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Jan 10, 2024
In Jujutsu Kaisen 0, the protagonist Yuta and the villain Geto were disappointingly dull, detracting from my enjoyment of this movie.
The plot and love story involving Yuta and Rika felt cringe-worthy, with Rika coming across as a one-dimensional character. The cliché backstory of their relationship, from her introduction as a sweet and innocent girl making the typical "let's get married when we grow up" childhood promise to her transformation into an overpowered yandere spirit obsessed with Yuta after a tragic accident, failed to capture my interest. Seriously, her only personality/character trait is shouting "YUTA I LOVE YOU YUTAAAAAAA". I don't even think we get
a reason as to why she likes this guy so much, she's just a plot device only meant to provide a forced sob story that ekes out a few tears from the easily manipulated emotions of it's core audience and maybe (weakly) motivate him.
I don't know why people want Yuta to be the main character of the entire series, he's the same boring stock shonen protagonist with weak motivations like Yuji Itadori, having been handed immense power thanks to a hidden special lineage, complete with a whiny voice. Between the two, Itadori is definitely more interesting (largely thanks to Sukuna), but that isn't saying much.
The highlight of the movie to me was Gojo's brief fight scene, which stood out as the best part and slightly elevated the overall experience. Both him and Maki were more intriguing to watch than the protagonist, at the very least making the viewing experience more bearable. Of course, the animation quality was absolutely gorgeous throughout the entire film.
Overall, Jujutsu Kaisen 0 is simply okay, nothing more. If the series refuses to produce high quality character writing, then I at least hope Season 2 can offer more engaging fights similar to the one involving Gojo in this movie. Two guys shooting "ultimate destruction" beams at each other like in the finale isn't gonna cut it for me. As always with this series, the animation quality remains a strong point, but the lackluster characters, especially Yuta and Geto, hindered the movie from being truly remarkable.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 9, 2024
Jujutsu Kaisen dazzles with its flashy battles and stunning animation, yet it falls into the common pitfalls of many battle shonen anime. The series is plagued with an excess of exposition that redundantly reiterates already known information, resulting in a tedious viewing experience. These repetitive explanations disrupt the flow of action sequences, interrupting visually appealing fights with prolonged breakdowns of each move. Despite the unique in-universe rationale that explaining techniques enhances their effectiveness, it comes across more like an excuse for the constant info dumps.
Moreover, the somewhat forced camaraderie among the main characters feels hastily constructed, relying on trivial commonalities like their preferred type of
woman (though admittedly this particular "bromance" is worked back a bit after the fact). This superficial bonding lacks depth, failing to establish authentic emotional connections for viewers. Even by the season's end, there's a notable absence of genuine depth to many of the characters. Surprisingly, the "Juju Stroll" segments in the after-credits often outshine the main show when it comes to being entertaining and endearing you to the characters, particularly in moments like Mai meeting with the idol Takada who holds her hand, whispers in her ear that she'll remember her and generally seems a little too happy to meet a female fan, making you wonder whether she's actually interested in Mai or just charming her to ensure she becomes a fan and spends money on tickets to her show and other events, which is a commonly portrayed yet interesting idea to think about when it comes to idols, the culture, and the relationships they have with their fans. All this introspection from a scene that barely lasts a minute. There's also the humorous instance where the main characters feign being Fushiguro's jilted lovers when they hear that he's being hit on by a woman, in a scene where they actually feel like friends goofing around with each other for once.
Even on their own, the characters are nothing too special. The protagonist, Itadori, probably has the least interesting motivation of any shonen protagonist ever, and it stems from the death of a grandpa we barely know and don't care about. Ironically, he has the most interesting circumstance: His body is the host for the most vile and powerful curse ever named Sukuna and his only choices are to die and take a part of Sukuna with him or eat all of Sukuna's fingers and then die taking the whole curse with him, and he's constantly at risk of being taken over by him (or he would be if not for the convenient deal they make where he gives up his body occasionally and the curse even agrees not to hurt anyone while it does so, which ruins some potential future conflict the show could've had with Itadori having to deal with the thought that at any moment, Sukuna could take over his body and kill his friends) and yet he never once despairs at his unfair fate.
