Nov 14, 2013
I was relatively new to watching anime at the time of starting this show. I had only finished watching around 2 shows prior (summer 2013). At the time, I was also going through a stint of being jaded and slightly "depressed." Interestingly enough, I found some sanctuary in this medium: anime. Watching SNPNK might have amplified some of my emotions. My opinion might be biased, especially because i was new to anime at the time of watching this, but I firmly believe this is one of the best--if not the best--shows I have seen so far.
Bare with me, as this review may be long winded
and incoherent at some points. This is more for my personal reference, just to get my thoughts down. I quickly wrote down chunks of information&descriptions without comprehensively proof reading. Therefore, this review may be a bit flawed in regards to the construction of a review and might not be well fleshed out. I'll edit parts over time.
First off, i would like to discuss fan service and this show.
People say the show is riddled with improper fan service (e.g. panty shots) or that the fan service gets in the way of the show. The thing is, TONS of shows have fan service. It is almost a staple of the anime industry. It is the norm now (not saying that the "norm is good"). Plus, there isn't even loads of fan service. Like i said, "I was relatively new to anime at the time of watching this show" so the fan service was not off-putting--almost as if it was shock humor, which made me go "omg what is going on; this show is ridiculous" with spurts of laughter in between words. Thus, this fan service experience was not overdone, nor generic, and basically added to the hilarity of the show.
Art & Animation is fantastic. Smooth, fluid. not lazy.
I love the way J.C. Staff animated everything and how they portrayed all the expressions and actions of the characters. Some people might say it isn't anything special, that the expressions are all generic, but i would strongly say otherwise; in fact, there are many animes that have a different style and evoke different expressions. For example, golden time has quite a different approach on expressions. It is nice, but i much prefer the way Sakurasou did it. It was perfect. The expressions were spot on for the situations at hand. The art quality was fantastic. Many people argue that the quality is "standard" and they would not "expect any less", but there are lots of shows even now that seem to get "lazy". The animation is, from what I recall, fluid and not stagnant. There weren't many "still frames" and it was very well-made. Some studios seem to get "lazy" in their approach. Honestly, I wouldn't want any other studio to have animated this show.
The voice actors were memorable and perfectly fitting (with shiina maybe being an exception)
I loved the voice actors. Their emotions were well executed; their characters were realistic; their acting was spot on. Shiina's voice was the only issue. I understand it was supposed to be melancholy and monotonous to fit the role of the character, but i just did not like her voice; though it was somewhat more enjoyable when she did express some emotion, in the 1 or 2 scenes of the whole show. Nevertheless, it would have been a flawless cast, in my opinion, if shiina had a different voice.
I really connected with the story-line/characters and thought it was enjoyable and realistic.
It hit home. I empathized with their situation and sympathized with the characters. The storyline and plot was realistic and modern. The main character wasn't impervious to defeat; he was real and didn't get his way all the time. But that is not to say that the story was perfect in my eyes. I do wish the story played out a little bit differently, and I do wish that Nanami got with Sorata. I wish she weren't so sad. You can say i got really attached to the characters and engrossed in the show lol, but i digress. There was a good amount of drama throughout, and it was balanced with a good portion of comedy.
Quality sound and memorable music.
I loved the OP's & ED's. Days of Dash, to be specific. It stuck with me for weeks. It brings back all the emotion and intensity that i experienced during this show. The song is so nostalgic. No other anime's OP/ED can compete with Sakurasou's, in regards to how memorable and enjoyable it was. Few shows made me WANT To listen through the whole OP and/or ED. Few animes had catchy&interesting enough OP/ED's. Granted, many of the animes i've watched have interesting OP/ED's but a select few stood out from the rest and was on a whole 'nother level.
All of the music was well placed and did not get stale&old. I don't believe any of the pieces played throughout the episodes became overused. The music was fitting and enjoyable.
I loved Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo. This was such a great show.
I personally found this show near perfection, and it will be, and always will be, near the top of my list of the best and most enjoyable anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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