Hobbit. No originality, 0/10. shonen garbage.
The dialogue is brain damaging exposition. The plot is filler. The characters are idiots. The plot armor renders the constant "you will die" lines hilariously dumb. There is almost nothing of value in here and it starts off with an entirely pointless filler episode walk to a school for pointless exposition. Almost every scene is infuriatingly dumb.
The irrelevant isekai background amounted to a single offhanded line about using prior knowledge to make paper and run the town in an initial scene.
The characters have all become cardboard cutouts for exposition
and comedic relief jokes. The dwarves are the worst and central to the season.
The art was typical low-effort seasonal quality consistent with last season. The goddess of undeath was given a pointless cyborg aesthetic. 0/10 painful to watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Mar 13, 2025
A poorly written story of filler character drama to convey the very basic concept of escapism.
Meanwhile, the memetic concept of Lil-Slugger and Maromi is maybe only in people's heads but also maybe real, while completely overlooking that the entire conflict of the entire story affecting the entirety of the city gets resolved immediately after fmc arbitrarily faces her trauma instead of resorting to escapism immediately after being confronted with it, and this one act immediately solves the entire memetic problem for everyone else, completely destroying the argument that it isn't a real entity.
Pointless 2D character plotlines that go nowhere and haphazardly thrown in ideas and
plot contrivances because it's just so cool that random old man is a plot contrivance doing math for no reason and random otaku exists and their dolls are maybe an autonomous ai program plot contrivance to have the police assistant to save the day and then become like the old man doing math for no reason and trust me the author says, this story is very deep because it pointlessly started with the empty ending scene of random escapism-inducing society stuff.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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