Nobara acts a little too much like a "girlboss" in her combat scenes for my liking, in what feels like the author's unsubtle attempt to subvert the "useless shonen heroine" tropes to make everyone go "finally a good female main character!!!", though she's at her absolute best in comedic scenes, single-handedly making JJK's comedy better than other shows in the genre, especially since the fantastic dub incorporates a lot of slang and swear words. Her fighting style is decent but kind of boring, and it involves her hitting nails with a hammer to send them at opponents, and hitting a nail into a straw doll to deal critical damage to her enemies. The final episode adds a little more to her moveset, so hopefully she gets better in the future. Despite everything I've just said here, she's definitely one of my favorite characters in the show.
Fushiguro is your typical "Sasuke-esque" dark-haired emo constantly brooding over his dark backstory and a loved one(s), whose also the best friend and self-proclaimed rival of the protagonist. Surprisingly, he's the most interesting out of the trio and has the best fight scenes. His main fighting style, where he makes handsigns to summon his Shikigami is visually awesome and he feels a little weaker than the other characters in the show (even though Sukuna hints that there's more to him) and actually gets beat up a lot more, making his fights more interesting to watch. He also tends to use cursed tools like a sword with a black blade and the scene in the last arc where he's flipping and slicing through all the enemies with his sword is the best fight scene in the entire season. And like Nobara, his dub voice is great. If he were the protagonist, the show might be improved a little.
Jujutsu Kaisen struggles with weak villains, especially in contrast to the overpowered Satoru Gojo, who dominates in all confrontations against them. You will watch the cocky main villains boast about their superiority, before literally getting jumped, curb stomped and beaten by the heroes until they run away with their tails tucked between their legs, all while proclaiming how much fun they're having and that everything's still going according to plan. It doesn't help that they're all boring, especially Mahito constantly spouting off nonsense dialogue, like "what comprises a soul". And you can't forget Junpei, who is randomly introduced after a random timeskip, hogs up a lot of screen time which he mostly spends spouting off edgy bully-victim dialogue, and is killed by a villain after a few eps solely to motivate and enrage the protagonist and is quickly forgotten about.
This also extends to the borderline useless Kyoto students (not counting Todo), who are completely outclassed and outmatched by the Tokyo students (our protagonists) at every turn and end the season having done nothing of note. The Kyoto character Miwa has a technique that is supposed to automatically allow her to hit anything that comes near her but not only does it completely fail against both of her Tokyo opponents, one of them even steals her sword and she is then knocked out via a phone call having accomplished absolutely nothing. Hell, she even calls herself "Useless Miwa" afterwards. Of course, said character Maki is in-universe supposedly the weakest of all of the characters, possessing no cursed energy, being unable to even see cursed spirits without special glasses, and needs to rely on cursed tools to stand a chance against any threats, which makes Miwa's quick defeat at her hands even more humiliating.
The narrative's lack of mystery, owing to excessive exposition, villains constantly spelling out their own plans to the audience, and characters often accurately predicting the opposing sides motives and actions with no evidence, dulls any intrigue one might have in the story.
Although the animation, particularly during fight scenes, remains spectacular, the plot of JJK lacks equally exceptional elements. The series heavily leans on its animation prowess, catering to Sakuga enthusiasts but falls short for those seeking a more engaging narrative.
Overall, for someone less enthralled by animation quality, Jujutsu Kaisen comes across as a lackluster and overhyped show relying solely on its visual appeal and fight scenes to generate hype and popularity, rather than delivering a compelling story; something not uncommon in most anime released these days. The fact that it has an "Award-Winning" tag (and that anime like Chainsaw Man don't) should worry you about the current state of anime and it's community that prioritizes hype and fights over well-developed characters and meaningful storytelling.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Dec 24, 2023
Don't listen to all the raving reviews. Dr. Stone is just a standard shonen with all the overused anime tropes I fucking hate. The first couple of episodes were promising; the prospect of two characters needing to use science to figure out what happened to the world and rebuild humanity was VERY intriguing, however when Tsukasa (the main antagonist) was introduced, all that went out the window. Dr. Stone unfortunately quickly devolves into a cliché shonen battle series with Senku's Kingdom of Science opposing Tsukasa's Empire of Might, and the rest of the show is focused on building up the aforementioned "Kingdom of Science" to
eventually fight Tsukasa.
I tried to push on hoping things would get better, but I finally had enough halfway through and dropped this show after one character simply tossing another some glasses so they can see was treated as this HUGE moment, complete with characters gasping in surprise, overdramatic screaming from a moe-bait loli ("TAKE THE EYES OF SCIENCE!!!!!"), and I shit you not, after putting the glasses on, the character poses dramatically and there's an explosion behind him. Seeing this, I realized the show was never going to satisfyingly deliver on it's initial premise. It's too focused on delivering dopamine to folks that think characters yelling the word "science" every few seconds makes the show very highbrow.
