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Dec 12, 2024
The studio should be sued for false advertising. This anime has nothing to do with Otaku culture, it has betrayed it if anything, and there's no way this anime is ecchi.
This review focuses on the quality of the adaptation from the perspective of a fan of the manga. If you're looking for a traditional review of the anime, you’ll need to look elsewhere. However, I would say that the animations are bad with wooden expressions that betray how lively the manga looks. Don't get me started with some arcs that have been butchered.
The biggest issue for me is this trend of double-standard censorship. Extreme violence
and gore are often tolerated, even for shows rated for teenagers, yet brief and minor nudity is censored for everyone. This time, there isn't even an uncensored edition available.
I genuinely don’t understand the logic behind adapting a manga that is known for its partial nudity and suggestive material as core elements, only to censor and water it down. Don’t adults have the right to watch their media as intended? If you lack the courage to produce a faithful adaptation—where even the modest, iconic costume of the main heroine has been censored—perhaps you should work on something more aligned with your childish sensibilities.
We’ve reached a point where age ratings feel purely cosmetic due to this double standard. Need proof? Compare the first chapter of this manga on MangaPlus with any chapter of Chainsaw Man. If the first chapter of this manga isn’t suitable for kids, then every chapter of Chainsaw Man is even worse by that standard.
I’m deeply disappointed by this modern trend, knowing that most of my favorite manga and anime would likely be heavily censored or even completely banned if made today. Iconic works like Ghost in the Shell, Berserk, Elfen Lied, and others. Just look at the joke that is Berserk 2016.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Dec 9, 2024
I didn't watch 2nd season of Berserk; however, I've survived 3 episodes of the first one and since there's only one year between the two projects my review could be as relevant. Plus I can be a lazy as the people who made this adaptation.
I hate modern media and storytelling. Even legendary works like Berserk couldn't escape the hammer that crushes everything beautiful.
Let me first point out the jarring and ugly CGI that makes your eyes hurt, the unnatural animation and the poor visuals. It's so bad beyond belief.
Now that I've talked briefly about the technicalities, let's approach a more serious topic: CENSORSHIP. Yes, it's
a bigger deal for me because technicalities can be avoided if a respectable studio handles the adaptation, but it's not the case with censorship. The cancer that's threatening every author out there be it from Broadcast companies, Twitter police, Crunchyroll...
First the cut content. A lot of the most impactful scenes have been removed entirely and complete chapters passed through. Why? I don't know. You've a show renowned for its brutality and mercilessness being tamed by the modern thought police gods to be as boring and safe as any other T rated show.
Another issue is the stupid view on female nudity. You can have some disturbing and violent imagery with blood, but a nipple is too much for an 18+ rated movie. What kinda logic is this? They're treating adult viewers as if they were kids where: "yes, you can see boobs, but we'll need to remove the nipples". That's how you treat a 10 years old, not some grown-ass adult.
Some people might say that the Blue rays were less censored. First, it's less censored and not completely uncensored. Second, how the hell can people rely on Blue rays in this day and age where everything is turning to streaming services?
The series is already 18+, so why censor it in the first place? I have the same issue with this website policy in Hentai cover art. Why would you censor a god-forsaken nipple of a cover of an already accessed 18+ anime. The 18+ animes are already hidden from the people who don't want them, so this censorship is only hurting legitimate and consenting viewers. You're protecting no one, and hurting a lot of people experience. But I guess the idea that "you did something virtuose" is more important than using logic to solve real issues. I went with this tangent because it's relevant to the main theme of current performative censorship that creates problems while solving none.
Stick to the old anime, or better start reading the manga.
I give it a 1, because I can't give it a 0.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Dec 9, 2024
I hate modern media and storytelling. Even legendary works like Berserk couldn't escape the hammer that crushes everything beautiful.
Let me first point out the jarring and ugly CGI that makes your eyes hurt, the unnatural animation and the poor visuals. It's so bad beyond belief.
Now that I've talked briefly about the technicalities, let's approach a more serious topic: CENSORSHIP. Yes, it's a bigger deal for me because technicalities can be avoided if a respectable studio handles the adaptation, but it's not the case with censorship. The cancer that's threatening every author out there, be it from Broadcast companies, Twitter police, Crunchyroll...
First the cut content. A
lot of the most impactful scenes have been removed entirely and complete chapters passed through. Why? I don't know because it's supposed to be an 18+ series. You've a manga renowned for its brutality and mercilessness being tamed by the modern thought police gods to be as boring and safe as any other T rated movie and game.
Another issue is the stupid view on female nudity. You can have some disturbing and violent imagery with blood, but a nipple is too much for an 18+ rated movie. What kinda logic is this? They're treating adult viewers as if they were kids where: "yes, you can see boobs, but we'll need to remove these evil nipples". That's how you treat a 10 years old, not some grown-ass adult.
Some people might say that the Blue rays were less censored. First, it's less censored and not completely uncensored. Second, how the hell can people rely on Blue rays in this day and age where everything is turning to streaming services?
The series is already 18+, so why censor it in the first place? I have the same issue with this website policy in Hentai cover art. Why would you censor a god-forsaken nipple of a cover of an already viewable 18+ anime. The 18+ animes are already hidden from the people who don't want them, so this censorship is only hurting legitimate and consenting viewers. You're protecting no one, and hurting a lot of people experience. But I guess the idea that "you did something good and ethical" is more important than using logic to solve real issues. I went this tangent because it's relevant to the main theme of current performative censorship that creates problems while solving none. All of that censorship carries no real advantages and rather it a pahtology.
