THIS.... WAS.... LONG....
It's really hard to rate this web novel accurately because of how much chapters there is. It's actually even harder to write a review on it, because of it.
Quanzhi Gaoshou story mostly follows what is going on inside the game and mind people who plays it. Author really put a lot of thoughts into how the game works, classes, interactions between skills and other in-game mechanics. Of course it's not 100% perfect and some mechanics are not 100% possible from (our world) design point of view, but it makes every fighting more lively and exciting and it's established early how it
Feb 2, 2020
Sword Art Online: Alicization
It's a review-rant, because I'm not well spoken enough to make long ass review. This anime is dog-shit, the only saving grace is good animation and music.
SAO every single time has really good setup how to start the story. AND EVERY SINGLE TIME THEY FUKC IT UP. Why? There's two major things in my opinion that make this season even worse then the others. One is conversations between characters. Every time someone speaks up I want to throw up. Every single conversation sound like the speach principals do at the start of the school year. It's pompous, cringe and tooo looooong. Nobody talks like ... |