The reviews here will make you think Dr. Stone is the best thing ever, and if you don't agree, "you just don't get it. It must be too scientific for you". At the end of the day this is a generic shonen complete with all the usual bad humor and catchphrases repeated ad-nauseum, obnoxiously loud one-dimensional characters only known for their one quirky trait, and overhyping simple moments to trick casual viewers into thinking what they're watching has anything of value, with an admittedly unique coat of post-apocalyptic civilization building paint that is not expanded on and quickly dropped for a dumb good guys vs. bad guys plot.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Aug 12, 2023
My first positive review!
This anime is fantastic, except for the abrupt ending (with no Season 2 announcement after 3 years, forcing everyone to read the manga if they want closure and loose ends tied up). Apparently no scenes were skipped though, so one can easily hop into the manga and continue where this leaves off.
The negative reactions to this anime surprise me. I don't know how many times the show needs to spell out that the government (or whoever they are) used Nana's parents' death to manipulate and brainwash her into killing innocent people. I've seen no calls for the shady men brainwashing a child
to be brought to justice. And the other characters have been keep in the dark about many truths and could only act on info they'd been given. We know way more than them at any given moment, so of course they seem dumb. And Nana has no more "plot armor" than any other protagonist, especially Light Yagami from Death Note (who she and this show share a lot of similarities to).
Overall, I really enjoyed my time watching this. I was actually bored halfway through the first episode thinking it was gonna be a generic shounen power fantasy, but the ending woke me up and kept me hooked. I actually ended up binging this whole show. I highly recommend it to people who are craving for more Death Note-esque shows.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 2, 2023
A potentially decent show ruined by the worst protagonist ever created. Takemichi is a crybaby coward that gets his ass kicked every episode. When he's not spending his time being beaten to a pulp, he's standing around watching the anime with us and acting like a commentator at a sports event with the typical shounen anime internal monologues that overexplain everything even though we can already see/know what's happening. Seriously, why are we following this guy if he's not doing anything? And why is time travel a big part of this show when it's so pointless? Every time the future changes, it doesn't matter because
someone always ends up dying forcing Takemichi to once again go back in time making everything feel pointless. And it doesn't help that Takemichi will literally stand around and let events play out almost exactly as they originally did. Mikey is pounding Kazutora into tomato paste, something that Takemichi traveled into the past to prevent (by the way, this is after Baji gets stabbed which was literally his mission to prevent), and Takemichi's just watching and crying about how useless he is again. Our hero, ladies and gentlemen.
He has a girlfriend named Hina...that he doesn't give a shit about. She obviously loves this guy but Takemichi is just too stupid and useless to act on those feelings, even apparently breaking up with her at some point. He goes on and on about how he needs to save her and how he's doing this all for her sake, complete with a million flashbacks to her face, but his actions completely contradict his words. You're often left wondering what she even sees in this loser. Hina says he's "mature", which is a laughable attempt to justify their relationship. She's show to have bigger balls than him, walking up and slapping the fucking leader of Toman, THE INVINCIBLE MIKEY in the face with no hesitation when she thinks Takemichi is being bullied by them, and she always teases him about crying all the time, so she knows just how wimpy her boyfriend is. Meanwhile Takemichi goes on and on about wanting to lose his virginity and willingly tries to fuck a random prostitute in a brothel, and I'm like DUDE YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND THAT LOVES YOU!!!! This is TWICE that he's almost cheated on Hina, his cute loyal girlfriend that slapped a powerful gang leader for his sake and still loves him even though she's an adult and hasn't seen him since middle school. Our scumbag "hero", ladies and gentlemen.
Everything is rinse and repeat with him. Gets ass kicked, loses faith and self-hates, flashback to Hina and/or Akkun, "I will change the future and become the leader of Toman!!!!", gets ass kicked, and the cycle continues. Takemichi has no agency in the narrative. He does nothing to advance the plot. Other characters will talk, plan, and fight and he just stands there. And to top it all off, he's completely moronic. He always has to be TOLD information, he never figures anything out on his own, and can't tell who someone is until he is TOLD even though he should already know. He sees a photo of a tattoo guy (Kazutora) with the founders of Toman yet when they meet he doesn't recognize him from the picture until Baji tells him that the guy was one of Toman's founders. Kazutora beats his second-in-command half to death, then when Takemichi meets him he doesn't recognize him until the guy points out "dude you just watched me get my ass kicked yesterday". He's with one of his best friends in the future yet doesn't even know it's them until he hears someone else say their name. Our dumbass, ladies and gentlemen. Yet there are idiots out there calling him one of the best shounen protagonists ever.
