Now, let’s first talk about the last episode as that’s one of my main complaints regarding the show, wasn't the whole point of the show about stopping the worst of all evils, Johan? You can probably tell where this is going. 70 episodes of quotes like “I’m going to end it” “this is the end” “I have to do this”. At the end of episode 73 Tenma is about to pull the trigger, the time has come, this is “the end” of the story, the journey, of the monster…bang…..NOPE JOKES ITS JUST SOME RANDOM GUY OFF THE STREET (I know it’s
that kids alcoholic father). The point is, it wasn’t Tenma. I would’ve been happy even if it was Nina, hell, IF A CHARACTER WE ACTUALLY KNOW DID IT. Now I kind of expected this seeing as ep 39? Tenma or Nina didn’t do anything in the library, but come on! To bring up the old saying “fool me once, you got me (shame on you), fool me twice, shame on me”. The same applies here, TWICE we get a standoff of Tenma holding the gun at Johan and he doesn’t pull the trigger. So much build-up for nothing (although the build-up was damn good, which makes the end result seem worse).
I haven’t even scratched the surface. To continue, this is a big one, so we have Tenma ABOUT TO KILL JOHAN, LITERALLY POINTING THE GUN AT HIM… and what does he do? HE SAVES HIM FROM THE BULLET TO THE HEAD…….AGAIN! 70 episodes of “I NEED TO END THIS” “IT HAS TO BE ME”….and when he finally DOES get shot…. OH WAIT LET ME HEAL HIM……..What.the.fuck. 70 eps of character development down the drain for Tenma, sorry bud, you learnt NOTHING. What was the point of this series again?…THAT’S RIGHT TO KILL JOHAN. I know the theme of ‘all life is equal’ is common throughout the series but when you have a monster killing life after life, this ideology becomes very unrealistic in my opinion.
And oh lord it gets worse, but I’ll continue with a slightly lesser evil after that one to give you a breather. The beginning of ep74 is fine, getting to all the characters and the resolution to their story, yay, some resolution, that’s all you’ll get here. Then, god knows why, they decide to introduce another character in the last episode…really? And to top of it off, ITS JOHAN’S AND NINA’S MOTHER. WHERE WAS SHE THROUGHOUT THE SERIES, WHY WASN’T ANYONE LOOKING FOR HER? She could have proved vital for information, they could have done a lot with this and I would’ve liked to see what they could’ve done.
The episode then moves to a scene at a hospital. Now, knowing that Tenma saved Johan at the end of ep 73 you’d think he’d be in jail ATLEAST for everything he’s done. But instead he’s still at the hospital, not handcuffed, restrained or supervised by anyone. Nice, just let the most evil of all evils lack any security on him whatsoever. Don’t worry about telling anyone, Tenma, all good. It then moves to a kind of abstract scene of Johan sitting up and telling Tenma about a specific memory. This scene HEAVILY implies that the true monster of the series is the mother who gave up the children. So that’s why they introduced the mother in the last episode, for a semi-major plot twist, ok, somewhat forgivable. But when the show has depicted Johan as a monster the whole series, this ‘twist’ doesn’t redeem his character or his actions AT ALL. It’s literally worthless information, nothing can take back what Johan has done throughout the series, he is still a monster.
Now, the mother of all plot points, the cliff-hanger of all endings, the nail in the coffin, the last 10 seconds of the series. We see, Johan, not, in, the, bed, anymore, with it being untidy, HIGHLY suggesting he has escaped, AGAIN. The series has come full circle guys. Tenma saving Johan, and Johan escaping. The whole journey, the whole 70 episodes, was utterly USELESS. We didn’t stop the monster, what was the whole point of the show again? TO KILL JOHAN, THE MONSTER…oh wait the mother is the true monster, that redeems Johan’s whole character, ALL IS GOOD, JOHAN WONT KILL ANYONE AGAIN, RIGHT?….WRONG. Do you really believe after everything you’ve seen in the show that Johan won’t kill anyone again? Don’t be ridiculous. Nothing, in my opinion, is worse than a show, movie, any piece of fiction or story that ends in a way that makes the whole journey completely USELESS. It’s the same outcome as an ending that pulls the IT WAS ALL A DREAM card.
The BIGGEST FLAW that this Anime suffered from was the writer’s lack of developing the two most important characters, tenma and Johan Liebert. Johan is constantly referred to as EXTREMELY INTELLIGENT, yet from the viewers perspective this is never shown At one point it is mentioned that he became extremely rich through a certain bank scheme, yet it is never mentioned again and doesn't affect the story. People call Johan a monster, a demon, an alien, and are afraid of him and obey him as if they didn't have will of their own. No one is that charismatic. I just don't buy it how adults could be so easy to manipulate by Johan's mere presence. At first I thought he had some kind of supernatural ability like Lelouch’s geass, if that was actually the case most of my problems with johan would be solved. As for Tenma i've already talked about him but here's a quote that exposes his annoying philosophy that he shoved in our faces for for the entirety of the show, "The only thing that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
Now admittedly, from Episodes 25-37 and and 40 - 59, there is some really good stuff. Fantastic. Basically any episode or scene where Dr. Jesus and johan didn't show up was great
Finally, I do want to say that basically all of the side characters who took the spotlight away from Tenma at various points were all great. In order from best to worst, Wolfgang Grimmer -> Lunge -> Martin Reest -> Richard Braun.
Apr 3, 2021
Now, let’s first talk about the last episode as that’s one of my main complaints regarding the show, wasn't the whole point of the show about stopping the worst of all evils, Johan? You can probably tell where this is going. 70 episodes of quotes like “I’m going to end it” “this is the end” “I have to do this”. At the end of episode 73 Tenma is about to pull the trigger, the time has come, this is “the end” of the story, the journey, of the monster…bang…..NOPE JOKES ITS JUST SOME RANDOM GUY OFF THE STREET (I know it’s ... Mar 26, 2021
Mushoku Tensei is one of those anime where I think "Man, was this made for me?" Because the show is everything I've ever wanted in one package. Great world, characters, story, animation, and music. Before I get into the story, I just want to say this. People keep criticising this anime for being too perverted as if they're watching anime for the first time and ecchi is a brand new thing. Some even going as far as to insult the watchers and labelling them as incels. You don't go into a harem, ecchi anime in hopes of ... |