All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 226.4
Mean Score:
- Reading255
- Completed116
- On-Hold0
- Dropped10
- Plan to Read22
- Total Entries403
- Reread0
- Chapters39,297
- Volumes1,520
All Comments (1049) Comments
I'm surprised to see you man! I was recently thinking about you again <3
Well, it did ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm now living with her. She moved from America to be with me forever! Been together since last november.
How are things with you?
Wasn't MAL for us to have met each other? (¬‿¬)
Oh I'm glad to hear that ^^ Earning your own money now hm? =3= I'm still a student here >.>
It's been even 3 years I think hehe.. yea I changed it last summer, so not tooooo long ago. Hotchy was too "cute" >.>
I've been also great ^^ I got active here again at the end of last summer.. you noticed how I was kinda on hiatus before that for the last few years I guess >w<
And still calling me love, how dare you (⊃‿⊂)
Hehe how have you been my cook? (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
You still recognize me? Or remember? >.>
Discord is the new better version of Skype, m8. You should make one even if the RCT server is ded-ish! Though heard Bash is on vacation in Turkey atm soo if you message him there, it'll be a while before he responds :x
I aammmm. Where have you been? How is life?
Bash misses yoooou.