I never know how to begin something like Reviews so I’m going to start right in.
This is going to be a very long text, so put on your seatbelts and enjoy the ride.
( I haven’t seen any other sequel, prequel, OVA, Special or Movie of Initial D at this point in time)
To kind of give a conclusion of the whole Review right at the beginning: Initial D as an anime is really not for everyone. I will soon enlighten you why that could be the case, but to take your suspicions of me not liking the anime away I will say that I absolutely adore
this anime.
Somehow it drifted elegantly into my heart and raced its way to the 1# spot of my favorite anime of all time. I really did not expect this to happen when I started to watch it.
The simple reason I was giving it a shot was: the Memes.
As a Meme expert and certified Edgelord, as well as a burning anime consumer and defender, it was my royal duty to dive into the past and evaluate the one, the only, the glorious Meme source that was Initial D.
Now, I wasn’t prepared for anything that was about to drift into my life. I was expecting a race car anime with brilliant and hyped music - true - but a decent one at best, concerning that I wasn’t interested in cars or races in Formula 1 -style in the slightest. I’m kind of hot for the bad boy attitude though, what gave me the thought that Initial D could catch my interest with the concept of (very much illegal) street races.
Watching the first episode, I was baffled. It looked ugly as hell.
Now, I knew that Initial D was as old as I was being released in 1998 and rowing itself in the glorious times of the late 90s anime like Sailor Moon and early episodes of One Piece, I was expecting the old way of drawing - but not this.
On the first look it seemed very cheap produced, parts of the face, especially the mouth, were disproportionate all together as well as in scenes that were meant to be serious. In the first episode I had to laugh a few times out loud because of how ridiculous the characters looked.
BUT: It is very, very important that you keep watching! Don’t let the masquerade of a poor production fool you! Because this ‘bad style’ of drawing, I realized later, is Initial D’s very own and unique thing. It gives the whole story and concept a special kind of charm that gives you the mood of light heartedness and childish silliness - the key to an image of a world that is hold together and peaceful from within.
Me, being a person that is never greatly bothered by ‘bad style’, naturally continued watching.
And by the time I finished the second episode I was completely hooked. What makes Initial D so unique and different in comparison to some other anime is that it has not only one, but multiple factors that make it absolutely enjoyable. First of all there are the races. Oh, the races. I tell you, and it’s the absolute truth, that I never had so physical reactions in front of the PC screen than ever before. The races make your heart beat fast, your blood filled with adrenaline and your head nod in the rhythm of glorious Eurodance songs like ‘Running in the 90s’ or ‘Nights of Fire’.
First and a half-ish: When I heard that this ‘primary rock’ anime had 3D-animations in it, I was worried. Most 3D-animations, even today, are a pure disaster and poorly executed, so how bad would it be with this old 90s anime? The answer I found out pretty fast while watching: the 3D-animations were solely used in battles and it made it absolutely amazing. It fit in so well with the tacky style of the show that it enhanced the watching experience greatly.
Second: The main character. Unlike most main characters I’ve seen that are simply stupid, loud and just have a lot of courage and feeling for friendship to make up for it, these character traits are pushed to the side on the protagonist's best friend. Initial D’s main character is quite, spacey and in the beginning lacks in interest for anything. ‘Don’t know’ is probably his favourite phrase. I don’t want to spoil too much here. What happens with Fujiwara Takumi over the course of the anime you have to see for yourself.
I’m Luxbecca. I’m picky, judging and the worst to discuss anime with, but somehow this silly, old anime with topics against all my interests had made its way to my heart.
And it will probably stay there forever.
- Luxbecca
(Excuse grammar and spelling mistakes in this Review or generally when a sentence is built weird, English is not my first language)
Feb 13, 2017
Initial D First Stage
I never know how to begin something like Reviews so I’m going to start right in.
This is going to be a very long text, so put on your seatbelts and enjoy the ride. ( I haven’t seen any other sequel, prequel, OVA, Special or Movie of Initial D at this point in time) To kind of give a conclusion of the whole Review right at the beginning: Initial D as an anime is really not for everyone. I will soon enlighten you why that could be the case, but to take your suspicions of me not liking the anime away I will say that I absolutely adore ... Apr 18, 2016
Diabolik Lovers
I went in this Anime completely blind without really knowning what it was about, nobody influenced me with their opinion and the only information I got were 6-seconds-AMVs on Vine. I knew that many people really liked this Anime and from the first looks I got it seemed really good.
It seems there are only two ways you can view this Anime: Amazing or Awful. About two minutes in I knew this would be one of the most horrible Anime I've seen in a long time. And for the people who found it Awful there are two kinds too: The ones who are really angry about ... Oct 8, 2015
Futari wa Milky Holmes
I discovered this anime by accident and I have to admit that I haven't watched the predecessor, but I'm planning to. Now, I have to say that I expected a 'cute' anime and I got one.
It was in my opinion going strong sweet and cheesy in the beginning, reminding me a little bit of Disney movies. I liked that and so I was looking forward to the story. Unfortunately it lost that very soon. The story seemed to streched out and kind of repeated itself, the main characters as well as the side characters got transparent and so ridiculously cliched that at some point I ... |