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Dec 12, 2024
Preliminary (5/24 eps)
The studio should be sued for false advertising. This anime has nothing to do with Otaku culture, it has betrayed it if anything, and there's no way this anime is ecchi.

This review focuses on the quality of the adaptation from the perspective of a fan of the manga. If you're looking for a traditional review of the anime, you’ll need to look elsewhere. However, I would say that the animations are bad with wooden expressions that betray how lively the manga looks. Don't get me started with some arcs that have been butchered.

The biggest issue for me is this trend of double-standard censorship. Extreme violence ...
Dec 9, 2024
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
I didn't watch 2nd season of Berserk; however, I've survived 3 episodes of the first one and since there's only one year between the two projects my review could be as relevant. Plus I can be a lazy as the people who made this adaptation.

I hate modern media and storytelling. Even legendary works like Berserk couldn't escape the hammer that crushes everything beautiful.

Let me first point out the jarring and ugly CGI that makes your eyes hurt, the unnatural animation and the poor visuals. It's so bad beyond belief.

Now that I've talked briefly about the technicalities, let's approach a more serious topic: CENSORSHIP. Yes, it's ...
Dec 9, 2024
Berserk (Anime) add
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
I hate modern media and storytelling. Even legendary works like Berserk couldn't escape the hammer that crushes everything beautiful.

Let me first point out the jarring and ugly CGI that makes your eyes hurt, the unnatural animation and the poor visuals. It's so bad beyond belief.

Now that I've talked briefly about the technicalities, let's approach a more serious topic: CENSORSHIP. Yes, it's a bigger deal for me because technicalities can be avoided if a respectable studio handles the adaptation, but it's not the case with censorship. The cancer that's threatening every author out there, be it from Broadcast companies, Twitter police, Crunchyroll...

First the cut content. A ...
Dec 9, 2024
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
A mature manga sterilized and butchered for the sake of safety and cowardness. You think that you're a grown man/woman that liked the original manga or enjoys fantasy with extreme violence and nudity? Screw you. Because we're watering down every aspect of the story while keeping the stupid R rating bait.

Note: I won't be mentioning any story details as there are more knowledgeable people who can address that.

I'm talking as an amateur of the medium of manga in general and a fan of the source material.

I had my issues with the first GS with the unnecessary censorship -how is it that extreme violence and blood ...
Sep 2, 2024
When most of the negative feedback comes from people who act like the sensitivity readers using senseless vocabulary and buzzwords like "ableism"... While pretending that the author didn't understand the "deaf worldview", you know you're in for a treat.

The movie portrays, beautifully and comprehensively, the natural phenomenon of bulling that we all witnessed in our early years at school. And the main victim in our story happens to be a deaf girl. There's another victim that I won't mention.

The movie depicts all types of bullies. From the violent and abusive to the passive and complicit. While also touching on the concept of growth. Where some ...
Sep 1, 2024
I wasn't planning on leaving a review, but the sheer misunderstanding of the movie made me do it.

First, the movie was never about dealing with grief. It's quite the opposite. The movie is all about enjoying life to the fullest with the people we cherish.

Second, people said that the quirky and goofy interactions were played for longer than they should. It's the point. In order to live our life to the fullest, we most learn how to enjoy these small moments and act as if we're gonna die tomorrow. Otherwise, the inevitable tragedy of losing our beloved ones will leave even a bigger scar, because ...

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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