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Sep 25, 2022
Part of me wants to believe that this is a masterpiece, the other side of me disagrees as the show goes from 0 to 100 and then lands at 50 for the ending, i will try my best to describe my thoughts and opinions and try to be as objective as possible
The Story:(6/10) the story seems somewhat patchy and the weakest part of the show, the concept of future messages was really interesting and made the death game even more entertaining, but after introducing different types of messengers like books, papers and then some forced romance shit binding the diaries for messages, it kind
of lost some impact, However the second half of the story escalated really quickly and was damn near ending up to be a masterpiece , but by introducing the 3rd world and first world and trying to finish explaining the events in one episode kind of ruined the flow of the story , the ending being the most jarring
Would have given it a 10/10 if the 3rd world was not there, it is as if they tried to purposely defeat Yuno and at the same time tried to make it seem that she was innocent despite she clearly being the manipulative villian, very pretentious if you ask me, all over the place, the middle parts were the best in this show the entire mystery surrounding the dead people in YUNO's abandoned room then the introduction of Akise made the show better, i am straight but even i agree Akise should have a better relationship than YUNO with the MC, Their partnership would have made the story go even further. Either way a solid Story with patchy execution and rushed ending
The Characters:(10/10) This show has some of the best cast of characters in any short anime that i have seen till now, Even the most insignificant characters play crucial roles, the side characters although i forgot their names have interesting character traits given the situations they have been put in, the only annoying character in the show was the main character, the rest were spot on and did their roles splendidly, the over complicated and convoluted plot, filled with plot holes and inconsistencies was balanced well with it exemplary character roles, Do not forget the Queen of Yandere herself
The Action/Animation:(10/10) This is not supposed to be an action anime, but when it did, it pull up some of the best thriller action scenes i have seen, it does it in such a way that you do not expect it to happen and when it does happen it works well
The Music/ soundtrack:(8/10) Almost perfect! no complains here, the osts are spot on and fit the vibe of the show, the op is just to memorable, and a very interesting way to hide the entire plot in the op visuals
Overall experience :(10/10) Really enjoyed it! YUNO is my new favorite character
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 11, 2022
Attack on Titan Season 3 part 2 is arguably the best Attack on Titan season that has ever been produced till date ,the consistency in this season is incredible ,it is really hard to come back strong and please almost 95% of the fans when season 2 or season 3 could only please a few percentage of them. Here is a short review on why i feel AOT S3P2 is an absolute modern classic(without spoilers)
Story(10/10):No matter how many times i rewatch this arc ,the part that stands out to me is the immense consistency and hyped this arc generates ,not only in the action/suspence department
but the shocking reveals and calm before the storm ending, there is no random bullshit, random out of character moments, random explosions(like most other shounen animes), it all feels like it is planned and well directed, Isayama sensei worked immensely well on this arc ,from a tense buildup to epic important moments to a slap on the face plot reveals( that pays off in a stunning way that even after 3 years i still remember it) to a well balanced ending to the arc. The vibe and atmosphere this arc create is just fantastic and pleasing to the eye and mind.
The execution is a bit off at times, but it does not take away from the high moment.
Art/Animation(9/10):The art and feels is really really good but the animation can be off at times and dragged out .Art(10/10), Animation(7/10). For those complaining about the colossal titan CGI , i absolutely disagree with their opinion, Infact, it actually works well for the atmosphere it creates, if you see the hand-drawn colossal titans in season 4 part 2 they may look nicely animated but the overall atmosphere feels dull as compared to one colossal CGI titan in season 3 part 2 ,the actual problem is the inconsistent animation of the titans and sometimes the background does not match the foreground. while the art in this arc is absolutely other worldly take for example the last 3 episodes, that ancient type of feel it gives to the story with the yellow-brownish filter and well detailed surrounding and art work really blends well with the atmosphere
Sound(9/10):Easily the worst part of season 3 part 2, aside from the endiing and opening sequence the ost's aren't that well thought out ,at some places it does work really well while in other places it creates a bit of annoyance while trying to concentrate on the show, i do like that in few of the episodes they decided to not incorporate any music and it worked really well for the situation, that approach was a genius move
Character(10/10):The only AOT arc that has every character on the edge of their character limit, everyone had some or the other role to play with a wakeup call of anyone dying , the stakes were really high even for the background characters, it truly felt like a battle of wits, and showcased how everyone were so messed up in their heads that as a viewer you feel for the bad guys and the good guys , not knowing what will be unfolded before our very eyes, there are some characters that you will want them to survive while there are some you wish they better die a miserable death. The scouts were at their absolute best performance . Then there are characters that were never introduced before who impacted the plot in very surprising ways that connect to the events of previously build-up seasons while at the same time setting-up for a fantastic Final season ride. Some characters developed more than expected . while some faced massive emotional damage
overall the characters in this arc got equal development and screen-time.
