Aug 5, 2024
Rasetsu is a simple shoujo series about a group of ghost busting individuals surrounding the main character, who's back story seems to be the overarching focus of the series.
Throughout most of the series though, it's about the adventures they go on defeating ghosts, with the main plot point coming in every now and then. What's wonderful about the adventures they go on is each deals with a new character's arc (per chapter). These arcs can be about a common occurrence in Japanese society, a character's experience with the death of a loved one, or simply evil spirits. Each arc tends to have a
point, or at least sheds light on a new character's issue. I think it's wonderful the author chose these different subject matter because it feels closer to what people actually experience in life. Very easily, the author could've have made it a one-dimensional story about looking hot defeating ghosts, but they didn't. It was about what people (and spirits) go through.
Alongside these adventures, romantic developments happen between the characters, but are handled in a way that allows the story to go on without massive changes (mostly just the main character being upset). This may be an irk to some as it means no "real" development happens until the end. However, what kept me reading was how enjoyable and laidback the series was. Despite being about evil spirits, they characters have many silly moments. I didn't take this series very seriously and just read it for fun. If you're looking for a story that has genius level writing, Rasetsu isn't it, but it's still an enjoyable read nonetheless.
However, the nail in the coffin for me was the ending. It was the most magical, emotionally touching ending I've ever seen in a manga. Maybe because it deals with grief and death and how people move on from that, but it was simply... Just so beautiful. They kept tricking us with small twists about the fate of one character, so the emotional rollercoaster was like: sad, happy, mad, happy, sad, love (for the ending). It was bittersweet but with strong notes of both bitter and sweet.
Anyway, Rasetsu doesn't have the most complicated or genius level writing during the body of the series, but deals with a lot of human struggles in a very light-hearted, simple way. It really feels like a serial series (as in each chapter has it's own arc) and that can be drawback to some people. But, the key to enjoying this manga is to not take it that seriously and just enjoy reading about these characters lives, the goofs they have, how pretty the art is, and what struggles the characters (and people irl) face. Be prepared for the ending, as its very bittersweet, but in a really beautiful way.
Fluff level: Low. There are romantic moments, but they're more serious and not really moments that'd make you squeal. The arcs take more of a front seat, but the romantic developments are always close behind. It's kind of more "drama" like than cutesy.
Read if: You like simple manga where the plot isn't complicated and more laidback. And if you like the idea of a stylish, assertive female protagonist having powers and looking both cute and cool!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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