The ending is stupid. Yes, let's drink something the main villain gave us. What's the worst that could happen? The worst thing that could happen is you realizing that you wasted your time watching absolute garbage.
The funniest and most accurate comment I've read about this anime: "What me and the MC have in common? We're both watching this anime."
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Oct 15, 2022
How dare the creators of this show forget about best girl Sheska?
At it's core, Fullmidal Alchemist: Brotherhood is a bog-standard Shonen anime. Like most Shonen, this show makes it hard to care about anyone with a bloated, uninteresting cast (aside from a few great characters) it doesn't bother fleshing out. In equivalent exchange for sticking more closely to the manga, Brotherhood sacrificed almost every character having a bigger role and more development that was present in the 2003 show. For example, Lust is turned from a homunculus pondering her own mortality and desiring to be human by any means necessary even if it meant going
against her allies in the original show, to a generic Saturday morning cartoon villainess lackey with no goals or agency of her own, known only for her huge pair of tits and drops out of the story fairly quickly in Brotherhood having done nothing of note or importance, never to be brought up again. Honestly now that I think about it, this whole show is like a Saturday morning cartoon a.k.a a Shonen anime. There are no stakes and anytime anything bad happens that would make the show more interesting, it is immediately reversed (especially in the last few episodes).
When deaths happen, it's drawn-out and cheesy with people you don't care about giving their last words for 20 minutes straight while other people you don't care about scream their name over and over. Comedy is much more prevalent in this than in the 2003 adaptation, which gets annoying when it's used in scenes that are supposed to be completely serious.
It's such a shame too, as the dub is fantastic, there were many times where the funny moments made me keel over with laughter, and any scene with Roy Mustang (and Sheska) is guaranteed to be phenomenal. But ultimately, I just can't see anything in this show that warrants it to be the #1 anime of all time. It's not even good enough to be the best Shonen anime. So to watch people claim it's the best anime ever makes me laugh.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 18, 2022
This? This is the biggest film in Japan of all time? We're expected to care about Rengoku, someone that was just introduced in the last 5 episodes of the 26 total episodes in Season 1, who didn't have much screen time or relevance to begin with. His only noteworthy feature is that he's one of the strongest good guys, and even then we're told that that's just how he was born, i.e. the writers wrote him to be OP from the start. Nezuko, the source of Tanjiro's main motivation (to change her back into a human), who we've been following since the beginning is made
almost entirely irrelevant in favor of this random guy. Seriously, even Inosuke has more presence in this movie than she does. Well apparently, one boring, pointless movie and a random OP villain appearance at the end is enough to make you over 500 million dollars. Yeah, like every other anime that comes out these days, don't question anything just turn your brain off and drool at the SAKUGAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! and cry at the TOTALLY sad, melodramatic ending the wasn't earned through natural dialogue and plot developments.
Do yourself a favor and don't waste 2 hours of your limited time on Earth with this "masterpiece".
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Aug 16, 2022
I've only seen 11 episodes and the last thing this mediocre-at-best padded-to-hell kids show needed was a dumbass screaming his head off all the time. I thought this was called Demon Slayer not Screaming Slayer.
How the fuck is that annoying yellow idiot one of the most popular characters? Why does every shounen protagonist need to have a stupid best friend? Can people not enjoy their anime without forced "comic relief"? Showing Tanjiro trapped in a creepy mansion completely controlled by a demon, then cutting to this moron yelling with his eye-bugging out just ruins the tension and atmosphere. This show doesn't need "comedy"
and it doesn't need all this padding. Seriously, it's episode 11 and the plot has almost completely halted in favor of Naruto-filler-esque episodic stuff. A bird tells Tanjiro to go to random place, he goes and meets random people terrorized by demons, he and Nezuko kill them and take off, the bird tells him to go to new random place, rinse and repeat.
It wouldn't be so bad if the characters were interesting, but the only one I care about is Nezuko, and even she's just a typical moe-bait waifu. I'm curious about Shinobu (more moe-bait), but I can't stand that lemon-colored coward for a moment longer to get to the episode she appears in. Adding in Zenitsu was like letting another person climb onto a boat barely being kept afloat. I can't see myself being able to stomach a whole 26 episodes worth of this crap.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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