Stick to the old anime, or better start reading the manga.
I give it a 1, because I can't give it a 0.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Dec 9, 2024
A mature manga sterilized and butchered for the sake of safety and cowardness. You think that you're a grown man/woman that liked the original manga or enjoys fantasy with extreme violence and nudity? Screw you. Because we're watering down every aspect of the story while keeping the stupid R rating bait.
Note: I won't be mentioning any story details as there are more knowledgeable people who can address that.
I'm talking as an amateur of the medium of manga in general and a fan of the source material.
I had my issues with the first GS with the unnecessary censorship -how is it that extreme violence and blood
is OK but showing nipples is a nono? - and some of the cut content; however, nothing had prepared me for the atrocity that is S2.
If you thought that white fox has cut corners and applied censorship, wait until you find about what LIDENFILMS has done.
The relatively minor cuts from the 1st season are now targeting entire segments and scenes. A lot of which are impactful and necessary to appreciate the world of GS. I'm not delving into details for the fear of spoiling.
Another issue was the abusive censorship of female characters where previously nude females in a lot of scenes were rendered fully clothed, yes I really mean fully clothed with minor tearing, in an ugly way that doesn't make any sense in their context. Violence was also a victim of this censorship.
I don't really care a lot about animations if they're relatively okay and if the adaption respected the source material. Unfortunately, it's neither in this S2. The visceral and impactful fight scenes are now very tame and boring. The downgrade that was accompanied by a decrease in the audio and sound design which made the anime more painful to watch.
Another issue that I, as an adult man, found insulting was the inclusion of the trigger warning in the beginning of every effing episode. That's very infuriating. I'm an adult that made a choice to watch a PG-13 anime masquerading as an R rated one. I don't need this stupid text pushed down my throat, especially with all the censorship. That's the mentality that ruined such adaptation. Creators assume that adults can't handle showing some skin or some violence in a fantasy setting.
Adaptations like these are a disgrace to both the original creator and the viewers alike. And at the end, no one ends up happy with such a coward and weak production mentality.
I'm done with this series, and this studio is blacklisted. And for future references every anime that displays more than 1 "trigger warning" during an entire season is gonna be dropped.
I'm giving it a 1 for I was attached to the source material and the self-censorship sets a bad model for future adaptations. For the people who care less about these 2 points, I have one thing to say: "What are you doing?" go watch some Vinlandsaga, fate or Mushokou Tensei instead of wasting your time here. This series was never known for it's story or characters and the only 2 things that made this anime worth watching have been sacrificed for the twitter gods.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Sep 2, 2024
When most of the negative feedback comes from people who act like the sensitivity readers using senseless vocabulary and buzzwords like "ableism"... While pretending that the author didn't understand the "deaf worldview", you know you're in for a treat.
The movie portrays, beautifully and comprehensively, the natural phenomenon of bulling that we all witnessed in our early years at school. And the main victim in our story happens to be a deaf girl. There's another victim that I won't mention.
The movie depicts all types of bullies. From the violent and abusive to the passive and complicit. While also touching on the concept of growth. Where some
people grow out of it for moral reasons and guilt, and others who mostly stay the same.
Totally recommended, if you're into emotional and sad/uplifting stories. Or wanting to delve into the bully's head.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 1, 2024
I wasn't planning on leaving a review, but the sheer misunderstanding of the movie made me do it.
First, the movie was never about dealing with grief. It's quite the opposite. The movie is all about enjoying life to the fullest with the people we cherish.
Second, people said that the quirky and goofy interactions were played for longer than they should. It's the point. In order to live our life to the fullest, we most learn how to enjoy these small moments and act as if we're gonna die tomorrow. Otherwise, the inevitable tragedy of losing our beloved ones will leave even a bigger scar, because
of our inactions and guilt. After finishing the movie, you'll realise that all these silly interactions and the lessons learned along the way were the highlights of Haruki's life.
Third, another critique that comes often is about our main male lead. He comes across and act as the cold and antisocial guy for a long portion of the movie. This characterisation of him was genius. He's acting like everyone of us probably right now. What's the last time you've checked on your mother, father, sibling, friend... We all have these moments when we all lose sight of our close ones in the search of some material and fleeting satisfactions. And the movie hammers this point down.
Fourth, some people criticize the plot and deem it superfluous as we knew that Sakura will die from the first seconds of the movies. Nothing can be more wrong. The plot shows us that even if we all know that everyone who's close to us is dying, we as humans, will either be willfully blind to them and to their needs by not giving them the time they need. Or by dwelling in these negative emotions instead of enjoying these moments with them to the fullest. These moments were you and your lived ones are alive.
Minor spoilers: not related the plot.
Sakura's mask of the strong girl who doesn't fear death is the mask that everyone of us is wearing all the time. Your beloved oneq may seem okay on the surface and may greet you always with a smile. But it's maybe time to check on them and uncover the dragon beneath. And for me the moment when the mask unveils was one the high nots and most memorable moments.
Artistically the movie is gorgeous with some emphasis on symbolism like with the names of our two leads. And I'm sure that by watching the movie for the second time a lot of lessons would be uncovered.
I couldn't help, during the entirety of the movie, but to see Aerith and Cloud in Sakura and Haruki. Their starting point, dynamic and fate is all the same. The thing that ties to the main theme of enjoying life with the people we love.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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