Enjoyment(10/10):Tense, heartbreaking, memorable, betrayals, emotional, anger, sorrow, hopefulness, wholesomeness, craziness, badass and calmness.
Overall: In my opinion the Best AOT season and the third Best arc of the story overall
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 8, 2022
Ok, Since this is my first review i will try my best to give critical thoughts on the series but at the same time considering the time when this came out (1979) i will not be that judgemental towards the animation and art
Story:(7/10) In my humble opinion ,the story could have been way more deeper, i really loved some of the concepts of Ultraman ,the Ultra-mind and U-40 planet, i wished we had got more history from their planet side , i also wished that we got more story from elec and roto's perspective , they seem to only appear when it is convenient ,they
could have explored more on Ultraman's powers, in detail, the drama could have been extended a bit more , Ultraman being in every episode shouldn't have been a necessary thing, the Ultraman fights are really repetitive and predictable to the point that at times i feel like skipping them, the way how the scenes changes from one location to another ,without any buildup can feel a bit dragged at times, the story structure is really great but fails on the execution , at best it is sub par. The kaiju's designs are really basic or uninteresting and whenever they appear on screen it feels like filler. The slice of life moments that are sprinkled throughout the series are really refreshing and they make up for the boring fights
in almost the entirety of the series the formula is the same , A new situation arises, the science defence force gets news on it ,90% of the time its about a kaiju attacking a city, defence force comes to the rescue , they are not able to defeat the kaiju by themselves Hikari transforms into Ultraman "Ultra-change" At first ultraman is unable to defeat the kaiju, then his green meter turns to red "reason: on earth his energy reduces quicker" ultraman suddenly becomes stronger , defeats the monster with any of his iconic attacks "Really cool attacks" he flies away , marume questions where is hikari when he is needed ? they have a small talk and the episode ends, because of this repetitive formula i had plans to drop it muliple times in the series
But then comes the unexpected episodes out of nowhere that adds more depth to the story that was needed .The last 4 to 5 episodes (absolutely amazing and spectacular)for the first time in the series i actually felt the tension, the effect of it was shown in episode 49 ,that cliffhanger was something i did not feel the entire series , it was all thanks to the buildup of the repetitive formula of the series that something so unexpected and heart wrenching happens that makes me lose my myself ,eagerly waiting to watch the final episode.
overall for story 7/10
ep 1 to 20 6/10,ep 21-30 7/10, ep 31-45 6/10, ep 46-50 9/10
Art:(5/10)really mid , not a fan of of the art, the character designs are generic , the monsters look uninteresting and stupid at times ,the background art is lame, you can easily fall asleep whenever the monsters fight with Ultraman, Aside from Ultraman the rest of the creatures are badly designed , it is like a bunch of 5 year old students are asked to come up with dinosaurs
Sound:(9/10)The opening is a banger, the ending is also memorable, the soundtrack is used at the right place and at the right time effectively ,the emotional osts are also really effective, simply great
Hikari /Ultraman User :Hikari is a generic hero who does his job perfectly ,his character arc has been concluded almost perfectly ,i thought his arc would have been ruined in the last episode but some how this character stuck the landing
Marume: Really fun character, his character has been the most used among the entire cast ,he does have annoying moments ,but there are other times where you feel sorry for this guy
Tobe: Underused character, aside from his scientific knowledge and good leadership skills we do not get much slice of life moments from him
The pig and the monkey: Annoying ones ,but bearable, they do get development but honestly only kids will find it entertaining
Mutsume: This girl is honestly really loving, caring and to the point unlike marume, her development is throughout the series , but towards the end it kind of faints .her relationship with hikari should have been explored more deeper.
Elec , Roto: Epic characters for doing almost nothing other than do their cool stuff
Amia: the only female character that gets way more development than any other character i have ever seen in the show, honestly she is hot and a heartwarming person, her relationship with hikari is way more developed than mutsumi's
the rest of the cast are quite decent
Enjoyment:(7/10)aside from the kaiju fights and terrible cutscenes ,i really enjoyed it , especially towards the end of the story
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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